ununderstandable behavior subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout) and os.system(cmd) - python

I use an external command inside a python script using firstly:
subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
then i get the stdout.
The problem is that the result of this external command when executing it inside the script is not the same if i execute it directly in the command line.
I use then os.system(cmd), but the same problem.
Is this instructions in python use some buffers?
How can i explain the difference between the two results (command line and inside the script).
I'm using this tool as a local command from comman line after installing it:
I use some file as input like this one:
path(X,Y) :- edge(X,Y). % x and y are strings
path(X,Z) :- path(X,Y), path(Y,Z).
:- path(X,Y), path(Y,X). %cyclic path.
To do it the tool generate a model like this :
edge("s1","s3") edge("s2","s4") edge("s3","s4") path("s1","s3") path("s2","s4") path("s3","s4") path("s1","s4")
When i call the command inside my python script it doesn't compute all the model, it generate an incomplete model. This problem appear only in the big examples, which requires the computation of a large model . That's why i'm asking if this commands : subprocess.Popen and os.system use some buffers...


subprocess.call command runs but doesn't actually do anything

I get no error message when running the following code, however it doesn't perform the required task (to be more precise, the output is an empty file).
import subprocess
chemin_in_troncon = r"C:\Users\HBT\Desktop\Run\1OUTIL_CREATION_DB\donnees_out\2-FAX0W0\FAX0W0900_2.in"
chemin_strapontin = r"C:\Users\HBT\Desktop\STRAPONTIN\strapontin9120.exe"
result900 = subprocess.call([chemin_strapontin, chemin_in_troncon], shell=True)
However, when I execute the equivalent task directly from the shell with the following command, the .exe file does its job and gives me a non-empty output :
strapontin9120.exe ../Run/1OUTIL_CREATION_DB/donnees_out/2-FAX0W0/FAX0W0900_2.in
Here, I wrote this shell command while in the directory containing "strapontin9120.exe".
Any idea what is wrong in my code?

Execute windows shell command and process output variables

In Python 3.7 running on Windows, what specific syntax is required to:
1. Navigate to a directory containing a terraform program
2. Execute "terraform apply -auto-approve" in that target directory
3. Extract the resulting output variables into a form usable in python
The output variables might take the form:
security_group_id_nodes = sg-xxxxxxxxxx
vpc_id_myvpc = vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Want to be using windows cmd style commands here, NOT powershell.
My first failed newbie attempt is:
import os
from subprocess import check_output
check_output("terraform apply -auto-approve", shell=True).decode()
Not sure about your output, but subprocess could definitely make the trick.
Try something like:
command = 'terraform apply -auto-approve'
TARGET_DIR = 'E:\Target\Directory'
subprocess_handle = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), cwd=TARGET_DIR, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = subprocess_handle.communicate()[0]
Worked for me once, just play around with params.
UPD: Here I assume that "terraform" is an executable.

Calling a command line utility from Python

I am currently trying to utilize strace to automatically trace a programm 's system calls. To then parse and process the data obtained, I want to use a Python script.
I now wonder, how would I go about calling strace from Python?
Strace is usually called via command line and I don't know of any C library compiled from strace which I could utilize.
What is the general way to simulate an access via command line via Python?
alternatively: are there any tools similar to strace written natively in Python?
I'm thankful for any kind of help.
Nothing, as I'm clueless
You need to use the subprocess module.
It has check_output to read the output and put it in a variable, and check_call to just check the exit code.
If you want to run a shell script you can write it all in a string and set shell=True, otherwise just put the parameters as strings in a list.
import subprocess
# Single process
subprocess.check_output(['fortune', '-m', 'ciao'])
# Run it in a shell
subprocess.check_output('fortune | grep a', shell=True)
Remember that if you run stuff in a shell, if you don't escape properly and allow user data to go in your string, it's easy to make security holes. It is better to not use shell=True.
You can use commands as the following:
import commands
cmd = "strace command"
result = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if result[0] == 0:
print result[1]
print "Something went wrong executing your command"
result[0] contains the return code, and result[1] contains the output.
Python 2 and Python 3 (prior 3.5)
Simply execute:
subprocess.call(["strace", "command"])
Execute and return the output for processing:
output = subprocess.check_output(["strace", "command"])
Reference: https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html
Python 3.5+
output = subprocess.run(["strace", "command"], caputure_output=True)
Reference: https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.run

Attempting to circumvent pysvn, can I use the subprocess function to write svn calls in shell script?

I'm having some trouble understanding the subprocess function in Python 2.7. I have some commands in shell script that I'm trying to convert into Python, svn export -r 5 ... for example, but I don't want to depend on a library such as pysvn to do this. The solution to that (to my understanding) is to use a subprocess and just run each individual command that would be in a shell script. Should this be achieved by subprocess.call("svn export -r 5", shell=True)? Or is Popen what I should be looking at? I know that it's been said you should avoid shell=True, but there is no security concern or possible user error in my case. Any advice would be appreciated.
subprocess.call is just a thin wrapper around subprocess.Popen that waits for the process to complete:
def call(*args, **kwargs):
return Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait()
The only reason to use the shell to run your command is if you want to run some more or less complicated shell command. With a single simple command and its arguments, it is better to pass a single list of strings consisting of the command name and its arguments.
subprocess.call(["svn", "export", "-r", "5"])
If you were writing a function that could, for example, take a revision number as an argument, you can pass that to svn export as long as you ensure that it is a string:
def svn_export(r):
subprocess.call(["svn", "export", "-r", str(r)])

How to run a python script that takes command line arguments with a double click

As a personal project to improve my python skills I created a script that retrieves weather data. It takes multiple command line arguments to specify the location and what specific information is wanted.
I'd like to make a second file to run it with specific command line arguments using a double click. I already learned how to make it into an executable/make a second file execute it. However, I don't know how to run it with command line arguments.
Currently my secondary file (wrapper?.. unsure of terminology) looks like this:
#! /usr/bin/env python
import weather
This runs but I don't know how to create command line arguments for it without running from the shell. I'd like to have a simple executable to run the weather for where I am quickly.
Well, you can call a shell process using the os.system or the subprocess module.
os.system takes a string and passes it as a command to a shell.
import os
os.system("ls -1")
Whereas subprocess takes a list of all the arguments (the program itself being the first argument) and passes it as a command.
import subprocess
# Simple command
subprocess.call(['ls', '-1'], shell=True)
Seeing these examples, it's easy to tell that you want the executable program to call either one of these (os.system or subprocess). I recommend using the latter, as it offers more variety.
If you want more information, I suggest you read the review of subprocess on Python Module of the Week..
Add to your wrapper script:
import sys
sys.argv[1:] = ['what', 'ever', 'u', 'want']
before the call to weather.main().
