Efficient way to replace substring from list - python

Hi I have a large document saved as a sentence and a list of proper names that might be in the document.
I would like to replace instances of the list with the tag [PERSON]
ex: sentence = "John and Marie went to school today....."
list = ["Maria", "John"....]
result = [PERSON] and [PERSON] went to school today
as you can see there might be variations of the name that I still want to catch like Maria and Marie as they are spelled differently but close.
I know I can use a loop but since the list and the sentence is large there might be a more efficient way to do this. Thanks

Use fuzzywuzzy to check if each word in the sentence matches closely (with a match percentage above 80%) with that of a name and if so replace it with [PERSON]
>>> from fuzzywuzzy import process, fuzz
>>> names = ["Maria", "John"]
>>> sentence = "John and Marie went to school today....."
>>> match = lambda word: process.extractOne(word, names, scorer=fuzz.ratio, score_cutoff=80)
>>> ' '.join('[PERSON]' if match(word) else word for word in sentence.split())
'[PERSON] and [PERSON] went to school today.....'

You can use regex inside your input list, to match words with spell variations. For example, if you need to match Marie and Maria, you can use Mari(e|a) as regex. Here is the consequent code you can use:
import re
mySentence = "John and Marie and Maria went to school today....."
myList = ["Mari(e|a)", "John"]
myNewSentence = re.compile("|".join(myList)).sub('[PERSON]', mySentence)
print(myNewSentence) # [PERSON] and [PERSON] and [PERSON] went to school today.....


Lowercase all text except elements in a list

I have a text like this: s = "I am Enrolled in a course, MPhil since 2014. I LOVE this SO MuCH."
And a list of words list = ["MPhil", "MuCH"]
I am looking for a regex code that is able to lowercase all the text except the elements of the list.
I found this regex solution that is able to lowercase all except the words between '':
s = re.sub(r"\b(?<!')(\w+)(?!')\b", lambda match: match.group(1).lower(), s)
But I don't know how to turn it into my case.
I tried to split the text and check if it's from the list or not but I didn't found it really practical.
If someone could give me a hint or suggest me something I'll be thankful
Just see whether the word you've matched is in the set of words to keep as-is:
import re
words_to_keep = {"MPhil", "MuCH"}
def replace_if_not_in_keeplist(match):
word = match.group()
if word in words_to_keep:
return word
return word.lower()
s = "I am Enrolled in a course, MPhil since 2014. I LOVE this SO MuCH."
s2 = re.sub(r"\w+", replace_if_not_in_keeplist, s)
I am Enrolled in a course, MPhil since 2014. I LOVE this SO MuCH.
i am enrolled in a course, MPhil since 2014. i love this so MuCH.

disassemble and reassemble strings based on list

I have four speakers like this:
They are having a conversation and it is all represented by a string, ie. convo=
how is it going?
we are doing fine
How do I disassemble and reassemble the string so I can split it into 2 strings, 1 string of what Team_A said, and 1 string from what Team_A said?
output: team_A_said="hello how is it going?", team_B_said="hi we are doing fine"
The lines don't matter.
I have this awful find... then slice code that is not scalable. Can someone suggest something else? Any libraries to help with this?
I didn't find anything in nltk library
This code assumes that contents of convo strictly conforms to the
name\nstuff they said\n\n
pattern. The only tricky code it uses is zip(*[iter(lines)]*3), which creates a list of triplets of strings from the lines list. For a discussion on this technique and alternate techniques, please see How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks in Python?.
#!/usr/bin/env python
team_ids = ('A', 'B')
team_names = (
('Fred', 'Bob'),
('John', 'Jake'),
#Build a dict to get team name from person name
teams = {}
for team_id, names in zip(team_ids, team_names):
for name in names:
teams[name] = team_id
#Each block in convo MUST consist of <name>\n<one line of text>\n\n
#Do NOT omit the final blank line at the end
convo = '''Fred
how is it going?
we are doing fine
lines = convo.splitlines()
#Group lines into <name><text><empty> chunks
#and append the text into the appropriate list in `said`
said = {'A': [], 'B': []}
for name, text, _ in zip(*[iter(lines)]*3):
team_id = teams[name]
for team_id in team_ids:
print 'Team %s said: %r' % (team_id, ' '.join(said[team_id]))
Team A said: 'hello how is it going?'
Team B said: 'hi we are doing fine'
You could use a regular expression to split up each entry. itertools.ifilter can then be used to extract the required entries for each conversation.
import itertools
import re
def get_team_conversation(entries, team):
return [e for e in itertools.ifilter(lambda x: x.split('\n')[0] in team, entries)]
Team_A = ['Fred', 'Bob']
Team_B = ['John', 'Jake']
convo = """
how is it going?
we are doing fine"""
find_teams = '^(' + '|'.join(Team_A + Team_B) + r')$'
entries = [e[0].strip() for e in re.findall('(' + find_teams + '.*?)' + '(?=' + find_teams + r'|\Z)', convo, re.S+re.M)]
print 'Team-A', get_team_conversation(entries, Team_A)
print 'Team-B', get_team_conversation(entries, Team_B)
Giving the following output:
Team-A ['Fred\nhello', 'Bob\nhow is it going?']
Team_B ['John\nhi', 'Jake\nwe are doing fine']
It is a problem of language parsing.
Answer is a Work in progress
Finite state machine
A conversation transcript can be understood by imagining it as parsed by automata with the following states :
[start] ---> [Name]----> [Text]-+----->[end]
^ |
| | (whitespaces)
You can parse your conversation by making it follow that state machine. If your parsing succeeds (ie. follows the states to end of text) you can browse your "conversation tree" to derive meaning.
Tokenizing your conversation (lexer)
You need functions to recognize the name state. This is straightforward
name = (Team_A | Team_B) + '\n'
Conversation alternation
In this answer, I did not assume that a conversation involves alternating between the people speaking, like this conversation would :
Fred # author 1
John # author 2
Bob # author 3
how is it going ?
Bob # ERROR : author 3 again !
are we still on for saturday, Fred ?
This might be problematic if your transcript concatenates answers from same author

How to return a word in a string if it starts with a certain character? (Python)

I'm building a reddit bot for practice that converts US dollars into other commonly used currencies, and I've managed to get the conversion part working fine, but now I'm a bit stuck trying to pass the characters that directly follow a dollar sign to the converter.
This is sort of how I want it to work:
def run_bot():
subreddit = r.get_subreddit("randomsubreddit")
comments = subreddit.get_comments(limit=25)
for comment in comments:
comment_text = comment.body
#If comment contains a string that starts with '$'
# Pass the rest of the 'word' to a variable
So for example, if it were going over a comment like this:
"I bought a boat for $5000 and it's awesome"
It would assign '5000' to a variable that I would then put through my converter
What would be the best way to do this?
(Hopefully that's enough information to go off, but if people are confused I'll add more)
You could use re.findall function.
>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r'\$(\d+)', "I bought a boat for $5000 and it's awesome")
>>> re.findall(r'\$(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)', "I bought two boats for $5000 $5000.45")
['5000', '5000.45']
>>> s = "I bought a boat for $5000 and it's awesome"
>>> [i[1:] for i in s.split() if i.startswith('$')]
If you dealing with prices as in float number, you can use this:
import re
s = "I bought a boat for $5000 and it's awesome"
matches = re.findall("\$(\d*\.\d+|\d+)", s)
print(matches) # ['5000']
s2 = "I bought a boat for $5000.52 and it's awesome"
matches = re.findall("\$(\d*\.\d+|\d+)", s2)
print(matches) # ['5000.52']

Error: match word in file

There are two sentences in "test_tweet1.txt"
#francesco_con40 2nd worst QB. DEFINITELY Tony Romo. The man who likes to share the ball with everyone. Including the other team.
#mariakaykay aga tayo tomorrow ah. :) Good night, Ces. Love you! >:D<
In "Personal.txt"
The Game (rapper)
The Notorious B.I.G.
The Undertaker
Tom Cruise
Tony Romo
Triple H
My codes:
import re
popular_person = open('C:/Users/Personal.txt')
rpopular_person = popular_person.read()
file1 = open("C:/Users/test_tweet1.txt").readlines()
array = []
count1 = 0
for line in file1:
count1 = count1 + 1
print "\n",count1, line
ltext1 = line.split(" ")
for i,text in enumerate(ltext1):
if text in rpopular_person:
print text
text2 = ' '.join(ltext1)
Results from the codes showed:
1 #francesco_con40 2nd worst QB. DEFINITELY Tony Romo. The man who likes to share the ball with everyone. Including the other team.
2 #mariakaykay aga tayo tomorrow ah. :) Good night, Ces. Love you! >:D<
I tried to match word from "test_tweet1.txt" with "Personal.txt".
Expected result:
Any suggestion?
Your problem seems to be that rpopular_person is just a single string. Therefore, when you ask things like 'to' in rpopular_person, you get a value of True, because the characters 't', 'o' appear in sequence. I am assuming that the same goes for 'the' elsewhere in Personal.txt.
What you want to do is split up Personal.txt into individual words, the way you're splitting your tweets. You can also make the resulting list of words into a set, since that'll make your lookup much faster. Something like this:
people = set(popular_person.read().split())
It's also worth noticing that I'm calling split(), with no arguments. This splits on all whitespace--newlines, tabs, and so on. This way you get everything separately like you intend. Or, if you don't actually want this (since this will give you results of "The" all the time based on your edited contents of Personal.txt), make it:
people = set(popular_person.read().split('\n'))
This way you split on newlines, so you only look for full name matches.
You're not getting "Romo" because that's not a word in your tweet. The word in your tweet is "Romo." with a period. This is very likely to remain a problem for you, so what I would do is rearrange your logic (assuming speed isn't an issue). Rather than looking at each word in your tweet, look at each name in your Personal.txt file, and see if it's in your full tweet. This way you don't have to deal with punctuation and so on. Here's how I'd rewrite your functionality:
rpopular_person = set(personal.split())
with open("Personal.txt") as p:
people = p.read().split('\n') # Get full names rather than partial names
with open("test_tweet1.txt") as tweets:
for tweet in tweets:
for person in people:
if person in tweet:
print person
you need to split rpopular_person to get it to match words instead of substrings
rpopular_person = open('C:/Users/Personal.txt').read().split()
this gives:
the reason Romo isn't showing up is that on your line split you have "Romo." Maybe you should look for rpopular_person in the lines, instead of the other way around. Maybe something like this
popular_person = open('C:/Users/Personal.txt').read().split("\n")
file1 = open("C:/Users/test_tweet1.txt")
array = []
for count1, line in enumerate(file1):
print "\n", count1, line
for person in popular_person:
if person in line:
print person

What is efficient way to match words in string?

names = ['James John', 'Robert David', 'Paul' ... the list has 5K items]
text1 = 'I saw James today'
text2 = 'I saw James John today'
text3 = 'I met Paul'
is_name_in_text(text1,names) # this returns false 'James' in not in list
is_name_in_text(text2,names) # this returns 'James John'
is_name_in_text(text3,names) # this return 'Paul'
is_name_in_text() searches if any of the name list is in text.
The easy way to do is to just check if the name is in the list by using in operator, but the list has 5,000 items, so it is not efficient. I can just split the text into words and check if the words are in the list, but this not going to work if you have more than one word matching. Line number 7 will fail in this case.
Make names into a set and use the in-operator for fast O(1) lookup.
You can use a regex to parse out the possible names in a sentence:
>>> import re
>>> findnames = re.compile(r'([A-Z]\w*(?:\s[A-Z]\w*)?)')
>>> def is_name_in_text(text, names):
for possible_name in set(findnames.findall(text)):
if possible_name in names:
return possible_name
return False
>>> names = set(['James John', 'Robert David', 'Paul'])
>>> is_name_in_text('I saw James today', names)
>>> is_name_in_text('I saw James John today', names)
'James John'
>>> is_name_in_text('I met Paul', names)
Build a regular expression with all the alternatives. This way you don't have to worry about somehow pulling the names out of the phrases beforehand.
import re
names_re = re.compile(r'\b' +
r'\b|\b'.join(re.escape(name) for name in names) +
print names_re.search('I saw James today')
You may use Python's set in order to get good performance while using the in operator.
If you have a mechanism of pulling the names out of the phrases and don't need to worry about partial matches (the full name will always be in the string), you can use a set rather than a list.
Your code is exactly the same, with this addition at line 2:
names = set(names)
The in operation will now function much faster.
