i'm trying to take the info from dataframe and break it out into columns with the following header names. the info is all crammed into 1 cell.
new to python, so be gentle.
thanks for the help
my code:
page_data = soup(r.text, 'html.parser')
company_info = [' '.join(' '.join(info.get_text(", ", strip=True).split()) for info in page_data.find_all('tr'))]
df = pd.DataFrame(company_info, columns = ['ic_number, status, renewal_date, company_name, address, county, telephon, limitation, residential_qualifiers'])
the result i get:
['License Number, 80479 Status, Valid Renewal Date, n/a Name, DLR Construction, LLC Address, 3217 Vagabond Dr Monroe, N
C 28110 County, Union Telephone, (980) 245-0867 Limitation, Limited Classifications, Residential Qualifiers, Arteaga, Vi
cky Rodriguez']
You can use read_html with some post processing:
url = 'https://nclbgc.org/search/licenseDetails?licenseNumber=80479'
#select first table form list of tables, remove only NaNs rows
df = pd.read_html(url)[0].dropna(how='all')
#forward fill NaNs in first column
df[0] = df[0].ffill()
#merge values in second column
df = df.groupby(0)[1].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.dropna())).to_frame().rename_axis(None).T
print (df)
Address Classifications County License Number \
1 3217 Vagabond Dr Monroe, NC 28110 Residential Union 80479
Limitation Name Qualifiers Renewal Date \
1 Limited DLR Construction, LLC Arteaga, Vicky Rodriguez
Status Telephone
1 Valid (980) 245-0867
Replace the df line like below:
df = pd.DataFrame(company_info, columns = ['ic_number', 'status', 'renewal_date', 'company_name', 'address', 'county', 'telephon', 'limitation', 'residential_qualifiers'])
Each column mentioned under columns should be within quotes. Else it is considered as one single column.
I am completely new to web scraping and would like to parse a specific table that occurs in the SEC filing DEF 14A of companies. I was able to get the right URL and pass it to panda.
Note: Even though the desired table should occur in every DEF 14A, it's layout may differ from company to company. Right now I am struggling with formatting the dataframe.
How do I manage to get the right header and join it into a single index(column)?
This is my code so far:
url_to_use: "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1000229/000095012907000818/h43371ddef14a.htm"
resp = requests.get(url_to_use)
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(resp.text, "html.parser")
dfs = pd.read_html(resp.text, match="Salary")
pd.options.display.max_columns = None
df = dfs[0]
df.dropna(how="all", inplace = True)
df.dropna(axis = 1, how="all", inplace = True)
Right now the output of my code looks like this:
Dataframe output
Whereas the correct layout looks like this:
Original format
Is there some way to identify those rows that belong to the header and combine them as the header?
The table html is rather messed up. The empty cells are actually in the source code. It would be easiest to do some post processing:
import pandas as pd
import requests
r = requests.get("https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1000229/000095012907000818/h43371ddef14a.htm", headers={'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}).text
df = pd.read_html(r) #load with user agent to avoid 401 error
df = df[40] #get the right table from the list of dataframes
df = df[8:].rename(columns={i: ' '.join(df[i][:8].dropna()) for i in df.columns}) #generate column headers from the first 8 rows
df.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True) #remove empty columns and rows
df.dropna(how='all', axis=0, inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
def sjoin(x): return ''.join(x[x.notnull()].astype(str))
df = df.groupby(level=0, axis=1).apply(lambda x: x.apply(sjoin, axis=1)) #concatenate columns with the same headers, taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/24391268/11380795
All Other Compensation ($)(4)
Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings ($)
Name and Principal Position
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation ($)
Salary ($)
Stock Awards ($)(1)
Total ($)
David M. Demshur President and Chief Executive Officer
Richard L. Bergmark Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Monty L. Davis Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President
John D. Denson Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
I have a Dataframe column that has some string that store values from 2 other Dataframes as shown below:
Sample view of df whose column col has the below string.
Highest Sales was for Mobile Scott
Lowest Returns was for Mobile Phone Steve
Low Returns was for Paul
I am trying to extract the value from the above Dataframe such that I create a new column that has the product name (as obtained from prod_df) and rep name (as obtained from sales_rep_df)
Data in prod_df Dataframe
Mobile Phone
Data in sales_rep_df Dataframe
Expected output
col, prod, rep
Highest Sales was for Mobile Scott, Mobile
Lowest Returns was for Mobile Phone Steve, Mobile Phone, Steve
Low Returns was for Paul,,Paul
I believe you need Series.str.extract for get first amtched value from list:
pat1 = '|'.join(r"\b{}\b".format(x) for x in prod_df['col'])
pat2 = '|'.join(r"\b{}\b".format(x) for x in sales_rep_df['col'])
df['prod'] = df['col'].str.extract('('+ pat1 + ')', expand=False)
df['rep'] = df['col'].str.extract('('+ pat2 + ')', expand=False)
Or Series.str.findall with Series.str.join for all matches:
df['prod'] = df['col'].str.findall(pat1).str.join(',')
df['rep'] = df['col'].str.findall(pat2).str.join(',')
I am stumbled upon a trivial problem in pandas. I have two dataframes. The first one, df_1 is as follows
vendor_name date company_name state
PERTH is june 2019 Abc enterprise Kentucky
Megan Ent 25-april-2019 Xyz Fincorp Texas
The second one df_2 contains the correct values for each column in df_1.
Field wrong value correct value
vendor_name PERTH Perth Enterprise
date is 15 ## this means that is should be read as 15
company_name Abc enterprise ABC International Enterprise Inc.
In order to replace the values with correct ones in df_1 (except date field) I am using pandas.loc method. Below is the code snippet
vend = df_1['vendor_Name'].tolist()
comp = df_1['company_name'].tolist()
state = df_1['state'].tolist()
for i in vend:
if df_2['wrong value'].str.contains(i):
crct = df_2.loc[df_2['wrong value'] == i,'correct value'].tolist()
Similarly, for company and state I have followed the above way.
However, the crct is returning a blank series. Ideally it should return
['Perth Enterprise','Abc International Enterprise Inc']
The next step would be to replace the respective field values by the above list.
With the above, I have three questions:
Why the above code is generating a blank list? What I am missing here?
How can I replace the respective fields using df_1.replace method?
What should be a correct approach to replace the portion of date in df_1 by the correct one in df_2?
Edit: when data has looping replacement(i.e overlaping keys and values), replacement on whole dataframe will fail. In this case, doing it column by column and concat them together. Finally, use join to adding any missing columns from df1:
df_replace = pd.concat([df1[k].replace(val, regex=True) for k, val in d.items()], axis=1).join(df1.state)
I tried your code in my interactive and it gives error ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous on df_2['wrong value'].str.contains(i).
assume you have multiple vendor names, so the simple way is construct a dictionary from groupby of df2 and use it with df.replace on df1.
d = {k: gp.set_index('wrong value')['correct value'].to_dict()
for k, gp in df2.groupby('Field')}
{'company_name': {'Abc enterprise': 'ABC International Enterprise Inc. '},
'date': {'is': '15'},
'vendor_name': {'PERTH': 'Perth Enterprise'}}
df_replace = df1.replace(d, regex=True)
In [68]:
vendor_name date company_name \
0 Perth Enterprise 15 june 2019 ABC International Enterprise Inc.
1 Megan Ent 25-april-2019 Xyz Fincorp
0 Kentucky
1 Texas
Note: your sample df2 has only value for vendor PERTH, so it only replace first row. When you have all vendor_names in df2, it will replace them all in df1.
A simple way to do that is to iterate over the first dataframe and then replace the wrong values :
Result = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(len(df1)):
vendor_name = df1.iloc[i]['vendor_name']
date = df1.iloc[i]['date']
company_name = df1.iloc[i]['company_name']
if vendor_name in df2['wrong value'].values:
vendor_name = df2.loc[df2['wrong value'] == vendor_name]['correct value'].values[0]
if company_name in df2['wrong value'].values:
company_name = df2.loc[df2['wrong value'] == company_name]['correct value'].values[0]
new_row = {'vendor_name':[vendor_name],'date':[date],'company_name':[company_name]}
new_row = pd.DataFrame(new_row,columns=['vendor_name','date','company_name'])
Result = Result.append(new_row,ignore_index=True)
Result :
Define the following replace function:
def repl(row):
fld = row.Field
v1 = row['wrong value']
v2 = row['correct value']
updInd = df_1[df_1[fld].str.contains(v1)].index
df_1.loc[updInd, fld] = df_1.loc[updInd, fld]\
.str.replace(re.escape(v1), v2)
Then call it for each row in df_2:
for _, row in df_2.iterrows():
Note that str.replace alone does not require to import re (Pandas
imports it under the hood).
But in the above function re.escape is called explicitely, from our code,
hence import re is required.
I have a pandas dataframe which is essentially 2 columns and 9000 rows
CompanyName | CompanyAddress
and the address is in the form
Line1, Line2, ..LineN, PostCode
i.e. basically different numbers of comma-separated items in a string (or dtype 'object'), and I want to just pull out the post code i.e. the item after the last comma in the field
I've tried the Dot notation string manipulation suggestions (possibly badly):
df_address['CompanyAddress'] = df_address['CompanyAddress'].str.rsplit(', ')
which just put '[ ]' around the fields - I had no success trying to isolate the last component of any split-up/partitioned string, with maxsplit kicking up errors.
I had a small degree of success following EdChums comment to Pandas split Column into multiple columns by comma
pd.concat([df_address[['CompanyName']], df_address['CompanyAddress'].str.rsplit(', ', expand=True)], axis=1)
However, whilst isolating the Postcode, this just creates multiple columns and the post code is in columns 3-6... equally no good.
It feels incredibly close, please advise.
EmployerName Address
0 FAUCET INN LIMITED [Union, 88-90 George Street, London, W1U 8PA]
1 CITIBANK N.A [Citigroup Centre,, Canary Wharf, Canada Squar...
2 AGENCY 2000 LIMITED [Sovereign House, 15 Towcester Road, Old Strat...
3 Transform Trust [Unit 11 Castlebridge Office Village, Kirtley ...
4 R & R.C.BOND (WHOLESALE) LIMITED [One General Street, Pocklington Industrial Es...
5 MARKS & SPENCER FINANCIAL SERVICES PLC [Marks & Spencer Financial, Services Kings Mea...
Given the DataFrame,
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['ABC'], 'Address': ['Line1, Line2, LineN, PostCode']})
Address Name
0 Line1, Line2, LineN, PostCode ABC
If you need only post code, you can extract that using rsplit and re-assign it to the column Address. It will save you the step of concat.
df['Address'] = df['Address'].str.rsplit(',').str[-1]
You get
Address Name
0 PostCode ABC
Edit: Give that you have dataframe with address values in list
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['FAUCET INN LIMITED'], 'Address': [['Union, 88-90 George Street, London, W1U 8PA']]})
Address Name
0 [Union, 88-90 George Street, London, W1U 8PA] FAUCET INN LIMITED
You can get last element using
df['Address'] = df['Address'].apply(lambda x: x[0].split(',')[-1])
You get
Address Name
Just rsplit the existing column into 2 columns - the existing one and a new one. Or two new ones if you want to keep the existing column intact.
df['Address'], df['PostCode'] = df['Address'].str.rsplit(', ', 1).str
Edit: Since OP's Address column is a list with 1 string in it, here is a solution for that specifically:
df['Address'], df['PostCode'] = df['Address'].map(lambda x: x[0]).str.rsplit(', ', 1).str
rsplit returns a list, try rsplit(‘,’)[0] to get last element in source line
I have 2 csv files with different sequence of columns. For e.g. the first file starts with 10 digits mobile numbers while that column is at number 4 in the second file.
I need to merge all the customer data into a single csv file. The order of the columns should be as follows:
mobile pincode model Name Address Location pincode date
mobile Name Address Model Location pincode Date
9845299999 Raj Shah nagar No 22 Rivi Building 7Th Main I Crz Mumbai 17/02/2011
9880877777 Managing Partner M/S Aitas # 1010, 124Th Main, Bk Stage. - Bmw 320 D Hyderabad 560070 30-Dec-11
Name Address Location mobile pincode Date Model
Asvi Developers pvt Ltd fantry Road Nariman Point, 1St Floor, No. 150 Chennai 9844066666 13/11/2011 Crz
L R Shiva Gaikwad & Sudha Gaikwad # 42, Suvarna Mansion, 1St Cross, 17Th Main, Banjara Hill, B S K Stage,- Bangalore 9844233333 560085 40859 Mercedes_E 350 Cdi
Second task and that may be slightly difficult is that the new files expected may have a totally different column sequence. In that case I need to extract 10 digits mobile number and 6 digits pincode column. I need to write the code that will guess the city column if it matches with any of the given city list. The new files are expected to have relevant column headings but the column heading may be slightly different. for e.g. "customer address" instead of "address". How do I handle such data?
sed 's/.*\([0-9]\{10\}\).*/\1,&/' input
I have been suggested to use sed to rearrange the 10 digits column at the beginning. But I do also need to rearrange the text columns. For e.g. if a column matches the entries in the following list then it is undoubtedly model column.
['Crz', 'Bmw 320 D', 'Benz', 'Mercedes_E 350 Cdi', 'Toyota_Corolla He 1.8']
If any column matches 10% of the entries with the above list then it is a "model" column and should be at number 3 followed by mobile and pincode.
For your first question, I suggest using pandas to load both files and then concat. After that you can rearrange your columns.
import pandas as pd
dataframe1 = pd.read_csv('file1.csv')
dataframe2 = pd.read_csv('file2.csv')
combined = pd.concat([dataframe1, dataframe2]) #the columns will be ordered alphabetically
To get desired order,
result_df = combined[['mobile', 'pincode', 'model', 'Name', 'Address', 'Location', 'pincode', 'date']]
and then result_df.to_csv('oupput.csv', index=False) to export to csv file.
For the second one, you can do something like this (assuming you have loaded a csv file into df like above)
match_model = lambda m: m in ['Crz', 'Bmw 320 D', 'Benz', 'Mercedes_E 350 Cdi', 'Toyota_Corolla He 1.8']
for c in df:
if df[c].map(match_model).sum()/len(df) > 0.1:
print "Column %s is 'Model'"% c
df.rename(columns={c:'Model'}, inplace=True)
You can modify the matching function match_model to use regex instead if you want.