Azure DevOps Pip Install - python

I am getting the following error when trying to deploy my build release for a python/flask web app:-
I created a python command task with the following -
pip install --upgrade
However, error persists.

I'd suggest you try to disable\suppress this error\warning (because its pretty harmless):
disable-pip-version-check = True
On many linux the default location for the pip configuration file is $HOME/.config/pip/pip.conf. You can always look that up in the docs.


Error while running azuremlsdk::install_azureml() in R

I'm trying to load an existing azure workspace in RStudio Azure Compute Instance like it's shown in this link: But, after installing azuremlsdk package when I'm running this code azuremlsdk::install_azureml(). I'm getting this error :
Attempting uninstall: certifi  Found existing installation: certifi2016.9.26ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'certifi'. It is a distutilsinstalled project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.Error: Error installing package(s): 'azureml-sdk==1.10.0', 'numpy', 'pandas'
By referring to this link :; I tried to fix this error by running conda remove certifi through terminal of that Compute Instance & Jupyter Notebook of that Compute Instance. But, no luck.
Does anyone have any experience in resolving this issue. Please help.
Azure ML has issues with Python versions and its dependency packages, make sure you are using Python package of 3.5 to 3.8 while installing these.
While installing azureml it will search for all the dependency packages and will install all of them, in this process there will be the version issues, like pandas, numpy.. with different pip versions.
From your stack trace looks like the error is happening when we install the packages like pandas numpy etc along with azureml-train-automl-client package so try to install them before hand by checking its versions which are dependent with you python versions packages.
Check the Azure ML documentation for installation of Azure ML Additional packages.
If you investigate them azureml-train-automl requires somes data science packages including pandas, numpy, and scikit-learn.
Kindly follow below commands for conda environment:
pip install azureml-train-automl
pip install --upgrade azureml-train-automl
pip install show azureml-train-automl
It seems that the Python SDK installation conflicts with itself when using Python 3.6 (the default). I was able to install the SDK for Python 3.7:
azuremlsdk::install_azureml(conda_python_version = '3.7')

Can not run signalR client on Python

I am running some Python code on Raspberry Pi and now I need real time communication. I have a SignalR hub hosted on Azure and in order to connect to it I am using this python client. Since I am quite new to python I have some lame questions:
After I did pip install signalr-client I tried pip install -r requirements but then nothing happens. I just get an error Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'requirements' As I understood this is some kind of a file which contains some references but not really sure how it is supposed to execute.
After the failure with installing pip install -r requirements I decided to try it directly as it is right now and I copied the code from the sample (modified with the metadata for my hub). Once I try to run it I get an error on the second line from signalr import Connection saying that there's no such module as signalr. Do you have any idea what could be this and is there any chance for those two to be related?
NOTE: When I execute pydoc modules I can see it there in the list.
Also, regarding python and pip versions I get:
python -V : Python 2.7.13
pip -V : pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7)

Azure Flask-Restful Deploy Failure

I'm trying to deploy a Flak Restful API to azure.
I have set up continuous deployment with a Github repo.
The deployment is failing on one of the requirements.txt
returning the following error:
ValueError: ('Expected version spec in', 'azure-common ~=1.1.4', 'at', ' ~=1.1.4')
The application is running fine locally.
I'm new to the Azure platform and the config and deploy files are quite confusing I'm not sure if the problem is with these or the package in the virtual environment.
You need to update pip, as I guess the version is old enough to do not support the "~=" syntax in the of the packages you install.
For examples:
ValueError "Expected version spec" when installing local wheel via pip
How to fix error “Expected version spec in …” using pip install on Windows?

Fatal error while installing keras

I was trying to install keras (for using LSTM) on my Windows 10 system in Anaconda using the method provided by Yelaman. But after running the command pip install git+git://, I received the following fatal error -
C:\Anaconda>pip install git+git://
Collecting git+git://
Cloning git:// to
c:\users\krishna\appdata\local\temp\pip-reettr-build fatal: protocol
error: bad line length character:
Command "git clone -q git://
c:\users\krishna\appdata\local\temp\pip-reettr-build" failed with
error code 128 in None
I don't have a github account but i use git using bitbucket (if that matters).
Could anyone explain to me what error I am committing and if there is a way out? My main goal is to use keras in Anaconda in Windows.
It seems that the error may be because we have a git repository listed as a dependency. Not still fully sure, though. (Source)
The solution is to replace pip install git+git:// with pip install git+ i.e. replacing the second git with http (this works since the repository is public)

"ImportError: No module named"

I have installed python 2.7.10 with PATH access and correctly installed twilio. However, when I try to execute a code I get this error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\tmslvo\Google Drive\Desktop\send", line 1, in <module>
from import TwilioRestClient
ImportError: No module named
Now I read that a reason might be that python can't find the twilio package so I tried the
which -a python
which -a twilio
commands (in my Windows command prompt) in which case I get
'which' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Does anybody have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you!
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I think your problem will be that somehow when you installed the library, it failed silently(?). A few things to keep in mind:
When installing Python libraries, always make sure you use pip.
Also, check that none of your files within the project are actually called as this will conflict with the actual library.
Check that you're using the version of Python you think you're using by running python --version
All that failing, run the installation again, and all going well (without errors), you should be able to test it quickly with the following code.
import twilio
client =, auth_token)
message = client.messages.create(
body="Hello World",
except twilio.TwilioRestException as e:
print e
try this: sudo pip3 install twilio --upgrade
I had this problem as well.
In my case, I had named my file and that is what caused the error.
Renaming the file to ( or any other name of your choice) will resolve the issue!
Close and then relunch all IDLE instances.
This sounds obvious but it worked for me, since the installations of components were successful
I ran into this same issue. I had used easy_install instead of pip to install twilio which was the problem. To fix this I ran pip uninstall twilio and reinstalled using pip.
rename file name other than
A bit late to the party here but I also ran into this issue.
After some trial and error, it looks like it was due to the pip version I was using. I originally used -
pip3 install twilio.
Now I'm unsure of the underlying reason why this did not work, but it seems that pip3 does not encompass all versions of python 3.x? Using
pip3 list and
pip3.8 list
I noticed I had the twilio module for pip3 but not for pip 3.8.
I used the following and was able to solve the issue
pip3.8 install twilio.
I used pip3.8 because that matched the python3.8 version that I am using.
Pycharm user:
Macs (mid 2017) come with python 2.6 and 2.7 installed. PyCharm uses by default 2.6. When you install twilio (Pip install) the module is installed in python version 2.7. So, when you try to run twilio from PyCharm you get
ImportError: No module named
Solution: change the python interpreter in PyCharm. Go to preferences > project interpreter and from the drop menu Project Interpreter choose python 2.7
I think your pip is not configured properly . You may be getting succefuuly installed message but it is not install where it should be. try pip install --user i am sure it will work for you. pip install may work fine only in virtualenvironment without any config.Try pip install --user package name
I had first installed twilio with the easy_intall tool
I followed the steps below:
Uninstall twilio with the command pip uninstall twillo
Install twilio with the command pip install twilio
Close the python IDLE and relaunch it.
For the windows user,
I have suggested, pip3 install twilio
Follow these steps (on mac):
Shift + Command + P
search: Configure Language Specific Setting
search: Python
add: "code-runner.runInTerminal": true
That's it!
Ask me any question about it by:
My LinkedIn
I ran into this issue when using poetry for my dependency management. Poetry doesn't recognise it as an existing package yet, hence it won't run your code unless you try the poetry+pip way.
there will be 2 reasons for this
1.make sure you kept right path for python files in environment location
2.install twilio
1.pip3 install twilio
pip install twilio
