Remove duplicates in python dictionary - python

I have a list of dictionaries in python and I would like to override old value with duplicate value. Please let me know how can I do.
{'message': [{'name': 'raghav', 'id': 10}, {'name': 'raghav', 'id': 11}]}
Output should be:
{'message': [ {'name': 'raghav', 'id': 11}]}

I don't know what you mean by "override old value with duplicate value". If you mean just picking the second dict from the list, you could:
print({k: [v[1]] for (k, v) in data.items()})
If the idea is to update the "name" with a newer value of "id" as you move along the list, then maybe:
def merge_records(data):
records = data['message']
users = {}
for record in records:
name = record['name']
id_ = record['id']
users[name] = id_
new_records = []
for name, id_ in users.items():
new_records.append({'name': name, 'id': id_})
return {'message': new_records}
But, if you have any control over how the data is represented, you might reconsider. You probably want a different data structure.

Here you go:
d = {'message': [{'name': 'raghav', 'id': 10}, {'name': 'raghav', 'id': 11}]}
#loop over outer dictionary
for key, value in d.items():
d[key] = [dict([t for k in value for t in k.items()])]
As per your requirement:
d = {'message': [ {'name': 'raghav', 'id': 11}, {'name': 'krish', 'id': 20}, {'name': 'anu', 'id': 30}]}
for key, value in d.items():
print [dict((k1,v1)) for k1,v1 in dict([tuple(i.items()) for i in value for val in i.items()]).items()]


Reemplacing a list into a dictionary by another dictionary

I have a dictionary with some values that are type list, i need to convert each list in another dictionary and insert this new dictionary at the place of the list.
Basically, I have this dictionary
Dic = {
'name': 'P1',
'srcintf': 'IntA',
'dstintf': 'IntB',
'srcaddr': 'IP1',
'dstaddr': ['IP2', 'IP3', 'IP4'],
'service': ['P_9100', 'SNMP'],
'schedule' : 'always',
I need to reemplace the values that are lists
Expected output:
Dic = {
'name': 'P1',
'srcintf': 'IntA',
'dstintf': 'IntB',
'srcaddr': 'IP1',
'dstaddr': [
{'name': 'IP2'},
{'name': 'IP3'},
{'name': 'IP4'}
'service': [
{'name': 'P_9100'},
{'name': 'SNMP'}
'schedule' : 'always',
So far I have come up with this code:
for k,v in Dic.items():
if not isinstance(v, list):
NewDic = [k,v]
values = v
keys = ["name"]*len(values)
for item in range(len(values)):
key = keys[item]
value = values[item]
SmallDic = {key : value}
NewDic = [k,liste]
which print this
['name', 'P1']
['srcintf', 'IntA']
['dstintf', 'IntB']
['srcaddr', 'IP1']
['schedule', 'always']
['schedule', 'always']
I think is a problem with the loop for, but so far I haven't been able to figure it out.
You need to re-create the dictionary. With some modifications to your existing code so that it generates a new dictionary & fixing the else clause:
NewDic = {}
for k, v in Dic.items():
if not isinstance(v, list):
NewDic[k] = v
NewDic[k] = [
{"name": e} for e in v # loop through the list values & generate a dict for each
{'name': 'P1', 'srcintf': 'IntA', 'dstintf': 'IntB', 'srcaddr': 'IP1', 'dstaddr': [{'name': 'IP2'}, {'name': 'IP3'}, {'name': 'IP4'}], 'service': [{'name': 'P_9100'}, {'name': 'SNMP'}], 'schedule': 'always'}

How can I remove nested keys and create a new dict and link both with an ID?

I have a problem. I have a dict my_Dict. This is somewhat nested. However, I would like to 'clean up' the dict my_Dict, by this I mean that I would like to separate all nested ones and also generate a unique ID so that I can later find the corresponding object again.
For example, I have detail: {...}, this nested, should later map an independent dict my_Detail_Dict and in addition, detail should receive a unique ID within my_Dict. Unfortunately, my list that I give out is empty. How can I remove my slaughtered keys and give them an ID?
my_Dict = {
'_key': '1',
'group': 'test',
'data': {},
'type': '',
'code': '007',
'conType': '1',
'flag': None,
'createdAt': '2021',
'currency': 'EUR',
'detail': {
'selector': {
'number': '12312',
'isTrue': True,
'requirements': [{
'type': 'customer',
'requirement': '1'}]
def nested_dict(my_Dict):
my_new_dict_list = []
for key in my_Dict.keys():
#print(f"Looking for {key}")
if isinstance(my_Dict[key], dict):
print(f"{key} is nested")
# Add id to nested stuff
my_Dict[key]["__id"] = 1
my_nested_Dict = my_Dict[key]
# Delete all nested from the key
del my_Dict[key]
# Add id to key, but not the nested stuff
my_Dict[key] = 1
return my_new_dict_list
[OUT] []
# What I want
[my_Dict, my_Details_Dict, my_Data_Dict]
What I have
{'_key': '1',
'group': 'test',
'data': {},
'type': '',
'code': '007',
'conType': '1',
'flag': None,
'createdAt': '2021',
'currency': 'EUR',
'detail': {'selector': {'number': '12312',
'isTrue': True,
'requirements': [{'type': 'customer', 'requirement': '1'}]}}}
What I want
my_Dict = {'_key': '1',
'group': 'test',
'data': 18,
'type': '',
'code': '007',
'conType': '1',
'flag': None,
'createdAt': '2021',
'currency': 'EUR',
'detail': 22}
my_Data_Dict = {'__id': 18}
my_Detail_Dict = {'selector': {'number': '12312',
'isTrue': True,
'requirements': [{'type': 'customer', 'requirement': '1'}]}, '__id': 22}
The following code snippet will solve what you are trying to do:
my_Dict = {
'_key': '1',
'group': 'test',
'data': {},
'type': '',
'code': '007',
'conType': '1',
'flag': None,
'createdAt': '2021',
'currency': 'EUR',
'detail': {
'selector': {
'number': '12312',
'isTrue': True,
'requirements': [{
'type': 'customer',
'requirement': '1'}]
def nested_dict(my_Dict):
# Initializing a dictionary that will store all the nested dictionaries
my_new_dict = {}
idx = 0
for key in my_Dict.keys():
# Checking which keys are nested i.e are dictionaries
if isinstance(my_Dict[key], dict):
# Generating ID
idx += 1
# Adding generated ID as another key
my_Dict[key]["__id"] = idx
# Adding nested key with the ID to the new dictionary
my_new_dict[key] = my_Dict[key]
# Replacing nested key value with the generated ID
my_Dict[key] = idx
# Returning new dictionary containing all nested dictionaries with ID
return my_new_dict
result = nested_dict(my_Dict)
# Iterating through dictionary to get all nested dictionaries
for item in result.items():
If I understand you correctly, you wish to automatically make each nested dictionary it's own variable, and remove it from the main dictionary.
Finding the nested dictionaries and removing them from the main dictionary is not so difficult. However, automatically assigning them to a variable is not recommended for various reasons. Instead, what I would do is store all these dictionaries in a list, and then assign them manually to a variable.
# Prepare a list to store data in
inidividual_dicts = []
id_index = 1
for key in my_Dict.keys():
# For each key, we get the current value
value = my_Dict[key]
# Determine if the current value is a dictionary. If so, then it's a nested dict
if isinstance(value, dict):
print(key + " is a nested dict")
# Get the nested dictionary, and replace it with the ID
dict_value = my_Dict[key]
my_Dict[key] = id_index
# Add the id to previously nested dictionary
dict_value['__id'] = id_index
id_index = id_index + 1 # increase for next nested dic
inidividual_dicts.append(dict_value) # store it as a new dictionary
# Manually write out variables names, and assign the nested dictionaries to it.
[my_Details_Dict, my_Data_Dict] = inidividual_dicts

Build a dictionary with single elements or lists as values

I have a list of dictionaries:
mydict = [
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_1'},
{'name': 'test2', 'value': '2_1'},
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_2'},
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_3'},
{'name': 'test3', 'value': '3_1'},
{'name': 'test4', 'value': '4_1'},
{'name': 'test4', 'value': '4_2'},
I would like to use it to create a dictionary where the values are lists or single values depending of number of their occurrences in the list above.
Expected output:
outputdict = {
'test1': ['1_1', '1_2', '1_3'],
'test2': '2_1',
'test3': '3_1',
'test4': ['4_1', '4_2'],
I tried to do it the way below but it always returns a list, even when there is just one value element.
outputdict = {}
outputdict.setdefault(mydict.get('name'), []).append(mydict.get('value'))
The current output is:
outputdict = {
'test1': ['1_1', '1_2', '1_3'],
'test2': ['2_1'],
'test3': ['3_1'],
'test4': ['4_1', '4_2'],
Do what you have already done, and then convert single-element lists afterwards:
outputdict = {
name: (value if len(value) > 1 else value[0])
for name, value in outputdict.items()
You can use a couple of the built-in functions mainly itertools.groupby:
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
mydict = [
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_1'},
{'name': 'test2', 'value': '2_1'},
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_2'},
{'name': 'test1', 'value': '1_3'},
{'name': 'test3', 'value': '3_1'},
{'name': 'test4', 'value': '4_1'},
{'name': 'test4', 'value': '4_2'},
def keyFunc(x):
return x['name']
outputdict = {}
# groupby groups all the items that matches the returned value from keyFunc
# in our case it will use the names
for name, groups in groupby(mydict, keyFunc):
# groups will contains an iterator of all the items that have the matched name
values = list(map(itemgetter('value'), groups))
if len(values) == 1:
outputdict[name] = values[0]
outputdict[name] = values

how to calculate parent dict value based on child value in nested dictionary

I have python nested dictionary with unfixed order and update the parent count and size value based on child count and size value. But both values are available in last nested dict.
Input Dict-
[{'name': 'stack', 'children':
[{'name': 'flow', 'children':
[{'name': 'lldp', 'children':
[{'name': 'sourc', 'children':
[{'name': 'lldque.jrc', 'count': '11', 'size': '37'}]}]},
{'name': 'arp', 'children':
[{'name': 'src', 'children':
[{'name': 'arpred.cec', 'count': '37', 'size': '67'}]}]}]}]}]
Output Dict should be as below-
currently I am using below code;
def populateParentDict(ddict):
listl = []
if type(ddict) == list:
if 'children' in ddict[0]:
return populateParentDict(ddict[0])
elif 'children' in ddict:
return populateParentDict(ddict['children'])
return listl

Removing key value pair from list of dictionaries in python

I have below list of dictionaries:
>>> d={}
>>> d['primary info']={"name":"Mark","age":22,"Id":1234}
>>> d['secondary info']={"location":"Pune"}
Now dictionary d has list as following:
{'secondary info': {'location': 'Pune'}, 'primary info': {'age': 22, 'Id': 1234, 'name': 'Mark'}}
How can I remove age key-value pair from primary info?
How can I update value of Id in primary info?
To remove a key, value pair, you can use del:
>>> d = {"bob": "fish", "cat": "dog"}
>>> del d["cat"]
>>> d
{'bob': 'fish'}
As for the second part, you need to get the value of the key "primary info" (another dictionary) and then access the"Id"` value of this, and update it:
d["primary info"]["Id"] = 4321
which I can confirm, updates the value:
{..., 'primary info': {'Id': 4321, 'name': ...}, ...}
To delete a key or value from dict you can use del. For more info regarding del go to this link
You can solve your problem like this..
d['primary info']={"name":"Mark","age":22,"Id":1234}
d['secondary info']={"location":"Pune"}
del d['primary info']['age'] # deleting
d['primary info']['Id'] = 177 # updating
# Output
{'primary info': {'Id': 177, 'name': 'Mark'}, 'secondary info': {'location': 'Pune'}}
Hope this helps..
You can use dictionary comprehension:
d = {'secondary info': {'location': 'Pune'}, 'primary info': {'age': 22, 'Id': 1234, 'name': 'Mark'}}
new_id = 2344
new_d = {a:{c:new_id if c == "Id" else d for c, d in b.items() if c != 'age'} for a, b in d.items()}
{'primary info': {'Id': 2344, 'name': 'Mark'}, 'secondary info': {'location': 'Pune'}}
Or, you can use recursion for a more robust solution:
def update(d, new_id, delemeter='age'):
if all(not isinstance(b, dict) for a, b in d.items()):
return {a:new_id if a == "Id" else b for a, b in d.items() if a != delemeter}
final_data = {a:update(b, new_id, delemeter=delemeter) for a, b in d.items()}
return final_data
{'primary info': {'Id': 2344, 'name': 'Mark'}, 'secondary info': {'location': 'Pune'}}
