Extremely slow calculations - python

I am trying to write an equation that does the following things:
1) Integrates an equation
2) Stores that equation for later use
3) Numerically integrate the first and evaluate the 2nd equation on 100 different intervals, increasing by a fixed amount each time
import math
from sympy import *
import kvalues
import time
import random
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The first task is very simple, I completed it like so:
def integration_gas(number,Fa_0,Fb_0,Fc_0,v_0,a,b,c,d,e):
Ca_0 = Fa_0/v_0
Cb_0 = Fb_0/v_0
Cc_0 = Fc_0/v_0
Ft_0 = Fb_0 + Fa_0 + Fc_0
theta1 = Cb_0/Ca_0
stoic1 = b/a
theta2 = Cc_0/Ca_0
stoic2 = c/a
stoic3 = d/a
stoic4 = e/a
Cd = stoic3*x
Ce = stoic4*x
sigma = e+d-c-b-1
epsilon = (Fa_0/Ft_0)*sigma
Ca_eq = Ca_0*((1-x)/(1+epsilon*x))
Cb_eq = Ca_0*((1*theta1-stoic1*x)/(1+epsilon*x))
Cc_eq = Ca_0*((1*theta2-stoic2*x)/(1+epsilon*x))
ra = 1*(Ca_eq**a)*(Cb_eq**b)*(Cc_eq**c)*final_k[number-1]
equation = Fa_0/ra
int1 = Integral(equation,x)
evaluate = int1.doit()
return equation
This part of the code works perfectly fine, so on to the 2nd part.
def Ra_gas(number,Fa_0,Fb_0,Fc_0,v_0,a,b,c,d,e):
Ca_0 = Fa_0/v_0
Cb_0 = Fb_0/v_0
Cc_0 = Fc_0/v_0
Ft_0 = Fb_0 + Fa_0 + Fc_0
theta1 = Cb_0/Ca_0
stoic1 = b/a
theta2 = Cc_0/Ca_0
stoic2 = c/a
sigma = e+d-c-b-1
epsilon = (Fa_0/Ft_0)*sigma
Ca_eq = Ca_0*((1-x)/(1+epsilon*x))
Cb_eq = Ca_0*((1*theta1-stoic1*x)/(1+epsilon*x))
Cc_eq = Ca_0*((1*theta2-stoic2*x)/(1+epsilon*x))
ra = 1*(Ca_eq**a)*(Cb_eq**b)*(Cc_eq**c)*final_k[number-1]
return ra
This part of the code also works perfectly fine. So for the last part I have the following code:
Number = 4
FA0 = 10
FB0 = 25
FC0 = 5
V0 = 2
A = 1
B = 2
C = 0.5
D = 1
E = 1
Ra = []
volume = []
Xff = []
eq1 = integration_gas(Number,FA0,FB0,FC0,V0,A,B,C,D,E)
Ra1 = Ra_gas(Number,FA0,FB0,FC0,V0,A,B,C,D,E)
Xf = 0.01
# Calculates the reaction rate and volume for every interval of conversion
while Xf <=1:
int2 = Integral(eq1,(x,0,Xf))
f = lambdify(x,Ra1,"math")
Xf += 0.01
I then take the results and plot them. Everything i've written works perfectly fine for some situations and is completed in around 10~15 seconds. However, in situations like this one in particular, i've been running this code for 5+ hours with no solutions. How can I optimize this code?

Take a look at sympy, it can symbolically integrate your original equation and you then can evaluate it via numpy. For "real" maths Python is a bit slow, the scipy Stack (numpy, matplotlib, sympy...) is WAY faster.
Though 5+ hours is a bit long, are you sure that it actually executes?
EDIT: A simple thing to try
Sorry, Just now noticed you're lambdifying, you might want to include your imports so people see what you're using.
At the beginning:
import numpy as np
Let's go through this piece of your Code:
Xf = 0.01
while Xf <=1:
int2 = Integral(eq1,(x,0,Xf))
f = lambdify(x,Ra1,"math") #you're lambdifying each iteration that takes time
f(Xf) # no assignment here, unless you're doing something in place this line does nothing
Xf += 0.01
With something along the lines of this:
Xf = np.arange(0.01, 1.01, 0.01) #vector with values from 0.01 to 1 in steps of 0.01
f = np.vectorize(lambdify(x,Ra1,"math")) # you anonymous function but able to take np vectors/np arrays
Ra = f(Xf)
#Xff would be Xf


solve_ivp discards imaginary part of complex solution

I am computing a solution to the free basis expansion of the dirac equation for electron-positron pairproduction. For this i need to solve a system of equations that looks like this:
Equation for pairproduction, from Mocken at al.
EDIT: This has been solved by passing y0 as complex type into the solver. As is stated in this issue: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/8453 I would definitely consider this a bug but it seems like it has gone under the rock for at least 4 years
for this i am using SciPy's solve_ivp integrator in the following way:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import scipy.constants as constants
px, py = 0 , 0
#physics constants
e = constants.e
m = constants.m_e # electronmass
c = constants.c
hbar = constants.hbar
#relativistic energy
E = np.sqrt(m**2 *c**4 + (px**2+py**2) * c**2) # E_p
#adiabatic parameter
xi = 1
#Parameter of the system
w = 0.840 #frequency in 1/m_e
N = 8 # amount of amplitudes in window
T = 2* np.pi/w
#unit system
c = 1
hbar = 1
m = 1
#strength of electric field
E_0 = xi*m*c*w/e
A = lambda t,F: -E_0/w *np.sin(t)*F
def linearFenster2(t):
conditions = [t <=0, (t/w>=0) and (t/w <= T/2), (t/w >= T/2) and (t/w<=T*(N+1/2)), (t/w>=T*(N+1/2)) and (t/w<=T*(N+1)), t/w>=T*(N+1)]
funcs = [lambda t: 0, lambda t: 1/np.pi *t, lambda t: 1, lambda t: 1-w/np.pi * (t/w-T*(N+1/2)), lambda t: 0]
return np.piecewise(t,conditions,funcs)
#Coefficient functions
nu = lambda t: -1j/hbar *e*A(w*t,linearFenster2(w*t)) *np.exp(2*1j/hbar * E*t) *(px*py*c**2 /(E*(E+m*c**2)) + 1j*(1- c**2 *py**2/(E*(E+m*c**2))))
kappa = lambda t: 1j*e*A(t,linearFenster2(w*t))* c*py/(E * hbar)
#System to solve
def System(t, y, nu, kappa):
df = kappa(t) *y[0] + nu(t) * y[1]
dg = -np.conjugate(nu(t)) * y[0] + np.conjugate(kappa(t))*y[1]
return np.array([df,dg], dtype=np.cdouble)
def solver(tmin, tmax,teval=None,f0=0,g0=1):
'''solves the system.
#tmin: starttime
#tmax: endtime
#f0: starting percentage of already present electrons of positive energy usually 0
#g0: starting percentage of already present electrons of negative energy, usually 1, therefore full vaccuum
tspan = np.array([tmin, tmax])
koeff = np.array([nu,kappa])
sol = solve_ivp(System,tspan,y0,t_eval= teval,args=koeff)
return sol
#Plotting of windowfunction
amount = 10**2
t = np.arange(0, T*(N+1), 1/amount)
vlinearFenster2 = np.array([linearFenster2(w*a) for a in t ], dtype = float)
fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=[24,8])
ax3.plot(t,E_0/w * vlinearFenster2)
ax3.plot(t,-E_0 /w * vlinearFenster2)
ax3.set_xlabel("t in s")
ax3.grid(which = 'both')
sol = solver(0, 70,teval = t)
ts= sol.t
fsquared = 2* np.absolute(f)**2
The plot for the window function looks like this (and is correct)
window function
however the plot for the solution looks like this:
Plot of pairproduction probability
This is not correct based on the papers graphs (and further testing using mathematica instead).
When running the line 'sol = solver(..)' it says:
\numpy\core\_asarray.py:102: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)
I simply do not know why solve_ivp discard the imaginary part. Its absolutely necessary.
Can someone enlighten me who knows more or sees the mistake?
According to the documentation, the y0 passed to solve_ivp must be of type complex in order for the integration to be over the complex domain. A robust way of ensuring this is to add the following to your code:
def solver(tmin, tmax,teval=None,f0=0,g0=1):
'''solves the system.
#tmin: starttime
#tmax: endtime
#f0: starting percentage of already present electrons of positive energy usually 0
#g0: starting percentage of already present electrons of negative energy, usually 1, therefore full vaccuum
f0 = complex(f0) # <-- added
g0 = complex(g0) # <-- added
tspan = np.array([tmin, tmax])
koeff = np.array([nu,kappa])
sol = solve_ivp(System,tspan,y0,t_eval= teval,args=koeff)
return sol
I tried the above, and it indeed made the warning disappear. However, the result of the integration seems to be the same regardless.

Is there a way to speed up odeint in python

currently I am trying to think about how to speedup odeint for a simulation I am running. Actually its only a primitive second order ode with a friction term and a discontinuous force. The model I am using to describe the dynamics is defined in a seperate function. Trying to solve the ode results in an error or extremely high computation times (talking about days).
Here is my code mostly hardcoded:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def create_ref(tspan):
if tspan>2 and tspan<8:
output = np.sin(tspan)
elif tspan>=20:
output = np.sin(tspan*10)
output = 0.5
return output
def model(state,t):
def Fs(x):
pT = 0
pB = 150
p0 = 200
pA = 50
kein = 0.25
kaus = 0.25
if x<0:
pA = pT
Fsres = -kaus*x*pA-kein*x*(p0-pB)
pB = pT
Fsres = -kaus*x*pB-kein*x*(p0-pA)
return Fsres
x,dx = state
refnow = np.interp(t,xref.index.values,xref.values.squeeze())
refprev = np.interp(t-dt,xref.index.values,xref.values.squeeze())
drefnow = (refnow-refprev)/dt
x_meas = x
dx_meas = dx
errnow = refnow-x_meas
errprev = refprev-(x_meas-dx_meas*dt)
intrefnow = dt*(errnow-errprev)
kp = 10
kd = 0.1
ki = 100
sigma = kp*(refnow-x_meas)+kd*(drefnow-dx_meas)+ki*intrefnow
tr0 = 5
FricRed = (1.5-0.5*np.tanh(0.1*(t-tr0)))
kpu = 300
fr = 0.1
m = 0.01
d = 0.01
k = 10
u = float(kpu*np.sqrt(np.abs(sigma))*np.sign(sigma))
ddx = 1/m*(Fs(x)+FricRed*fr*np.sign(dx)-d*dx-k*x + u )
return [dx,ddx]
dt = 1e-3
tspan = np.arange(start=0, stop=50, step=dt)
steplim = tspan[-1]*0.1
reffunc = np.vectorize(create_ref)
xrefvals = reffunc(tspan)
xref = pd.DataFrame(data=xrefvals,index=tspan,columns=['xref'])
x0 = [-0.5,0]
simresult = odeint(model, x0, tspan)
I change the code according to Pranav Hosangadi s comments. Thanks for the hints. I didn't know that and learned something new and didn't expect dictionaries to have such a high impact on computation time. But now its much faster.

Having problems with scipy.integrate.solve_ivp

I am trying to use scipy.integrate.solve_ivp to calculate the solutions to newton's gravitation equation for my n body simulation, however I am confused how the function is passed into solve_ivp. I have the following code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib as mpl
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
G = 6.67408e-11
m_sun = 1988500e24
m_jupiter = 1898.13e24
m_earth = 5.97219e24
au = 149597870.700e3
v_factor = 1731460
year = 31557600.e0
init_s = np.array([-6.534087946884256E-03*au, 6.100454846284101E-03*au, 1.019968145073305E-04*au, -6.938967653087248E-06*v_factor, -5.599052606952444E-06*v_factor, 2.173251724105919E-07*v_factor])
init_j = np.array([2.932487231769548E+00*au, -4.163444383137574E+00*au, -4.833604407653648E-02*au, 6.076788230491844E-03*v_factor, 4.702729516645153E-03*v_factor, -1.554436340872727E-04*v_factor])
variables_s = init_s
variables_j = init_j
N = 2
tStart = 0e0
t_End = 25*year
Nt = 2000
dt = t_End/Nt
temp_end = dt
domain = (t, temp_end)
planetsinit = np.vstack((init_s, init_j))
planetspos = planetsinit[:,0:3]
mass = np.vstack((1988500e24, 1898.13e24))
def weird_division(n, d):
return n / d if d else 0
variables_save = np.zeros((N,6,Nt))
variables_save[:,:,0] = planetsinit
pos_s = planetspos[0]
pos_j = planetspos[1]
while t < t_End:
t_index = int(weird_division(t, dt))
for index in range(len(planetspos)):
for otherindex in range(len(planetspos)):
if index != otherindex:
x1_p1, x2_p1, x3_p1 = planetsinit[index, 0:3]
x1_p2, x2_p2, x3_p2 = planetsinit[otherindex, 0:3]
m = mass[otherindex]
def f_grav(t, y):
x1_p1, x2_p1, x3_p1, v1_p1, v2_p1, v3_p1 = y
x1_diff = x1_p1 - x1_p2
x2_diff = x2_p1 - x2_p2
x3_diff = x3_p1 - x3_p2
dydt = [v1_p1,
return dydt
solution = solve_ivp(fun=f_grav, t_span=domain, y0=planetsinit[index])
planetsinit[index] = solution['y'][0:6, -1]
variables_save[index,:,t_index] = solution['y'][0:6, -1]
planetspos[index] = planetsinit[index][0:3]
t += dt
temp_end += dt
domain = (t,temp_end)
pos_s = variables_save[0,0:3,:]
pos_j = variables_save[1,0:3,:]
plt.plot(variables_save[0,0:3,:][0], variables_save[0,0:3,:][1])
plt.plot(variables_save[1,0:3,:][0], variables_save[1,0:3,:][1])
The code above works very nicely and produces a stable orbit. However when I calculate the acceleration outside the function and feed that through into the f_grav function, something goes wrong and produces an orbit which is no longer stable. However I am perplexed as I don't know why the data is different as to be it seems like that I have passed through the exactly same inputs. Which leads me to think that maybe its the way the the function f_grav is interpolated by the solve_ivp integrator? To calculate the acceleration outside all I do is change the following code in the loop to:
x1_p1, x2_p1, x3_p1 = planetsinit[index, 0:3]
x1_p2, x2_p2, x3_p2 = planetsinit[otherindex, 0:3]
m = mass[otherindex]
x1_diff = x1_p1 - x1_p2
x2_diff = x2_p1 - x2_p2
x3_diff = x3_p1 - x3_p2
ax = -(x1_diff)*G*m/((x1_diff)**2+(x2_diff)**2+(x3_diff)**2)**(3/2)
ay = -(x2_diff)*G*m/((x1_diff)**2+(x2_diff)**2+(x3_diff)**2)**(3/2)
az = -(x3_diff)*G*m/((x1_diff)**2+(x2_diff)**2+(x3_diff)**2)**(3/2)
def f_grav(t, y):
x1_p1, x2_p1, x3_p1, v1_p1, v2_p1, v3_p1 = y
dydt = [v1_p1,
return dydt
solution = solve_ivp(fun=f_grav, t_span=domain, y0=planetsinit[index])
planetsinit[index] = solution['y'][0:6, -1]
variables_save[index,:,t_index] = solution['y'][0:6, -1]
planetspos[index] = planetsinit[index][0:3]
As I said I don't know why different orbits are produces which are shown below and any hints as to why or how to solve it would me much appreciated. To clarify why I can't use the working code as it is, as when more bodies are involved I aim to sum the accelerations contribution of all the other planets which isn't possible this way where the acceleration is calculated in the function itself.
Sorry for the large coding chunks but I did feel it was appropriate as then it could be run and the problem itself is clearer.
Both have the same time period, dt, however the orbit on the left is stable and the one on the right is not

Is it possible to loop to a certain value and carry on further calculations with this value?

I am new here and new in programming, so excuse me if the question is not formulated clearly enough.
For a uni assignment, my labpartner and I are programming a predator-prey system.
In this predator-prey system, there is a certain load factor 'W0'.
We want to find a load factor W0, accurate to 5 significant digits, for which applies that there will never be less than 250 predators (wnum[1] in our code). We want to find this value of W0 and we need the code to carry on further calculations with this found value of W0. Here is what we've tried so far, but python does not seem to give any response:
# Import important stuff and settings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
print ('Results of Group 4')
def W0():
W0 = 2.0
while any(wnum[1])<250:
W0 = W0-0.0001
return W0
def W(t):
if 0 <= t < 3/12:
Wt = 0
elif 3/12 <= t <= 8/12:
Wt = W0
elif 8/12 < t < 1:
Wt = 0
Wt = W(t - 1)
return Wt
# Define the right-hand-side function
def rhsf(t,y):
y1 = y[0]
y2 = y[1]
f1 = (2-2*10**-3*y2)*y1-W(t)*y1
f2 = (-3.92+7*10**-3*y1)*y2
return np.array([f1,f2])
# Define one step of the RK4 method
def RK4Step(tn,wn,Dt,f):
# tn = current time
# wn = known approximation at time tn
# Dt = the time step to use
# f = the right-hand-side function to use
# wnplus1 = the new approximation at time tn+Dt
k1 = Dt*f(tn,wn)
k2 = Dt*f(tn+0.5*Dt,wn+0.5*k1)
k3 = Dt*f(tn+0.5*Dt,wn+0.5*k2)
k4 = Dt*f(tn+Dt,wn+k3)
wnplus1 = wn + 1/6*(k1 +2*k2 +2*k3 +k4)
return wnplus1
# Define the complete RK4 method
def RK4Method(t0,tend,Dt,f,y0):
# t0 = initial time of simulation
# tend = final time of simulation
# Dt = the time step to use
# f = the right-hand-side function to use
# y0 = the initial values
# calculate the number of time steps to take
N = int(np.round((tend-t0)/Dt))
# make the list of times t which we want the solution
time = np.linspace(t0,tend,num=N+1)
# make sure Dt matches with the number of time steps
Dt = (tend-t0)/N
# Allocate memory for the approximations
# row i represents all values of variable i at all times
# column j represents all values of all variables at time t_j
w = np.zeros((y0.size,N+1))
# store the (given) initial value
w[:,0] = y0
# Perform all time steps
for n,tn in enumerate(time[:-1]):
w[:,n+1] = RK4Step(tn,w[:,n],Dt,f)
return time, w
# Set all known values and settings
t0 = 0.0
tend = 10.0
y0 = np.array([600.0,1000.0])
Dt = 0.5/(2**7)
# Execute the method
tnum, wnum = RK4Method(t0,tend,Dt,rhsf,y0)
# Make a nice table
alldata = np.concatenate(([tnum],wnum),axis=0).transpose()
table = pd.DataFrame(alldata,columns=['t','y1(t)','y2(t)'])
print('\nA nice table of the simulation:\n')
# Make a nice picture
# Do an error computation
# Execute the method again with a doubled time step
tnum2, wnum2 = RK4Method(t0,tend,2.0*Dt,rhsf,y0)
# Calculate the global truncation errors at the last simulated time
errors = (wnum[:,-1] - wnum2[:,-1])/(2**4-1)
print('\nThe errors are ',errors[0],' for y1 and ',errors[1],' for y2 at time t=',tnum[-1])

Crank Nicolson Method on Wave Function Python

I am trying to propagate a gaussian wave packet using the crank nicolson method in imaginary time (multiply the time step by the unit imaginary). The code that I have written in attempt to achieve this is shown here:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #this allows you to plot, and changes the name to plt
import numpy as np #this allows you to do math, and changes the name to np
import math
import scipy.linalg as la
def V(x):
# k = 1
# v = k*x**4
v = 0.25*(x-3)**2+0.15*(x-3)**4
return v
def Psi(x):
psi = np.exp(-2*(x-3)**2)
return psi
#Function for computing integral using trapezoid method
def TrapInt(y, h):
trap = [(float(y[ii]) + float(y[ii+1])) for ii in range(0, len(y)-1)]
return float(h)/2*sum(trap)
N = 1000
L = 3;
h = 0.01
x = np.arange(0,6,h);
t = np.linspace(0,L,300);
t = 1j*t;
dt = t[1] - t[0]
dx = x[1] - x[0]
A = 1j*dt/(2*dx**2)
pot = V(x)
Q = np.zeros([len(x),len(x)],dtype = complex)
P = np.zeros([len(x),len(x)],dtype = complex)
wave = np.zeros([len(x),len(t)],dtype = complex)
wave[:,0] = Psi(x)
B = (1- 2*A - 1j*dt*pot)
for ii in range(0,len(x)-1):
Q[ii][ii] = -(B[ii])
P[ii][ii] = (B[ii])
Q[ii][ii+1] = (2-A)
P[ii][ii+1] = A
if ii >= 1:
Q[ii][ii-1] = -A
P[ii][ii-1] = A
for ii in range(0,len(t)-1):
one = np.matmul(P,wave[:,ii])
wave[:,ii+1] = np.matmul(la.inv(Q),one)
I can't seem to find any mathematical errors in my implementation of the crank nicolson method; however, whenever I try to run this it gives an error saying that Q is singular (has no inverse). I'm not sure why this is occurring. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
You never assign to Q[-1]. Zero rows have been known to produce singular matrices in some cases.
Also, don’t repeatedly invert the matrix. Probably don’t invert it at all, but rather store some decomposition of it to allow efficient calculation of Q-1x.
