inputs_bedding = Input(shape=(it.shape))
embedding = Embedding(9488, 512, trainable=False)(inputs_bedding)
There is no name parameter in keras Embedding layer. How to set the name to the layer?
You can set the name of the embedding layer just like any other layer.
from keras.layers import Embedding, Input
from keras import Model
inputs_bedding = Input(shape=(32,))
embedding = Embedding(9488, 512, trainable=False, name="test")(inputs_bedding)
model = Model(inputs=inputs_bedding, outputs=embedding)
model.summary() gives you:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_3 (InputLayer) (None, 32) 0
test (Embedding) (None, 32, 512) 4857856
Total params: 4,857,856
Trainable params: 0
Non-trainable params: 4,857,856
Given the following code:
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, load_model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense, Lambda, Add, Conv2D, Flatten
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import RMSprop
X = Flatten(input_shape=input_shape)(X_input)
X = Dense(512, activation="elu", kernel_initializer='he_uniform')(X)
action = Dense(action_space, activation="softmax", kernel_initializer='he_uniform')(X)
value = Dense(1, kernel_initializer='he_uniform')(X)
Actor = Model(inputs = X_input, outputs = action)
Actor.compile(loss=ppo_loss, optimizer=RMSprop(learning_rate=lr))
Critic = Model(inputs = X_input, outputs = value)
Critic.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=RMSprop(learning_rate=lr))
Are Actor and Critic seperate networks or do i partially fit Critic with
The network Critic and Actor share same networks for most of the part, except the last layer where Actor has action layer and Critic has value layer. This can be visible when you do a Actor.summary() compared to Critic.summary(). See below.
Model: "model_8"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_8 (InputLayer) [(None, 784)] 0
flatten_6 (Flatten) (None, 784) 0
dense_16 (Dense) (None, 512) 401920
dense_17 (Dense) (None, 1) 513
Total params: 402,433
Trainable params: 402,433
Non-trainable params: 0
Model: "model_9"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_8 (InputLayer) [(None, 784)] 0
flatten_6 (Flatten) (None, 784) 0
dense_16 (Dense) (None, 512) 401920
dense_18 (Dense) (None, 1) 513
Total params: 402,433
Trainable params: 402,433
Non-trainable params: 0
You can see the first three layers have represented with the same name, therefore are same objects in the memory. This can be also verified when you do a layer[n].get_weights(). This should provide you same weights for identical layer in both networks.
So when you fit on Actor, except the last layer, the weights of the other layers get adjusted, which also effects the Critic. But the last layer for Critic is not trained yet and therefore when you do Crtic.predict() your predictions are not as per training done on Actor.
So yes you partially fit Critic with
I want to use keras.layers.Embedding in a customized sub-model. But output shape is 'multiple'.Then I try to write a demo and test it
The results of the two methods are different,and I'm not sure if it's my problem.
model1 return me a clear output shape
but model2 give me a 'multiple'
here is the full demo code:
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as keras
import numpy as np
myPath = "./data/"
embedding_matrix = np.load(myPath + "embeddings_matrix.npy",allow_pickle=True)
keras.layers.Embedding(len(embedding_matrix), 100,weights=[embedding_matrix],trainable=False,mask_zero=True,name="embedding_layer"),
class myModel(keras.Model):
def __init__(self,
super(myModel, self).__init__(name='model2')
self.input_x = keras.layers.InputLayer(input_shape=5)
self.embedding_layer = keras.layers.Embedding(len(embedding_matrix), embedding_out,weights=[embedding_matrix],trainable=False,mask_zero=True,name="embedding",input_length=5)
self.dense = keras.layers.Dense(200)
def call(self,x):
x = self.input_x(x)
y = self.embedding_layer(x)
y = self.dense(y)
return y
model2 = myModel(embedding_matrix),5))
Here is the model.summary() info:
Model: "model1"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
embedding_layer (Embedding) (None, 5, 100) 5000400
dense (Dense) (None, 5, 200) 20200
Total params: 5,020,600
Trainable params: 20,200
Non-trainable params: 5,000,400
Model: "model2"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_2 (InputLayer) [(None, 5)] 0
embedding (Embedding) multiple 5000400
dense_1 (Dense) multiple 20200
Total params: 5,020,600
Trainable params: 20,200
Non-trainable params: 5,000,400
I want to know the right way to use a keras.layers.Embedding in a customized sub-model
I am trying to train an auto encoder in tensorflow using the Keras Layer API. This API is quite nice and easy to use to setup the deep learning layers.
Just to review a quickly an autoencoder (in my mind) is a function $f(x) = z$ and its pseudo inverse \hat{x} = f^{-1}(z) such that f(f^{-1}(x)) \approx x. In a neural network model, you would setup a neural network with a bottleneck layer that tries to predict itself x using f^{-1}(f(x)). When the training error minimizes, you then have two components, z = f(x) is the prediction up until and including the bottleneck layer. f^{-1}(z) is the bottleneck layer to the end.
So I setup the encoder:
SZ = 6
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
model.compile('sgd','mse',metrics = ['accuracy'])
My difficulty here is that the weights and components (f being input+dense(SZ)+dense(1),f^{-1} being dense(1)+dense(SZ)) are trained but I do not know how to disentangle them. Is there some way to break off the two layers in the neural network and have them treated as their own separate models?
import tensorflow as tf
encoder_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(SZ,))
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(SZ)(encoder_input)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
encoder_model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=encoder_input, outputs=x, name='encoder')
decoder_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,))
x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(SZ)(decoder_input)
decoder_model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=decoder_input, outputs=x2, name='decoder')
encoder_output = encoder_model(encoder_input)
decoder_output = decoder_model(encoder_output)
encoder_decoder_model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=encoder_input , outputs=decoder_output, name='encoder-decoder')
Here is the summary:
Model: "encoder-decoder"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_8 (InputLayer) [(None, 6)] 0
encoder (Model) (None, 1) 49
decoder (Model) (None, 6) 12
Total params: 61
Trainable params: 61
Non-trainable params: 0
you could train the encoder-decoder model and you separate encoder_model and decoder_model will be trained automatically. You could also retrieve them from your encoder_decoder model as follows:
retrieved_encoder = encoder_decoder_model.get_layer('encoder')
it prints:
Model: "encoder"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_8 (InputLayer) [(None, 6)] 0
dense_11 (Dense) (None, 6) 42
dense_12 (Dense) (None, 1) 7
Total params: 49
Trainable params: 49
Non-trainable params: 0
and the decoder:
retrieved_decoder = encoder_decoder_model.get_layer('decoder')
which prints:
Model: "decoder"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_9 (InputLayer) [(None, 1)] 0
dense_13 (Dense) (None, 6) 12
Total params: 12
Trainable params: 12
Non-trainable params: 0
Is it possible in Keras to feed both an image and a vector of values as inputs to one model? If yes, how?
What I want is to create a CNN with an image and a vector of 6 values on the input.
The output is the vector of 3 values.
Yes, please have a look at Keras' Functional API for many examples on how to build models with multiple inputs.
Your code will look something like this, where you will probably want to pass the image through a convolutional layer, flatten the output and concatenate it with your vector input:
from keras.layers import Input, Concatenate, Conv2D, Flatten, Dense
from keras.models import Model
# Define two input layers
image_input = Input((32, 32, 3))
vector_input = Input((6,))
# Convolution + Flatten for the image
conv_layer = Conv2D(32, (3,3))(image_input)
flat_layer = Flatten()(conv_layer)
# Concatenate the convolutional features and the vector input
concat_layer= Concatenate()([vector_input, flat_layer])
output = Dense(3)(concat_layer)
# define a model with a list of two inputs
model = Model(inputs=[image_input, vector_input], outputs=output)
This will give you a model with the following specs:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to
input_8 (InputLayer) (None, 32, 32, 3) 0
conv2d_4 (Conv2D) (None, 30, 30, 32) 896 input_8[0][0]
input_9 (InputLayer) (None, 6) 0
flatten_3 (Flatten) (None, 28800) 0 conv2d_4[0][0]
concatenate_3 (Concatenate) (None, 28806) 0 input_9[0][0]
dense_3 (Dense) (None, 3) 86421 concatenate_3[0][0]
Total params: 87,317
Trainable params: 87,317
Non-trainable params: 0
Another way to visualize it is through Keras' visualization utilities:
Here I have a GoogleNet model for Keras. Is there any possibile way to block the changing of the individual layers of network? I want to block the first two layers of pretrained model from changes.
By 'block the changing of the individual layers' I am assuming you don't want to train those layers, that is you don't want to modify the loaded weights(possibly learnt in previous training).
if so you can pass trainable=False to the layer and the parameters wont be used for the training update rule.
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation
model = Sequential([
Dense(32, input_dim=100),
model2 = Sequential([
Dense(32, input_dim=100,trainable=False),
You can see in the model summary for the 2nd model the parameters are counted as Non-trainable ones.
Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 32) 3232 dense_input_1[0][0]
dense_2 (Dense) (None, 10) 330 dense_1[0][0]
activation_1 (Activation) (None, 10) 0 dense_2[0][0]
Total params: 3,562
Trainable params: 3,562
Non-trainable params: 0
Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to
dense_3 (Dense) (None, 32) 3232 dense_input_2[0][0]
dense_4 (Dense) (None, 10) 330 dense_3[0][0]
activation_2 (Activation) (None, 10) 0 dense_4[0][0]
Total params: 3,562
Trainable params: 330
Non-trainable params: 3,232