Removing " from integer - python

I have a big function that is importing some lines and most values rows are integers so I can easily make a division like this:
price_unit_calc = float(inv_row[7]) / float(inv_row[6])
but I get an error:
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1,000.000
this is because inv_row[7] sometimes is a "1,000.000" and not 1.000.00
Question is how can I remove those " if they appear in a row?
if I do
price_unit_calc = float(inv_row[7].replace(',','.')) / float(inv_row[6].replace(',','.'))
i still get
File "/home//workspace/odoo-9.0/addons/config/wizard/", line 39, in do_import
price_unit_calc = float(inv_row[7].replace(',','.')) / float(inv_row[6].replace(',','.'))
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1.000.000
price_unit_calc = float(inv_row[7].replace(',','')) / float(inv_row[6].replace(',',''))
and error
File "/home/antonp/workspace/odoo-9.0/openerp/osv/", line 362, in _symbol_set_float
result = __builtin__.float(x or 0.0)
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1,000.000

As I said in the comment section the , is the problem. So, you need to remove it since it is only relevant for formatting (it doesn't change the actual value)
inv_row[7].replace(",", "")
Also, if your inv_row is a list containing only floats values like 1,000.000, what you should do instead is iterate over the list and apply the above logic instead of finding everywhere in your code where it could possibly result in an error,
for index,item in enumerate(inv_row):
inv_row[index] = item.replace(",", "")
Now, for what you tried,
inv_row[7].replace(",", ".")
This will result in adding multiple . to your string representation will which will also lead to the error.

You have to remove the commas in the numbers by replacing them with empty strings:
price_unit_calc = float(inv_row[7].replace(',','')) / float(inv_row[6].replace(',',''))


How to read csv file in pandas if the pathname contains single inverted comma and i get error?

My Code :
df1=pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\YUNUS'S LAPTOP\Desktop\Book1.csv')
Error I get :
Input In [20]
df1=pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\YUNUS'S LAPTOP\Desktop\Book1.csv')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
use " rather than ' for the bonds of the string, like so
df1 = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\YUNUS'S LAPTOP\Desktop\Book1.csv")

Error: time data "b'YYYY/MM/DD" does not match format '%Y/%m/%d' but it does

I'm trying to parse dates from a textfile, but executing the scripts throws incorrect data format, when the format is correct.
The file is a .txt file with the following structure
2018/02/15 05:00:13 - somestring - anotherstring
2018/02/15 05:00:14 - somestring - anotherstring
2018/02/15 05:00:15 - somestring - anotherstring
... etc
The script gets the file divided in lines, and each line is divided on fields, of which one field is a date and time. I divided the date and the time in two separate fields, the time gets converted ok so the problem is in the date.
This is what I get on execution:
ValueError: time data "b'2018/02/15" does not match format '%Y/%m/%d'
I noticed it prints the string with a "b" in front of it, which if I'm not mistaken it means it's a byte literal. I've tried using "decode("utf-8")" on it, but it throw's exception as "string" has no method decode.
#the file is in one long string as I get it from a 'cat' bash command via ssh
file = str( #reads the cat into a long string
strings = file.split("\\n") #splits the string into lines
for string in strings:
fields = string.split(" - ")
if len(fields) >= 3:
#dates.append(datetime.strptime(campos[0],"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) #Wrong format
datentime = fields[0].split()
dates.append(datetime.strptime(datentime[0],"%Y/%m/%d")) #Wrong format
dates.append(datetime.strptime(datentime[1],"%H:%M:%S")) #WORKS
I can't figure out why that is happening to you with the code you gave so I can't offer a fix for that but I tried testing on it and this worked for me:
datetime.strptime(str(datentime[0])[2,:-1], "%Y/%m/%d")
It removes the B and ' from the string, if you still have problems with that, please post how you got that string, maybe there was some error on the way.
use try and except:
import datetime
def convertDate(d):
strptime = datetime.datetime.strptime
return strptime(d, "%Y/%m/%d")
except TypeError:
return strptime(d.decode("utf-8"), "%Y/%m/%d")

Why am I receiving this error when sorting a Text file by a certain column based upon number?

My code for the sorting of the file.
g = open('Lapse File.txt', 'r')
column = []
i = 1
for line in g:
This is the error I get.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:/Owles/new lapse .py", line 51, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '-8.3\n
My main question is why is there a \n. Earlier in the code I had written to another text file and wrote it by column from a previously read in file.
This is my code for writing the file
for columns in (raw.strip().split() for raw in Sounding):
if (i >2 and i <=33):
G.write(columns [3]+'\t'+columns[2]+'\t'+columns[4]+'\n')
i = i + 1
elif (i >= 34):
G.write(columns [0]+'\t'+columns[1]+'\t'+columns[2]+'\n')
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
I am unsure if writing the lines like that is the issue because I have inserted the new line function.
The traceback is telling you exactly what happened:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '-8.3\n'
The problem here is that, while int() can handle the negative sign and the trailing newline character, it can't handle the decimal point, '.'. As you know, -8.3 may be a real, rational number, but it's not an integer. If you want to preserve the fractional value to end up with -8.3, use float() instead of int(). If you want to discard the fractional value to end up with -8, use float() to parse the string and then use int() on the result.
Because only numeric strings can be cast to integers; look at this:
numeric_string = "109"
not_numeric_string = "f9"
This is okay:
>>> int(numeric_string)
And it cannot be cast:
>>> int(not_numeric_string)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'f9'
So somewhere in your script it is getting a non-numeric string.
It seems as though the "-8.3\n" string sequence has raised the error, so you must strip escape chars as well.

How to convert str to int and add them together?

I've spent the last 2 hours trying to find a solution for this and came up with nothing. So either this is not possible or its so basic that no one write about this. Basically I have 2 strings that both equal numbers, but when I go to add them together I get a concatenate instead of a number.. here is my code (Python)
currentNukeScriptName = nuke.root().name()
splitUpScriptName1 = currentNukeScriptName.split('/')
splitUpScriptName2 = splitUpScriptName1[-1]
splitScriptNameAndExtention = splitUpScriptName2.split('.')
currentNukeScriptName = splitScriptNameAndExtention[0]
splitUpCurrentScriptName = currentNukeScriptName.split('_')
currentVersionNumber = splitUpCurrentScriptName[-1]
decimalVersionNumber = "1" + "," + str(currentVersionNumber)
addingNumber = 1
newVersionNumber = str(decimalVersionNumber) + str(addingNumber)
print newVersionNumber
decimaleVersionNumber = 1,019
If I change the newVersionNumber code too:
newVersionNumber = int(decimalVersionNumber) + int(addingNumber)
I get:
# Result: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 10, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1,019'
I am unsure what to do.. Is this not possible? Or am I doing something totally wrong?
So the problem was found in the decimalVersionNumber where I was adding a comma. What would be the best way of keeping the comma and still adding the numbers together?
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1,019'
Sounds like it doesn't like the comma - try removing it first.
You need to use
int.Parse(decimalVersionNumber) + int.Parse(addingNumber)
This will parse the string representation of the numbers into integers, so they can be added.
String concatenation:
"10" + "20" = "1020"
Integer addition, parsed from strings:
int.Parse("10") + int.Parse("20") = 30

python: find and replace numbers < 1 in text file

I'm pretty new to Python programming and would appreciate some help to a problem I have...
Basically I have multiple text files which contain velocity values as such:
0.259515E+03 0.235095E+03 0.208262E+03 0.230223E+03 0.267333E+03 0.217889E+03 0.156233E+03 0.144876E+03 0.136187E+03 0.137865E+00
etc for many lines...
What I need to do is convert all the values in the text file that are less than 1 (e.g. 0.137865E+00 above) to an arbitrary value of 0.100000E+01. While it seems pretty simple to replace specific values with the 'replace()' method and a while loop, how do you do this if you want to replace a range?
I think when you are beginning programming, it's useful to see some examples; and I assume you've tried this problem on your own first!
Here is a break-down of how you could approach this:
contents='0.259515E+03 0.235095E+03 0.208262E+03 0.230223E+03 0.267333E+03 0.217889E+03 0.156233E+03 0.144876E+03 0.136187E+03 0.137865E+00'
The split method works on strings. It returns a list of strings. By default, it splits on whitespace:
# ['0.259515E+03', '0.235095E+03', '0.208262E+03', '0.230223E+03', '0.267333E+03', '0.217889E+03', '0.156233E+03', '0.144876E+03', '0.136187E+03', '0.137865E+00']
The map command applies its first argument (the function float) to each of the elements of its second argument (the list string_numbers). The float function converts each string into a floating-point object.
# [259.51499999999999, 235.095, 208.262, 230.22300000000001, 267.33300000000003, 217.88900000000001, 156.233, 144.876, 136.18700000000001, 0.13786499999999999]
You can use a list comprehension to process the list, converting numbers less than 1 into the number 1. The conditional expression (1 if num<1 else num) equals 1 when num is less than 1, otherwise, it equals num.
processed_numbers=[(1 if num<1 else num) for num in float_numbers]
# [259.51499999999999, 235.095, 208.262, 230.22300000000001, 267.33300000000003, 217.88900000000001, 156.233, 144.876, 136.18700000000001, 1]
This is the same thing, all in one line:
processed_numbers=[(1 if num<1 else num) for num in map(float,contents.split())]
To generate a string out of the elements of processed_numbers, you could use the str.join method:
comma_separated_string=', '.join(map(str,processed_numbers))
# '259.515, 235.095, 208.262, 230.223, 267.333, 217.889, 156.233, 144.876, 136.187, 1'
typical technique would be:
read file line by line
split each line into a list of strings
convert each string to the float
compare converted value with 1
replace when needed
write back to the new file
As I don't see you having any code yet, I hope that this would be a good start
def float_filter(input):
for number in input.split():
if float(number) < 1.0:
yield "0.100000E+01"
yield number
input = "0.259515E+03 0.235095E+03 0.208262E+03 0.230223E+03 0.267333E+03 0.217889E+03 0.156233E+03 0.144876E+03 0.136187E+03 0.137865E+00"
print " ".join(float_filter(input))
import numpy as np
a = np.genfromtxt('file.txt') # read file
a[a<1] = 0.1 # replace
np.savetxt('converted.txt', a) # save to file
You could use regular expressions for parsing the string. I'm assuming here that the mantissa is never larger than 1 (ie, begins with 0). This means that for the number to be less than 1, the exponent must be either 0 or negative. The following regular expression matches '0', '.', unlimited number of decimal digits (at least 1), 'E' and either '+00' or '-' and two decimal digits.
Assuming that you have the file read into variable 'text', you can use the regexp with the following python code:
result = re.sub(r"0\.\d*E(-\d\d|\+00)", "0.100000E+01", text)
Edit: Just realized that the description doesn't limit the valid range of input numbers to positive numbers. Negative numbers can be matched with the following regexp:
This can be alternated with the first one using the (pattern1|pattern2) syntax which results in the following Python code:
result = re.sub(r"(0\.\d+E(-\d\d|\+00)|-0\.\d+E[-+]\d\d)", "0.100000E+00", subject)
Also if there's a chance that the exponent goes past 99, the regexp can be further modified by adding a '+' sign after the '\d\d' patterns. This allows matching digits ending in two OR MORE digits.
I've got the script working as I want now...thanks people.
When writing the list to a new file I used the replace method to get rid of the brackets and commas - is there a simpler way?
ftext = open("C:\\Users\\hhp06\\Desktop\\out.grd", "r")
otext = open("C:\\Users\\hhp06\\Desktop\\out2.grd", "w+")
for line in ftext:
stringnum = line.split()
floatnum = map(float, stringnum)
procnum = [(1.0 if num<1 else num) for num in floatnum]
stringproc = str(procnum)
s = (stringproc).replace(",", " ").replace("[", " ").replace("]", "")
otext.writelines(s + "\n")
