I want to convert a column in dataset of hh:mm format to minutes. I tried the following code but it says " AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'split' ". The data is in following format. I also have nan values in the dataset and the plan is to compute the median of values and then fill the rows which has nan with the median
I have tried this so far
s = dataset['Enroute_time_(hh mm)']
hours, minutes = s.split(':')
int(hours) * 60 + int(minutes)
I suggest you avoid row-wise calculations. You can use a vectorised approach with Pandas / NumPy:
df = pd.DataFrame({'time': ['02:32', '02:14', '02:31', '02:15', '02:28', '02:15',
'02:22', '02:16', '02:22', '02:14', np.nan]})
values = df['time'].fillna('00:00').str.split(':', expand=True).astype(int)
factors = np.array([60, 1])
df['mins'] = (values * factors).sum(1)
time mins
0 02:32 152
1 02:14 134
2 02:31 151
3 02:15 135
4 02:28 148
5 02:15 135
6 02:22 142
7 02:16 136
8 02:22 142
9 02:14 134
10 NaN 0
If you want to use split you will need to use the str accessor, ie s.str.split(':').
However I think that in this case it makes more sense to use apply:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Enroute_time_(hh mm)': ['02:32', '02:14', '02:31',
'02:15', '02:28', '02:15',
'02:22', '02:16', '02:22', '02:14']})
def convert_to_minutes(value):
hours, minutes = value.split(':')
return int(hours) * 60 + int(minutes)
df['Enroute_time_(hh mm)'] = df['Enroute_time_(hh mm)'].apply(convert_to_minutes)
# Enroute_time_(hh mm)
# 0 152
# 1 134
# 2 151
# 3 135
# 4 148
# 5 135
# 6 142
# 7 136
# 8 142
# 9 134
I understood that you have a column in a DataFrame with multiple Timedeltas as Strings. Then you want to extract the total minutes of the Deltas. After that you want to fill the NaN values with the median of the total minutes.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
{'hhmm' : ['02:32',
Your Timedeltas are not Timedeltas. They are strings. So you need to convert them first.
df.hhmm = pd.to_datetime(df.hhmm, format='%H:%M')
df.hhmm = pd.to_timedelta(df.hhmm - pd.datetime(1900, 1, 1))
This gives you the following values (Note the dtype: timedelta64[ns] here)
0 02:32:00
1 02:14:00
2 02:31:00
3 02:15:00
4 02:28:00
5 02:15:00
6 02:22:00
7 02:16:00
8 02:22:00
9 02:14:00
Name: hhmm, dtype: timedelta64[ns]
Now that you have true timedeltas, you can use some cool functions like total_seconds() and then calculate the minutes.
df.hhmm.dt.total_seconds() / 60
If that is not what you wanted, you can also use the following.
This gives you the minutes from the HH:MM string as if you would have split it.
Fill the na-values.
df.hhmm.fillna((df.hhmm.dt.total_seconds() / 60).mean())
I want to convert all rows of my DataFrame that contains hours and minutes into minutes only.
I have a dataframe that looks like this:
0 8h30
1 14h07
2 08h30
3 7h50
4 8h0
5 8h15
6 6h15
I'm using the following method to convert:
df['time'] = pd.eval(
df['time'].replace(['h'], ['*60+'], regex=True))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I think the error comes from the format of the hour, maybe pd.evalcant accept 08h30 or 8h0, how to solve this probleme ?
Pandas can already handle such strings if the units are included in the string. While 14h07 can't be parse (why assume 07 is minutes?), 14h07 can be converted to a Timedelta :
>>> pd.to_timedelta("14h07m")
Timedelta('0 days 14:07:00')
Given this dataframe :
d1 = pd.DataFrame(['8h30m', '14h07m', '08h30m', '8h0m'],
You can convert the time series into a Timedelta series with pd.to_timedelta :
>>> d1['tm'] = pd.to_timedelta(d1['time'])
>>> d1
time tm
0 8h30m 0 days 08:30:00
1 14h07m 0 days 14:07:00
2 08h30m 0 days 08:30:00
3 8h0m 0 days 08:00:00
To handle the missing minutes unit in the original data, just append m:
d1['tm'] = pd.to_timedelta(d1['time'] + 'm')
Once you have a Timedelta you can calculate hours and minutes.
The components of the values can be retrieved with Timedelta.components
>>> d1.tm.dt.components.hours
0 8
1 14
2 8
3 8
Name: hours, dtype: int64
To get the total minutes, seconds or hours, change the frequency to minutes:
>>> d1.tm.astype('timedelta64[m]')
0 510.0
1 847.0
2 510.0
3 480.0
Name: tm, dtype: float64
Bringing all the operations together :
>>> d1['tm'] = pd.to_timedelta(d1['time'])
>>> d2 = (d1.assign(h=d1.tm.dt.components.hours,
... m=d1.tm.dt.components.minutes,
... total_minutes=d1.tm.astype('timedelta64[m]')))
>>> d2
time tm h m total_minutes
0 8h30m 0 days 08:30:00 8 30 510.0
1 14h07m 0 days 14:07:00 14 7 847.0
2 08h30m 0 days 08:30:00 8 30 510.0
3 8h0m 0 days 08:00:00 8 0 480.0
To avoid having to trim leading zeros, an alternative approach:
df[['h', 'm']] = df['time'].str.split('h', expand=True).astype(int)
df['total_min'] = df['h']*60 + df['m']
time h m total_min
0 8h30 8 30 510
1 14h07 14 7 847
2 08h30 8 30 510
3 7h50 7 50 470
4 8h0 8 0 480
5 8h15 8 15 495
6 6h15 6 15 375
Just to give an alternative approach with kind of the same elements as above you could do:
df = pd.DataFrame(data=["8h30", "14h07", "08h30", "7h50", "8h0 ", "8h15", "6h15"],
First split you column on the "h"
hm = df["time"].str.split("h", expand=True)
Then combine the columns again, but zeropad time hours and minutes in order to make valid time strings:
df2 = hm[0].str.strip().str.zfill(2) + hm[1].str.strip().str.zfill(2)
Then convert the string column with proper values to a date time column:
df3 = pd.to_datetime(df2, format="%H%M")
Finally, calculate the number of minutes by subtrackting a zero time (to make deltatimes) and divide by the minutes deltatime:
zerotime= pd.to_datetime("0000", format="%H%M")
df['minutes'] = (df3 - zerotime) / pd.Timedelta(minutes=1)
The results look like:
time minutes
0 8h30 510.0
1 14h07 847.0
2 08h30 510.0
3 7h50 470.0
4 8h0 480.0
5 8h15 495.0
6 6h15 375.0
I have a column of Call Duration formatted as mm.ss and I would like to convert it to all seconds.
It looks like this:
25 29.02
183 5.40
213 3.02
290 10.27
304 2.00
4649990 13.02
4650067 5.33
4650192 19.47
4650197 3.44
4650204 14.15
In excel I would separate the column at the ".", multiply the minutes column by 60 and then add it to the seconds column for my total seconds. I feel like this should be much easier with pandas/python, but I cannot figure it out.
I tried using pd.to_timedelta but that did not give me what I need - I can't figure out how to put in there how the time is formatted. When I put in 'm' it does not return correctly with seconds being after the "."
25 0 days 00:29:01.200000
183 0 days 00:05:24
213 0 days 00:03:01.200000
290 0 days 00:10:16.200000
304 0 days 00:02:00
4649990 0 days 00:13:01.200000
4650067 0 days 00:05:19.800000
4650192 0 days 00:19:28.200000
4650197 0 days 00:03:26.400000
4650204 0 days 00:14:09
Name: CallDuration, Length: 52394, dtype: timedelta64[ns]
Tried doing it this way, but now can't get the 'sec' column to convert to an integer because there are blanks, and it won't fill the blanks...
post_duration = post_group['CallDuration'].str.split(".",expand=True)
post_duration.columns = ["min","sec"]
post_duration['min'] = post_duration['min'].astype(int)
post_duration['min'] = 60*post_duration['min']
post_duration.loc['Total', 'min'] = post_duration['min'].sum()
min sec
25 1740.0 02
183 300.0 4
213 180.0 02
290 600.0 27
304 120.0 None
... ... ...
4650067 300.0 33
4650192 1140.0 47
4650197 180.0 44
4650204 840.0 15
Total 24902700.0 NaN
post_duration2 = post_group['CallDuration'].str.split(".",expand=True)
post_duration2.columns = ["min","sec"]
post_duration2.loc['Total', 'sec'] = post_duration2['sec'].sum()
TypeError: object cannot be converted to an IntegerDtype
Perhaps there's a more efficient way, but I would still convert to a timedelta format then use apply with the Timedelta.total_seconds() method to get the column in seconds.
import pandas as pd
pd.to_timedelta(post_group['CallDuration'], 'm').apply(pd.Timedelta.total_seconds)
You can find more info on attributes and methods you can call on timedeltas here
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
def convert_to_seconds(col_data):
col_data = pd.to_datetime(col_data, format="%M:%S")
# The above line adds the 1900-01-01 as a date to the time, so using subtraction to remove it
col_data = col_data - datetime.datetime(1900,1,1)
return col_data.dt.total_seconds()
df = pd.DataFrame({'CallDuration':['2:02',
df['CallDuration'] = convert_to_seconds(df['CallDuration'])
Here's the result:
0 122.0
1 350.0
2 NaN
3 182.0
You can also use the above code to convert string HH:MM to total seconds in float but only if the number of hours are less than 24.
And if you want to convert multiple columns in your dataframe replace
df['CallDuration'] = convert_to_seconds(df['CallDuration'])
new_df = df.apply(lambda col: convert_to_seconds(col) if col.name in colnames_list else col)
I have a column with hh:mm:ss and a separate column with the decimal seconds.
I have quite a horrible text files to process and the decimal value of my time is separated into another column. Now I'd like to concatenate them back in.
For example:
df = {'Time':['01:00:00','01:00:00 AM','01:00:01 AM','01:00:01 AM'],
I tried the following but it didn't work. It gives me "01:00:00 AM.14" LOL
df = df['Time2'] = df['Time'].map(str) + '.' + df['DecimalSecond'].map(str)
The goal is to come up with one column named "Time2" which has the first row 01:00:00.14 AM, second row AM, etc)
Thank you for the help.
You can convert ouput to datetimes and then call Series.dt.time:
#Time column is splitted by space and extracted values before first space
s = df['Time'].astype(str).str.split().str[0] + '.' + df['DecimalSecond'].astype(str)
df['Time2'] = pd.to_datetime(s).dt.time
print (df)
Time DecimalSecond Time2
0 01:00:00 14 01:00:00.140000
1 01:00:00 AM 178 01:00:00.178000
2 01:00:01 AM 158 01:00:01.158000
3 01:00:01 AM 75 01:00:01.750000
Please see the python code below
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
In [2]:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Time':['01:00:00','01:00:00','01:00:01','01:00:01'],
In [3]:
df['Time2'] = df[['Time','DecimalSecond']].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x), axis = 1)
Time DecimalSecond Time2
0 01:00:00 14 01:00:00 14
1 01:00:00 178 01:00:00 178
2 01:00:01 158 01:00:01 158
3 01:00:01 75 01:00:01 75
In [4]:
0 01:00:00 14
1 01:00:00 178
2 01:00:01 158
3 01:00:01 75
Name: Time2, dtype: object
I'm creating a pandas DataFrame with random dates and random integers values and I want to resample it by month and compute the average value of integers. This can be done with the following code:
def random_dates(start='2018-01-01', end='2019-01-01', n=300):
start_u = start.value//10**9
end_u = end.value//10**9
return pd.to_datetime(np.random.randint(start_u, end_u, n), unit='s')
start = pd.to_datetime('2018-01-01')
end = pd.to_datetime('2019-01-01')
dates = random_dates(start, end)
ints = np.random.randint(100, size=300)
df = pd.DataFrame({'Month': dates, 'Integers': ints})
print(df.resample('M', on='Month').mean())
The thing is that the resampled months always starts from day one and I want all months to start from day 15. I'm using pandas 1.1.4 and I've tried using origin='15/01/2018' or offset='15' and none of them works with 'M' resample rule (they do work when I use 30D but it is of no use). I've also tried to use '2SM'but it also doesn't work.
So my question is if is there a way of changing the resample rule or I will have to add an offset in my data?
Assume that the source DataFrame is:
Month Amount
0 2020-05-05 1
1 2020-05-14 1
2 2020-05-15 10
3 2020-05-20 10
4 2020-05-30 10
5 2020-06-15 20
6 2020-06-20 20
To compute your "shifted" resample, first shift Month column so that
the 15-th day of month becomes the 1-st:
df.Month = df.Month - pd.Timedelta('14D')
and then resample:
res = df.resample('M', on='Month').mean()
The result is:
2020-04-30 1
2020-05-31 10
2020-06-30 20
If you want, change dates in the index to month periods:
res.index = res.index.to_period('M')
Then the result will be:
2020-04 1
2020-05 10
2020-06 20
Edit: Not a working solution for OP's request. See short discussion in the comments.
Interesting problem. I suggest to resample using 'SMS' - semi-month start frequency (1st and 15th). Instead of keeping just the mean values, keep the count and sum values and recalculate the weighted mean for each monthly period by its two sub-period (for example: 15/1 to 15/2 is composed of 15/1-31/1 and 1/2-15/2).
The advantages here is that unlike with an (improper use of an) offset, we are certain we always start on the 15th of the month till the 14th of the next month.
df_sm = df.resample('SMS', on='Month').aggregate(['sum', 'count'])
sum count
2018-01-01 876 16
2018-01-15 864 16
2018-02-01 412 10
2018-02-15 626 12
2018-12-01 492 10
2018-12-15 638 16
Rolling sum and rolling count; Find the mean out of them:
df_sm['sum_rolling'] = df_sm['Integers']['sum'].rolling(2).sum()
df_sm['count_rolling'] = df_sm['Integers']['count'].rolling(2).sum()
df_sm['mean'] = df_sm['sum_rolling'] / df_sm['count_rolling']
Integers count_sum count_rolling mean
sum count
2018-01-01 876 16 NaN NaN NaN
2018-01-15 864 16 1740.0 32.0 54.375000
2018-02-01 412 10 1276.0 26.0 49.076923
2018-02-15 626 12 1038.0 22.0 47.181818
2018-12-01 492 10 1556.0 27.0 57.629630
2018-12-15 638 16 1130.0 26.0 43.461538
Now, just filter the odd indices of df_sm:
2018-01-15 54.375000
2018-02-15 47.181818
2018-03-15 51.000000
2018-04-15 44.897436
2018-05-15 52.450000
2018-06-15 33.722222
2018-07-15 41.277778
2018-08-15 46.391304
2018-09-15 45.631579
2018-10-15 54.107143
2018-11-15 58.058824
2018-12-15 43.461538
Freq: 2SMS-15, Name: mean, dtype: float64
The code:
df_sm = df.resample('SMS', on='Month').aggregate(['sum', 'count'])
df_sm['sum_rolling'] = df_sm['Integers']['sum'].rolling(2).sum()
df_sm['count_rolling'] = df_sm['Integers']['count'].rolling(2).sum()
df_sm['mean'] = df_sm['sum_rolling'] / df_sm['count_rolling']
df_out = df_sm[1::2]['mean']
Edit: Changed a name of one of the columns to make it clearer
One query I often do in SQL within a relational database is to join a table back to itself and summarize each row based on records for the same id either backwards or forward in time.
For example, assume table1 as columns 'ID','Date', 'Var1'
In SQL I could sum var1 for the past 3 months for each record like this:
Select a.ID, a.Date, sum(b.Var1) as sum_var1
from table1 a
left outer join table1 b
on a.ID = b.ID
and months_between(a.date,b.date) <0
and months_between(a.date,b.date) > -3
Is there any way to do this in Pandas?
It seems you need GroupBy + rolling. Implementing the logic in precisely the same way it is written in SQL is likely to be expensive as it will involve repeated loops. Let's take an example dataframe:
Date ID Var1
0 2015-01-01 1 0
1 2015-02-01 1 1
2 2015-03-01 1 2
3 2015-04-01 1 3
4 2015-05-01 1 4
5 2015-01-01 2 5
6 2015-02-01 2 6
7 2015-03-01 2 7
8 2015-04-01 2 8
9 2015-05-01 2 9
You can add a column which, by group, looks back and sums a variable over a fixed period. First define a function utilizing pd.Series.rolling:
def lookbacker(x):
"""Sum over past 70 days"""
return x.rolling('70D').sum().astype(int)
Then apply it on a GroupBy object and extract values for assignment:
df['Lookback_Sum'] = df.set_index('Date').groupby('ID')['Var1'].apply(lookbacker).values
Date ID Var1 Lookback_Sum
0 2015-01-01 1 0 0
1 2015-02-01 1 1 1
2 2015-03-01 1 2 3
3 2015-04-01 1 3 6
4 2015-05-01 1 4 9
5 2015-01-01 2 5 5
6 2015-02-01 2 6 11
7 2015-03-01 2 7 18
8 2015-04-01 2 8 21
9 2015-05-01 2 9 24
It appears pd.Series.rolling does not work with months, e.g. using '2M' (2 months) instead of '70D' (70 days) gives ValueError: <2 * MonthEnds> is a non-fixed frequency. This makes sense since a "month" is ambiguous given months have different numbers of days.
Another point worth mentioning is you can use GroupBy + rolling directly and possibly more efficiently by bypassing apply, but this requires ensuring your index is monotic. For example, via sort_index:
df['Lookback_Sum'] = df.set_index('Date').sort_index()\
I don't think pandas.DataFrame.rolling() supports rolling-window aggregation by some number of months; currently, you must specify a fixed number of days, or other fixed-length time period.
But as #jpp mentioned, you can use python loops to perform rolling aggregation over a window size specified in calendar months, where the number of days in each window will vary, depending on what part of the calendar you're rolling over.
The following approach builds on this SO answer as well as #jpp's:
# Build some example data:
# 3 unique IDs, each with 365 samples, one sample per day throughout 2015
df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': pd.date_range('2015-01-01', '2015-12-31', freq='D'),
'Var1': list(range(365))})
df = pd.concat([df] * 3)
df['ID'] = [1]*365 + [2]*365 + [3]*365
Date Var1 ID
0 2015-01-01 0 1
1 2015-01-02 1 1
2 2015-01-03 2 1
3 2015-01-04 3 1
4 2015-01-05 4 1
# Define a lookback function that mimics rolling aggregation,
# but uses DateOffset() slicing, rather than a window of fixed size.
# Use .count() here as a sanity check; you will need .sum()
def lookbacker(ser):
return pd.Series([ser.loc[d - pd.offsets.DateOffset(months=3):d].count()
for d in ser.index])
# By default, groupby.agg output is sorted by key. So make sure to
# sort df by (ID, Date) before inserting the flattened groupby result
# into a new column
df.sort_values(['ID', 'Date'], inplace=True)
df.set_index('Date', inplace=True)
df['window_size'] = df.groupby('ID')['Var1'].apply(lookbacker).values
# Manually check the resulting window sizes
Var1 ID window_size
2015-01-01 0 1 1
2015-01-02 1 1 2
2015-01-03 2 1 3
2015-01-04 3 1 4
2015-01-05 4 1 5
Var1 ID window_size
2015-12-27 360 3 92
2015-12-28 361 3 92
2015-12-29 362 3 92
2015-12-30 363 3 92
2015-12-31 364 3 93
df[df.ID == 1].loc['2015-05-25':'2015-06-05']
Var1 ID window_size
2015-05-25 144 1 90
2015-05-26 145 1 90
2015-05-27 146 1 90
2015-05-28 147 1 90
2015-05-29 148 1 91
2015-05-30 149 1 92
2015-05-31 150 1 93
2015-06-01 151 1 93
2015-06-02 152 1 93
2015-06-03 153 1 93
2015-06-04 154 1 93
2015-06-05 155 1 93
The last column gives the lookback window size in days, looking back from that date, including both the start and end dates.
Looking "3 months" before 2016-05-31 would land you at 2015-02-31, but February has only 28 days in 2015. As you can see in the sequence 90, 91, 92, 93 in the above sanity check, This DateOffset approach maps the last four days in May to the last day in February:
pd.to_datetime('2015-05-31') - pd.offsets.DateOffset(months=3)
Timestamp('2015-02-28 00:00:00')
pd.to_datetime('2015-05-30') - pd.offsets.DateOffset(months=3)
Timestamp('2015-02-28 00:00:00')
pd.to_datetime('2015-05-29') - pd.offsets.DateOffset(months=3)
Timestamp('2015-02-28 00:00:00')
pd.to_datetime('2015-05-28') - pd.offsets.DateOffset(months=3)
Timestamp('2015-02-28 00:00:00')
I don't know if this matches SQL's behaviour, but in any case, you'll want to test this and decide if this makes sense in your case.
you could use lambda to achieve it.
table1['sum_var1'] = table1.apply(lambda row: findSum(row), axis=1)
and we should write an equivalent method for months_between
the complete example is
from datetime import datetime
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
def months_between(date1, date2):
if date1.day == date2.day:
return (date1.year - date2.year) * 12 + date1.month - date2.month
# if both are last days
if date1.month != (date1 + dt.timedelta(days=1)).month :
if date2.month != (date2 + dt.timedelta(days=1)).month :
return date1.month - date2.month
return (date1 - date2).days / 31
def findSum(cRow):
table1['month_diff'] = table1['Date'].apply(months_between, date2=cRow['Date'])
filtered_table = table1[(table1["month_diff"] < 0) & (table1["month_diff"] > -3) & (table1['ID'] == cRow['ID'])]
if filtered_table.empty:
return 0
return filtered_table['Var1'].sum()
table1 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['ID', 'Date', 'Var1'])
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [1, datetime.strptime('2015-01-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 0]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [1, datetime.strptime('2015-02-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 1]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [1, datetime.strptime('2015-03-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 2]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [1, datetime.strptime('2015-04-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 3]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [1, datetime.strptime('2015-05-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 4]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [2, datetime.strptime('2015-01-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 5]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [2, datetime.strptime('2015-02-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 6]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [2, datetime.strptime('2015-03-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 7]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [2, datetime.strptime('2015-04-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 8]
table1.loc[len(table1)] = [2, datetime.strptime('2015-05-01','%Y-%m-%d'), 9]
table1['sum_var1'] = table1.apply(lambda row: findSum(row), axis=1)
table1.drop(columns=['month_diff'], inplace=True)