def putCardMon():
interfaceName = input(('Type an interface name to put in monitor mode: '))
print(colored('[+] ', 'green') + 'Trying to put the interface ' + colored(interfaceName, 'yellow') + ' in monitor mode\n')
call(["sudo ifconfig " + interfaceName + " down; sudo iwconfig " + interfaceName + " mode monitor; sudo ifconfig " + interfaceName + " up"], shell=True)
interfaceMonCheck = Popen(["iwconfig " + interfaceName + " | grep Mode | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1"], shell=True, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0].rstrip()
sleep (1)
---//lots of code before the putCardMon is called//---
interfacesList = Popen("ifconfig -a | grep Link | cut -d ' ' -f1", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0].rstrip()
print('The available interfaces are:\n' + interfacesList + '\n')
print('Checking if ' + interfaceName + ' is really in monitor mode.')
if interfaceMonCheck == 'Managed':
print('The interface ' + colored(interfaceName, "green") + ' is not in monitor mode! Check if you typed the interface name correctly or contact support.\n')
elif interfaceMonCheck == 'Monitor':
print(colored('The interface ' + colored(interfaceName, "green") + ' is in monitor mode!'))
print(colored('There was an unexpected error. Contact support!\n', "red"))
The script works fine, the function does its job, but then when it gets to the checking part everything goes downhill.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 76, in <module>
print('Checking if ' + interfaceName + ' is really in monitor mode.')
NameError: name 'interfaceName' is not defined
How come interfaceName is not defined if the function that assigns a string to it has already been called and successfully assigned a value to it?
I searched stack overflow for the same error, but all the threads were answered and it was either an indentation error or the function was defined after being invoked, which neither is the case here.
I'm really out of options. I tried everything.
A variable which is defined inside a function is local to that
function. It is accessible from the point at which it is defined until
the end of the function
Your variable interfaceName is only defined inside the scope of your function putCardMon(). It ceases to exist outside the scope of the function. Hence you are getting the error.
If you want to use the variable outside the function body, consider returning it and saving its value.
def putCardMon():
interfaceName = input(('Type an interface name to put in monitor mode: '))
print(colored('[+] ', 'green') + 'Trying to put the interface ' + colored(interfaceName, 'yellow') + ' in monitor mode\n')
call(["sudo ifconfig " + interfaceName + " down; sudo iwconfig " + interfaceName + " mode monitor; sudo ifconfig " + interfaceName + " up"], shell=True)
interfaceMonCheck = Popen(["iwconfig " + interfaceName + " | grep Mode | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1"], shell=True, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0].rstrip()
sleep (1)
return interfaceName
# Later you can do this
interfaceName = putCardMon()
Currently I have two separate statements being passed through to Postgres (Greenplum).
1. Truncates a table
2. loads data using \copy
myStr="export PGPASSWORD=" + dbPass + "; psql -h " + dbHost + " -p " + dbPort + " -d " + dbName + " -U " + dbUser + " -c " + "\"" + "truncate table " + dbTable + ";\""
myStr="export PGPASSWORD=" + dbPass + "; psql -h " + dbHost + " -p " + dbPort + " -d " + dbName + " -U " + dbUser + " -c " + "\"" + "\\" + "copy " + dbTable + " from " + "'" + csvfile + "' with " + copyOpts + ";" + "select count(*) from " + dbTable + ";\""
Sometimes the load has errors but the truncate already happened, so I'm trying to run the two statements in one connection so I can put a transcation block (BEGIN ... COMMIT;) that way if the data load fails it will rollback to before the truncate happens.
I tried the below method:
myStr="export PGPASSWORD=" + dbPass + "; psql -h " + dbHost + " -p " + dbPort + " -d " + dbName + " -U " + dbUser + " -c " + "\"" + "truncate table " + dbTable + ";" + " \\" + "copy " + dbTable + " from " + "'" + csvfile + "' with " + copyOpts + ";" + "select count(*) from " + dbTable + ";\""
Which resolves to the command:
export PGPASSWORD=abcde;
psql -h abcde.testserver.corp
-p 5432 -d namem -U username -c
"truncate table schema.example;
\copy schema.example from
with header null as '' escape 'off' delimiter E',' ;
select count(*) from schema.example;"
However I am getting the error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "\"
I believe this is due to the \ commands have to be on a separate line.
Is there a way to split the command into separate lines so I can execute ll the commands in a single connection?
The problem is that you can't separate backslash commands from other commands if you are using the -c option. You can send your commands via STDIN to psql using echo:
export PGPASSWORD=abcde;
echo "truncate table schema.example;
\copy schema.example from '/home/testing/schema/schema.example_export.csv' with header null as '' escape 'off' delimiter E',' ;
select count(*) from schema.example;" | psql -h abcde.testserver.corp -p 5432 -d namem -U username
That's a little bit clumsy. It's better to use subprocess.Popen
theCommand = """truncate table schema.example;
\copy schema.example from
with header null as '' escape 'off' delimiter E',' ;
select count(*) from schema.example;"""
theProcess = subprocess.Popen("psql -h abcde.testserver.corp -p 5432 -d namem -U username",
stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
theOutput, theErrors = theProcess.communicate(input = theCommand)
But the best way should be avoiding shell commands and using a database adaptor like PyGreSQL.
I'm getting this error when running my code:
prefix = ip.split('.')[0] + '.' + ip.split('.')[1] + '.' + ip.split('.')[2] + '.'
IndexError: list index out of range
I didn't write the script myself. I need to perform an arp scan on intranet and get as output every IP-addr that responds. My code is this:
import logging
import subprocess
from scapy.all import *
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage - ./ [interface]")
print("Example - ./ eth0")
print("Example will perform an ARP scan of the local subnet to which eth0 is assigned")
interface = str(sys.argv[1])
ip = subprocess.check_output("ifconfig " + interface + " | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1", shell=True).strip()
prefix = ip.split('.')[0] + '.' + ip.split('.')[1] + '.' + ip.split('.')[2] + '.'
for addr in range(0,254):
if answer == None:
print prefix+str(addr)
Use the following instead:
ip = subprocess.check_output("ifconfig " + interface + " | grep 'inet' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '' -f 1", shell=True).strip()
ip= ip[5:]
I have code like:
if len(sys.argv)>1:
host = sys.argv[1]
number = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv)>2 else "1"
size = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv)>3 else "56"
timeout = sys.argv[4] if len(sys.argv)>4 else "1"
proc = subprocess.Popen(["ping \"" + host + "\" -c \"" + number + "\" -s \"" + size + "\" -W \"" + timeout + "\" 2>/dev/null | grep packets | sed 's/[^0-9,%]*//g'"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
print "address=\"" + host + "\" data=" + out
I need to split out to list. How I can achieve this?
Everything I try causes error: cannot concatenate 'str' and ... objects
Like when I tried:
print "address=\"" + host + "\" data=" + res
I got error:
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects
To unite strings and lists you first must make a string out of the list:
print "address=\"" + str(host) + "\" data=" + str(res)
I am running the below code which runs a command line application which runs for about 40 mins. While this is running my QUIT button is not accessible so I am unable to quit the running application. The below code and the button are both seated in their own def. Any ideas as to how I can get a working quit button while my application is running?
command1 = transporterLink + " -m verify -f " + indir1 + " -u " + username + " -p " + password + " -o " + logPath + " -s " + provider1 + " -v eXtreme"
master, slave = pty.openpty()
process = Popen(command1, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=slave, stderr=slave, close_fds=True)
stdout = os.fdopen(master)
global subject
subject = "Test"
while True:
line = stdout.readline()
line = line.rstrip()
print line
if "Returning 1" in line:
result1 = "Verify FAILED!"
subject = "FAILED! - "
if "Returning 0" in line:
result1 = "Verify PASSED!"
subject = "PASSED! - "
stdout.readline is blocking until there is something in stdout. You could use select module's poll
command1 = transporterLink + " -m verify -f " + indir1 + " -u " + username + " -p " + password + " -o " + logPath + " -s " + provider1 + " -v eXtreme"
master, slave = pty.openpty()
process = Popen(command1, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=master, stderr=slave, close_fds=True)
stdout = os.fdopen(master)
import select
q = select.poll()
global subject
subject = "Test"
while True:
events = q.poll(0)
for fd, flags in events:
assert(fd == stdout.fileno())
line = stdout.readline()
print line
if "Returning 1" in line:
result1 = "Verify FAILED!"
subject = "FAILED! - "
if "Returning 0" in line:
result1 = "Verify PASSED!"
subject = "PASSED! - "
Here's my issue. I'm trying to ssh to Cisco devices and pull information off. When I run my code, the print statement adds a new line with a 0 in it to the bottom of the output. Here is the output of the code followed by the output of the plink CLI input:
Enter your username: josh
plink -pw nowayjose -ssh nope# "show run | inc hostname"
hostname net-R2
0 <------------MY ISSUE
C:\Python30>plink -pw nowayjose -ssh nope# "show run | inc hostname"
hostname net-R2
<------------WHAT I EXPECT
Here is my code:
def read_dev():
# Print statement here for debugging
print ("plink -pw " + password + " -ssh " + user + "#" + HOST + " " + command)
cur_dev = os.system("plink -pw " + password + " -ssh " + user + "#" + HOST + " " + command)
HOST = None
user = input("Enter your username: ")
password = getpass.getpass()
command = '"show run | inc hostname"'
HOST = ''
print (read_dev())
cur_dev is getting the result code returned by the plink command, which is 0. Your read_dev function returns this code, so print(read_dev()) prints the 0.
Just say read_dev() instead of print(read_dev()).
It doesn't "print zero". It prints cur_dev which is returned by read_dev function, which happens to be zero. And it does so, because you told it to. Remove print function and it won't print anything."
If you want to explicitly set the exit code use sys.exit(cur_dev). Simply using a return value from a function does not do what you want it to.