Grouping column values together - python

I have a dataframe like so:
Class price demand
1 22 8
1 60 7
3 32 14
2 72 9
4 45 20
5 42 25
What I'd like to do is group classes 1-3 in one category and classes 4-5 in one category. Then I'd like to get the sum of price for each category and the sum of demand for each category. I'd like to also get the mean. The result should look something like this:
Class TotalPrice TotalDemand AveragePrice AverageDemand
P 186 38 46.5 9.5
E 87 45 43.5 22.5
Where P is classes 1-3 and E is classes 4-5. How can I group by categories in pandas? Is there a way to do this?

In [8]: df.groupby(np.where(df['Class'].isin([1, 2, 3]), 'P', 'E'))[['price', 'demand']].agg(['sum', 'mean'])
price demand
sum mean sum mean
E 87 43.5 45 22.5
P 186 46.5 38 9.5

You can create a dictionary that defines your groups.
mapping = {**dict.fromkeys([1, 2, 3], 'P'), **dict.fromkeys([4, 5], 'E')}
Then if you pass a dictionary or callable to a groupby it automatically gets mapped onto the index. So, let's set the index to Class
d = df.set_index('Class').groupby(mapping).agg(['sum', 'mean']).sort_index(1, 1)
Finally, we do some tweaking to get column names the way you specified.
rename_dict = {'sum': 'Total', 'mean': 'Average'}
d.columns = c: f"{rename_dict[c[1]]}{c[0].title()}")
Class TotalPrice TotalDemand AveragePrice AverageDemand
0 E 87 45 43.5 22.5
1 P 186 38 46.5 9.5

In general, you can form arbitrary bins to group your data using pd.cut, specifying the right bin edges:
import pandas as pd
pd.cut(df.Class, bins=[0, 3, 5], labels=['P', 'E'])
#0 P
#1 P
#2 P
#3 P
#4 E
#5 E
df2 = (df.groupby(pd.cut(df.Class, bins=[0,3,5], labels=['P', 'E']))[['demand', 'price']]
.agg({'sum', 'mean'}).reset_index())
# Get rid of the multi-level columns
df2.columns = [f'{i}_{j}' if j != '' else f'{i}' for i,j in df2.columns]
Class demand_sum demand_mean price_sum price_mean
0 P 38 9.5 186 46.5
1 E 45 22.5 87 43.5


Fastest most efficient way to apply groupby that references multiple columns

Suppose we have a dataset.
tmp = pd.DataFrame({'hi': [1,2,3,3,5,6,3,2,3,2,1],
'bye': [12,23,35,35,53,62,31,22,33,22,12],
'yes': [12,2,32,3,5,6,23,2,32,2,21],
'no': [1,92,93,3,95,6,33,2,33,22,1],
'maybe': [91,2,32,3,95,69,3,2,93,2,1]})
In python we can easily do tmp.groupby('hi').agg(total_bye = ('bye', sum)) to get the sum of bye for each group. However, if I want to reference multiple columns, what would be the fastest, most efficient and least amount of cleanly (easily readable) written code to do this in python? In particular, can I do this using df.groupby(my_cols).agg()? What are the fastest alternatives? I'm open (actually prefer) to using faster libraries than pandas such as dask or vaex.
For example, in R data.table we can do this pretty easily, and it's super fast
# In R, assume this object is a data.table
# In a single line, the below code groups by 'hi' and then creates my_new_col column based on if bye > 5 and yes <= 20, taking the sum of 'no' for each group.
tmp[, .(my_new_col = sum(ifelse(bye > 5 & yes < 20, no, 0))), by = 'hi']
# output 1
hi my_new_col
1: 1 1
2: 2 116
3: 3 3
4: 5 95
5: 6 6
# Similarly, we can even group by a rule instead of creating a new col to group by. See below
tmp[, .(my_new_col = sum(ifelse(bye > 5 & yes < 20, no, 0))), by = .(new_rule = ifelse(hi > 3, 1, 0))]
# output 2
new_rule my_new_col
1: 0 120
2: 1 101
# We can even apply multiple aggregate functions in parallel using data.table
agg_fns <- function(x) list(sum=sum(as.double(x), na.rm=T),
mean=mean(as.double(x), na.rm=T),
min=min(as.double(x), na.rm=T),
max=max(as.double(x), na.rm=T))
list(N = .N, # add a N column (row count) to the summary
unlist(mclapply(.SD, agg_fns, mc.cores = 12), recursive = F)), # apply all agg_fns over all .SDcols
recursive = F),
.SDcols = !unique(c(names('hi'), as.character(unlist('hi'))))]
output 3:
N bye.sum bye.mean bye.min bye.max yes.sum yes.mean yes.min yes.max no.sum no.mean no.min
1: 11 340 30.90909 12 62 140 12.72727 2 32 381 34.63636 1
no.max maybe.sum maybe.mean maybe.min maybe.max
1: 95 393 35.72727 1 95
Do we have this same flexibility in python?
You can use agg on all wanted columns and add a prefix:
total_bye total_yes total_no total_maybe
1 24 33 2 92
2 67 6 116 6
3 134 90 162 131
5 53 5 95 95
6 62 6 6 69
You can even combine columns and operations flexibly with a dictionary:
tmp.groupby('hi').agg(**{'%s_%s' % (label,c): (c, op)
for c in tmp.columns
for (label,op) in [('total', 'sum'), ('average', 'mean')]
total_hi average_hi total_bye average_bye total_yes average_yes total_no average_no total_maybe average_maybe
1 2 1 24 12.000000 33 16.5 2 1.000000 92 46.00
2 6 2 67 22.333333 6 2.0 116 38.666667 6 2.00
3 12 3 134 33.500000 90 22.5 162 40.500000 131 32.75
5 5 5 53 53.000000 5 5.0 95 95.000000 95 95.00
6 6 6 62 62.000000 6 6.0 6 6.000000 69 69.00

How can we select columns from a pandas dataframe based on a certain condition?

I have a pandas dataframe and i want to create a list of columns for one particular variable if P_BUYER column has one entry greater than 97 and others less . For example, below, a list should be created containing TENRACT and ADV_INC. If P_BUYER has a value greater than or equal to 97 then the value which is in parallel to T for that particular block should be saved in a list (e.g. we have following values in parallel to T in below example : (TENRCT,ADVNTG_MARITAL,NEWLSGOLFIN,ADV_INC)
Input :
N (1,2,3) = Renter N (1,2,3) = Renter 35.88 0.1 33 8 2
Q <0> = Unknown Q <0> = Unknown 3.26 0.1 36 8 2
Q1 <4> = Owner Q <4> = Owner 60.86 99.8 143 5 1
Q2<1> = 1+Marrd Q<1> = 1+Marrd 52.91 78.98 149 5 2
Q<2> = 1+Sngl Q<2> = 1+Sngl 45.23 17.6 39 8 3
Q1<3> = Mrrd_Sngl Q<3> = Mrrd_Sngl 1.87 3.42 183 4 1
N1('1','Y') = Yes N('1','Y') = Yes 3.26 1.2 182 4 1
N('0','-1')= No N('0','-1')= No 96.74 98.8 97 7 2
You can do it like this:
# In your code, you have 3 dataframes E1,E2,E3, iterate over them
output = []
for df in [E1,E2,E3]:
# Filter you dataframe
df = df[df['P_BUYER(%)'] >= 97 ]
if not df.empty:
cols = df.columns.values.tolist()
# Find index of 'T' column
t_index = cols.index('T')
# You desired parallel column will be at t_index+1

Python pandas random sample by row

I have a dataframe of samples, with a country column. The relative number of records in each country are:
Australia 21
Cambodia 58
China 280
India 133
Indonesia 195
Malaysia 138
Myanmar 51
Philippines 49
Singapore 1268
Taiwan 47
Thailand 273
Vietnam 288
How do I select, say, 100 random samples from each country, if that country has > 100 samples? (if the country has <= 100 samples, do nothing). Currently, I do this for, say, Singapore:
names_nonsg_ls = []
names_sg_ls = []
# if the country is not SG, add it to names_nonsg_ls.
# else, add it to names_sg_ls, which will be subsampled later.
for index, row in d0.iterrows():
if str(row["country"]) != "Singapore":
# Select 100 random names from names_sg_ls
names_sg_ls = random.sample(names_sg_ls, 100)
# Form the list of names to retain
names_ls = names_nonsg_ls + names_sg_ls
# create new dataframe
d1 = d0.loc[d0["header"].isin(names_ls)]
But manually a new list for each country that has >100 names is just poor form, not to mention that I first have to manually pick out the countries with > 100 names.
You can group by country, then sample based on the group size:
d1.groupby("country", group_keys=False).apply(lambda g: g.sample(100) if len(g) > 100 else g)
df = pd.DataFrame({
'A': ['a','a','a','a','b','b','b','c','d'],
'B': list(range(9))
df.groupby('A', group_keys=False).apply(lambda g: g.sample(3) if len(g) > 3 else g)
# A B
#2 a 2
#0 a 0
#1 a 1
#4 b 4
#5 b 5
#6 b 6
#7 c 7
#8 d 8

Specifying column order following groupby aggregation

The ordering of my age, height and weight columns is changing with each run of the code. I need to keep the order of my agg columns static because I ultimately refer to this output file according to the column locations. What can I do to make sure age, height and weight are output in the same order every time?
d = pd.read_csv(input_file, na_values=[''])
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df.index_col = ['name', 'address']
df_out = df.groupby(df.index_col).agg({'age':np.mean, 'height':np.sum, 'weight':np.sum})
df_out.to_csv(output_file, sep=',')
I think you can use subset:
df_out = df.groupby(df.index_col)
.agg({'age':np.mean, 'height':np.sum, 'weight':np.sum})[['age','height','weight']]
Also you can use pandas functions:
df_out = df.groupby(df.index_col)
.agg({'age':'mean', 'height':sum, 'weight':sum})[['age','height','weight']]
df = pd.DataFrame({'name':['q','q','a','a'],
print (df)
address age height name weight
0 a 7 1 q 5
1 a 8 3 q 3
2 s 9 5 a 6
3 s 10 7 a 8
df.index_col = ['name', 'address']
df_out = df.groupby(df.index_col)
.agg({'age':'mean', 'height':sum, 'weight':sum})[['age','height','weight']]
print (df_out)
age height weight
name address
a s 9.5 12 14
q a 7.5 4 8
EDIT by suggestion - add reset_index, here as_index=False does not work if need index values too:
df_out = df.groupby(df.index_col)
.agg({'age':'mean', 'height':sum, 'weight':sum})[['age','height','weight']]
print (df_out)
name address age height weight
0 a s 9.5 12 14
1 q a 7.5 4 8
If you care mostly about the order when written to a file and not while its still in a DataFrame object, you can set the columns parameter of the to_csv() method:
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(
{'age': [28,63,28,45],
'height': [183,156,170,201],
'weight': [70.2, 62.5, 65.9, 81.0],
'name': ['Kim', 'Pat', 'Yuu', 'Sacha']},
columns=['name','age','weight', 'height'])
>>> df
name age weight height
0 Kim 28 70.2 183
1 Pat 63 62.5 156
2 Yuu 28 65.9 170
3 Sacha 45 81.0 201
>>> df_out = df.groupby(['age'], as_index=False).agg(
{'weight': sum, 'height': sum})
>>> df_out
age height weight
0 28 353 136.1
1 45 201 81.0
2 63 156 62.5
>>> df_out.to_csv('out.csv', sep=',', columns=['age','height','weight'])
out.csv then looks like this:

pandas: how to get the percentage for each row

When I use pandas value_count method, I get the data below:
1 1349110
2 1606640
3 175629
4 790062
5 330978
How can I get the percentage for each row like this?
1 1349110 31.7%
2 1606640 37.8%
3 175629 4.1%
4 790062 18.6%
5 330978 7.8%
I need to divide each row by the sum of these data.
s = pd.Series(np.random.choice(list('ABCDEFGHIJ'), 1000, p=np.arange(1, 11) / 55.))
I 176
J 167
H 136
F 128
G 111
E 85
D 83
C 52
B 38
A 24
dtype: int64
As percent
I 0.176
J 0.167
H 0.136
F 0.128
G 0.111
E 0.085
D 0.083
C 0.052
B 0.038
A 0.024
dtype: float64
counts = s.value_counts()
percent = counts / counts.sum()
fmt = '{:.1%}'.format
pd.DataFrame({'counts': counts, 'per':})
counts per
I 176 17.6%
J 167 16.7%
H 136 13.6%
F 128 12.8%
G 111 11.1%
E 85 8.5%
D 83 8.3%
C 52 5.2%
B 38 3.8%
A 24 2.4%
I think you need:
#if output is Series, convert it to DataFrame
df = df.rename('a').to_frame()
df['per'] = (df.a * 100 / df.a.sum()).round(1).astype(str) + '%'
print (df)
a per
1 1349110 31.7%
2 1606640 37.8%
3 175629 4.1%
4 790062 18.6%
5 330978 7.8%
It seems faster is use sum as twice value_counts:
In [184]: %timeit (jez(s))
10 loops, best of 3: 38.9 ms per loop
In [185]: %timeit (pir(s))
10 loops, best of 3: 76 ms per loop
Code for timings:
s = pd.Series(np.random.choice(list('ABCDEFGHIJ'), 1000, p=np.arange(1, 11) / 55.))
s = pd.concat([s]*1000)#.reset_index(drop=True)
def jez(s):
df = s.value_counts()
df = df.rename('a').to_frame()
df['per'] = (df.a * 100 / df.a.sum()).round(1).astype(str) + '%'
return df
def pir(s):
return pd.DataFrame({'a':s.value_counts(),
'per':s.value_counts(normalize=True).mul(100).round(1).astype(str) + '%'})
print (jez(s))
print (pir(s))
Here's a more pythonic snippet than what is proposed above I think
def aspercent(column,decimals=2):
assert decimals >= 0
return (round(column*100,decimals).astype(str) + "%")
This will output:
1 1349110 31.7%
2 1606640 37.8%
3 175629 4.1%
4 790062 18.6%
5 330978 7.8%
This also allows to adjust the number of decimals
Create two series, first one with absolute values and a second one with percentages, and concatenate them:
import pandas
d = {'mark': ['pos', 'pos', 'pos', 'pos', 'pos',
'neg', 'neg', 'neg', 'neg',
'neutral', 'neutral' ]}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
absolute = df['mark'].value_counts(normalize=False) = 'value'
percentage = df['mark'].value_counts(normalize=True) = '%'
percentage = (percentage*100).round(2)
pd.concat([absolute, percentage], axis=1)
value %
pos 5 45.45
neg 4 36.36
neutral 2 18.18
