Call many object's methods in parallel in python - python

I have two classes. One called algorithm and the other called Chain. In algorithm, I create multiple chains, which are going to be a sequence of sampled values. I want to run the sampling in parallel at the chain level.
In other words, the algorithm class instantiates n chains and I want to run the _sample method, which belongs to the Chain class, for each of the chains in parallel within the algorithm class.
Below is a sample code that attempts what I would like to do.
I have seen a similar questions here: Apply a method to a list of objects in parallel using multi-processing, but as shown in the function _sample_chains_parallel_worker, this method does not work for my case (I am guessing it is because of the nested class structure).
Question 1: Why does this not work for this case?
The method in _sample_chains_parallel also does not even run in parallel.
Question 2: Why?
Question 3: How do I sample each of these chains in parallel?
import time
import multiprocessing
class Chain():
def __init__(self):
self.thetas = []
def _sample(self):
for i in range(3):
def clear_thetas(self):
self.thetas = []
class algorithm():
def __init__(self, n=3):
self.n = n
self.chains = []
def _init_chains(self):
for _ in range(self.n):
def _sample_chains(self):
for chain in self.chains:
def _sample_chains_parallel(self):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.n)
for chain in self.chains:
def _sample_chains_parallel_worker(self):
def worker(obj):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.n), self.chains)
if __name__=="__main__":
import time
alg = algorithm()
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print "sequential", end - start
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print "parallel", end - start
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print "parallel, map and worker", end - start

In _sample_chains_parallel you are calling chain._sample() instead of just passing the function: pool.apply_async(chain._sample()). So you are passing the result as an argument instead of letting apply_async calculate it.
But removing () won't help you much, because Python 2 cannot pickle instance methods (possible for Python +3.5). It wouldn't raise the error unless you call get() on the result objects so don't rejoice if you see low times for this approach, that's because it immidiately quits with an unraised exception.
For the parallel versions you would have to relocate worker to the module level and call it pool.apply_async(worker (chain,)) respectively, self.chains).
Note that you forgot clear_thetas() for _sample_chains_parallel_worker. The better solution would be anyway to let let Chain._sample take care of calling self._clear_thetas().


REVISED WITH COMMENTS v1: Multiprocessing on same dict/list

I am fairly new to python, kindly excuse me for insufficient information if any. As a part of the curriculum , I got introduced to python for quants/finance, I am studying multiprocessing and trying to understand this better. I tried modifying the problem given and now I am stuck mentally with the problem.
I have a function which gives me ticks, in ohlc format.
every minute. I wish to do the following calculation concurrently and preferably append/insert in the samelist
Find the Moving Average of the last 5 close data
Find the Median of the last 5 open data
Save the tick data to a database.
so expected data is likely to be
Assuming that the data is going to a db, its fairly easy to write a simple dbinsert routine to the database, I don't see that as a great challenge, I can spawn a to execute a insert statement for every minute.
How do I sync 3 different functions/process( a function to insert into db, a function to calculate the average, a function to calculate the median), while holding in memory 5 ticks to calculate the 5 period, simple average Moving Average and push them back to the dict/list.
The following assumption, challenges me in writing the multiprocessing routine. can someone guide me. I don't want to use pandas dataframe.
The reason, why I don't want any solution on pandas/numpy is that, my objective is to understand the basics, and not the nuances of a new library. Please don't mistake my need for understanding to be arrogance or not wanting to be open to suggestions.
The advantage of having
would help me understand the possibility of scaling processes based on no of functions /algo components.. But how should I make sure p1&p2 are in sync while p3 should execute post p1&p2
Here is an example of how to use multiprocessing:
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
def db_func(ma, med):
def backtest_strat(d, db_func):
a = d.get('avg')
s = map(sum, a)
db_func(s/len(a), median(a))
with Pool(cpu_count()) as p:
from functools import partial
bs = partial(backtest_strat, db_func=db_func)
print(, [{'avg': [1,2,3,4,5], 'median': [1,2,3,4,5]}]))
also see :
note that this will not speed up anything unless there are a lot of slices.
so for the speed up part:
def get_slices(data)
for slice in data:
yield {'avg': [1,2,3,4,5], 'median': [1,2,3,4,5]}, get_slices)
from what i understand multiprocessing works by message passing via pickles, so the when called should have access to all three things, the two arrays, and the db_save function. There are of course other ways to go about it, but hopefully this shows one way to go about it.
Question: how should I make sure p1&p2 are in sync while p3 should execute post p1&p2
If you sync all Processes, computing one Task (p1,p2,p3) couldn't be faster as the slowes Process are be.
In the meantime the other Processes running idle.
It's called "Producer - Consumer Problem".
Solution using Queue all Data serialize, no synchronize required.
# Process-1
def Producer()
# Process-2
def Consumer(task_queue)
data = task_queue.get()
# process data
You want multiple Consumer Processes and one Consumer Process gather all Results.
You don't want to use Queue, but Sync Primitives.
This Example let all Processes run independent.
Only the Process Result waits until notified.
This Example uses a unlimited Task Buffer tasks = mp.Manager().list().
The Size could be minimized if List Entrys for done Tasks are reused.
If you have some very fast algos combine some to one Process.
import multiprocessing as mp
# Base class for all WORKERS
class Worker(mp.Process):
tasks = mp.Manager().list()
task_ready = mp.Condition()
parties = mp.Manager().Value(int, 0)
def join(self):
# Wait until all Data processed
def get_task(self):
for i, task in enumerate(Worker.tasks):
if task is None: continue
if not self.__class__.__name__ in task['result']:
return (i, task['range'])
return (None, None)
# Main Process Loop
def run(self):
while True:
# Get a Task for this WORKER
idx, _range = self.get_task()
if idx is None:
# Compute with self Method this _range
result = self.compute(_range)
# Update Worker.tasks
with Worker.lock:
task = Worker.tasks[idx]
task['result'][name] = result
parties = len(task['result'])
Worker.tasks[idx] = task
# If Last, notify Process Result
if parties == Worker.parties.value:
with Worker.task_ready:
class Result(Worker):
# Main Process Loop
def run(self):
while True:
with Worker.task_ready:
# Get (idx, _range) from tasks List
idx, _range = self.get_task()
if idx is None:
# process Task Results
# Mark this tasks List Entry as done for reuse
Worker.tasks[idx] = None
class Average(Worker):
def compute(self, _range):
return average of DATA[_range]
class Median(Worker):
def compute(self, _range):
return median of DATA[_range]
if __name__ == '__main__':
DATA = mp.Manager().list()
WORKERS = [Result(), Average(), Median()]
# Example creates a Task every 5 Records
for i in range(1, 16):
DATA.append({'id': i, 'open': 300 + randrange(0, 5), 'close': 300 + randrange(-5, 5)})
if i % 5 == 0:
Worker.tasks.append({'range':(i-5, i), 'result': {}})
Tested with Python: 3.4.2

Different inputs for different processes in python multiprocessing

Please bear with me as this is a bit of a contrived example of my real application. Suppose I have a list of numbers and I wanted to add a single number to each number in the list using multiple (2) processes. I can do something like this:
import multiprocessing
my_list = list(range(100))
my_number = 5
data_line = [{'list_num': i, 'my_num': my_number} for i in my_list]
def worker(data):
return data['list_num'] + data['my_num']
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=2)
pool_output =, data_line)
Now however, there's a wrinkle to my problem. Suppose that I wanted to alternate adding two numbers (instead of just adding one). So around half the time, I want to add my_number1 and the other half of the time I want to add my_number2. It doesn't matter which number gets added to which item on the list. However, the one requirement is that I don't want to be adding the same number simultaneously at the same time across the different processes. What this boils down to essentially (I think) is that I want to use the first number on Process 1 and the second number on Process 2 exclusively so that the processes are never simultaneously adding the same number. So something like:
my_num1 = 5
my_num2 = 100
data_line = [{'list_num': i, 'my_num1': my_num1, 'my_num2': my_num2} for i in my_list]
def worker(data):
# if in Process 1:
return data['list_num'] + data['my_num1']
# if in Process 2:
return data['list_num'] + data['my_num2']
# and so forth
Is there an easy way to specify specific inputs per process? Is there another way to think about this problem?
multiprocessing.Pool allows to execute an initializer function which is going to be executed before the actual given function will be run.
You can use it altogether with a global variable to allow your function to understand in which process is running.
You probably want to control the initial number the processes will get. You can use a Queue to notify to the processes which number to pick up.
This solution is not optimal but it works.
import multiprocessing
process_number = None
def initializer(queue):
global process_number
process_number = queue.get() # atomic get the process index
def function(value):
print "I'm process %s" % process_number
return value[process_number]
def main():
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
for index in range(multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=initializer, initargs=[queue])
tasks = [{0: 'Process-0', 1: 'Process-1', 2: 'Process-2'}, ...]
print(, tasks))
My PC is a dual core, as you can see only Process-0 and Process-1 are processed.
I'm process 0
I'm process 0
I'm process 1
I'm process 0
I'm process 1
['Process-0', 'Process-0', 'Process-1', 'Process-0', ... ]

multiprocessing.Pool and Rate limit

I'm making some API requests which are limited at 20 per second. As to get the answer the waiting time is about 0.5 secs I thought to use and using this decorator
So my code looks like
def fun(vec):
#do stuff
def RateLimited(maxPerSecond):
minInterval = 1.0 / float(maxPerSecond)
def decorate(func):
lastTimeCalled = [0.0]
def rateLimitedFunction(*args,**kargs):
elapsed = time.clock() - lastTimeCalled[0]
leftToWait = minInterval - elapsed
if leftToWait>0:
ret = func(*args,**kargs)
lastTimeCalled[0] = time.clock()
return ret
return rateLimitedFunction
return decorate
def multi(vec):
p = Pool(5)
return, vec)
I have 4 cores and this program works fine and there is an improvement in time compared to the loop version. Furthermore, when the Pool argument is 4,5,6 it works and the time is smaller for Pool(6) but when I use 7+ I got errors (Too many connections per second I guess).
Then if my function is more complicated and can do 1-5 requests the decorator doesn't work as expected.
What else I can use in this case?
For anyone looking for use Pool remembers to close it otherwise you are going to use all the RAM
def multi(vec):
p = Pool(5), vec)
return res
I found that something like this WebRequestManager can do the trick. The problem is that doesn't work with multiprocessing. Pool with 19-20 processes because the time is stored in the class you need to call when you run the request.
Your indents are inconsistent up above which makes it harder to answer this, but I'll take a stab.
It looks like you're rate limiting the wrong thing; if f is supposed be limited, you need to limit the calls to f, not the calls to multi. Doing this in something that's getting dispatched to the Pool won't work, because the forked workers would each be limiting independently (forked processes will have independent tracking of the time since last call).
The easiest way to do this would be to limit how quickly the iterator that the Pool pulls from produces results. For example:
import collections
import time
def rate_limited_iterator(iterable, limit_per_second):
# Initially, we can run immediately limit times
runats = collections.deque([time.time()] * limit_per_second)
for x in iterable:
runat, now = runats.popleft(), time.time()
if now < runat:
time.sleep(runat - now)
runats.append(time.time() + 1)
yield x
def multi(vec):
p = Pool(5)
return, rate_limited_iterator(vec, 20))

Creating n processes for iterative task in python

I have a complexed problem with python multiprocessing module.
I have build a script that in one place has to call a multiargument function (call_function) for each element in a specyfic list. My idea is to define an integer 'N' and divide this problem for single sub processes.
li=[a,b,c,d,e] #elements are int's
for element in li:
Summary function will analyze results obtained by all iterations of the loop. Now, I want each iteration to be carried out by single sub process, but there cannot be more than N subprocesses altogether. If so, main process should wait until 1 of subprocesses end and then perform another iteration. Also, call_sumary_function need to be called after all the sub processes finish.
I have tried my best with multiprocessing module, Locks and global variables to keep the actual number of subprocesses running (to compare to N) but every time i get error.
Firstly, the main process code:
while k < len(k_list):
if processes<=MAX_PROCESSES: # running processes <= 'N' set by me
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=single_analysis, args=(k_list[k],main_folder,training_testing,subsets,positive_name,ratio_list,lock,processes))
else: time.sleep(1)
while processes>0: time.sleep(1)
Now: the function that is called by multiprocessing:
def single_analysis(k,main_folder,training_testing,subsets,positive_name,ratio_list,lock,processes):
#stuff to do
I get the Error that int value (processes variable) is always equal to 0, since single_analysis() function seems to create new, local variable processes.
When I change processes to global and import it in single_analysis() with global keyword and type print processes in within the function I get len(li) times 1...
What you're describing is pefectly suited for multiprocessing.Pool - specifically its map method:
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
def call_function(string1, string2, int1, element):
# Do stuff here
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = multiprocessing.Pool(N) # The pool will contain N worker processes.
# Use partial so that we can pass a method that takes more than one argument to map.
func = partial(call_function, string1,string2,int1)
results =, li)
call_summary_function(results) will call call_function(string1, string2, int1, element), for each element in the li list. results will be a list containing the value returned by each call to call_function. You can pass that list to call_summary_function to process the results.

Proper way to use multiprocessor.Pool in a nested loop

I am using the multiprocessor.Pool() module to speed up an "embarrassingly parallel" loop. I actually have a nested loop, and am using multiprocessor.Pool to speed up the inner loop. For example, without parallelizing the loop, my code would be as follows:
for i in outer_array:
for j in inner_array:
With parallelizing:
import multiprocessing
from functools import partial
for i in outer_array:
My main question is if this is the correct, and I should be including the multiprocessing.Pool() inside the loop, or if instead I should create the pool outside loop, i.e.:
for i in outer_array:
Also, I am not sure if I should include the line "pool.close()" at the end of each loop in the second example above; what would be the benefits of doing so?
Ideally, you should call the Pool() constructor exactly once - not over & over again. There are substantial overheads when creating worker processes, and you pay those costs every time you invoke Pool(). The processes created by a single Pool() call stay around! When they finish the work you've given to them in one part of the program, they stick around, waiting for more work to do.
As to Pool.close(), you should call that when - and only when - you're never going to submit more work to the Pool instance. So Pool.close() is typically called when the parallelizable part of your main program is finished. Then the worker processes will terminate when all work already assigned has completed.
It's also excellent practice to call Pool.join() to wait for the worker processes to terminate. Among other reasons, there's often no good way to report exceptions in parallelized code (exceptions occur in a context only vaguely related to what your main program is doing), and Pool.join() provides a synchronization point that can report some exceptions that occurred in worker processes that you'd otherwise never see.
Have fun :-)
import itertools
import multiprocessing as mp
def job(params):
a = params[0]
b = params[1]
return a*b
def multicore():
a = range(1000)
b = range(2000)
paramlist = list(itertools.product(a,b))
pool = mp.Pool(processes = 4), paramlist)
for i in res:
if __name__=='__main__':
how about this?
import time
from pathos.parallel import stats
from pathos.parallel import ParallelPool as Pool
def work(x, y):
return x * y
pool = Pool(5)
pool.ncpus = 4
pool.servers = ('localhost:5654',)
t1 = time.time()
results = pool.imap(work, range(1, 2), range(1, 11))
print("INFO: List is: %s" % list(results))
t2 = time.time()
print("TIMER: Function completed time is: %.5f" % (t2 - t1))
