Post GraphQL mutation with Python Requests - python

I'm having trouble posting mutations with GraphQL and Python Requests.
My function looks like:
def create(request):
access_token = 'REDACTED'
headers = {
"X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token": access_token
mutation = """
checkoutCreate(input: {
lineItems: [{ variantId: "Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0VmFyaWFudC80", quantity: 1 }]
}) {
checkout {
lineItems(first: 5) {
edges {
node {
data = ('', json={'mutation': mutation}, headers=headers).json())
return render(request, 'Stock/create.html', { 'create': data })
I'm getting errors saying I have a bad request "bad_request - Parameter Missing or Invalid" in my json response.

Even though you're sending a mutation, your request body should still include a query property, the value of which should be the string representing your operation. It's a bit confusing, but informally both queries and mutations are called "queries" (you're still "querying" the server either way). Change your request to:'', json={'query': mutation}, headers=headers)


Python - API- pagination Graphql

I would like to retrieve data from an API, the problem is that it only returns 49 data each time.
I got the startCursor, hasNextPage and endCursor but I don't know how to tell the script to loop until hasNextPage=False based on the endCursor and thus have all the data for my request.
Here is the code:
import requests
import json
query = """
query {
cards(rarities:[limited]) {
nodes {
userOwnerWithRate {
url = ''
r =, json={'query': query})
json_data = json.loads(r.text)
Do you have an idea to help me get all the pages of a request please?

Python web request in unity3d webrequest

Here this is code of python about web request. Can we do this same python code with Unity3D webrequest.
import requests
r =
'image': open('/path/to/your/file.jpg', 'rb'),
headers={'api-key': '535d7326-c37f6105b0'}
You would use a UnityWebRequest.Post using the overload that takes a List<IMultipartFormSection> and actually use a MultipartFormFileSection
Should be something like
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("/path/to/your/file.jpg");
var data = new List<IMultipartFormSection>();
data.Add(new MultipartFormFileSection("image", bytes, "file.jpg", "image/jpeg"));
using(var request = UnityWebRequest.Post(""))
request.SetRequestHeader("api-key", "535d...........");
yield return request.SendWebRequest();
if (request.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
Debug.Log("Form upload complete!");
Then for parsing the JSON result you can use e.g.
public class Response
public string id;
public string output_url;
and then do
var response = JsonUtility.FromJson<Response>(request.downloadHandler.text);

How do a make a API request in Swift like the working Python request I'm currently using?

I'm looking to convert this Python request to a Swift script.
Here is my working python script that returns the accessToken!
import requests
import json
URL = "http://this/is/the/url"
headers = {
'Accept': "application/json",
"Accept-Language": "en_US"
data = {
"grant_type": "password",
"username" : "GROUP\SITE\USERNAME",
"password" : "somepassword"
r = requests.get(url = URL, params = headers, data = data)
data = r.json()
accessToken = data['access_token']
When I run the Swift Playground for the code below nothing is returned!
It seems the script exits at guard let data = data else { return }
How could I get the same results as the Python Script above.
I've tried implementing URLComponents using this tutorial...
import UIKit
var url = "http://just/the/url"
extension Dictionary {
func percentEncoded() -> Data? {
return map { key, value in
let escapedKey = "\(key)"
let escapedValue = "\(value)"
print(escapedKey + "=" + escapedValue)
return escapedKey + "=" + escapedValue
.joined(separator: "&")
.data(using: .utf8)
extension CharacterSet {
static let urlQueryValueAllowed: CharacterSet = {
let generalDelimitersToEncode = ":#[]#" // does not include "?" or "/" due to RFC 3986 - Section 3.4
let subDelimitersToEncode = "$&'()*+,;="
var allowed = CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed
allowed.remove(charactersIn: "\(generalDelimitersToEncode)\(subDelimitersToEncode)")
return allowed
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string:url)!)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
let parameters: [String: String] = [
request.httpBody = parameters.percentEncoded()
request.setValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.setValue("application/XML", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
URLSession(configuration: config).dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, err) in
guard let data = data else { return }
guard let dataAsString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)else {return}
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
(200...299).contains(httpResponse.statusCode) else {
print("Bad Credentials")
//HTTP Status Code!
print("HTTP RESPONSE:"+"\(httpResponse.statusCode)")
If I remember correctly, starting in iOS 13, you cant have httpBody for a GET call, so you'll either need to switch to a POST/PUT or add the params into the url string (See below)
You also had different Accept headers in your python vs. swift. One was xml the other was json.
var urlComponents = URLComponents(string: "http://this/is/the/url")
urlComponents?.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "grant_type", value: "password"),
URLQueryItem(name: "username", value: "username"),
URLQueryItem(name: "password", value: "somepassword")
guard let url = urlComponents?.url else { return } // You can print url here to see how it looks
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
request.setValue("en_US", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept-Language")
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data,
let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
error == nil else {
print("error", error ?? "Unknown error")
guard (200 ... 299) ~= response.statusCode else {
print("response = \(response)")
let responseString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
The problem was the following...
request.httpMethod = "GET"
I had to change the get to "POST" and now I have the token!!!!
I was confused because the python script used GET. I had a bash script that that used curl to get the token displayed the logged post.
In short my above Swift Playground now works by changing the request.httpMethod to "POST". THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP

Using the Firestore REST API to Update a Document Field

I've been searching for a pretty long time but I can't figure out how to update a field in a document using the Firestore REST API. I've looked on other questions but they haven't helped me since I'm getting a different error:
{'error': {'code': 400, 'message': 'Request contains an invalid argument.', 'status': 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', 'details': [{'#type': '', 'fieldViolations': [{'field': 'oil', 'description': "Error expanding 'fields' parameter. Cannot find matching fields for path 'oil'."}]}]}}
I'm getting this error even though I know that the "oil" field exists in the document. I'm writing this in Python.
My request body (field is the field in a document and value is the value to set that field to, both strings received from user input):
"fields": {
field: {
"integerValue": value
My request (authorizationToken is from a different request, dir is also a string from user input which controls the directory):
requests.patch("" + dir + "?updateMask.fieldPaths=" + field, data = body, headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + authorizationToken}).json()
Based on the the official docs (1,2, and 3), GitHub and a nice article, for the example you have provided you should use the following:
Your request body should be:
"fields": {
"field": {
"integerValue": Value
Also keep in mind that if you want to update multiple fields and values you should specify each one separately.
and the request body would have been:
"fields": {
"field": {
"integerValue": Value
"Field2": {
"stringValue": "Value2"
Here is a way I have tested which allows you to update some fields of a document without affecting the rest.
This sample code creates a document under collection users with 4 fields, then tries to update 3 out of 4 fields (which leaves the one not mentioned unaffected)
from import firestore
db = firestore.Client()
#Creating a sample new Document “aturing” under collection “users”
doc_ref = db.collection(u'users').document(u'aturing')
u'first': u'Alan',
u'middle': u'Mathison',
u'last': u'Turing',
u'born': 1912
#updating 3 out of 4 fields (so the last should remain unaffected)
doc_ref = db.collection(u'users').document(u'aturing')
u'first': u'Alan',
u'middle': u'Mathison',
u'born': 2000
#printing the content of all docs under users
users_ref = db.collection(u'users')
docs =
for doc in docs:
print(u'{} => {}'.format(, doc.to_dict()))
EDIT: 10/12/2019
I have reproduced your issue and it seems like you are not converting your request body to a json format properly.
You need to use json.dumps() to convert your request body to a valid json format.
A working example is the following:
import requests
import json
endpoint = "[PROJECT_ID]/databases/(default)/documents/[COLLECTION]/[DOCUMENT_ID]?currentDocument.exists=true&updateMask.fieldPaths=[FIELD_1]"
body = {
"fields" : {
"[FIELD_1]" : {
"stringValue" : "random new value"
data = json.dumps(body)
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]"}
print(requests.patch(endpoint, data=data, headers=headers).json())
I found the official documentation to not to be of much use since there was no example mentioned. This is the API end-point for your firestore database
the following code is the body of your API request
"fields": {
"first_name": {
"name": {
"band": {
The response you should get upon successful update of the database should look like
"name": "projects/{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}/databases/(default)/documents/{COLLECTION_ID/{DOC_ID}",
"fields": {
"first_name": {
"name": {
"band": {
"createTime": "{CREATE_TIME}",
"updateTime": "{UPDATE_TIME}"
Note that performing the above action would result in a new document being created, meaning that any fields that existed previously but have NOT been mentioned in the "fields" body will be deleted. In order to preserve fields, you'll have to add
?updateMask.fieldPaths={FIELD_NAME} --> to the end of your API call (for each individual field that you want to preserve).
For example:
PATCH{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}/databases/(default)/documents/{COLLECTION_NAME}/{DOCUMENT_NAME}?updateMask.fieldPaths=name&updateMask.fieldPaths=band&updateMask.fieldPaths=age. --> and so on

Querying ElasticSearch with Python Requests not working fine

I'm trying to do full-text search on a mongodb db with the Elastic Search engine but I ran into a problem: no matters what search term I provide(or if I use query1 or query2), the engine always returns the same results. I think the problem is in the way I make the requests, but I don't know how to solve it.
Here is the code:
def search(search_term):
query1 = {
"fuzzy" : {
"art_text" : {
"value" : search_term,
"boost" : 1.0,
"min_similarity" : 0.5,
"prefix_length" : 0
"filter": {
"range" : {
"published": {
"from" : "20130409T000000",
"to": "20130410T235959"
query2 = {
"match_phrase": { "art_text": search_term }
es_query = json.dumps(query1)
uri = 'http://localhost:9200/newsidx/_search'
r = requests.get(uri, params=es_query)
results = json.loads( r.text )
data = [res['_source']['api_id'] for res in results['hits']['hits'] ]
print "results: %d" % len(data)
The params parameter is not for data being sent. If you're trying to send data to the server you should specifically be using the data parameter. If you're trying to send query parameters, then you shouldn't be JSON-encoding them and just give it to params as a dict.
I suspect your first request should be the following:
r = requests.get(uri, data=es_query)
And before someone downvotes me, yes the HTTP/1.1 spec allows data to be sent with GET requests and yes requests does support it.
search = {'query': {'match': {'test_id':13} }, 'sort' {'date_utc':{'order':'desc'}} }
data = requests.get('http://localhost:9200/newsidx/test/_search?&pretty',params = search)
print data.json()
