Problems while deleting duplicated values in a list of dicts? - python

I have a dictionary like this (its actually a json):
"val": "regards",
"example": ["kind regards","regards", "kind regards"]
"val": "Greets",
"example": ["Hello ","Hi","Hello", "Hello"]
How can I remove the duplicated strings in example key? I tried to:
def remove_dups(a_dict):
return {k:sorted(set(j),key=j.keys) for k,j in a_dict.items()}
with open('../a_json.json','r') as fa:
a = json.load(fa)
"val": ['r','e','g','a','r','d','s'],
"example": ["regards", "kind regards"]
"val": ['G','r','e','e','t','s'],
"example": ["Hi","Hello"]
Nevertheless, the val key is transformed into a list of strings. How can I leave val and just remove duplicates from example?

Use a combination of set and list with isinstance in the comprehension:
>>> d
{'val': 'Greets', 'example': ['Hello ', 'Hi', 'Hello', 'Hello']}
>>> {k: list(set(v)) if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in d.items()}
{'val': 'Greets', 'example': ['Hello', 'Hi', 'Hello ']}


Update Nested Dictionary value using Recursion

I want to update Dict dictionary's value by inp dictionary's values using recursion or loop.
also the format should not change mean use recursion or loop on same format
please suggest a solution that is applicable to all level nesting not for this particular case
"name": "john",
inp = {
"name" : "jack",
"type1" : "dumb",
"type2" : "liar",
"english" : 28,
"math" : 89
Another solution, changing the dict in-place:
dct = {
"name": "john",
"quality": {"type1": "honest", "type2": "clever"},
"marks": [{"english": 34}, {"math": 90}],
inp = {
"name": "jack",
"type1": "dumb",
"type2": "liar",
"english": 28,
"math": 89,
def change(d, inp):
if isinstance(d, list):
for i in d:
change(i, inp)
elif isinstance(d, dict):
for k, v in d.items():
if not isinstance(v, (list, dict)):
d[k] = inp.get(k, v)
change(v, inp)
change(dct, inp)
"name": "jack",
"quality": {"type1": "dumb", "type2": "liar"},
"marks": [{"english": 28}, {"math": 89}],
First, make sure you change the name of the first Dictionary, say to myDict, since dict is reserved in Python as a Class Type.
The below function will do what you are looking for, in a recursive manner.
def recursive_swipe(input_var, updates):
if isinstance(input_var, list):
output_var = []
for entry in input_var:
output_var.append(recursive_swipe(entry, updates))
elif isinstance(input_var, dict):
output_var = {}
for label in input_var:
if isinstance(input_var[label], list) or isinstance(input_var[label], dict):
output_var[label] = recursive_swipe(input_var[label], updates)
if label in updates:
output_var[label] = updates[label]
output_var = input_var
return output_var
myDict = recursive_swipe(myDict, inp)
You may look for more optimal solutions if there are some limits to the formatting of the two dictionaries that were not stated in your question.

How to create a dictionary with duplicate keys and form a list of dictionary

I am trying to write a program where I am having a list of dictionaries in the following manner
Can we form it as a dictionary, where the first key in tuple should become unique Key in a dictionary
and it's corresponding values as a list for that values
The above list should be converted into the following
---- Expected Outcome ---
PS: I am doing this in python
Thanks for the code in advance
you can also use itertools.groupby:
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
l = [
key = itemgetter('unique')
result = [{'unique':k, 'duplicate': list(map(itemgetter('duplicate'), g))}
for k, g in groupby(sorted(l, key=key ), key = key)]
[{'unique': 1, 'duplicate': [2, 8, 4]}, {'unique': 2, 'duplicate': [2]}]
I think this list comprehension can solve your problem:
result = [{'unique': id, 'duplicates': [d['duplicate'] for d in l if d['unique'] == id]} for id in set(map(lambda d: d['unique'], l))]
This might help you:
l = [
a = set()
for i in l:
d = {i:[] for i in a }
for i in l:
output = [{'unique': i, 'duplicate': j}for i, j in d.items()]
The output will be:
[{'unique': 1, 'duplicate': [2, 8, 4]}, {'unique': 2, 'duplicate': [2]}]
defaultdict(list) may help you here:
from collections import defaultdict
# data = [ {'unique': 1, 'duplicate': 2}, ... ] # your data
dups = defaultdict(list) # {unique: [duplicate]}
for dd in data:
answer = [dict(unique = k, duplicates = v) for k, v in dups.items()]
If you don't know the name of unique key, then replace 'unique' with something like
unique_key = list(data[0].keys())[0]
duplicate ={}
for items in data:
if items['unique'] not in unique:
for key in unique:
Explanation: In the first for loop, I am appending unique keys to 'unique'. If the key doesn't exists in 'unique', I will append it in 'unique' & add a key in 'duplicate' with value as single element list. If the same key is found again, I simply append that value to 'duplicate' corresponding the key. In the 2nd loop, I am creating a 'new_dict' where I am adding these unique keys & its duplicate value list

Python: Efficient way of sorting dictionary that has n dictionaries within it

I'll just go straight to example:
Here we have a dictionary with a test name, and another dict which contains the level categorization.
What I want is this:
test1 object,
test2 object
test3 object
I just can't wrap my head around the logic and I'm struggling to even come up with an approach. If someone could guide me, that would be great.
Let's start with level_map. You can sort keys on values to get the ordered levels:
>>> level_map = { "system": 1, "system_apps": 2, "app_test": 3}
>>> L = sorted(level_map.keys(), key=lambda k: level_map[k])
>>> L
['system', 'system_apps', 'app_test']
Use these elements to build a tree:
>>> root = {}
>>> temp = root
>>> for k in L[:-1]:
... temp = temp.setdefault(k, {}) # create new inner dict if necessary
>>> temp.setdefault(L[-1], []).append("test") # and add a name
>>> root
{'system': {'system_apps': {'app_test': ['test']}}}
I split the list before the last element, because the last element will be associated to a list, not a dict (leaves of the tree are lists in your example).
Now, the it's easy to repeat this with the list of dicts:
ds = [{ "name": "test1",
"level_map": { "system": 1, "system_apps": 2, "app_test": 3}
}, { "name": "test2",
"level_map": { "system": 1, "system_apps": 2, "app_test": 3}
}, { "name": "test3",
"level_map": { "system": 1, "memory": 2, "memory_test": 3}
root = {}
for d in ds:
name = d["name"]
level_map = d["level_map"]
L = sorted(level_map.keys(), key=lambda k: level_map[k])
temp = root
for k in L[:-1]:
temp = temp.setdefault(k, {})
temp.setdefault(L[-1], []).append(name)
# root is: {'system': {'system_apps': {'app_test': ['test1', 'test2']}, 'memory': {'memory_test': ['test3']}}}

How do I create a new dict of dicts from a dict with nested dicts in Python

I am starting with a dict received from an api
start_dict = {
"a": 795,
"b": 1337,
"c": [
"d1": 2,
"d2": [
"e1": 4
I need to create a separate dict from that dict. That has each of the keys and value separated by their key and value into there own dict. While keeping the nested dicts intact.
values =
"fields": [
"element_name": "a",
"value": 795
"element_name": "b",
"value": 1337
"element_name": "c",
"value": [
"element_name": "d1",
"value": 2
"element_name": "d2",
"value" : [
"element_name": "e1",
"value": 4
The actual dict is quite a bit larger but there are no more then one two deep nested dicts in the original but many single nested dicts. This is the only way the api will accept new data so I am kinda stuck until I figure it out. Any help is greatly appreciated as I am quite new to Python (3 Weeks) lol so if this is something simple please don't be to harsh.
You can build the output with a recursive function:
def transform(ob):
if isinstance(ob, list):
return [transform(v) for v in ob]
elif not isinstance(ob, dict):
return ob
return [{'element_name': k, 'value': transform(v)}
for k, v in ob.items()]
values = {'fields': transform(start_dict)}
so each key, value pair is transformed to a {'element_name': key, 'value': value} dictionary in a list, where any value that is itself a list or dictionary is transformed by a recursive call.
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> def transform(ob):
... if isinstance(ob, list):
... return [transform(v) for v in ob]
... elif not isinstance(ob, dict):
... return ob
... return [{'element_name': k, 'value': transform(v)}
... for k, v in ob.items()]
>>> start_dict = {
... "a": 795,
... "b": 1337,
... "c": [
... {
... "d1": 2,
... "d2": [
... {
... "e1": 4
... }
... ]
... }
... ]
... }
>>> pprint({'fields': transform(start_dict)})
{'fields': [{'element_name': 'a', 'value': 795},
{'element_name': 'c',
'value': [[{'element_name': 'd1', 'value': 2},
{'element_name': 'd2',
'value': [[{'element_name': 'e1', 'value': 4}]]}]]},
{'element_name': 'b', 'value': 1337}]}

How to perform quick upleveling in python?

I have the following object in python:
name: John,
age: {
computer_skills: {
mile_runner: {
I have an array with 100 people with the same structure.
What is the best way to go through all 100 people and make it such that there is no more "years"? In other words, each object in the 100 would look something like:
name: John,
I know I can do something in pseudocode:
for(item in list):
if('years' in (specific key)):
specifickey = item[(specific key)][(years)]
But is there a smarter/more efficent way?
Your pseudo-code is already pretty good I think:
for person in persons:
for k, v in person.items():
if isinstance(v, dict) and 'years' in v:
person[k] = v['years']
This overwrites every property which is a dictionary that has a years property with that property’s value.
Unlike other solutions (like dict comprehensions), this will modify the object in-place, so no new memory to keep everything is required.
def flatten(d):
ret = {}
for key, value in d.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, dict) and len(value) == 1 and "years" in value:
ret[key] = value["years"]
ret[key] = value
return ret
d = {
"name": "John",
"age": {
"computer_skills": {
"mile_runner": {
print flatten(d)
{'age': 18, 'mile_runner': 2, 'name': 'John', 'computer_skills': 4}
Dictionary comprehension:
import json
with open("input.json") as f:
cont = json.load(f)
print {el:cont[el]["years"] if "years" in cont[el] else cont[el] for el in cont}
{u'age': 18, u'mile_runner': 2, u'name': u'John', u'computer_skills': 4}
where input.json contains
"name": "John",
"age": {
"computer_skills": {
"mile_runner": {
Linear with regards to number of elements, you can't really hope for any lower.
As people said in the comments, it isn't exactly clear what your "object" is, but assuming that you actually have a list of dicts like this:
list = [{
'name': 'John',
'age': {
'years': 18
'computer_skills': {
'mile_runner': {
Then you can do something like this:
for item in list:
for key in item:
item[key] = item[key]['years']
except (TypeError, KeyError):
list = [{'age': 18, 'mile_runner': 2, 'name': 'John', 'computer_skills': 4}]
