I am fairly new to programming & am looking for a more pythonic way to implement some code. Here is dummy data:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Category':np.random.choice( ['Group A','Group B'], 10000),
'Sub-Category':np.random.choice( ['X','Y','Z'], 10000),
'Sub-Category-2':np.random.choice( ['G','F','I'], 10000),
'Product':np.random.choice( ['Product 1','Product 2','Product 3'], 10000),
'Units_Sold':np.random.randint(1,100, size=(10000)),
'Dollars_Sold':np.random.randint(100,1000, size=10000),
'Date':np.random.choice( pd.date_range('1/1/2016','12/31/2018',
freq='D'), 10000)})
I have lots of transactional data like that that I perform various Groupby's on. My current solution is to make a master groupby like this:
master = df.groupby(['Customer','Category','Sub-Category','Product',pd.Grouper(key='Date',freq='A')])['Units_Sold'].sum()\
From there, I perform various groupbys using .groupby(level=) function to aggregate the information in the way I'm looking for. I usually make a summary at each level. In addition, I create sub-totals at each level using some variation of the below code.
y = master.groupby(level=[0,1,2]).sum()
y.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
y.index.get_level_values(2) + ' Total',
y1 = master.groupby(level=[0,1]).sum()
y1.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
y1.index.get_level_values(1)+ ' Total',
y2 = master.groupby(level=[0]).sum()
y2.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
y2.index.get_level_values(0)+ ' Total',
.assign(Diff = lambda x: x.iloc[:,-1] - x.iloc[:,-2])\
.assign(Diff_Perc = lambda x: (x.iloc[:,-2] / x.iloc[:,-3])- 1)\
This is just an example - I may perform the same exercise, but perform the groupby in a different order. For example - next I may want to group by 'Category', 'Product', then 'Customer', so I'd have to do:
Then I will have to repeat the whole exercise for sub-totals like above. I also frequently change the time period - could be year-ending a specific month, could be year to date, could be by quarter, etc.
From what I've learned so far in programming (which is minimal, clearly!), you should look to write a function any time you repeat code. Obviously I am repeating code over & over again in this example.
Is there a way to construct a function where you can provide the levels to Groupby, along with the time frame, all while creating a function for sub-totaling each level as well?
Thanks in advance for any guidance on this. It is very much appreciated.
For a DRY-er solution, consider generalizing your current method into a defined module that filters original data frame by date ranges and runs aggregations, receiving the group_by levels and date ranges (latter being optional) as passed in parameters:
def multiple_agg(mylevels, start_date='2016-01-01', end_date='2018-12-31'):
filter_df = df[df['Date'].between(start_date, end_date)]
master = (filter_df.groupby(['Customer', 'Category', 'Sub-Category', 'Product',
y = master.groupby(level=mylevels[:-1]).sum()
y.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
y.index.get_level_values(2) + ' Total',
y1 = master.groupby(level=mylevels[0:2]).sum()
y1.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
y1.index.get_level_values(1)+ ' Total',
y2 = master.groupby(level=mylevels[0]).sum()
y2.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([
y2.index.get_level_values(0)+ ' Total',
final_df = (pd.concat([master,y,y1,y2])
.assign(Diff = lambda x: x.iloc[:,-1] - x.iloc[:,-2])
.assign(Diff_Perc = lambda x: (x.iloc[:,-2] / x.iloc[:,-3])- 1)
return final_df
Aggregation Runs (of different levels and date ranges)
agg_df1 = multiple_agg([0,1,2,3])
agg_df2 = multiple_agg([1,3,0,2], '2016-01-01', '2017-12-31')
agg_df3 = multiple_agg([2,3,1,0], start_date='2017-01-01', end_date='2018-12-31')
Testing (final_df being OP'S pd.concat() output)
# Date 2016-12-31 00:00:00 2017-12-31 00:00:00 2018-12-31 00:00:00 Diff Diff_Perc
# Customer Category Sub-Category Product
# 45mhn4PU1O Group A X Product 1 True True True True True
# Product 2 True True True True True
# Product 3 True True True True True
# X Total True True True True True
# Y Product 1 True True True True True
# Product 2 True True True True True
# Product 3 True True True True True
# Y Total True True True True True
# Z Product 1 True True True True True
# Product 2 True True True True True
I think you can do it using sum with the level parameter:
master = df.groupby(['Customer','Category','Sub-Category','Product',pd.Grouper(key='Date',freq='A')])['Units_Sold'].sum()\
s1 = master.sum(level=[0,1,2]).assign(Product='Total').set_index('Product',append=True)
s2 = master.sum(level=[0,1])
# Wanted to use assign method but because of the hyphen in the column name you can't.
# Also use the Z in front for sorting purposes
s2['Sub-Category'] = 'ZTotal'
s2['Product'] = ''
s2 = s2.set_index(['Sub-Category','Product'], append=True)
s3 = master.sum(level=[0])
s3['Category'] = 'Total'
s3['Sub-Category'] = ''
s3['Product'] = ''
s3 = s3.set_index(['Category','Sub-Category','Product'], append=True)
master_new = pd.concat([master,s1,s2,s3]).sort_index()
Date 2016-12-31 2017-12-31 2018-12-31
Customer Category Sub-Category Product
30XWmt1jm0 Group A X Product 1 651.0 341.0 453.0
Product 2 267.0 445.0 117.0
Product 3 186.0 280.0 352.0
Total 1104.0 1066.0 922.0
Y Product 1 426.0 417.0 670.0
Product 2 362.0 210.0 380.0
Product 3 232.0 290.0 430.0
Total 1020.0 917.0 1480.0
Z Product 1 196.0 212.0 703.0
Product 2 277.0 340.0 579.0
Product 3 416.0 392.0 259.0
Total 889.0 944.0 1541.0
ZTotal 3013.0 2927.0 3943.0
Group B X Product 1 356.0 230.0 407.0
Product 2 402.0 370.0 590.0
Product 3 262.0 381.0 377.0
Total 1020.0 981.0 1374.0
Y Product 1 575.0 314.0 643.0
Product 2 557.0 375.0 411.0
Product 3 344.0 246.0 280.0
Total 1476.0 935.0 1334.0
Z Product 1 278.0 152.0 392.0
Product 2 149.0 596.0 303.0
Product 3 234.0 505.0 521.0
Total 661.0 1253.0 1216.0
ZTotal 3157.0 3169.0 3924.0
Total 6170.0 6096.0 7867.0
3U2anYOD6o Group A X Product 1 214.0 443.0 195.0
Product 2 170.0 220.0 423.0
Product 3 111.0 469.0 369.0
... ... ... ...
somc22Y2Hi Group B Z Total 906.0 1063.0 680.0
ZTotal 3070.0 3751.0 2736.0
Total 6435.0 7187.0 6474.0
zRZq6MSKuS Group A X Product 1 421.0 182.0 387.0
Product 2 359.0 287.0 331.0
Product 3 232.0 394.0 279.0
Total 1012.0 863.0 997.0
Y Product 1 245.0 366.0 111.0
Product 2 377.0 148.0 239.0
Product 3 372.0 219.0 310.0
Total 994.0 733.0 660.0
Z Product 1 280.0 363.0 354.0
Product 2 384.0 604.0 178.0
Product 3 219.0 462.0 366.0
Total 883.0 1429.0 898.0
ZTotal 2889.0 3025.0 2555.0
Group B X Product 1 466.0 413.0 187.0
Product 2 502.0 370.0 368.0
Product 3 745.0 480.0 318.0
Total 1713.0 1263.0 873.0
Y Product 1 218.0 226.0 385.0
Product 2 123.0 382.0 570.0
Product 3 173.0 572.0 327.0
Total 514.0 1180.0 1282.0
Z Product 1 480.0 317.0 604.0
Product 2 256.0 215.0 572.0
Product 3 463.0 50.0 349.0
Total 1199.0 582.0 1525.0
ZTotal 3426.0 3025.0 3680.0
Total 6315.0 6050.0 6235.0
[675 rows x 3 columns]
I have a Dataframe of vote and I would like to create one of preferences.
For example here is the number of votes for each party P1, P2, P3 in each city Comm, Comm2 ...
Comm Votes P1 P2 P3
0 comm1 1315.0 2.0 424.0 572.0
1 comm2 4682.0 117.0 2053.0 1584.0
2 comm3 2397.0 2.0 40.0 192.0
3 comm4 931.0 2.0 12.0 345.0
4 comm5 842.0 47.0 209.0 76.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
1524 comm1525 10477.0 13.0 673.0 333.0
1525 comm1526 2674.0 1.0 55.0 194.0
1526 comm1527 1691.0 331.0 29.0 78.0
These electoral results would suffice for a first pass the ballot system, I would like to test the alternative election model. So for each political party I need to get the preferences.
As I don't know the preferences, I want to make them with random numbers. I suppose that voters are honest. For example, for the "P1" party in town "comm" We know that 2 people voted for it and that there are 1315 voters. I need to create preferences to see if people would put it as their first, second or third option. It is to say, and for each party:
Comm Votes P1_1 P1_2 P1_3 P2_1 P2_2 P2_3 P3_1 P3_2 P3_3
0 comm1 1315.0 2.0 1011.0 303.0 424.0 881.0 10.0 570.0 1.0 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
1526 comm1527 1691.0 331.0 1300.0 60.0 299.0 22.0 10.0 ...
So I have to do:
# for each column in parties I create (parties -1) other columns
# I rename them all Party_i. The former 1 becomes Party_1.
# In the other columns I put a random number.
# For a given line, the sum of all Party_i for i in [1, parties] mus t be equal to Votes
I tried this so far:
parties = [item for item in df.columns if item not in ['Comm','Votes']]
for index, row in df_test.iterrows():
# In the other columns I put a random number.
for party in parties:
# for each column in parties I create (parties -1) other columns
for i in range(0,len(parties) -1):
print(random.randrange(0, row['Votes']))
# I rename them all Party_i. The former 1 becomes Party_1.
row["{party}_{preference}".format(party = party,preference = i)] = random.randrange(0, row['Votes']) if (row[party] < row['Votes']) else 0 # false because the sum of the votes isn't = to df['Votes']
The results are:
Comm Votes ... P1_1 P1_2 P1_3 P2_1 P2_2 P2_3 P3_1 P3_2 P3_3
0 comm1 1315.0 ... 1003 460 1588 1284 1482 1613 1429 345
1 comm2 1691.0 ... 1003 460 1588 1284 1482 1613 ...
the numbers are the same for each rows
the value in row of Pi_1 isn't equal to the one in the row of Pi (Pi being a given party).
the sum of Pi_j for all j in [0, parties] isn't equal to the number in the column Votes
I tried Antihead's answer with his own data and it worked well. But when apllying to my own data it doesn't. It leaves me an empty dataframe:
import collections
def fill_cells(cell):
v_max = cell['Votes']
all_dict = {}
#iterate over parties.copy()
for p in parties:
tmp_l = parties.copy()
# sample new data with equal choices
sampled = np.random.choice(tmp_l, int(v_max-cell[p]))
# transform into dictionary
c_sampled = dict(collections.Counter(sampled))
# batch update of the dictio~nary keys
dict(zip([p+'_%s' %k[1] for k in c_sampled.keys()], c_sampled.values()))
return pd.Series(all_dict)
Indeed, with the following dataframe:
Comm Votes LPC CPC BQ
0 comm1 1315.0 2.0 424.0 572.0
1 comm2 4682.0 117.0 2053.0 1584.0
2 comm3 2397.0 2.0 40.0 192.0
3 comm4 931.0 2.0 12.0 345.0
4 comm5 842.0 47.0 209.0 76.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
1522 comm1523 23808.0 1588.0 4458.0 13147.0
1523 comm1524 639.0 40.0 126.0 40.0
1524 comm1525 10477.0 13.0 673.0 333.0
1525 comm1526 2674.0 1.0 55.0 194.0
1526 comm1527 1691.0 331.0 29.0 78.0
I have an empty dataframe:
Does this work:
# data
columns = ['Comm', 'Votes', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3']
data =[['comm1', 1315.0, 2.0, 424.0, 572.0],
['comm2', 4682.0, 117.0, 2053.0, 1584.0],
['comm3', 2397.0, 2.0, 40.0, 192.0],
['comm4', 931.0, 2.0, 12.0, 345.0],
['comm5', 842.0, 47.0, 209.0, 76.0],
['comm1525', 10477.0, 13.0, 673.0, 333.0],
['comm1526', 2674.0, 1.0, 55.0, 194.0],
['comm1527', 1691.0, 331.0, 29.0, 78.0]]
df =pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns)
import collections
def fill_cells(cell):
v_max = cell['Votes']
all_dict = {}
#iterate over parties
for p in ['P1', 'P2', 'P3']:
tmp_l = ['P1', 'P2', 'P3']
# sample new data with equal choices
sampled = np.random.choice(tmp_l, int(v_max-cell[p]))
# transform into dictionary
c_sampled = dict(collections.Counter(sampled))
# batch update of the dictionary keys
dict(zip([p+'_%s' %k[1] for k in c_sampled.keys()], c_sampled.values()))
return pd.Series(all_dict)
# get back a data frame
df.apply(fill_cells, axis=1)
If You need to merge the data frame back, do something like:
new_df = df.apply(fill_cells, axis=1)
pd.concat([df, new_df], axis=1)
Based on Antihead's answer and for the following dataset:
Comm Votes LPC CPC BQ
0 comm1 1315.0 2.0 424.0 572.0
1 comm2 4682.0 117.0 2053.0 1584.0
2 comm3 2397.0 2.0 40.0 192.0
3 comm4 931.0 2.0 12.0 345.0
4 comm5 842.0 47.0 209.0 76.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
1522 comm1523 23808.0 1588.0 4458.0 13147.0
1523 comm1524 639.0 40.0 126.0 40.0
1524 comm1525 10477.0 13.0 673.0 333.0
1525 comm1526 2674.0 1.0 55.0 194.0
1526 comm1527 1691.0 331.0 29.0 78.0
I tried:
def fill_cells(cell):
votes_max = cell['Votes']
all_dict = {}
#iterate over parties
parties_temp = parties.copy()
for p in parties_temp:
preferences = ['1','2','3']
for preference in preferences:
# sample new data with equal choices
sampled = np.random.choice(preferences, int(votes_max-cell[p]))
# transform into dictionary
c_sampled = dict(collections.Counter(sampled))
c_sampled['1'] = c_sampled.pop(p)
# batch update of the dictionary keys
dict(zip([p+'_%s' %k for k in c_sampled.keys()],c_sampled.values()))
return pd.Series(all_dict)
It returns
LPC_2 LPC_3 LPC_1 CPC_2 CPC_3 CPC_1 BQ_2 BQ_3 BQ_1
0 891.0 487.0 424.0 743.0 373.0 572.0 1313.0 683.0 2.0
1 2629.0 1342.0 2053.0 3098.0 1603.0 1584.0 4565.0 2301.0 117.0
2 2357.0 1186.0 40.0 2205.0 1047.0 192.0 2395.0 1171.0 2.0
3 919.0 451.0 12.0 586.0 288.0 345.0 929.0 455.0 2.0
4 633.0 309.0 209.0 766.0 399.0 76.0 795.0 396.0 47.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1520 1088.0 536.0 42.0 970.0 462.0 160.0 1117.0 540.0 13.0
1521 4742.0 2341.0 219.0 3655.0 1865.0 1306.0 4705.0 2375.0 256.0
1522 19350.0 9733.0 4458.0 10661.0 5352.0 13147.0 22220.0 11100.0 1588.0
1523 513.0 264.0 126.0 599.0 267.0 40.0 599.0 306.0 40.0
1524 9804.0 4885.0 673.0 10144.0 5012.0 333.0 10464.0 5162.0 13.0
It's almost good. I would have prefered the preferences to be dynamically encoded rather than to hard code ['1','2','3'].
Working through Pandas Cookbook. Counting the Total Number of Flights Between Cities.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
print('NumPy: {}'.format(np.__version__))
print('Pandas: {}'.format(pd.__version__))
desired_width = 320
pd.set_option('display.width', desired_width)
pd.options.display.max_rows = 50
pd.options.display.max_columns = 14
# pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
file = "e:\\packt\\data_analysis_and_exploration_with_pandas\\section07\\data\\flights.csv"
flights = pd.read_csv(file)
# This returns the total number of rows for each group.
flights_ct = flights.groupby(['ORG_AIR', 'DEST_AIR']).size()
# Get the number of flights between Atlanta and Houston in both directions.
print(flights_ct.loc[[('ATL', 'IAH'), ('IAH', 'ATL')]])
# Sort the origin and destination cities:
# flights_sort = flights.sort_values(by=['ORG_AIR', 'DEST_AIR'], axis=1)
flights_sort = flights[['ORG_AIR', 'DEST_AIR']].apply(sorted, axis=1)
# Passing just the first row.
print(sorted(flights.loc[0, ['ORG_AIR', 'DEST_AIR']]))
# Once each row is independently sorted, the column name are no longer correct.
# We will rename them to something generic, then again find the total number of flights between all cities.
rename_dict = {'ORG_AIR': 'AIR1', 'DEST_AIR': 'AIR2'}
flights_sort = flights_sort.rename(columns=rename_dict)
flights_ct2 = flights_sort.groupby(['AIR1', 'AIR2']).size()
When I get to this line of code my output differs from the authors:
```flights_sort = flights[['ORG_AIR', 'DEST_AIR']].apply(sorted, axis=1)```
My output does not contain any column names. As a result, when I get to:
```flights_ct2 = flights_sort.groupby(['AIR1', 'AIR2']).size()```
it throws a KeyError. This makes sense, as I am trying to rename columns when no column names exist.
My question is, why are the column names gone? All other output matches the authors output exactly:
Connected to pydev debugger (build 191.7141.48)
NumPy: 1.16.3
Pandas: 0.24.2
0 1 1 4 WN LAX SLC 1625 58.0 94.0 590 1905 65.0 0 0
1 1 1 4 UA DEN IAD 823 7.0 154.0 1452 1333 -13.0 0 0
2 1 1 4 MQ DFW VPS 1305 36.0 85.0 641 1453 35.0 0 0
3 1 1 4 AA DFW DCA 1555 7.0 126.0 1192 1935 -7.0 0 0
4 1 1 4 WN LAX MCI 1720 48.0 166.0 1363 2225 39.0 0 0
5 1 1 4 UA IAH SAN 1450 1.0 178.0 1303 1620 -14.0 0 0
6 1 1 4 AA DFW MSY 1250 84.0 64.0 447 1410 83.0 0 0
7 1 1 4 F9 SFO PHX 1020 -7.0 91.0 651 1315 -6.0 0 0
8 1 1 4 AA ORD STL 1845 -5.0 44.0 258 1950 -5.0 0 0
9 1 1 4 UA IAH SJC 925 3.0 215.0 1608 1136 -14.0 0 0
ABQ 16
ABY 19
AEX 40
AGS 83
ALB 33
ATW 10
dtype: int64
dtype: int64
*** No columns names *** Why?
0 [LAX, SLC]
1 [DEN, IAD]
2 [DFW, VPS]
3 [DCA, DFW]
4 [LAX, MCI]
5 [IAH, SAN]
6 [DFW, MSY]
7 [PHX, SFO]
8 [ORD, STL]
9 [IAH, SJC]
dtype: object
The author's output. Note the columns names are present.
sorted returns a list object and obliterates the columns:
In [11]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]], columns=["A", "B"])
In [12]: df.apply(sorted, axis=1)
0 [1, 2]
1 [3, 4]
dtype: object
In [13]: type(df.apply(sorted, axis=1).iloc[0])
Out[13]: list
It's possible that this wouldn't have been the case in earlier pandas... but it would still be bad code.
You can do this by passing the columns explicitly:
In [14]: df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(sorted(x), df.columns), axis=1)
0 1 2
1 3 4
A more efficient way to do this is to sort the sort the underlying numpy array:
In [21]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 1]], columns=["A", "B"])
In [22]: df
0 1 2
1 3 1
In [23]: arr = df[["A", "B"]].values
In [24]: arr.sort(axis=1)
In [25]: df[["A", "B"]] = arr
In [26]: df
0 1 2
1 1 3
As you can see this sorts each row.
A final note. I just applied #AndyHayden numpy based solution from above.
flights_sort = flights[["ORG_AIR", "DEST_AIR"]].values
flights[["ORG_AIR", "DEST_AIR"]] = flights_sort
All I can say is … Wow. What an enormous performance difference. I get the exact same
correct answer and I get it as soon as I click the mouse as compared to the pandas lambda solution also provided by #AndyHayden which takes about 20 seconds to perform the sort. That dataset is 58,000+ rows. The numpy solution returns the sort instantly.
I have a dataframe df
User City Job Age
0 A x Unemployed 33
1 B x Student 18
2 C x Unemployed 27
3 D y Data Scientist 28
4 E y Unemployed 45
5 F y Student 18
I want to groupby the City and do some stat. If I have to compute the mean, I can do the following:
tmp = df.groupby(['City']).mean()
I would like to do same by a specific quantile. Is it possible?
def q1(x):
return x.quantile(0.25)
def q2(x):
return x.quantile(0.75)
fc = {'Age': [q1,q2]}
temp = df.groupby('City').agg(fc)
q1 q2
x 22.5 30.0
y 23.0 36.5
I believe you need DataFrameGroupBy.quantile:
tmp = df.groupby('City')['Age'].quantile(0.4)
print (tmp)
x 25.2
y 26.0
Name: Age, dtype: float64
tmp = df.groupby('City')['Age'].quantile([0.25, 0.75]).unstack().add_prefix('q')
print (tmp)
q0.25 q0.75
x 22.5 30.0
y 23.0 36.5
I am using describe
25% 75%
x 22.5 30.0
y 23.0 36.5
You can use:
df.groupby('City')['Age'].apply(lambda x: np.percentile(x,[25,75])).reset_index().rename(columns={'Age':'25%, 75%'})
City 25%, 75%
0 x [22.5, 30.0]
1 y [23.0, 36.5]
Here is a example of data we want to process:
df_size = 1000000
df_random = pd.DataFrame({'boat_id' : np.random.choice(range(300),df_size),
'X' :np.random.random_integers(0,1000,df_size),
'target_Y' :np.random.random_integers(0,10,df_size)})
X boat_id target_Y
0 482 275 6
1 705 245 4
2 328 102 6
3 631 227 6
4 234 236 8
I want to obtain an output like this :
X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 target_Y boat_id
40055 684.0 692.0 950.0 572.0 442.0 850.0 75.0 140.0 382.0 576.0 0.0 1
40056 178.0 949.0 490.0 777.0 335.0 559.0 397.0 729.0 701.0 44.0 4.0 1
40057 21.0 818.0 341.0 577.0 612.0 57.0 303.0 183.0 519.0 357.0 0.0 1
40058 501.0 1000.0 999.0 532.0 765.0 913.0 964.0 922.0 772.0 534.0 1.0 2
40059 305.0 906.0 724.0 996.0 237.0 197.0 414.0 171.0 369.0 299.0 8.0 2
40060 408.0 796.0 815.0 638.0 691.0 598.0 913.0 579.0 650.0 955.0 2.0 3
40061 298.0 512.0 247.0 824.0 764.0 414.0 71.0 440.0 135.0 707.0 9.0 4
40062 535.0 687.0 945.0 859.0 718.0 580.0 427.0 284.0 122.0 777.0 2.0 4
40063 352.0 115.0 228.0 69.0 497.0 387.0 552.0 473.0 574.0 759.0 3.0 4
40064 179.0 870.0 862.0 186.0 25.0 125.0 925.0 310.0 335.0 739.0 7.0 4
I did the folowing code, but it is way to slow.
It groupby, cut with enumerate, transpose then merge result into one pandas Dataframe
start_time = time.time()
N = 10
col_names = map(lambda x: 'X'+str(x), range(N))
compil = pd.DataFrame(columns = col_names)
i = 0
# I group by boat ID
for boat_id, df_boat in df_random.groupby('boat_id'):
# then I cut every 50 line
for (line_number, (index, row)) in enumerate(df_boat.iterrows()):
if line_number%5 == 0:
compil_new_line_X = list(df_boat.iloc[line_number-N:line_number,:]["X"])
# filter to avoid issues at the start and end of the columns
if len (compil_new_line_X ) == N:
compil.loc[i,col_names] = compil_new_line_X
compil.loc[i, 'target_Y'] = row['target_Y']
compil.loc[i,'boat_id'] = row['boat_id']
i += 1
print("Total %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
Total 232.947000027 seconds
My question is:
How to do somethings every "x number of line"? Then merge result?
Do it exist a way to vectorize that kind of operation?
Here is a solution that improve calculation time by 35%.
It use a 'groupby' for 'boat_ID' then 'groupby.apply' to divide groups in smalls chunks.
Then a final apply to create the new line. We probably still can improve it.
df_size = 1000000
df_random = pd.DataFrame({'boat_id' : np.random.choice(range(300),df_size),
'X' :np.random.random_integers(0,1000,df_size),
'target_Y' : np.random.random_integers(0,10,df_size)})
start_time = time.time()
len_of_chunks = 10
col_names = map(lambda x: 'X'+str(x), range(N))+['boat_id', 'target_Y']
def prepare_data(group):
# this function create the new line we will put in 'compil'
info_we_want_to_keep =['boat_id', 'target_Y']
info_and_target = group.tail(1)[info_we_want_to_keep].values
k = group["X"]
return np.hstack([k.values, info_and_target[0]]) # this create the new line we will put in 'compil'
# we group by ID (boat)
# we divide in chunk of len "len_of_chunks"
# we apply prepare data from each chunk
groups = df_random.groupby('boat_id').apply(lambda x: x.groupby(np.arange(len(x)) // len_of_chunks).apply(prepare_data))
# we reset index
# we take the '0' columns containing valuable info
# we put info in a new 'compil' dataframe
# we drop uncomplet line ( generated by chunk < len_of_chunks )
compil = pd.DataFrame(groups.reset_index()[0].values.tolist(), columns= col_names).dropna()
print("Total %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
Total 153.781999826 seconds
I'm trying to find an efficient way to generate rolling counts or sums in pandas given a grouping and a date range. Eventually, I want to be able to add conditions, ie. evaluating a 'type' field, but I'm not there just yet. I've written something to get the job done, but feel that there could be a more direct way of getting to the desired result.
My pandas data frame currently looks like this, with the desired output being put in the last column 'rolling_sales_180'.
name date amount rolling_sales_180
0 David 2015-01-01 100 100.0
1 David 2015-01-05 500 600.0
2 David 2015-05-30 50 650.0
3 David 2015-07-25 50 100.0
4 Ryan 2014-01-04 100 100.0
5 Ryan 2015-01-19 500 500.0
6 Ryan 2016-03-31 50 50.0
7 Joe 2015-07-01 100 100.0
8 Joe 2015-09-09 500 600.0
9 Joe 2015-10-15 50 650.0
My current solution and environment can be sourced below. I've been modeling my solution from this R Q&A in stackoverflow. Efficient way to perform running total in the last 365 day window
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def trans_date_to_dist_matrix(date_col): # used to create a distance matrix
x = date_col.tolist()
y = date_col.tolist()
data = []
for i in x:
tmp = []
for j in y:
tmp.append(abs((i - j).days))
del tmp
return pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=date_col.values, columns=date_col.values)
def lower_tri(x_col, date_col, win): # x_col = column user wants a rolling sum of ,date_col = dates, win = time window
dm = trans_date_to_dist_matrix(date_col=date_col) # dm = distance matrix
dm = dm.where(dm <= win) # find all elements of the distance matrix that are less than window(time)
lt = dm.where(np.tril(np.ones(dm.shape)).astype(np.bool)) # lt = lower tri of distance matrix so we get only future dates
lt[lt >= 0.0] = 1.0 # cleans up our lower tri so that we can sum events that happen on the day we are evaluating
lt = lt.fillna(0) # replaces NaN with 0's for multiplication
return pd.DataFrame(x_col.values * lt.values).sum(axis=1).tolist()
def flatten(x):
n = [v for sl in x for v in sl]
return [v for sl in n for v in sl]
return [v for sl in x for v in sl]
data = [
['David', '1/1/2015', 100], ['David', '1/5/2015', 500], ['David', '5/30/2015', 50], ['David', '7/25/2015', 50],
['Ryan', '1/4/2014', 100], ['Ryan', '1/19/2015', 500], ['Ryan', '3/31/2016', 50],
['Joe', '7/1/2015', 100], ['Joe', '9/9/2015', 500], ['Joe', '10/15/2015', 50]
list_of_vals = []
dates_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=['name', 'date', 'amount'], index=None)
dates_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dates_df['date'])
list_of_vals.append(dates_df.groupby('name', as_index=False).apply(
lambda x: lower_tri(x_col=x.amount, date_col=x.date, win=180)))
new_data = flatten(list_of_vals)
dates_df['rolling_sales_180'] = new_data
print dates_df
Your time and feedback are appreciated.
Pandas has support for time-aware rolling via the rolling method, so you can use that instead of writing your own solution from scratch:
def get_rolling_amount(grp, freq):
return grp.rolling(freq, on='date')['amount'].sum()
df['rolling_sales_180'] = df.groupby('name', as_index=False, group_keys=False) \
.apply(get_rolling_amount, '180D')
The resulting output:
name date amount rolling_sales_180
0 David 2015-01-01 100 100.0
1 David 2015-01-05 500 600.0
2 David 2015-05-30 50 650.0
3 David 2015-07-25 50 100.0
4 Ryan 2014-01-04 100 100.0
5 Ryan 2015-01-19 500 500.0
6 Ryan 2016-03-31 50 50.0
7 Joe 2015-07-01 100 100.0
8 Joe 2015-09-09 500 600.0
9 Joe 2015-10-15 50 650.0