I'm trying to create a grammar to parse some Excel-like formulas I have devised, where a special character in the beginning of a string signifies a different source. For example, $ can signify a string, so "$This is text" would be treated as a string input in the program and & can signify a function, so &foo() can be treated as a call to the internal function foo.
The problem I'm facing is how to construct the grammar properly. For example, This is a simplified version as a MWE:
grammar = r'''start: instruction
?instruction: simple
| func
STARTSYMBOL: "!"|"#"|"$"|"&"|"~"
ARGSEP: ",," // argument separator
WORDSEP: "," // word separator
CONDSEP: ";;" // condition separator
STAR: "*"
func: STARTSYMBOL SINGLESTR "(" [simple|func] (ARGSEP simple|func)* ")"
%import common.LETTER
%import common.WORD
%import common.DIGIT
%ignore ARGSEP
%ignore WORDSEP
parser = lark.Lark(grammar, parser='earley')
So, with this grammar, things like: $This is a string, &foo(), &foo(#arg1), &foo($arg1,,#arg2) and &foo(!w1,w2,w3,,!w4,w5,w6) are all parsed as expected. But if I'd like to add more flexibility to my simple terminal, then I need to start fiddling around with the SINGLESTR token definition which is not convenient.
What have I tried
The part that I cannot get past is that if I want to have a string including parentheses (which are literals of func), then I cannot handle them in my current situation.
If I add the parentheses in SINGLESTR, then I get Expected STARTSYMBOL, because it's getting mixed up with the func definition and it thinks that a function argument should be passed, which makes sense.
If I redefine the grammar to reserve the ampersand symbol for functions only and add the parentheses in SINGLESTR, then I can parse a string with parentheses, but every function I'm trying to parse gives Expected LPAR.
My intent is that anything starting with a $ would be parsed as a SINGLESTR token and then I could parse things like &foo($first arg (has) parentheses,,$second arg).
My solution, for now, is that I'm using 'escape' words like LEFTPAR and RIGHTPAR in my strings and I've written helper functions to change those into parentheses when I process the tree. So, $This is a LEFTPARtestRIGHTPAR produces the correct tree and when I process it, then this gets translated to This is a (test).
To formulate a general question: Can I define my grammar in such a way that some characters that are special to the grammar are treated as normal characters in some situations and as special in any other case?
Based on a comment from jbndlr I revised my grammar to create individual modes based on the start symbol:
grammar = r'''start: instruction
?instruction: simple
| func
SINGLESTR: (LETTER+|DIGIT+|"_"|" ") (LETTER+|DIGIT+|"_"|" "|"("|")")*
FUNCNAME: (LETTER+) (LETTER+|DIGIT+|"_")* // no parentheses allowed in the func name
simple: TEXT|DB|MD
ARGSEP: ",," // argument separator
WORDSEP: "," // word separator
CONDSEP: ";;" // condition separator
STAR: "*"
func: "&" FUNCNAME "(" [simple|func] (ARGSEP simple|func)* ")"
%import common.LETTER
%import common.WORD
%import common.DIGIT
%ignore ARGSEP
%ignore WORDSEP
This falls (somewhat) under my second test case. I can parse all the simple types of strings (TEXT, MD or DB tokens that can contain parentheses) and functions that are empty; for example, &foo() or &foo(&bar()) parse correctly. The moment I put an argument within a function (no matter which type), I get an UnexpectedEOF Error: Expected ampersand, RPAR or ARGSEP. As a proof of concept, if I remove the parentheses from the definition of SINGLESTR in the new grammar above, then everything works as it should, but I'm back to square one.
import lark
grammar = r'''start: instruction
?instruction: simple
| func
MIDTEXTRPAR: /\)+(?!(\)|,,|$))/
FUNCNAME: (LETTER+) (LETTER+|DIGIT+|"_")* // no parentheses allowed in the func name
simple: TEXT|DB|MD
ARGSEP: ",," // argument separator
WORDSEP: "," // word separator
CONDSEP: ";;" // condition separator
STAR: "*"
func: "&" FUNCNAME "(" [simple|func] (ARGSEP simple|func)* ")"
%import common.LETTER
%import common.WORD
%import common.DIGIT
%ignore ARGSEP
%ignore WORDSEP
parser = lark.Lark(grammar, parser='earley')
parser.parse("&foo($first arg (has) parentheses,,$second arg)")
Tree(start, [Tree(func, [Token(FUNCNAME, 'foo'), Tree(simple, [Token(TEXT, '$first arg (has) parentheses')]), Token(ARGSEP, ',,'), Tree(simple, [Token(TEXT, '$second arg')])])])
I hope it's what you were looking for.
Those have been crazy few days. I tried lark and failed. I also tried persimonious and pyparsing. All of these different parsers all had the same problem with the 'argument' token consuming the right parenthesis that was part of the function, eventually failing because the function's parentheses weren't closed.
The trick was to figure out how do you define a right parenthesis that's "not special". See the regular expression for MIDTEXTRPAR in the code above. I defined it as a right parenthesis that is not followed by argument separation or by end of string. I did that by using the regular expression extension (?!...) which matches only if it's not followed by ... but doesn't consume characters. Luckily it even allows matching end of string inside this special regular expression extension.
The above mentioned method only works if you don't have an argument ending with a ), because then the MIDTEXTRPAR regular expression won't catch that ) and will think that's the end of the function even though there are more arguments to process. Also, there may be ambiguities such as ...asdf),,..., it may be an end of a function declaration inside an argument, or a 'text-like' ) inside an argument and the function declaration goes on.
This problem is related to the fact that what you describe in your question is not a context-free grammar ( for which parsers such as lark exist. Instead it is a context-sensitive grammar (
The reason for it being a context sensitive grammar is because you need the parser to 'remember' that it is nested inside a function, and how many levels of nesting there are, and have this memory available inside the grammar's syntax in some way.
Also take a look at the following parser that is context-sensitive, and seems to solve the problem, but has an exponential time complexity in the number of nested functions, as it tries to parse all possible function barriers until it finds one that works. I believe it has to have an exponential complexity has since it's not context-free.
_funcPrefix = '&'
_debug = False
class ParseException(Exception):
def GetRecursive(c):
if isinstance(c,ParserBase):
return c.GetRecursive()
return c
class ParserBase:
def __str__(self):
return type(self).__name__ + ": [" + ','.join(str(x) for x in self.contents) +"]"
def GetRecursive(self):
return (type(self).__name__,[GetRecursive(c) for c in self.contents])
class Simple(ParserBase):
def __init__(self,s):
self.contents = [s]
class MD(Simple):
class DB(ParserBase):
def __init__(self,s):
self.contents = s.split(',')
class Func(ParserBase):
def __init__(self,s):
if s[-1] != ')':
raise ParseException("Can't find right parenthesis: '%s'" % s)
lparInd = s.find('(')
if lparInd < 0:
raise ParseException("Can't find left parenthesis: '%s'" % s)
self.contents = [s[:lparInd]]
argsStr = s[(lparInd+1):-1]
args = list(argsStr.split(',,'))
i = 0
while i<len(args):
a = args[i]
if a[0] != _funcPrefix:
i += 1
j = i+1
while j<=len(args):
nestedFunc = ',,'.join(args[i:j])
if _debug:
except ParseException as PE:
if _debug:
j += 1
if j>len(args):
raise ParseException("Can't parse nested function: '%s'" % (',,'.join(args[i:])))
i = j
def Parse(arg):
if arg[0] not in _starterSymbols:
raise ParseException("Bad prefix: " + arg[0])
return _starterSymbols[arg[0]](arg[1:])
_starterSymbols = {_funcPrefix:Func,'$':Simple,'!':DB,'#':MD}
P = Parse("&foo($first arg (has)) parentheses,,&f($asdf,,&nested2($23423))),,&second(!arg,wer))")
import pprint
Problem is arguments of function are enclosed in parenthesis where one of the arguments may contain parenthesis.
One of the possible solution is use backspace \ before ( or ) when it is a part of String
SINGLESTR: (LETTER+|DIGIT+|"_"|" ") (LETTER+|DIGIT+|"_"|" "|"\("|"\)")*
Similar solution used by C, to include double quotes(") as a part of string constant where string constant is enclosed in double quotes.
Output is
simple !g\(
simple #g
I am trying to define two words separated by space as one token in my lexical analyzer
but when I pass an input like in out it says LexToken(KEYIN,'in',1,0)
and LexToken(KEYOUT,'out',1,3)
I need it to be like this LexToken(KEYINOUT,'in out',1,0)
PS: KEYIN and KEYOUT are two different tokens as the grammar's definition
Following is the test which causes the problem:
import lex
reserved = {'in': 'KEYIN', 'out': 'KEYOUT', 'in\sout': 'KEYINOUT'} # the problem is in here
tokens = ['PLUS', 'MINUS', 'IDENTIFIER'] + list(reserved.values())
t_MINUS = r'-'
t_PLUS = r'\+'
t_ignore = ' \t'
def t_IDENTIFIER(t):
t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'IDENTIFIER') # Check for reserved words
return t
def t_error(t):
print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0], "at line", t.lexer.lineno, "at position", t.lexer.lexpos)
lex.input("in out inout + - ")
while True:
tok = lex.token()
if not tok:
This is your function which recognizes IDENTIFIERs and keywords:
def t_IDENTIFIER(t):
t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'IDENTIFIER') # Check for reserved words
return t
First, it is clear that the keywords it can recognize are precisely the keys of the dictionary reserved, which are:
Since in out is not a key in that dictionary (in\sout is not the same string), it cannot be recognised as a keyword no matter what t.value happens to be.
But t.value cannot be in out either, because t.value will always match the regular expression which controls t_IDENTIFIER:
and that regular expression never matches anything with a space character. (That regular expression has various problems; the characters *, (, ), | and + inside the second character class are treated as ordinary characters. See below for a correct regex.)
You could certainly match in out as a token in a manner similar to that suggested in your original question, prior to the edit. However,
t_KEYINOUT = r'in\sout'
will not work, because Ply does not use the common "maximum munch" algorithm for deciding which regular expression pattern to accept. Instead, it simply orders all of the patterns and picks the first one which matches, where the order consists of all of the tokenizing functions (in the order in which they are defined), followed by the token variables sorted in reverse order of regex length. Since t_IDENTIFIER is a function, it will be tried before the variable t_KEYINOUT. To ensure that t_KEYINOUT is tried first, it must be made into a function and placed before t_IDENTIFIER.
However, that is still not exactly what you want, since it will tokenize
in outwards
LexToken(KEYINOUT,'in out',1,0)
rather than
To get the correct analysis, you need to ensure that in out only matches if out is a complete word; in other words, if there is a word boundary at the end of the match. So one solution is:
reserved = {'in': 'KEYIN', 'out': 'KEYOUT'}
def t_KEYINOUT(t):
return t
def t_IDENTIFIER(t):
t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'IDENTIFIER') # Check for reserved words
return t
However, it is almost certainly not necessary for the lexer recognize in out as a single token. Since both in and out are keywords, it is easy to leave it to the parser to notice when they are used together as an in out designator:
I'm trying to write a function parse such that, for example,
assert parse("file://foo:bar.txt:r+") == ("foo:bar.txt", "r+")
The string consists of a fixed prefix file://, followed by a file name (which can consist of one or more of any character), followed by a colon and a string representing access flags.
Here is one implementation using regular expressions:
import re
def parse(string):
SCHEME = r"file://" # File prefix
PATH_PATTERN = r"(?P<path>.+)" # One or more of any character
FLAGS_PATTERN = r"(?P<flags>[rwab+0-9]+)" # The letters r, w, a, b, a '+' symbol, or any digit
FILE_RESOURCE_PATTERN = SCHEME + PATH_PATTERN + r":" + FLAGS_PATTERN + r"$" # The full pattern including the end of line character
tokens = re.match(FILE_RESOURCE_PATTERN, string).groupdict()
return tokens['path'], tokens['flags']
I would prefer to use PyParsing, however, because it typically gives more detailed error messages if the string doesn't match the expression (rather than re.match which simply returns None), and I would eventually like to make the flags optional.
Following Paul McGuire's answer in python regex in pyparsing, I made the following attempt:
from pyparsing import Word, alphas, nums, StringEnd, Regex, FollowedBy, Suppress, Literal
def parse(string):
scheme = Literal("file://")
path = Regex(".+")
flags = Word(alphas + nums + "+")
expression = Suppress(scheme) + (~(Suppress(":") + flags + StringEnd()) + path("path") + Suppress(":") + flags("flags") + StringEnd())
tokens = expression.parseString(string)
return tokens['path'], tokens['flags']
In the second part of the expression, I'm basically trying the negative lookahead (~suffix + path + suffix), where suffix is ":" + flags + StringEnd(). However, when trying to parse "file://foo:bar.txt:r+", I run into the following error:
pyparsing.ParseException: Expected ":" (at char 21), (line:1, col:22)
Since the string is 21 characters long, I interpret this as that the Regex has 'consumed' the entire string so that the suffix is no longer 'found'.
How can I fix the parse method using pyparsing?
Try this:
I was reading a lexical parsing document so that I can parse some arguments and I exactly followed the document to create a parser. This is the whole code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ply.lex as lex
args = ['[watashi]', '[anata]>500', '[kare]>400&&[kare]<800']
tokens = ('NUMBER', 'EXPRESSION', 'AND', 'LESS', 'MORE')
t_EXPRESSION = r'\[.*\]'
t_AND = r'&&'
t_LESS = r'<'
t_MORE = r'>'
t_ignore = '\t'
def t_NUMBER(t):
t.value = int(t.value)
return t
def t_newline(t):
t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value)
def t_error(t):
print 'Illegal character "%s"' % t.value[0]
lexer = lex.lex()
for i in args:
while True:
tok = lexer.token()
if not tok: break
print tok
print '#############'
I simply created a list of sample arguments and I got this output:
The first and second sample arguments are parsed correctly, but the third one is not. The third sample argument is EXPRESSION+LESS+NUMBER whereas it must be EXPRESSION+MORE+NUMBER+AND+EXPRESSION+LESS+NUMBER. So I thought there could be one of those problems:
ply.lex is only parsing one token: In the codes above, ply.lex cannot parse two seperate expressions and it returns the latest token as its type. "[kare]>400&&[kare]" is EXPRESSION because it ends with the latest EXPRESSION token which is second [kare] and 800 is NUMBER because it is the latest NUMBER token.
!!! OR !!!
There is a mistake in t_EXPRESSION variable: I defined this variable as "[.*]" to get all characters in those two brackets ([]). The first token of third sample argument is "[kare]>400&&[kare]" since it simply starts and ends with those brackets and contains .* (every single character) in them, but I thought the interpreter would stop in the first (]) character due to being first.
So I could not find a way to solve but asked here.
in general this is what I am struggling with
while True:
tok = lexer.token()
if not tok: break
print tok
I get
but I expected something more like
I think I see your problem
t_EXPRESSION = r'\[.*\]'
is greedy and will match the biggest match it can ie '[kare]>400&&[kare]'
instead try
t_EXPRESSION = r'\[[^\]]*\]'
this will match only one set since it looks for not open bracket([^\]]) instead of anything(.)
you can also use not greedy matching
t_EXPRESSION = r'\[.*?\]'
the ? makes it match as few characters as possible rather than the maximum
I'm trying to parse words which can be broken up over multiple lines with a backslash-newline combination ("\\n") using pyparsing. Here's what I have done:
from pyparsing import *
continued_ending = Literal('\\') + lineEnd
word = Word(alphas)
split_word = word + Suppress(continued_ending)
multi_line_word = Forward()
multi_line_word << (word | (split_word + multi_line_word))
print multi_line_word.parseString(
The output I get is ['super'], while the expected output is ['super', 'cali', fragi', 'listic']. Better still would be all of them joined as one word (which I think I can just do with multi_line_word.parseAction(lambda t: ''.join(t)).
I tried looking at this code in pyparsing helper, but it gives me an error, maximum recursion depth exceeded.
EDIT 2009-11-15: I realized later that pyparsing gets a little generous with regards to white space, and that leads to some poor assumptions that what I thought I was parsing for was a lot looser. That is to say, we want to see no white space between any of the portions of the word, the escape, and the EOL character.
I realized that the little example string above is insufficient as a test case, so I wrote the following unit tests. Code that passes these tests should be able to match what I intuitively think of as a escape-split word—and only an escape-split word. They will not match a basic word that is not escape-split. We can—and I believe should—use a different grammatical construct for that. This keeps it all tidy having the two separate.
import unittest
import pyparsing
# Assumes you named your module ''
import multiline
class MultiLineTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_continued_ending(self):
case = '\\\n'
expected = ['\\', '\n']
result = multiline.continued_ending.parseString(case).asList()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_continued_ending_space_between_parse_error(self):
case = '\\ \n'
def test_split_word(self):
cases = ('shiny\\', 'shiny\\\n', ' shiny\\')
expected = ['shiny']
for case in cases:
result = multiline.split_word.parseString(case).asList()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_split_word_no_escape_parse_error(self):
case = 'shiny'
def test_split_word_space_parse_error(self):
cases = ('shiny \\', 'shiny\r\\', 'shiny\t\\', 'shiny\\ ')
for case in cases:
def test_multi_line_word(self):
cases = (
' shi\\\nny\\',
'shi\\\nny '
'shi\\\nny captain'
expected = ['shiny']
for case in cases:
result = multiline.multi_line_word.parseString(case).asList()
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_multi_line_word_spaces_parse_error(self):
cases = (
'shi \\\nny',
'shi\\ \nny',
'sh\\\n iny',
for case in cases:
if __name__ == '__main__':
After poking around for a bit more, I came upon this help thread where there was this notable bit
I often see inefficient grammars when
someone implements a pyparsing grammar
directly from a BNF definition. BNF
does not have a concept of "one or
more" or "zero or more" or
With that, I got the idea to change these two lines
multi_line_word = Forward()
multi_line_word << (word | (split_word + multi_line_word))
multi_line_word = ZeroOrMore(split_word) + word
This got it to output what I was looking for: ['super', 'cali', fragi', 'listic'].
Next, I added a parse action that would join these tokens together:
multi_line_word.setParseAction(lambda t: ''.join(t))
This gives a final output of ['supercalifragilistic'].
The take home message I learned is that one doesn't simply walk into Mordor.
Just kidding.
The take home message is that one can't simply implement a one-to-one translation of BNF with pyparsing. Some tricks with using the iterative types should be called into use.
EDIT 2009-11-25: To compensate for the more strenuous test cases, I modified the code to the following:
no_space = NotAny(White(' \t\r'))
# make sure that the EOL immediately follows the escape backslash
continued_ending = Literal('\\') + no_space + lineEnd
word = Word(alphas)
# make sure that the escape backslash immediately follows the word
split_word = word + NotAny(White()) + Suppress(continued_ending)
multi_line_word = OneOrMore(split_word + NotAny(White())) + Optional(word)
multi_line_word.setParseAction(lambda t: ''.join(t))
This has the benefit of making sure that no space comes between any of the elements (with the exception of newlines after the escaping backslashes).
You are pretty close with your code. Any of these mods would work:
# '|' means MatchFirst, so you had a left-recursive expression
# reversing the order of the alternatives makes this work
multi_line_word << ((split_word + multi_line_word) | word)
# '^' means Or/MatchLongest, but beware using this inside a Forward
multi_line_word << (word ^ (split_word + multi_line_word))
# an unusual use of delimitedList, but it works
multi_line_word = delimitedList(word, continued_ending)
# in place of your parse action, you can wrap in a Combine
multi_line_word = Combine(delimitedList(word, continued_ending))
As you found in your pyparsing googling, BNF->pyparsing translations should be done with a special view to using pyparsing features in place of BNF, um, shortcomings. I was actually in the middle of composing a longer answer, going into more of the BNF translation issues, but you have already found this material (on the wiki, I assume).