What is Killed:9 and how to fix in macOS Terminal? - python

I have a simple Python code for a machine learning project. I have a relatively big database of spontaneous speech. I started to train my speech model. Since it's a huge database I let it work overnight. In the morning I woke up and saw a mysterious
Killed: 9
line in my Terminal. Nothing else. There is no other error message or something to work with. The code run well for about 6 hours which is 75% of the whole process so I really don't understand whats went wrong.
What is Killed:9 and how to fix it? It's very frustrating to lose hours of computing time...
I'm on macOS Mojave beta if it's matter. Thank you in advance!

I faced this issue when I updated my Mac OS version from Catalina to Big Sur. I was trying to run a binary and facing the Killed: 9 issue.
I was able to resolve this issue by following the steps below (I referred to this Apple StackExchange post for these steps) :-
Download UPX via Homebrew - brew install upx
Then decompress the binary - upx -d /path/to/binary/file

Try to change the node version.
In my case, that helps.


code execution cannot complete as python38.dll not found

i have no idea what i have done to cause this but when running C:>python .... (image 1) i get this error (image two)
i've tried repairing the install and running a full scan for any viruses and it's all going normal but then i still get this error
image 1:
image 2:
i'd just like to thank anyone who may be able to help in advance too!
When you type py command Python 3.9.2 is launched. However, when you type python the error message shows that python38.dll wasn't found which is a different version. It seems like you had different versions of Python and maybe some uninstallation process went wrong.
Are you able to check what do you have on PATH? The issue might be there. You can also try to uninstall all Python-related apps and install a fresh Python 3.9

Error initializing ctypes in pybuilder

A couple of days ago I cloned a git repository and tried to make a build out of that code with PyBuilder; however, I have not been able to do so.
Every time I run pyb -X -E jenkins-zipfile-release in Bash I get the following error: BUILD FAILED - Error initializing ctypes. The thing is, none of my colleagues have this problem, we don't know why.
The traceback tells me the problem is here: .../pyenv/versions/2.7.14/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oscrypto/_openssl/_libcrypto_ctypes.py
We thought the problem that my python was not correctly compiled with SSL. We even had a different SSL version. I replaced LibreSSL with OpenSSL, but the problem persists.
Another person told me that maybe the oscrypto libraries are conflicting (one from the environment and the other one from the project's lib directory) How can I check that?
I would deeply appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction, I've been trying for two days now.
There was an issue with regards to running oscrypto in a High Sierra. The issue was fixed and it will be a part of the next release.
More info: https://github.com/wbond/oscrypto/issues/22

How to retrain image on Windows

I'm a freshman, and have just started my trip toward machine learning. I followed a book and the video tutorial of Josh Gordon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSKfRcEDGUs), but was stopped at "TensorFlow for poets", in which says:
# In Docker
python tensorflow/examples/image_retraining/retrain.py \
--bottleneck_dir=/tf_files/bottlenecks \
--how_many_training_steps 500 \
--model_dir=/tf_files/inception \
--output_graph=/tf_files/retrained_graph.pb \
--output_labels=/tf_files/retrained_labels.txt \
--image_dir /tf_files/flower_photos
And I got 2 problems here:
there's no such directory called 'image_retraining' nor file called retrain.py;
the docker can't be opened.
The first problem seems easy to solve as I found the Tensorflow Retrain on Windows,
but the second one remain unsolved. Every time I start the "Boot2DockerStart", it will flash an error saying 'error in run: Failed to start machine "boot2docker-vm": exit status 1' and then quit. So I searched, most answers are saying that the Virtualization is disabled, but I checked that though the Task Manager, On which the Virtualization Status is 'Enable', which really confused me...
So I wonder: How to fix the docker problem? Is there a way that can run the Retrain without docker? And, if both the problems are difficult to solve, am I supposed to install a linux?
P.S. I'm using Win10, python version is 3.5 which is installed using Anaconda and coding in VS2015, tensorflow version is gpu-0.12.1
You can see a more complete set of instructions in "TensorFlow For Poets - Setting up" (for Linux and Mac)
On Windows, make sure your Docker Toolbox (the one using Boot2docker) is properly setup.
Make sure, on Windows 10, that you don't have the Hyper-V Windows already activated, as both Hyper-V and VirtualBox have some issues running together.

Anaconda3 on a Windows 10 workstation Installation failure

Ok, dear friends, in the previous version of this message I had written "Despite my age (I'm almost 62 years!) I have had enough experience of programming in Pascal behind, but I'm an absolute novice in "Machine learning" and projecting Neural Networks in Python, as I would like. So, when I recently tried to download Anaconda3 4.2.0, Python version 3.5, and to install it in my Windows 10 Workstation, I received several error messages". I had obviously underestimated the effects of age ;-), because finally I realized I had to log in as Administrator, and launch the installation program from inside the "SysWOW64" directory. Now everything is Ok! Thank you everybody for your help!!!
P.S.: the error messages I received before to find the solution were: "unable to run mk_menus" & "unable to run mk_dirs" from _nsis.py file (in the Anaconda3/Lib directory) and "unable to add path Anaconda3 to Windows" from .cio-config.py (in the Anaconda3/pkgs directory).

Getting Aspen and Gheat on Windows working

I am not really familiar Python setup, I am trying to get gheat running on a Windows box, and it tells me it can't find pygame.
I have tried Python25,26, older pygame version too.
I have installed those as well as numpy as it has a dependency.
Could someone with experience try and help me out getting it up and running.
I have tried running Process Monitor against it, and it seems to find all the files etc but aspen/gheat still tell me it can't find Pygame.
Links below.
1.) http://www.python.org/
2.) http://code.google.com/p/gheat/
3.) http://www.pygame.org/
4.) Link
Cheers for any help.
Aside, It works fine on my ubuntu box just by install pygame and it works !
With thanks to SeC- from the #csharp channel on Freenode, he figured out it is the problem with the latest trunk of aspen, (I thought I'd tried the older version)
You will need the 0.8 version to get it working!!
Cheers anyway!
