Why does sigmoid & crossentropy of Keras/tensorflow have low precision? - python

I have the following simple neural network (with 1 neuron only) to test the computation precision of sigmoid activation & binary_crossentropy of Keras:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1, input_dim=1, activation='sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
To simplify the test, I manually set the only weight to 1 and bias to 0, and then evaluate the model with 2-point training set {(-a, 0), (a, 1)}, i.e.
y = numpy.array([0, 1])
for a in range(40):
x = numpy.array([-a, a])
keras_ce[a] = model.evaluate(x, y)[0] # cross-entropy computed by keras/tensorflow
my_ce[a] = np.log(1+exp(-a)) # My own computation
My Question: I found the binary crossentropy (keras_ce) computed by Keras/Tensorflow reach a floor of 1.09e-7 when a is approx. 16, as illustrated below (blue line). It doesn't decrease further as 'a' keeps growing. Why is that?
This neural network has 1 neuron only whose weight is set to 1 and bias is 0. With the 2-point training set {(-a, 0), (a, 1)}, the binary_crossentropy is just
-1/2 [ log(1 - 1/(1+exp(a)) ) + log( 1/(1+exp(-a)) ) ] = log(1+exp(-a))
So the cross-entropy should decrease as a increases, as illustrated in orange ('my') above. Is there some Keras/Tensorflow/Python setup I can change to increase its precision? Or am I mistaken somewhere? I'd appreciate any suggestions/comments/answers.

TL;DR version: the probability values (i.e. the outputs of sigmoid function) are clipped due to numerical stability when computing the loss function.
If you inspect the source code, you would find that using binary_crossentropy as the loss would result in a call to binary_crossentropy function in losses.py file:
def binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred):
return K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=-1)
which in turn, as you can see, calls the equivalent backend function. In case of using Tensorflow as the backend, that would result in a call to binary_crossentropy function in tensorflow_backend.py file:
def binary_crossentropy(target, output, from_logits=False):
""" Docstring ..."""
# Note: tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits
# expects logits, Keras expects probabilities.
if not from_logits:
# transform back to logits
_epsilon = _to_tensor(epsilon(), output.dtype.base_dtype)
output = tf.clip_by_value(output, _epsilon, 1 - _epsilon)
output = tf.log(output / (1 - output))
return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=target,
As you can see from_logits argument is set to False by default. Therefore, the if condition evaluates to true and as a result the values in the output are clipped to the range [epsilon, 1-epislon]. That's why no matter how small or large a probability is, it could not be smaller than epsilon and greater than 1-epsilon. And that explains why the output of binary_crossentropy loss is also bounded.
Now, what is this epsilon here? It is a very small constant which is used for numerical stability (e.g. prevent division by zero or undefined behaviors, etc.). To find out its value you can further inspect the source code and you would find it in the common.py file:
_EPSILON = 1e-7
def epsilon():
"""Returns the value of the fuzz factor used in numeric expressions.
# Returns
A float.
# Example
>>> keras.backend.epsilon()
return _EPSILON
If for any reason, you would like more precision you can alternatively set the epsilon value to a smaller constant using set_epsilon function from the backend:
def set_epsilon(e):
"""Sets the value of the fuzz factor used in numeric expressions.
# Arguments
e: float. New value of epsilon.
# Example
>>> from keras import backend as K
>>> K.epsilon()
>>> K.set_epsilon(1e-05)
>>> K.epsilon()
global _EPSILON
However, be aware that setting epsilon to an extremely low positive value or zero, may disrupt the stability of computations all over the Keras.

I think that keras take into account numerical stability,
Let's track how keras caculate
def binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred):
return K.mean(K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred), axis=-1)
def binary_crossentropy(target, output, from_logits=False):
"""Binary crossentropy between an output tensor and a target tensor.
# Arguments
target: A tensor with the same shape as `output`.
output: A tensor.
from_logits: Whether `output` is expected to be a logits tensor.
By default, we consider that `output`
encodes a probability distribution.
# Returns
A tensor.
# Note: tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits
# expects logits, Keras expects probabilities.
if not from_logits:
# transform back to logits
_epsilon = _to_tensor(epsilon(), output.dtype.base_dtype)
output = tf.clip_by_value(output, _epsilon, 1 - _epsilon)
output = tf.log(output / (1 - output))
return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=target,
Notice tf.clip_by_value is used for numerical stability
Let's compare keras binary_crossentropy, tensorflow tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits and custom loss function(eleminate vale clipping)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
import keras
# keras
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid', input_shape=(
1,), weights=[np.ones((1, 1)), np.zeros(1)]))
# print(model.get_weights())
optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
# tensorflow
G = tf.Graph()
with G.as_default():
x_holder = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(2,))
y_holder = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(2,))
entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
logits=x_holder, labels=y_holder))
sess = tf.Session(graph=G)
# keras with custom loss function
def customLoss(target, output):
# if not from_logits:
# # transform back to logits
# _epsilon = _to_tensor(epsilon(), output.dtype.base_dtype)
# output = tf.clip_by_value(output, _epsilon, 1 - _epsilon)
# output = tf.log(output / (1 - output))
output = tf.log(output / (1 - output))
return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=target,
model_m = Sequential()
model_m.add(Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid', input_shape=(
1,), weights=[np.ones((1, 1)), np.zeros(1)]))
# print(model.get_weights())
optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
N = 100
xaxis = np.linspace(10, 20, N)
keras_ce = np.zeros(N)
tf_ce = np.zeros(N)
my_ce = np.zeros(N)
keras_custom = np.zeros(N)
y = np.array([0, 1])
for i, a in enumerate(xaxis):
x = np.array([-a, a])
# cross-entropy computed by keras/tensorflow
keras_ce[i] = model.evaluate(x, y)[0]
my_ce[i] = np.log(1+np.exp(-a)) # My own computation
tf_ce[i] = sess.run(entropy, feed_dict={x_holder: x, y_holder: y})
keras_custom[i] = model_m.evaluate(x, y)[0]
# print(model.get_weights())
plt.plot(xaxis, keras_ce, label='keras')
plt.plot(xaxis, my_ce, 'b', label='my_ce')
plt.plot(xaxis, tf_ce, 'r:', linewidth=5, label='tensorflow')
plt.plot(xaxis, keras_custom, '--', label='custom loss')
we can see that tensorflow is same with manual computing, but keras with custom loss encounter numeric overflow as expected.


How does tensorflow handle training data passed to a neural network?

I am having an issue with my code that I modified from https://keras.io/examples/generative/wgan_gp/ . Instead of the data being images, my data is a (1001,2) array of sequential data. The first column being the time and the second the velocity measurements. I'm getting this error:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_14704/3651127346.py in <module>
21 # Training the WGAN-GP model
22 tic = time.perf_counter()
---> 23 WGAN.fit(dataset, batch_size=batch_Size, epochs=n_epochs, callbacks=[cbk])
24 toc = time.perf_counter()
25 time_elapsed(toc-tic)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\keras\utils\traceback_utils.py in error_handler(*args, **kwargs)
65 except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
66 filtered_tb = _process_traceback_frames(e.__traceback__)
---> 67 raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None
68 finally:
69 del filtered_tb
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\framework\func_graph.py in autograph_handler(*args, **kwargs)
1145 except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except
1146 if hasattr(e, "ag_error_metadata"):
-> 1147 raise e.ag_error_metadata.to_exception(e)
1148 else:
1149 raise
ValueError: in user code:
File "C:\Users\sissonn\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\training.py", line 1021, in train_function *
return step_function(self, iterator)
File "C:\Users\sissonn\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\training.py", line 1010, in step_function **
outputs = model.distribute_strategy.run(run_step, args=(data,))
File "C:\Users\sissonn\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\training.py", line 1000, in run_step **
outputs = model.train_step(data)
File "C:\Users\sissonn\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_14704/3074469771.py", line 141, in train_step
gp = self.gradient_penalty(batch_size, x_real, x_fake)
File "C:\Users\sissonn\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_14704/3074469771.py", line 106, in gradient_penalty
alpha = tf.random.uniform(batch_size,1,1)
ValueError: Shape must be rank 1 but is rank 0 for '{{node random_uniform/RandomUniform}} = RandomUniform[T=DT_INT32, dtype=DT_FLOAT, seed=0, seed2=0](strided_slice)' with input shapes: [].
And here is my code:
import time
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import os
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Input
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def define_generator(latent_dim):
# This function creates the generator model using the functional API.
# Layers...
# Input Layer
inputs = Input(shape=latent_dim, name='INPUT_LAYER')
# 1st hidden layer
x = Dense(50, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_1')(inputs)
# 2nd hidden layer
x = Dense(150, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_2')(x)
# 3rd hidden layer
x = Dense(300, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_3')(x)
# 4th hidden layer
x = Dense(150, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_4')(x)
# 5th hidden layer
x = Dense(50, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_5')(x)
# Output layer
outputs = Dense(2, activation='linear', name='OUPUT_LAYER')(x)
# Instantiating the generator model
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, name='GENERATOR')
return model
def generator_loss(fake_logits):
# This function calculates and returns the WGAN-GP generator loss.
# Expected value of critic ouput from fake images
expectation_fake = tf.reduce_mean(fake_logits)
# Loss to minimize
loss = -expectation_fake
return loss
def define_critic():
# This function creates the critic model using the functional API.
# Layers...
# Input Layer
inputs = Input(shape=2, name='INPUT_LAYER')
# 1st hidden layer
x = Dense(50, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_1')(inputs)
# 2nd hidden layer
x = Dense(150, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_2')(x)
# 3rd hidden layer
x = Dense(300, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_3')(x)
# 4th hidden layer
x = Dense(150, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_4')(x)
# 5th hidden layer
x = Dense(50, activation='relu', name='HIDDEN_LAYER_5')(x)
# Output layer
outputs = Dense(1, activation='linear', name='OUPUT_LAYER')(x)
# Instantiating the critic model
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, name='CRITIC')
return model
def critic_loss(real_logits, fake_logits):
# This function calculates and returns the WGAN-GP critic loss.
# Expected value of critic output from real images
expectation_real = tf.reduce_mean(real_logits)
# Expected value of critic output from fake images
expectation_fake = tf.reduce_mean(fake_logits)
# Loss to minimize
loss = expectation_fake - expectation_real
return loss
class define_wgan(keras.Model):
# This class creates the WGAN-GP object.
# Attributes:
# critic = the critic model.
# generator = the generator model.
# latent_dim = defines generator input dimension.
# critic_steps = defines how many times the discriminator gets trained for each training cycle.
# gp_weight = defines and returns the critic gradient for the gradient penalty term.
# Methods:
# compile() = defines the optimizer and loss function of both the critic and generator.
# gradient_penalty() = calcuates and returns the gradient penalty term in the WGAN-GP loss function.
# train_step() = performs the WGAN-GP training by updating the critic and generator weights
# and returns the loss for both. Called by fit().
def __init__(self, gen, critic, latent_dim, n_critic_train, gp_weight):
self.critic = critic
self.generator = gen
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
self.critic_steps = n_critic_train
self.gp_weight = gp_weight
def compile(self, generator_loss, critic_loss):
self.generator_optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.0002, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.9)
self.critic_optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.0002, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.9)
self.generator_loss_function = generator_loss
self.critic_loss_function = critic_loss
def gradient_penalty(self, batch_size, x_real, x_fake):
# Random uniform samples of points between distribution.
# "alpha" must be a tensor so that "x_interp" will also be a tensor.
alpha = tf.random.uniform(batch_size,1,1)
# Data interpolated between real and fake distributions
x_interp = alpha*x_real + (1-alpha)*x_fake
# Calculating critic output gradient wrt interpolated data
with tf.GradientTape() as gp_tape:
critc_output = self.discriminator(x_interp, training=True)
grad = gp_tape.gradient(critic_output, x_interp)[0]
# Calculating norm of gradient
grad_norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(grad)))
# calculating gradient penalty
gp = tf.reduce_mean((norm - 1.0)**2)
return gp
def train_step(self, x_real):
# Critic training
# Getting batch size for creating latent vectors
batch_size = tf.shape(x_real)[0]
# Critic training loop
for i in range(self.critic_steps):
# Generating latent vectors
latent = tf.random.normal(shape=(batch_size, self.latent_dim))
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# Obtaining fake data from generator
x_fake = self.generator(latent, training=True)
# Critic output from fake data
fake_logits = self.critic(x_fake, training=True)
# Critic output from real data
real_logits = self.critic(x_real, training=True)
# Calculating critic loss
c_loss = self.critic_loss_function(real_logits, fake_logits)
# Calcuating gradient penalty
gp = self.gradient_penalty(batch_size, x_real, x_fake)
# Adjusting critic loss with gradient penalty
c_loss = c_loss + gp_weight*gp
# Calculating gradient of critic loss wrt critic weights
critic_grad = tape.gradient(c_loss, self.critic.trainable_variables)
# Updating critic weights
self.critic_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(critic_gradient, self.critic.trainable_variables))
# Generator training
# Generating latent vectors
latent = tf.random.normal(shape=(batch_size, self.latent_dim))
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# Obtaining fake data from generator
x_fake = self.generator(latent, training=True)
# Critic output from fake data
fake_logits = self.critic(x_fake, training=True)
# Calculating generator loss
g_loss = self.generator_loss_function(fake_logits)
# Calculating gradient of generator loss wrt generator weights
genertor_grad = tape.gradient(g_loss, self.generator.trainable_variables)
# Updating generator weights
self.generator_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(generator_gradient, self.generator.trainable_variables))
return g_loss, c_loss
class GAN_monitor(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def __init__(self, n_samples, latent_dim):
self.n_samples = n_samples
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
latent = tf.random.normal(shape=(self.n_samples, self.latent_dim))
generated_data = self.model.generator(latent)
plt.savefig('Epoch _'+str(epoch)+'.png', dpi=300)
data = np.genfromtxt('Flight_1.dat', dtype='float', encoding=None, delimiter=',')[0:1001,0]
time_span = np.linspace(0,20,1001)
dataset = np.concatenate((time_sapn[:,np.newaxis], data[:,np.newaxis]), axis=1)
# Training Parameters
latent_dim = 100
n_epochs = 10
n_critic_train = 5
gp_weight = 10
batch_Size = 100
# Instantiating the generator and discriminator models
gen = define_generator(latent_dim)
critic = define_critic()
# Instantiating the WGAN-GP object
WGAN = define_wgan(gen, critic, latent_dim, n_critic_train, gp_weight)
# Compling the WGAN-GP model
WGAN.compile(generator_loss, critic_loss)
# Instantiating custom Keras callback
cbk = GAN_monitor(n_samples=1, latent_dim=latent_dim)
# Training the WGAN-GP model
tic = time.perf_counter()
WGAN.fit(dataset, batch_size=batch_Size, epochs=n_epochs, callbacks=[cbk])
toc = time.perf_counter()
This issue is the shape I am providing to tf.random.rand() for the assignment of alpha. I don't fully understand why the shape input is (batch_size, 1, 1, 1) in the Keras example. So I don't know how to specify the shape for my example. Furthermore I don't understand this line in the Keras example:
batch_size = tf.shape(real_images)[0]
In this example 'real_images' is a (60000, 28, 28, 1) array and it gets passed to the fit() method which then passes it to the train_step() method. (It gets passed as "train_images", but they are the same variable.) If I add a line that prints out 'real_images' before this tf.shape() this is what it produces:
Tensor("IteratorGetNext:0", shape=(None, 28, 28, 1), dtype=float32)
Why is the 60000 now None? Then, I added a line that printed out "batch_size" after the tf.shape() and this is what it produces:
Tensor("strided_slice:0", shape=(), dtype=int32)
I googled "tf strided_slice", but all I could find is the method tf.strided_slice(). So what exactly is the value of "batch_size" and why are the output of variables so ambiguous when they are tensors? In fact, I type:
in another cell of Jupyter notebook. I get a completely different output:
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=60000>
I really need to understand this Keras example in order to successfully implement this code for my data. Any help is appreciated.
BTW: I am using only one set of data for now, but once I get the GAN running, I will provide multiple sets of these (1001,2) datasets. Also, if you want to test the code yourself, replacing the "dataset" variable with any (1001,2) numpy array should suffice. Thank You.
'Why is the 60000 now None?': In defining TensorFlow models, the first dimension (batch_size) is None. Getting under the hood of what goes on with TensorFlow and how it uses graphs for computation can be quite complex. But for your understanding right now, all you need to know is that batch_size does not need to be specified when defining the model, hence None. This is essential as it allow a model to be defined once but then trained with and applied to datasets of an arbitrary number of examples. For example, when training you may provide the model with a batch of 256 images at a time, but when using the trained model for inference, it's very likely that you might only want the input to be a single image. Therefore the actual value of the first dimension of the size of the input is only important once the computation is going to begin.
'I don't fully understand why the shape input is (batch_size, 1, 1, 1) in the Keras example': The reason for this size is that you want a different random value, alpha, for each image. You have batch_size number of images, hence batch_size in the first dimension, but it is just a single value in tensor format, so it only need size 1 in all other dimensions. The reason it has 4 dimensions overall is so that it can be used in calculation with your inputs, which are 4-D image tensors which will have a shape of something like (batch_size, img_h, img_w, 3) for color images with 3 RGB channels.
In terms of understanding your error, Shape must be rank 1 but is rank 0, this is saying that the function you are using - tf.random.uniform requires a rank 1 tensor, i.e. something with 1 dimension, but is being passed a rank 0 tensor, i.e. a scalar value. It is possible from your code that you are just passing it the value of batch_size rather than a tensor. This might work instead:
alpha = tf.random.uniform([batch_size, 1, 1, 1])
The first parameter of this function is its shape and so it is important to have the [] there. Check out the documentation on this function in order to make sure you're using it correctly - https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/random/uniform.

How to apply a loss metric that will penalize predicting all zeros in multilabel classification problem?

Say I have a classification problem that has 30 potential binary labels. These labels are not mutually exclusive. The labels tend to be sparse--there is, on average, 1 positive label per all 30 labels but sometimes more than only 1. In the following code, how can I penalize the model from predicting all zeros? The accuracy will be high, but recall will be awful!
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
def get_dataset():
Get a dataset of X and y. This is a learnable problem as there is some signal in the features. 10% of the time, a
positive-output's index will also have a positive feature for that index
:return: X and y data for training
n_observations = 30000
y = np.random.rand(n_observations, OUTPUT_NODES)
y = (y <= (1 / OUTPUT_NODES)).astype(int) # Makes a sparse output where there is roughly 1 positive label: ((1 / OUTPUT_NODES) * OUTPUT_NODES ≈ 1)
X = np.zeros((n_observations, OUTPUT_NODES))
for i in range(len(y)):
for j, feature in enumerate(y[i]):
if feature == 1:
X[i][j] = 1 if np.random.rand(1) > 0.9 else 0 # Makes the input features more noisy
# X[i][j] = 1 # Using this instead will make the model perform very well
return X, y
def create_model():
input_layer = Input(shape=(OUTPUT_NODES, ))
dense1 = Dense(100, activation='relu')(input_layer)
dense2 = Dense(100, activation='relu')(dense1)
output_layer = Dense(30, activation='sigmoid')(dense2)
model = Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=output_layer)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['Recall'])
return model
def main():
X, y = get_dataset()
model = create_model()
model.fit(X, y, epochs=10, batch_size=10)
X_pred = np.random.randint(0, 2, (100, OUTPUT_NODES))
y_pred = model.predict(X_pred)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I believe I read here that I could use:
to address this issue. How would that affect my final output layer's activation functions? Would I have to have an activation function? How do I specify a penalty to misclassifications of a true positive class?
Ok, it is an interesting problem
First you need to define a weighted cross entropy loss wrapper:
def wce_logits(positive_class_weight=1.):
def mylossw(y_true, logits):
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=tf.cast(y_true, dtype=tf.float32), pos_weight=positive_class_weight))
return cross_entropy
return mylossw
The positive_class_weight is applied to the positive class data. You need this wrapper for tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits to get a loss function that takes y_true and y_pred (only) as inputs.
Note that you must cast y_true to float32.
Second, you can not use the predefined Recall, because it does not work with logits. I found a workaround in this discussion
class Recall(tf.keras.metrics.Recall):
def __init__(self, from_logits=False, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._from_logits = from_logits
def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None):
if self._from_logits:
super(Recall, self).update_state(y_true, tf.nn.sigmoid(y_pred), sample_weight)
super(Recall, self).update_state(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight)
Finally, you need to remove the sigmoid activation from the last layer as you are using logits
def create_model():
input_layer = Input(shape=(OUTPUT_NODES, ))
dense1 = Dense(100, activation='relu')(input_layer)
dense2 = Dense(100, activation='relu')(dense1)
output_layer = Dense(30)(dense2)
model = Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=output_layer)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=wce_logits(positive_class_weight=27.), metrics=[Recall(from_logits=True)])
return model
Note that the positive weight is set to 27 here. You can read a discussion on how to correctly calculate the weight

Tensorflow AutoGraph Polynomial Model With Multiple Outputs

I have a tensorflow model whose outputs correspond to coefficients of multiple polynomials. Note that my model actually has another set outputs (multi-output), but I've mocked this below just by returning the input in addition to the polynomial coefficients.
I'm having a lot of trouble during the training of the model, related to tensor shapes. I've verified that the model is able to predict on sample inputs, and that the loss function works on sample outputs. But, during training, it immediately throws an error (see below)
For every input, the model takes in a fixed embedding-size input, and outputs coefficients for 2 polynomials of degree 2. For example, the output on a single input can look like:
[array([[[1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6]]]),
corresponding to polynomials [1*x^2+2*x+3, 4*x^2+5*x+6]. Note that I've hidden the second output.
I noticed that tf.math.polyval requires a list of coefficients, making it wonky with AutoGrad. So, I implemented my own version of Horner's algorithm with pure tensors.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import logging
import tensorflow.keras as K
def tensor_polyval(coeffs, x):
Calculates polynomial scalars from tensor of polynomial coefficients
Tensorflow tf.math.polyval requires a list coeff, which isn't compatible with autograd
# Inputs:
- coeffs (NxD Tensor): each row of coeffs corresponds to r[0]*x^(D-1)+r[1]*x^(D-2)...+r[D]
- x: Scalar!
# Output:
- r[0]*x^(D-1)+r[1]*x^(D-2)...+r[D] for row in coeffs
p = coeffs[:, 0]
for i in range(1,coeffs.shape[1]):
shape_invariants=[(p, tf.TensorShape([None]))])
c = coeffs[:, i]
p = tf.add(c, tf.multiply(x, p))
return p
def coeffs_to_poly(coeffs, n):
# Converts a NxD array of coefficients to N evaluated polynomials at x=n
return tensor_polyval(coeffs, tf.convert_to_tensor(n))
Now here's a super-simplified example of my model, loss function and training routine:
def model_init(embedDim=8, polyDim=2,terms=2):
input = K.Input(shape=(embedDim,))
x = K.layers.Reshape((embedDim,))(input)
aCoeffs = K.layers.Dense((polyDim+1)*terms, activation='tanh')(x)
aCoeffs = K.layers.Reshape((terms, polyDim+1))(aCoeffs)
model = K.Model(inputs=input, outputs=[aCoeffs, input])
return model
def get_random_batch(batch, embedDim, dtype='float64'):
x = np.random.randn(batch, embedDim).astype(dtype)
y = np.array([1. for i in range(batch)]).astype(dtype)
return [x,
def test_loss(y_true, y_pred, dtype=dataType):
an = tf.vectorized_map(lambda y_p: coeffs_to_poly(y_p[0],
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_mean(an,axis=-1))
dataType = 'float64'
model = model_init(embedDim, polyDim, terms)
XTrain, yTrain = get_random_batch(batch=128,
# Init Model
LR = 0.001
loss = test_loss
epochs = 5
model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=LR), loss=loss)
hist = model.fit(XTrain,
max_queue_size=10, workers=2, use_multiprocessing=True)
The error I get is related to the tensor_polyval function:
<ipython-input-15-f96bd099fe08>:3 test_loss *
an = tf.vectorized_map(lambda y_p: coeffs_to_poly(y_p[0],
<ipython-input-5-7205207d12fd>:23 coeffs_to_poly *
return tensor_polyval(coeffs, tf.convert_to_tensor(n))
<ipython-input-5-7205207d12fd>:13 tensor_polyval *
p = coeffs[:, 0]
ValueError: Index out of range using input dim 1; input has only 1 dims for '{{node strided_slice}} = StridedSlice[Index=DT_INT32, T=DT_DOUBLE, begin_mask=1, ellipsis_mask=0, end_mask=1, new_axis_mask=0, shrink_axis_mask=2](coeffs, strided_slice/stack, strided_slice/stack_1, strided_slice/stack_2)' with input shapes: [3], [2], [2], [2] and with computed input tensors: input[3] = <1 1>.
What's frustrating is that I'm perfectly able to predict with the model on sample inputs and also calculate a sample loss:
which runs just fine.
In the test_loss function, specifically the I'm just referring to the first output, via y_p[0]. It tries to calculate the value of the polynomials at n=5 and then outputs an average over everything (again this is just mocked code). As I understand it, y_p[1] would refer to the second output (in this case, a copy of the input). I would think the tf.vectorized_map should be operating across all outputs of the model batch, but it seems to be slicing one extra dimension??
I noticed that the code does train if I remove the output ,input in the model (making it a single output) and change y_p[0] to y_p in the test_loss. I have no idea why it's broken when adding the extra output, as my understanding of tf.vectorized_map implies that it acts separately on each element of the list y_pred
If we need the single loss function to receive multiple outputs altogether, perhaps we can concatenate them together to form one output.
In this case:
Changes to the model structure, here we pack the outputs:
def model_init(embedDim=8, polyDim=2, terms=2):
input = K.Input(shape=(embedDim, ))
x = K.layers.Reshape((embedDim, ))(input)
aCoeffs = K.layers.Dense((polyDim + 1) * terms, activation='tanh')(x)
# pack the two outputs, add flatten layers if their shapes are not batch*K
outputs = K.layers.Concatenate()([aCoeffs, input])
model = K.Model(inputs=input, outputs=outputs)
return model
Changes to the loss function, here we unpack the outputs:
# the loss function needs to know these
polyDim = 2
terms = 2
def test_loss(y_true, y_pred, dtype=dataType):
"""Loss function for flattened outputs."""
# unpack multiple outputs
offset = (polyDim + 1) * terms
aCoeffs = tf.reshape(y_pred[:, :offset], [-1, terms, polyDim + 1])
inputs = y_pred[:, offset:]
print(aCoeffs, inputs)
# do something with the two unpacked outputs, like below
an = tf.vectorized_map(
lambda y_p: coeffs_to_poly(y_p, tf.constant(5, dtype=dataType)),
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_mean(an, axis=-1))
Notice that the loss function relies on the knowledge of the original shapes of the outputs in order to restore them. Consider sub-classing tf.keras.losses.Loss.
P.S. For anyone simply need different losses for the multiple losses:
Define loss functions for the two outputs.
def test_loss(y_true, y_pred, dtype=dataType):
"""Loss function for output 1
(Only changed y_p[0] to y_p)"""
an = tf.vectorized_map(
lambda y_p: coeffs_to_poly(y_p, tf.constant(5, dtype=dataType)),
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_mean(an, axis=-1))
def dummy_loss(y_true, y_pred, dtype=dataType):
"""Loss function for output 2 i.e. the input, for debugging
Better use 0 insead of 1.2345"""
return tf.constant(1.2345, dataType)
Change to model.compile:
model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=LR), loss=[test_loss, dummy_loss])

Tensorflow 2: GradientTape returns None

I have the following code, written in tf.keras with Tensorflow 2. Basically; I need the cross entropy term's gradient with respect to the variable self.temperature. dce1_dx correctly calculates the derivative. But on the other hand, when I wrap the same cross entropy calculation into a tf.keras.Model object, the second gradient calculation, dce2_dx returns None. What is the difference between these two tf.GradientTape calculations? I am experienced in TF1 but newly switching to TF2 and eager execution, so I am stuck at that point.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
logits = np.random.uniform(low=-10.0, high=10.0, size=(10000, 5))
labels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=5, size=(10000, ))
logits_tf = tf.keras.Input(name="logits_tf", shape=(logits.shape[1]), dtype=tf.float32)
labels_tf = tf.keras.Input(name="labels_tf", shape=(), dtype=tf.int32)
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((logits, labels))
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=logits.shape[0])
for lgts, idx in dataset:
temperature = tf.Variable(name="temperature", dtype=tf.float32, initial_value=tf.constant(2.0),
scaled_logits = logits_tf / temperature
ce_loss = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
ce_loss = ce_loss(labels_tf, scaled_logits)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[logits_tf, labels_tf], outputs=[ce_loss], name="calibration_model")
with tf.GradientTape() as tape0:
scaled_lgts = tf.cast(lgts, tf.float32) / temperature
ce = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
ce = ce(idx, scaled_lgts)
dce1_dx = tape0.gradient(ce, temperature)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape1:
# Compute the derivative: d{CrossEntropy}/d{Temperature}
ce2 = model([lgts, idx])
# !!!Returns None!!!
dce2_dx = tape1.gradient(ce2, temperature)

Custom Keras loss function that conditionally creates a zero gradient

My problem is I don't want the weights to be adjusted if y_true takes certain values. I do not want to simply remove those examples from training data because of the nature of the RNN I am trying to use.
Is there a way to write a conditional loss function in Keras with this behavior?
For example: if y_true is negative then apply zero gradient so that parameters in the model do not change, if y_true is positive loss = losses.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred).
You can define a custom loss function and simply use K.switch to conditionally get zero loss:
from keras import backend as K
from keras import losses
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
loss = losses.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)
return K.switch(K.flatten(K.equal(y_true, 0.)), K.zeros_like(loss), loss)
from keras import models
from keras import layers
model = models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Dense(1, input_shape=(1,)))
model.compile(loss=custom_loss, optimizer='adam')
weights, bias = model.layers[0].get_weights()
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
y = np.array([0, 0, 0])
model.train_on_batch(x, y)
# check if the parameters has not changed after training on the batch
>>> (weights == model.layers[0].get_weights()[0]).all()
>>> (bias == model.layers[0].get_weights()[1]).all()
Since the y's are in batches, you need to select those from the batch which are non-zero in the custom loss function
def myloss(y_true, y_pred):
idx = tf.not_equal(y_true, 0)
y_true = tf.boolean_mask(y_true, idx)
y_pred = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, idx)
return losses.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)
Then it can be used as such:
model = keras.Sequential([Dense(32, input_shape=(2,)), Dense(1)])
model.compile('adam', loss=myloss)
x = np.random.randn(2, 2)
y = np.array([1, 0])
model.fit(x, y)
But you might need extra logic in the loss function in case all y_true in the batch were zero, in this case, the loss function can be modified as such:
def myloss2(y_true, y_pred):
idx = tf.not_equal(y_true, 0)
y_true = tf.boolean_mask(y_true, idx)
y_pred = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, idx)
loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(y_pred)[0], 0), lambda: tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32), lambda: losses.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred))
return loss
