I had been trying to run python from SSIS. SO i needed to create a package in sql server. I can run small scripts in sql server but I am not sure how to run scripts.
Below works. But my python code is in test_db.py How do I run that python script in sql server?
EXEC sp_execute_external_script #language = N'Python',
#script = N'print(3+4)'
STDOUT message(s) from external script:
If the Python engine is installed on the server where you are trying to run this script, you can use the execute process task and call the python.exe. Pass the .py file as an argument to the task and that will run the script as well.
There are two approaches to execute python scripts from SSIS:
(1) Executing Python Script using Execute Process Task
You can use execute the python script from an Execute Process Task to a Flat File then read from the flat file to SQL Server, you can refer to the following link for more information:
Scraping data with SSIS and Python
(2) Using IronPython
IronPython is an open-source implementation of the Python programming language which is tightly integrated with the .NET Framework. IronPython can use the .NET Framework and Python libraries, and other .NET languages can use Python code just as easily.
You can use a Script Component to integrate IronPython library:
I didn't used this library before and i don't know if i can help. I have read a comment wrote by #billinkc linking to the answer below which contains an amazing guide on how to do that:
SSIS: Execute Ironpython or Ironruby scripts through SSIS
Predicting data with Python script in an SSIS package
How to create a SSIS package to ETL JSON from Python REST API request into MSSQL server?
The company has built a python API with Machine Learning modules and we want to install this API on our customers' local server.
Of course, we don't want them to read the code, but when I try to use pyinstaller or pyarmor the fastAPI server can't understand the code anymore.
Is there a way to obfuscate or compile the python code and make it work with a server like fastapi with the uvicorn command?
Summary: I'm trying to create a python program to run Powershell scripts in Azure Windows VMs. But I can't find good documentation about which libraries of the SDK I can use.
Detailed: In order to automate certain administrative tasks, a python program should run, authenticate into Azure and then run Powershell scripts in certain Windows VMs. I think I have the auth part thanks to azure.identity, but I can't find any library to interact with a running VM. Sure, lots for creating or modifying a VM in Azure, but nothing to interact with it. Neither in the SDK or in the API browser. I know it can be done with Azure CLI, but id like to use the SDK, if possible at all.
My understanding is that you would like to run PowerShell remotely using the Python SDK.
AFAIK, I don't think there is a provision within the Azure Python SDK to run remote PS scripts.
Workaround :
(But please note that this outside the Azure Python SDK.)
You could create Azure Windows WinRM VM template and you could execute ps commands from the Python code using the winrm library like discussed in this thread.
I am trying execute a node.js script inside python code running in Google App Engine. Something like this below:
from Naked.toolshed.shell import muterun_js
def foo(parameter):
response_from_js = muterun_js('./views/api/generateSignedTransaction.js',
response = response_from_js.stdout
But Naked cannot be used inside GAE because of its dependencies on C and inbuilt libraries like subprocess.call(), subprocess.check_output() and os.system() did not work as well I am guessing due to the same reasons as they execute system calls they would have C dependanices. Is there any alternative to passing parameters and executing the node.js script which would work in GAE?
In your case, depending on what generateSignedTransaction.js does, you can create a Google Cloud Function with your JS script, then, just call it from your Python.
What I have is electron app that runs the frontend and python app that runs in backend. At some point I need to execute python script and get info from it.
I'm currently using python shell for node.js (communicate through standard I/O), however I was able to find another method with sockets. What are the advantages of using sockets compared to standard I/O? From what I understand, I can only pass strings either way. Which performs better?
One of my project requirement, I need to write script to fetch hardware info of esxi server remotely.
If some has explored python module pywbem for esxi or some other module.
Not in python, I got similar in powershell [answered in vmtn communities]
In this blog, mention script helps