I have a code like this and I am wondering why my bin size of the two plotted graphs is different?
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
pyplot.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10,10)
pyplot.hist(Y_test, bins, alpha=1, label='Y_test; orange Dateien',
color='orange', weights = np.ones_like(Y_test)/float(len(Y_test)))
pyplot.hist(Y_train, bins, alpha=1, label='Y_train; grüne Dateien',
color='green', weights = np.ones_like(Y_train)/float(len(Y_train)))
pyplot.title('Verteilung echte_Ladezeit')
pyplot.ylabel('Häufigkeit [%]')
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right')
actually the marked width of the orange and the green one should be the same right? Do I have any mistake in my code?
Your code contains pyplot.hist(..., bins, ...) where bins = 15. This means 15 bins equally spaced between max and min values. Max and min values are different for two datasets so you get different sets of 15 bins. If you want to get bins of equal width for every dataset then you have at least two options.
Normalize datasets - max and min values should be the same for both datasets.
Define bins as a sequence (for example, list(range(0, 40000 + 1, 5000))) as described here.
I am just learning some basics of Data Analysis.
I have a simple csv data file like the one below.
I wrote this small program to read this csv file and then print a histogram using matplotlib for the three columns START, FIRST, and SECOND. I also print a scatter plot for FIRST vs SECOND columns.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
file_name = 'junk.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(file_name)
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True
fix, axs = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(15,10))
axs[0, 0].hist(data['START'], 100, density=True, facecolor='g', alpha=0.8)
axs[1, 0].scatter(data['FIRST'], data['SECOND'], facecolor='violet')
axs[0, 1].hist(data['FIRST'], 100, density=True, facecolor='r', alpha=0.8)
axs[1, 1].hist(data['SECOND'], 100, density=True, facecolor='b', alpha=0.8)
What I do not understand is in the histogram plots, for example, the bottom right hand image with blue bars in the attached picture, why does it not simply plot how many times the number 200 is occurring instead of showing that 200 occurs 0.10 times. How is that possible? Same goes for the 300 as well.
Can someone help me understand what and how matplot is coming up with the Y-axis values? These values do not make sense to me.
Thank you.
Ruby Drew
Try density = False. The density parameter tells matplotlib whether you want it to normalise the heights or not such that it represents a probability density.
First note that a histogram is primarily meant to count continuous samples in small bins. For discrete data, the bins should be carefully chosen to have boundaries nicely in-between the values. When you add bins=N, matplotlib supposes a continuous distribution and subdivides the space from smallest to largest sample into N equally-sized bins. For discrete data this can have unexpected side effects, such as putting samples in either one bin for the values on the bin boundaries.
With density=True, the heights of the bars is recalculated such that the total area of all bins sums to 1. For a continuous distribution with many samples, this resembles the probability density function and can be used to draw a kde plot with the same y-axis.
So, what's happening in the blue histogram:
100 bins are created between 100 and 300. Each bin will be 2 wide.
3 bins get values: the bin 100-102 gets count 3, either the bin 198-200 or the bin 200-202 get a count of 1, the bin 298-300 also gets a count of one.
The total height of the bins is now 5. As their width is 2, the histogram counts need to be divided by (total_height * bin_width) to obtain a total area of 1.
Clearly, the sum of height times width of the bars sums to 1: 0.3*2 + 0.1*2 + 0.1*2 = 1.
The latest version (0.11) of Seaborn's histplot has a parameter to indicate that a distribution is discrete. And a parameter stat= where you can choose between 'count' for bin heights indicating the usual counts and 'probability' for heights relative to their probability, mimicking a probability mass function. The blue histogram could be drawn as:
import seaborn as sns
sns.histplot(data, x='SECOND', discrete=True, stat='probability', facecolor='b', alpha=0.8, ax=axs[1, 1])
Sometimes when I create a histogram, using say seaborn's displot function, with norm_hist = True, the y-axis is less than 1 as expected for a PDF. Other times it takes on values greater than one.
For example if I run
x = np.random.randn(10000)
ax = sns.distplot(x)
Then the y-axis on the histogram goes from 0.0 to 0.4 as expected, but if the data is not normal the y-axis can be as large as 30 even if norm_hist = True.
What am I missing about the normalization arguments for histogram functions, e.g. norm_hist for sns.distplot? Even if I normalize the data myself by creating a new variable thus:
new_var = data/sum(data)
so that the data sums to 1, the y-axis will still show values far larger than 1 (like 30 for example) whether the norm_hist argument is True or not.
What interpretation can I give when the y-axis has such a large range?
I think what is happening is my data is concentrated closely around zero so in order for the data to have an area equal to 1 (under the kde for example) the height of the histogram has to be larger than 1...but since probabilities can't be above 1 what does the result mean?
Also, how can I get these functions to show probability on the y-axis?
The rule isn't that all the bars should sum to one. The rule is that all the areas of all the bars should sum to one. When the bars are very narrow, their sum can be quite large although their areas sum to one. The height of a bar times its width is the probability that a value would all in that range. To have the height being equal to the probability, you need bars of width one.
Here is an example to illustrate what's going on.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14, 3))
a = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, 100000)
sns.distplot(a, bins=np.arange(-0.04, 0.04, 0.001), ax=axs[0])
axs[0].set_title('Measuring in meters')
a *= 1000
sns.distplot(a, bins=np.arange(-40, 40, 1), ax=axs[1])
axs[1].set_title('Measuring in milimeters')
The plot at the left uses bins of 0.001 meter wide. The highest bin (in red) is about 40 high. The probability that a value falls into that bin is 40*0.001 = 0.04.
The plot at the right uses exactly the same data, but measures in milimeter. Now the bins are 1 mm wide. The highest bin is about 0.04 high. The probability that a value falls into that bin is also 0.04, because of the bin width of 1.
PS: As an example of a distribution for which the probability density function has zones larger than 1, see the Pareto distribution with α = 3.
Lets say I have a large data set to where I can manipulate it all in some sort analysis. Which can be looking at values in a probability distribution.
Now that I have this large data set, I then want to compare known, actual data to it. Primarily, how many of the values in my data set have the same value or property with the known data. For example:
This is a cumulative distribution. The continuous lines are from generated data from simulations and the decreasing intensities are just predicted percentages. The stars are then observational (known) data, plotted against generated data.
Another example I have made is how visually the points could possibly be projected on a histogram:
I'm having difficulty marking where the known data points fall in the generated data set and plot it cumulatively along side the distribution of the generated data.
If I were to try and retrieve the number of points that fall in the vicinity of the generated data, I would start out like this (its not right):
def SameValue(SimData, DefData, uncert):
numb = [(DefData-uncert) < i < (DefData+uncert) for i in SimData]
return sum(numb)
But I am having trouble accounting for the points falling in the value ranges and then having it all set up to where I can plot it. Any idea on how to gather this data and project this onto a cumulative distribution?
The question is pretty chaotic with lots of irrelevant information but staying vague at the essetial points. I will try interprete it the best I can.
I think what you are after is the following: Given a finite sample from an unknown distribution, what is the probability to obtain a new sample at a fixed value?
I'm not sure if there is a general answer to it, but in any case that would be a question to be asked to statistics or mathematics people. My guess is that you would need to make some assumptions about the distribution itself.
For the practical case however, it might be sufficient to find out in which bin of the sampled distribution the new value would lie.
So assuming we have a distribution x, which we divide into bins. We can compute the histogram h, using numpy.histogram. The probability to find a value in each bin is then given by h/h.sum().
Having a value v=0.77, of which we want to know the probability according to the distribution, we can find out the bin in which it would belong by looking for the index ind in the bin array where this value would need to be inserted for the array to stay sorted. This can be done using numpy.searchsorted.
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0)
x = np.random.rayleigh(size=1000)
bins = np.linspace(0,4,41)
h, bins_ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins)
prob = h/float(h.sum())
ind = np.searchsorted(bins, 0.77, side="right")
print prob[ind] # which prints 0.058
So the probability is 5.8% to sample a value in the bin around 0.77.
A different option would be to interpolate the histogram between the bin centers, as to find the the probability.
In the code below we plot a distribution similar to the one from the picture in the question and use both methods, the first for the frequency histogram, the second for the cumulative distribution.
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.rayleigh(size=1000)
y = np.random.normal(size=1000)
bins = np.linspace(0,4,41)
h, bins_ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins)
hcum = np.cumsum(h)/float(np.cumsum(h).max())
points = [[.77,-.55],[1.13,1.08],[2.15,-.3]]
markers = [ur'$\u2660$',ur'$\u2665$',ur'$\u263B$']
colors = ["k", "crimson" , "gold"]
labels = list("ABC")
kws = dict(height_ratios=[1,1,2], hspace=0.0)
fig, (axh, axc, ax) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(6,6), gridspec_kw=kws, sharex=True)
cbins = np.zeros(len(bins)+1)
cbins[1:-1] = bins[1:]-np.diff(bins[:2])[0]/2.
cbins[-1] = bins[-1]
hcumc = np.linspace(0,1, len(cbins))
hcumc[1:-1] = hcum
axc.plot(cbins, hcumc, marker=".", markersize="2", mfc="k", mec="k" )
axh.bar(bins[:-1], h, width=np.diff(bins[:2])[0], alpha=0.7, ec="C0", align="edge")
ax.scatter(x,y, s=10, alpha=0.7)
for p, m, l, c in zip(points, markers, labels, colors):
kw = dict(ls="", marker=m, color=c, label=l, markeredgewidth=0, ms=10)
# plot points in scatter distribution
ax.plot(p[0],p[1], **kw)
#plot points in bar histogram, find bin in which to plot point
# shift by half the bin width to plot it in the middle of bar
pix = np.searchsorted(bins, p[0], side="right")
axh.plot(bins[pix-1]+np.diff(bins[:2])[0]/2., h[pix-1]/2., **kw)
# plot in cumulative histogram, interpolate, such that point is on curve.
yi = np.interp(p[0], cbins, hcumc)
axc.plot(p[0],yi, **kw)
Here is the histogram
To generate this plot, I did:
bins = np.array([0.03, 0.3, 2, 100])
plt.hist(m, bins = bins, weights=np.zeros_like(m) + 1. / m.size)
However, as you noticed, I want to plot the histogram of the relative frequency of each data point with only 3 bins that have different sizes:
bin1 = 0.03 -> 0.3
bin2 = 0.3 -> 2
bin3 = 2 -> 100
The histogram looks ugly since the size of the last bin is extremely large relative to the other bins. How can I fix the histogram? I want to change the width of the bins but I do not want to change the range of each bin.
As #cel pointed out, this is no longer a histogram, but you can do what you are asking using plt.bar and np.histogram. You then just need to set the xticklabels to a string describing the bin edges. For example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bins = [0.03,0.3,2,100] # your bins
data = [0.04,0.07,0.1,0.2,0.2,0.8,1,1.5,4,5,7,8,43,45,54,56,99] # random data
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data,bins) # make the histogram
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot the histogram heights against integers on the x axis
# Set the ticks to the middle of the bars
ax.set_xticks([0.5+i for i,j in enumerate(hist)])
# Set the xticklabels to a string that tells us what the bin edges were
ax.set_xticklabels(['{} - {}'.format(bins[i],bins[i+1]) for i,j in enumerate(hist)])
If you update to matplotlib v1.5.0, you will find that bar now takes a kwarg tick_label, which can make this plotting even easier (see here):
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data,bins)
['{} - {}'.format(bins[i],bins[i+1]) for i,j in enumerate(hist)])
If your actual values of the bins are not important but you want to have a histogram of values of completely different orders of magnitude, you can use a logarithmic scaling along the x axis. This here gives you bars with equal widths
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = [0.04,0.07,0.1,0.2,0.2,0.8,1,1.5,4,5,7,8,43,45,54,56,99]
When you have to use your bin values you can do
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = [0.04,0.07,0.1,0.2,0.2,0.8,1,1.5,4,5,7,8,43,45,54,56,99]
bins = [0.03,0.3,2,100]
However, in this case the widths are not perfectly equal but still readable. If the widths must be equal and you have to use your bins I recommend #tom's solution.
I have plotted a histogram in python, using matplotlib and I need the y-axis to be the probability, I cannot find how to do this. For example i want it to look similar to this http://www.mathamazement.com/images/Pre-Calculus/10_Sequences-Series-and-Summation-Notation/10_07_Probability/10-coin-toss-histogram.JPG
Here is my code, I will attached my plot aswell if needed
mu = np.mean(a) #mean of distribution
sigma = np.std(a) # standard deviation of distribution
n, bins,patches=plt.hist(a,bin, normed=True, facecolor='white')
y = mlab.normpdf(bins, mu, sigma)
print np.sum(n*np.diff(bins))# proved the intergal over bars is unity
Just divide all your sample counts by the total number of samples. This gives the probability rather than the count.
As #SteveBarnes points out, divide the sample counts by the total number of samples to get the probabilities for each bin. To get a plot like the one you linked to, your "bins" should just be the integers from 0 to 10. A simple way to compute the histogram for a sample from a discrete distribution is np.bincount.
Here's a snippet that creates a plot like the one you linked to:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 10
num_samples = 10000
# Generate a random sample.
a = np.random.binomial(n, 0.5, size=num_samples)
# Count the occurrences in the sample.
b = np.bincount(a, minlength=n+1)
# p is the array of probabilities.
p = b / float(b.sum())
plt.bar(np.arange(len(b)) - 0.5, p, width=1, facecolor='white')
plt.xlim(-0.5, n + 0.5)
plt.xlabel("Number of heads (k)")