Generating Pulse Amplitude Modulation using sine wave and PWM signal using python - python

I am using the below codes so as to generate a Pulse Amplitude
Modulation signal by using the Boolean operation between sine wave and
Pulse Width Modulation(PWM) signal.I am using the vectorisation method
so as to get zero values where the PWM signal is low(zero or false) and
sine wave where the PWM values as high (True or one). Please refer the
below screen shot for the required output.In addition to this how do
you automate the PAM wave generation as I am facing problem with
spacing of x values?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
TimePeriod=10.0 #Frozen Value Do not change
Cycles=10 #Frozen Value Do not change
dt=0.01 #Frozen Value Do not change
pwm= t%TimePeriod<TimePeriod*percent/100
x=np.linspace(-10,10,10000) #Frozen Value Do not change
y[(pwm =='False')] = 0 #Vectorisation for zero values
y[(pwm =='True')] = (y-pwm) # #Vectorisation for sine wave

When removing the line y[(pwm =='True')] = (y-pwm) (which I don't understand) and not comparing to strings, you would get the following, which looks pretty much like the desired plot.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pwm= (t%TimePeriod) < (TimePeriod*percent/100)
y[pwm == 0] = 0


Amplitude envelope of hilbert transform does not plot on bandpassed signal

Data clip I'm using
I'm trying to bandpass the attached EEG signal, then apply a hilbert transform and take the absolute of the hilbert to get the instantaneous power (e.g., here). The bandpassed signal looks fine (first plot), and the hilbert of the raw signal looks fine (second plot), but the hilbert of the bandpassed signal does not show up (last plot). The resulting array is: [nan+nanj nan+nanj nan+nanj ... nan+nanj nan+nanj nan+nanj].
Reproducible error with:
import numpy as np
from neurodsp.filt import filter_signal
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Fs = 1024
LBP, HBP = 1, 100
Chan1 = np.loadtxt('SampleData')
Chan1_BP = filter_signal(Chan1, Fs, 'bandpass', (LBP,HBP))
analytical_signal = signal.hilbert(Chan1)
amplitude_envelope = np.abs(analytical_signal)
#Show bandpassed signal works:
fig0 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
# Now with bandpassed signal
analytical_signal = signal.hilbert(Chan1_BP)
amplitude_envelope = np.abs(analytical_signal)
fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
Take a closer look at the values in Chan1_BP. You'll see that the values at the beginning and end of the array are nan. The nans were generated by neurodsp.filt.filter_signal. The default filter used by filter_signal is a FIR filter, and the default behavior is to pad the output with nans for values that cannot be computed with the full length of the FIR filter.
You can change that behavior by passing remove_edges=False, e.g.
Chan1_BP = filter_signal(Chan1, Fs, 'bandpass', (LBP,HBP), remove_edges=False)
With that change, the plots should look like you expected.

Is there an easy way of finding frequency of envelopes in sound signals?

I have a sound signal of 5 secs length and it is from the sound of a propeller. I need to find rpm of the propeller by finding frequency of the envelopes.
import wave
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
raw ='/content/drive/MyDrive/Demon.wav','r')
signal = raw.readframes(-1)
signal = np.frombuffer(signal , dtype="int16")
frate = raw.getframerate()
time = np.linspace(0,len(signal) / frate,num = len(signal))
plt.title("Sound Wave")
plt.plot(time, signal)
Here is the link to the sound file itself:
And since it is a 5 second-length signal and has 80.000 samples, I want to see it in details by looking 1 second part of the signal.
partial_signal = signal [1 : 16000]
partial_time = time[1 : 16000]
Output of the plot is shown below.
Edit: Looks like image will not show up here is the link to the image:
Now I need to find frequency of the envelopes thus rpm of the propeller by using only python.
You can do that quite easily with a fast Fourier transform (FFT) applied on the signal amplitude. Here is an example:
import wave
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
raw ='Demon.wav','r')
signal = raw.readframes(-1)
signal = np.frombuffer(signal , dtype="int16")
frate = raw.getframerate()
time = np.linspace(0,len(signal) / frate,num = len(signal))
# Compute the amplitude of the sound signal
signalAmplitude = signal.astype(np.float64)**2
# Filter the signal to remove very short-timed amplitude modulations (<= 1 ms)
signalAmplitude = gaussian_filter(signalAmplitude, sigma=frate/1000)
# Compute the frequency amplitude of the FFT signal
tmpFreq = np.abs(rfft(signalAmplitude))
# Get the associated practical frequency for this signal
hzFreq = rfftfreq(signal.shape[0], d=1/frate)
finalFrequency = hzFreq[1+tmpFreq[1:].argmax()]
# Show sound frequency diagram
plt.xlim([1, 20]) # Show only interesting low frequencies
plt.plot(hzFreq, tmpFreq)
The frequency diagram is the following:
The final detected frequency is 3.0 Hz which is very consistent with what we can hear.

Plotting Fourier Transform of Gaussian function with python, but the result was wrong

I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I don't find out what the problem is. Hope you can help me, Thank you.
F(s) Gaussian function
F(s)=1/(√2π s) e^(-(w-μ)^2/(2s^2 ))
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from math import pi
from scipy.fft import fft
def F_S(w, mu, sig):
return (np.exp(-np.power(w-mu, 2)/(2 * np.power(sig, 2))))/(np.power(2*pi, 0.5)*sig)
plt.plot(w, np.real(np.fft.fft(F_S(w, 0, 1))))
As was mentioned before you want the absolute value, not the real part.
A minimal example, showing the the re/im , abs/phase spectra.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
%matplotlib inline
n=1001 # add 1 to keep the interval a round number when using linspace
t = np.linspace(-5, 5, n ) # presumed to be time
dt=t[1]-t[0] # time resolution
print(f'sampling every {dt:.3f} sec , so at {1/dt:.1f} Sa/sec, max. freq will be {1/2/dt:.1f} Hz')
y = np.exp(-(t**2)/0.01) # signal in time
fr= np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(n, dt)) # shift helps with sorting the frequencies for better plotting
ft=np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(y)) # fftshift only necessary for plotting in sequence
p.xlabel('time (secs)')
p.title('signal in time')
p.plot(fr,np.abs(ft), '.-',lw=0.3)
p.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
p.title('spectrum, abs');
p.plot(fr,np.real(ft), '.-',lw=0.3)
p.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
p.title('spectrum, real');
p.plot(fr,np.angle(ft), '.-', lw=0.3)
p.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
p.title('spectrum, phase');
p.plot(fr,np.imag(ft), '.-',lw=0.3)
p.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
p.title('spectrum, imag');
you have to change from time scale to frequency scale
When you make a FFT you will get the simetric tranformation, i.e, mirror of the positive to negative curve. Usually, you only will look at the positive side.
Also, you should take care with sample rate, as FFT is designed to transform time domain input to frequency domain, the time, or sample rate, of input info matters. So add timestep in np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=timestep) for your sample rate.
If you simple want to make a fft of normal dist signal, here is another question with it and some good explanations on why are you geting this behavior:
Fourier transform of a Gaussian is not a Gaussian, but thats wrong! - Python
There are two mistakes in your code:
Don't take the real part, take the absoulte value when plotting.
From the docs:
If A = fft(a, n), then A[0] contains the zero-frequency term (the mean
of the signal), which is always purely real for real inputs. Then
A[1:n/2] contains the positive-frequency terms, and A[n/2+1:] contains
the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative
You can rearrange the elements with np.fft.fftshift.
The working code:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from math import pi
from scipy.fftpack import fft, fftshift
def F_S(w, mu, sig):
return (np.exp(-np.power(w-mu, 2)/(2 * np.power(sig, 2))))/(np.power(2*pi, 0.5)*sig)
plt.plot(w, fftshift(np.abs(np.fft.fft(F_S(w, 0, 1)))))
Also, you might want to consider scaling the x axis too.

Fidelity of sound created from frequency domain data

I know it is possible to create .wav file from frequency domain data (magnitude + phase) but I would like to know how close would that be to the real(orginal) sound ? Does it depend on the frequency step for example (or something else).
Second question:
I need to write a code that takes a frequency domain data (magnitude + phase) to build a wav file.
In order to do so, I started by the following code which creates a fake signal --> fft (at this point I have the kind of input(mag + phase) that I would expect for my target code). But it doesn't seem top work fine, could you please help
import numpy as np
from scipy import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#%matplotlib inline
from scipy.fftpack import fft
def calculateFFT (timeStep,micDataX,micDataY):
fft_freq= np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=timeStep) #not used created manually (7 lines) check pi_fFreqDomainCreateConstantBW it is kept here to compare sizes
return fft_freq[1:upper_bound],fft_amlitude[1:upper_bound],fft_phase[1:upper_bound]
def calculateI_FFT (n,amplitude_spect,phase_spect):
for mag,phase in zip(amplitude_spect,phase_spect):
data.append((mag*n/2)*(np.cos(phase)+1j* np.sin(phase)))
return i_data
#sampling rate and time vector
start_time=0 #sec
end_time= 2
sampling_rate=1000 #Hz
#Freq domain peaks
peak1_hz=60 # freq of peak
peak1_mag= 25
peak2_hz=270 # freq of peak
peak2_mag= 2
#Vibration data generation
time =np.linspace(start_time,end_time,N)
#Data plotting
# fft
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Vibration (g)")
plt.title("Time domain")
The output signal screenshot is attached (blue for original signal Orange for the reconstructed one)
enter image description here
Thank you!

Frequency resolution issue using FFT in numpy

I use Tektronix oscilloscope to perform some signal acquisition. I get 10.000 measurement points (few signal periods) and I have to do a frequency analysis on that set of data. My signal is 8MHz sine wave. When I use either SciPy or NumPy I get the same result - frequencies are spreaded too wide. The distance between two values is 500kHz and the highest frequency is 2.5GHz (absurd). When I want to measure frequency bandwidth around 8MHz I can only get exact values of 7.5, 8.0 and 8.5 MHz. I tried to change sample spacing determined by (x[1]-x[0]) and I got nothing better.
def CalculateFFT(t_val,p_val):
x = t_val #Two parameters: [x,y] values
y = lambda x: p_val
com_signal = y(x) # Combined signal
FFT_val = abs(scipy.fft(com_signal))
freq_val = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(com_signal), x[1]-x[0])
spec_val = 20*scipy.log10(FFT_val)
return freq_val, spec_val
It is worth reading in more depth how DFFTs work but you should always have the following formulae in mind. For a time series with n points and maximum time Tmax, the time resolution is given by dt = Tmax / n
A DFFT will produce n points with
Fmax = 1 / dt
dF = 1 / Tmax
You seem to suggest the maximum frequency is sufficient (so the time resolution is okay) but the frequency resolution isn't good enough: you need to collect more data, at the same time resolution.
If (1) the sampling time is too short, (2) you require higher estimation frequency accuracy, and, (3) you know that your signal is a sine wave, then you can fit the signal to a sine wave. Like in How do I fit a sine curve to my data with pylab and numpy?,
with the exception that the frequency needs to be added.
Here is an example figure with a frequency of around 8 MHz:
Below is the example code:
""" Modified from """
from numpy import sin, linspace, pi,average;
from pylab import plot, show, title, xlabel, ylabel, subplot, scatter
from scipy import fft, arange, ifft
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
ff = 8e6; # frequency of the signal
Fs = ff*128; # sampling rate
Ts = 1.0/Fs; # sampling interval
t = arange(0,((1/ff)/128)*(128)*5,Ts) # time vector
A = 2.5;
ff_0 = 8.1456e6
y = A*np.sin(2*np.pi*ff_0*t+15.38654*pi/180) + np.random.randn(len(t))/5
guess_b = 0
guess_a = y.std()*2**0.5;
guess_c = 10*pi/180
guess_d = ff*0.98*2*pi
fig = plt.figure(facecolor="white")
plt.plot(t,y,'.', label='Signal Fred. %0.4f Hz'%(ff_0/1e6))
optimize_func = lambda x: (x[0]*np.sin(x[2]*t+x[1]) - y);
est_a, est_c, est_d = leastsq(optimize_func, [guess_a, guess_c, guess_d])[0]
data_fit = est_a*np.sin(est_d*t+est_c) ;
plt.plot(t,data_fit,label='Fitted Est. Freq. %0.4f Hz'%(est_d/(2*pi)/1e6))
