How do I only plot the values I want? - python

I currently have the code and I having some trouble trying to plot it, I know that trying to plot both ymax and y won't work in this case, but how would I go about plotting just the value for y? I have plotted the function before by removing the ymax from the return, but I need to print the values and plot the solution for y.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def GaussElimination(A):
Description: Use Gauss elimination to solve a set of simultaneous equations
Parameters: A a matrix of coefficient and constant value for the system
Return: a matrix holding the solution to the equation. This corresponds to the last n
B= A.copy()
# start the gauss elimination
for r in range(nr):
maxr = r
for rr in range(r,nr):
if max < abs(B[rr][r]):
max = abs(B[rr][r])
maxr = rr
if max == 0:
print("Singular Matrix")
return []
# swap if needed
if (maxr != r):
for c in range(nc):
temp = B[r][c]
B[maxr][c] = temp
# scale the row
scale = B[r][r]
for c in range(r,nc):
B[r][c] = B[r][c]/scale
# eliminate values in the columns
for rr in range(nr):
if rr != r:
scale = B[rr][r]
for c in range(r,nc):
B[rr][c]=B[rr][c] - scale*B[r][c]
if (nc == nr+1):
return B[:,nc-1]
return B[:,(nr):nc]
def SimplySupportedBeam(n):
M = np.zeros([n+1,n+1])
C = np.array([[0],[150],[0],[0],[0],[0]])
for r in range(n-3):
M[r][r] = 1
M[r][r+1] = -4
M[r][r+2] = 6
M[r][r+3] = -4
M[r][r+4] = 1
M[n-3][1] = 1
M[n-2][n-1] = 1
M[n-1][n-5] = 1
M[n-1][n-4] = -2
M[n-1][n-3] = 1
M[n][n-2] = 1
M[n][n-1] = -2
M[n][n] = 1
A = np.concatenate((M,C), axis=1)
y0 = GaussElimination(A)
y = y0[1:n]
ymax = np.amax(abs(y))
return y, ymax
n = int(input("Index of the last node: "))
print (SimplySupportedBeam(n))
How would I plot just the value I get for y from my code?

It seems like y is 1D numpy array.
If you just want to plot its values against their indices you should be able to do so using either
y, ymax = SimplySupportedBeam(n)
The problem was that your function returns two values, i.e. y and ymax.
(I did not


Calculating random sample points using polar coordinates on cartesian map

I'm trying to generate random sample points on a cartesian plane using polar coordinates. I have a cartesian map with polar sectors, I'd like to put a random sample point within each of the sectors.
Problem Visual Description
I've added a sample point in the first sector. The problem is I don't know how to set the min and max limits for each sector as it's a cartesian plane (using cartesian min and max of the sector corners will give you boxes instead of the entire polar sector).
Code is commented for clarity. Final output posted below.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]
import math
import pylab as pl
from matplotlib import collections as mc
import pprint
from IPython.utils import io
from random import randrange, uniform
#convertes cartesian x,y coordinates to polar r, theta coordinates
def cart2pol(x, y):
rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
return np.array([rho, phi])
#convertes polar r,theta coordinates to cartesian x,y coordinates
def pol2cart(r, theta): #r is distance
x = r * np.cos(theta)
y = r * np.sin(theta)
return np.array([x, y])
#cooks delicious pie
pi = np.pi
#no idea what this does
theta = np.linspace(0,2*pi,100)
#x theta
def x_size(r):
return r*np.cos(theta)
#y theta
def y_size(r):
return r*np.sin(theta)
#calculates distribution of sectors on a circle in radians
#eg. sub_liner(3) = array([0. , 2.0943951, 4.1887902])
def sub_liner(k):
sub_lines = []
for c,b in enumerate(range(0,k)):
sub_lines = np.append(sub_lines,((12*pi/6)/k)*c)
return sub_lines
#calculates all distribution sectors for every ring and puts them in a list
def mlp(i):
master_lines = []
k = 3
for a in range(0,i):
k += 3
return master_lines
#calculates all four corners of each sector for a ring
#(ring,ring points,number of rings)
def cg(r,rp,n):
return [[[pol2cart(r-1,mlp(n)[r-1][i])[0],pol2cart(r-1,mlp(n)[r-1][i])[1]]\
,[pol2cart(r,mlp(n)[r-1][i])[0],pol2cart(r,mlp(n)[r-1][i])[1]]] for i in range(0,rp)]
#generates all corners for the ring sectors
def rg(n):
cgl = []
k = 3
for r in range(1,11):
k += 3
output = cgl[0]
for q in range(1,10):
output = np.concatenate((output,cgl[q]))
return output
# randrange gives you an integral value
irand = randrange(0, 10)
# uniform gives you a floating-point value
frand = uniform(0, 10)
#define ring sectors
ring_sectors = rg(10)
#define node points
nx = 0.5
ny = 0.5
#define ring distance
ymin = [0]
ymax = [1]
#generate rings
ring_r = np.sqrt(1.0)
master_array = np.array([[x_size(i),y_size(i)] for i in range(0,11)])
#plot rings
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
[ax.plot(master_array[i][0],master_array[i][1]) for i in range(0,11)]
size = 10
#generate nodes
ax.plot(nx, ny, 'o', color='black');
#ring lines
lc = mc.LineCollection(ring_sectors, color='black', linewidths=2)
plt.title('System Generator', fontsize=8)
Sample output can be viewed at.
What I've tried:
Based on feedback, I implemented a system which gets random uniform values between the polar coordinates, and it works, but the points aren't neatly distributed within their sectors as they should be, and I'm not sure why. Maybe my math is off or I made a mistake in the generator functions. If anyone has any insight, I'm all ears.
Output with points
def ngx(n):
rmin = 0
rmax = 1
nxl = []
s1 = 0
s2 = 1
k = 0
for i in range(0,n):
for a in range(0,rmax*3):
k += 1
rmin += 1
rmax += 1
return nxl
def ngy(n):
rmin = 0
rmax = 1
nyl = []
s1 = 0
s2 = 1
k = 0
for i in range(0,n):
for a in range(0,rmax*3):
k += 1
rmin += 1
rmax += 1
return nyl
#define node points
nx = ngx(10)
ny = ngy(10)

How do you convert Euler angles to the Axis Angle representation in Python?

I am trying to convert Euler angles to the Axis Angle representation in Python. I have already copied the function on this website: and translated it to Python. However, the Euler order they use here is yzx, while mine is zxy, so this leads to incorrect conversion.
Are there any Python packages that can do this conversion with an Euler order of zxy or can someone supply me with the pseudocode for this transformation?
My code currently looks like this (so I want to make a function called "euler_zxy_to_axis_angle" instead of the one I have now).
def euler_yzx_to_axis_angle(y_euler, z_euler, x_euler, normalize=True):
# Assuming the angles are in radians.
c1 = math.cos(y_euler/2)
s1 = math.sin(y_euler/2)
c2 = math.cos(z_euler/2)
s2 = math.sin(z_euler/2)
c3 = math.cos(x_euler/2)
s3 = math.sin(x_euler/2)
c1c2 = c1*c2
s1s2 = s1*s2
w = c1c2*c3 - s1s2*s3
x = c1c2*s3 + s1s2*c3
y = s1*c2*c3 + c1*s2*s3
z = c1*s2*c3 - s1*c2*s3
angle = 2 * math.acos(w)
if normalize:
norm = x*x+y*y+z*z
if norm < 0.001:
# when all euler angles are zero angle =0 so
# we can set axis to anything to avoid divide by zero
x = 1
y = 0
z = 0
norm = math.sqrt(norm)
x /= norm
y /= norm
z /= norm
return x, y, z, angle
So an example of what I want to do would be convert Euler angles with the order zxy, where z=1.2, x=1.5, y=1.0 to the correct angle-axis representation, which in this case would be axis = [ 0.3150331, 0.6684339, 0.6737583], angle = 2.4361774. (According to
Currently my function is returning axis=[ 0.7371612, 0.6684339, 0.098942 ] angle = 2.4361774, since it is interpreting the Euler angles as having an yzx order.
So after messing around with the numbers I reassigned values in the equation and got
import math
def euler_yzx_to_axis_angle(z_e, x_e, y_e, normalize=True):
# Assuming the angles are in radians.
c1 = math.cos(z_e/2)
s1 = math.sin(z_e/2)
c2 = math.cos(x_e/2)
s2 = math.sin(x_e/2)
c3 = math.cos(y_e/2)
s3 = math.sin(y_e/2)
c1c2 = c1*c2
s1s2 = s1*s2
w = c1c2*c3 - s1s2*s3
x = c1c2*s3 + s1s2*c3
y = s1*c2*c3 + c1*s2*s3
z = c1*s2*c3 - s1*c2*s3
angle = 2 * math.acos(w)
if normalize:
norm = x*x+y*y+z*z
if norm < 0.001:
# when all euler angles are zero angle =0 so
# we can set axis to anything to avoid divide by zero
x = 1
y = 0
z = 0
norm = math.sqrt(norm)
x /= norm
y /= norm
z /= norm
return z, x, y, angle
print(euler_yzx_to_axis_angle(1.2, 1.5, 1.0))
the output of which is
(0.31503310585743804, 0.668433885385261, 0.6737583269114973, 2.4361774412758335)

Calculating mean value of a 2D array as a function of distance from the center in Python

I'm trying to calculate the mean value of a quantity(in the form of a 2D array) as a function of its distance from the center of a 2D grid. I understand that the idea is that I identify all the array elements that are at a distance R from the center, and then add them up and divide by the number of elements. However, I'm having trouble actually identifying an algorithm to go about doing this.
I have attached a working example of the code to generate the 2d array below. The code is for calculating some quantities that are resultant from gravitational lensing, so the way the array is made is irrelevant to this problem, but I have attached the entire code so that you could create the output array for testing.
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 100 # grid size
c = 3e8
G = 6.67e-11
M_sun = 1.989e30
pc = 3.086e16 # parsec
Dds = 625e6*pc
Ds = 1726e6*pc #z=2
Dd = 1651e6*pc #z=1
FOV_arcsec = 0.0001
FOV_arcmin = FOV_arcsec/60.
pix2rad = ((FOV_arcmin/60.)/float(n))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix = 1./pix2rad
Renorm = (4*G*M_sun/c**2)*(Dds/(Dd*Ds))
#stretch = [10, 2]
# To create a random distribution of points
def randdist(PDF, x, n):
#Create a distribution following PDF(x). PDF and x
#must be of the same length. n is the number of samples
fp = np.random.rand(n,)
CDF = np.cumsum(PDF)
return np.interp(fp, CDF, x)
def get_alpha(args):
zeta_list_part, M_list_part, X, Y = args
alpha_x = 0
alpha_y = 0
for key in range(len(M_list_part)):
z_m_z_x = (X - zeta_list_part[key][0])*pix2rad
z_m_z_y = (Y - zeta_list_part[key][1])*pix2rad
alpha_x += M_list_part[key] * z_m_z_x / (z_m_z_x**2 + z_m_z_y**2)
alpha_y += M_list_part[key] * z_m_z_y / (z_m_z_x**2 + z_m_z_y**2)
return (alpha_x, alpha_y)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# number of processes, scale accordingly
num_processes = 1 # Number of CPUs to be used
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_processes)
num = 100 # The number of points/microlenses
r = np.linspace(-n, n, n)
PDF = np.abs(1/r)
PDF = PDF/np.sum(PDF) # PDF should be normalized
R = randdist(PDF, r, num)
Theta = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(num,)
x1= [R[k]*np.cos(Theta[k])*1 for k in range(num)]
y1 = [R[k]*np.sin(Theta[k])*1 for k in range(num)]
# Uniform distribution
#R = np.random.uniform(-n,n,num)
#x1= np.random.uniform(-n,n,num)
#y1 = np.random.uniform(-n,n,num)
zeta_list = np.column_stack((np.array(x1), np.array(y1))) # List of coordinates for the microlenses
x = np.linspace(-n,n,n)
y = np.linspace(-n,n,n)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
M_list = np.array([0.1 for i in range(num)])
# split zeta_list, M_list, X, and Y
zeta_list_split = np.array_split(zeta_list, num_processes, axis=0)
M_list_split = np.array_split(M_list, num_processes)
X_list = [X for e in range(num_processes)]
Y_list = [Y for e in range(num_processes)]
alpha_list =
get_alpha, zip(zeta_list_split, M_list_split, X_list, Y_list))
alpha_x = 0
alpha_y = 0
for e in alpha_list:
alpha_x += e[0]
alpha_y += e[1]
alpha_x_y = 0
alpha_x_x = 0
alpha_y_y = 0
alpha_y_x = 0
alpha_x_y, alpha_x_x = np.gradient(alpha_x*rad2pix*Renorm,edge_order=2)
alpha_y_y, alpha_y_x = np.gradient(alpha_y*rad2pix*Renorm,edge_order=2)
det_A = 1 - alpha_y_y - alpha_x_x + (alpha_x_x)*(alpha_y_y) - (alpha_x_y)*(alpha_y_x)
abs = np.absolute(det_A)
I = abs**(-1.)
O = np.log10(I+1)
The array of interest is O, and I have attached a plot of how it should look like. It can be different based on the random distribution of points.
What I'm trying to do is to plot the mean values of O as a function of radius from the center of the grid. In the end, I want to be able to plot the average O as a function of distance from center in a 2d line graph. So I suppose the first step is to define circles of radius R, based on X and Y.
def circle(x,y):
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
return r
Now I just have to figure out a way to find all the values of O, that have the same indices as equivalent values of R. Kinda confused on this part and would appreciate any help.
You can find the geometric coordinates of a circle with center (0,0) and radius R as such:
phi = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
x = R*np.cos(2*np.pi*phi)
y = R*np.sin(2*np.pi*phi)
these values however will not fall on the regular pixel grid but in between.
In order to use them as sampling points you can either round the values and use them as indexes or interpolate the values from the near pixels.
Attention: The pixel indexes and the x, y are not the same. In your example (0,0) is at the picture location (50,50).

Place points with variable density

Assume that you have an NxM matrix, with values ranging from [0,100]. What I'd like to do is place points with a density (inversely) relative to the values in that area.
For example, here's a 2D Gaussian field, inverted s.t. the centroid has a value of 0, and the perimeter is at 100:
I'd like to pack the points so that they appear somewhat similar to this image:
Note how there is a radial spread outwards.
My attempt looks a little different :( ...
What I attempt to do is (i) generate a boolean area, of the same shape and size, and (ii) move through the rows and columns. If the value of the boolean array at some point is True, then pass; otherwise, add a [row,col] point to a list and cover the boolean array with True in a radius proportional to the value in the Gaussian array.
The choice of Gaussian for this example isn't important, the fundamental idea is that: given a floating point matrix, how can one place points with a density proportional to those values?
Any help very much appreciated :)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from math import exp
def gaussian(x,y,x0,y0,A=10.0,sigma_x=10.0,sigma_y=10.0):
return A - A*exp(-((x-x0)**2/(2*sigma_x**2) + (y-y0)**2/(2*sigma_y**2)))
def generate_grid(width=100,height=100):
grid = np.empty((width,height))
for x in range(0,width):
for y in range(0,height):
grid[x][y] = gaussian(x,y,width/2,height/2,A=100.0)
return grid
def cover_array(a,row,col,radius):
nRows = np.shape(grid)[0]
nCols = np.shape(grid)[1]
mid = round(radius / 2)
half_radius = int(round(radius))
for x in range(-half_radius,half_radius):
for y in range(-half_radius,half_radius):
if row+x >= 0 and x+row < nRows and col+y >= 0 and y+col < nCols:
if (x-mid)**2 + (y-mid)**2 <= radius**2:
a[row+x][col+y] = True
def pack_points(grid):
points = []
nRows = np.shape(grid)[0]
nCols = np.shape(grid)[1]
maxDist = 50.0
minDist = 0.0
maxEdge = 10.0
minEdge = 5.0
grid_min = 0.0
grid_max = 100.0
row = 0
col = 0
arrayCovered = np.zeros((nRows,nCols))
while True:
if row >= nRows:
return np.array(points)
if arrayCovered[row][col] == False:
radius = maxEdge * ((grid[row][col] - grid_min) / (grid_max - grid_min))
col += 1
if col >= nCols:
row += 1
col = 0
grid = generate_grid()
points = pack_points(grid)
Here is a cheap and simple method, although it requires hand-setting an amount parameter:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def gaussian(x,y,x0,y0,A=10.0,sigma_x=10.0,sigma_y=10.0):
return A - A*np.exp(-((x-x0)**2/(2*sigma_x**2) + (y-y0)**2/(2*sigma_y**2)))
def distribute_points(data, amount=1):
p = amount * (1 / data)
r = np.random.random(p.shape)
return np.where(p > r)
ii, jj = np.mgrid[-10:10:.1, -10:10:.1]
data = gaussian(ii, jj, 0, 0)
px, py = distribute_points(data, amount=.03)
plt.scatter(px, py, marker='.', c='#ff000080')
plt.xlim([0, len(ii)])
plt.ylim([0, len(jj)])

Python: Numerov's method plotting error

I'm trying to solve the Schrödinger equation with the Numerov's method. Here is my code:
from pylab import *
from scipy.optimize import brentq
import numpy as np
l = float(input("Angular momentum l:"))
L = float(input("Width of the potential:"))
Vo = float(input("Value of the potential:"))
N = int(input("Number of steps (~10000):"))
h = float(3*L/N)
psi = np.zeros(N) #wave function
psi[0] = 0
psi[1] = h
def V(x,E):
Effective potential function.
if x > L:
return -2*E+l*(l+1)/x**2
return -2*(Vo+E)+l*(l+1)/x**2
def Wavefunction(energy):
Calculates wave function psi for the given value
of energy E and returns value at point xmax
global psi
global E
for i in range(2,N):
return psi[-1]
def find_energy_levels(x,y):
Gives all zeroes in y = psi_max, x=en
zeroes = []
s = np.sign(y)
for i in range(len(y)-1):
if s[i]+s[i+1] == 0: #sign change
zero = brentq(Wavefunction, x[i], x[i+1])
return zeroes
def main():
energies = np.linspace(-Vo,0,int(10*Vo)) # vector of energies where we look for the stable states
psi_max = [] # vector of wave function at x = 3L for all of the energies in energies
for energy in energies:
psi_max.append(Wavefunction(energy)) # for each energy find the the psi_max at xmax
E_levels = find_energy_levels(energies,psi_max) # now find the energies where psi_max = 0
print ("Energies for the bound states are: ")
for E in E_levels:
print ("%.2f" %E)
# Plot the wavefunctions for first 4 eigenstates
x = np.linspace(0, 3*L, N)
for E in E_levels:
plot(x, psi, label="E = %.2f"%E)
legend(loc="upper right")
ylabel('$u(r)$', fontsize = 10)
savefig('numerov.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == "__main__":
Everything was working really well, this is a plot for Vo=35, l=1, but when I try whit a value of Vo=85, l=0 (is the same for Vo>50), the plot is not what I expected (the end of the plot blows up). For l=1, the error vanish. I am a novice in Python, so I do not know what would be the error. Thanks for the help.
