Use Python to search online database and download images - python

I'd like my Python code to iterate through a numpy array and search an online database with each of these numbers. This seems fairly complicated, since it must enter the number into a certain search box after navigating to the URL, and then I would like it to return all the images that appear after searching for each number (there are multiple images in each search result). Is there a straightforward way to do this?


Extracting Data from Unstructured PDFs in Python

Like it says, I'm trying to find a method to extract data from PDFs in Python. I've explored a few solutions already, but I'm not finding any solution that fit the need.
The PDF I have is scanned in, but I can use Tesseract to turn it into a text pdf if necessary. The goal in the short term is to grab a few values from the PDF and store them. The large scale goal is to get a large number of these PDFs and perform this task automatically. I know how to store the data if I can get it out of the PDF, my problem is actually getting the values out.
I'm not at liberty to display the PDF, below is an example of what the document looks like.
Sorry for my crude art, I figured this would be easier than recreating an empty copy of the PDF, but I can make a better mock up if necessary. The fields I would like to extract are highlighted in red. Wherever it says TITLE: next to a field is where title would appear on the document, usually on a separate line, save for the field at the bottom.
I've tried using a few tools, notably Azure Cognitive Services and PyPDF2, however the issues I'm usually running into is that the output has each group of words as an individual line in the output, which does not work if the title of a form field is above it, like the example table below
The output returns left, then center, then right, then One, then Two, then Three. If the field for Two or One was left blank, searching for 3 rows below right would not give me the expected output.
I've run into a few other bugs with other solutions, like needing to have bounding boxes on my PDF for it to work, but I'm starting to run out of solutions to find, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for how I can get this task done.
There are multiple pages, however I only really need 1-2, and I only have 1 scanned with Tesseract. The format stays relatively the same, although each pdf is independently scanned in so there could be minor changes there.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Extracting text from specific coordinates of a PDF in python

I have some pre-determined coordinates that I want to look into a PDF to extract text from (some part on the top of the page). I've been trying to use the library pdfminer.six but it seems like the smallest unit for processing and extracting elements is a page.
I was thinking that in order to just get text from a small part of a page, it could get a little inefficient to go through and analyse the entire page when there are large number of documents to process.
Is there any way to do so? Or is there some other library that can work with this use case, where I can pass in coordinates? Or am I getting the concept wrong fundamentally?
You can use visitor functions to do that:

Searching Information at PDFs

I am a beginner user at Python / programming world and I am trying to solve a problem.
I have a kind of keyword list. I want to look for these keywords at some folders which contain a lot of PDFs. PDFs are not character based, they are image based (they contain text as image). In other words, the PDFs are scanned via scanner at first decade of 2000s. So, I can not search a word in the PDF file. I could not use Windows search etc. I can control only with my eyes and this is time consuming & boring.
I researched the question on the internet and found some solutions. According to these solutions, I tried to write a code via Python. It worked but success rate is a bit low.
Firstly, my code converts the PDF file to image files (PyMuPDF package).
Secondly, my code reads text on these images and creates a text information as string (PIL, pytesseract packages)
Finally, the code searches keywords at this text information and returns True if a keyword is found.
keyword_list = ["a-001", "b-002", "c-003"]
pdf_list = ["a.pdf", "b.pdf", "c.pdf", ...., "z.pdf"]
Code should find a-001 at a.pdf file. Because I controlled via my eyes and a.pdf contains a-001. The code found actually.
Code should find b-002 at b.pdf file too. Because I controlled via my eyes and b.pdf contains b-001. The code could not find.
So my code's success rate is %50. When it finds, it finds true pdf file; I have no problem on that. Found PDF really contains what I am looking for. But sometimes, it could not detect the keyword at the PDF file which I can see clearly.
Do you have any better idea to solve this problem more accurately? I am not chasing %100 success rate, it is impossible. Because, some PDFs contain handwriting. But, most of them contain computer writing and they should be detected. Can I rise the success rate %75?
Your best chance is to extract the image with the highest possible resolution, which might mean not "converting the PDF to an image" but rather "parsing the PDF and extracting the image stream" (given it was 2000's scanned, it is probably a TIFF stream, at that). This is an example using PyMuPdf.
You can perhaps try and further improve the image by adjusting brightness, contrast and using filters such as "despeckling". With poorly scanned images I have had good results with sharpening filters, and there are some filters ("erode" and "washout") that might improve poor typewriting (I remember some "e"'s where the eye of the "e" was almost completely dark, and they got easily mistaken for "c"'s).
Then train Tesseract to improve recognition ratio. I am not sure of how this can be done with the Python interface, though.

How to find an exact match of an image in hashed data with openCV

for my school project, I need to find images in a large dataset. I'm working with python and opencv. Until now, I've managed to find an exact match of an image in the dataset but it takes a lot of time even though I had 20 images for the test code. So, I've searched few pages of google and I've tried the code on these pages
image hashing
building an image hashing search engine
feature matching
Also, I've been thinking to search through the hashed dataset, save their paths, then find the best feature matching image among them. But most of the time, my narrowed down working area is so much different than what is my query image.
The image hashing is really great. It looks like what I need but there is a problem: I need to find an exact match, not similar photos. So, I'm asking you guys, if you have any suggestion or a piece of code might help or improve the reference code that I've linked, can you share it with me? I'd be really happy to try or research what you guys send or suggest.
opencv is probably the wrong tool for this. The algorithms there are geared towards finding similar matches, not exact ones. The general idea is to use machine learning to teach the code to recognize what a car looks like so it can detect cars in videos, even when the color or form changes (driving in the shadow, different make, etc).
I've found two approaches work well when trying to build an image database.
Use a normal hash algorithm like SHA-256 plus maybe some metadata (file or image size) to find matches
Resize the image down to 4x4 or even 2x2. Use the pixel RGB values as "hash".
The first approach is to reduce the image to a number. You can then put the number in a look up table. When searching for the image, apply the same hashing algorithm to the image you're looking for. Use the new number to look in the table. If it's there, you have a match.
Note: In all cases, hashing can produce the same number for different pictures. So you have to compare all the pixels of two pictures to make sure it's really an exact match. That's why it sometimes helps to add information like the picture size (in pixels, not file size in bytes).
The second approach allows to find pictures which very similar to the eye but in fact slightly different. Imagine cropping off a single pixel column on the left or tilting the image by 0.01°. To you, the image will be the same but for a computer, they will by totally different. The second approach tries to average small changes out. The cost here is that you will get more collisions, especially for B&W pictures.
Finding exact image matches using hash functions can be done with the undouble library (Disclaimer: I am also the author). It works using a multi-step process of pre-processing the images (grayscaling, normalizing, and scaling), computing the image hash, and the grouping of images based on a threshold value.

best way to print data in columnar format?

I am using Python to read in data in a user-unfriendly format and transform it into an easier-to-read format. The records I am outputting are usually going to be just a last name, first name, and room code. I
I would like to output a series of pages, each containing a contiguous subset of the total records, divided into multiple columns, each of which contains a contiguous subset of the total records on the page. (So in other words, you'd read down the first column, move to the next column, move to the next column, etc., and then start over on the next page...)
The problem I am facing now is that for output formats, I'm almost certainly limited to HTML (and Javascript, CSS, etc.) What is the best way to get the data into this columnar format? If I knew for certain that the printable area of the paper would hold 20 records vertically and five horizontally, for instance, I could easily print tables of 5x20, but I don't know if there's a way to indicate a page break -- and I don't know if there's any way to calculate programmatically how many records will fit on the page.
How would you approach this?
EDIT: The reason I said that I was limited in output: I have to produce the file on one computer, then bring it to a different computer upon which we cannot install new software and on which the selection of existing software is not optimal. The file itself is only going to be used to make a physical printout (which is what the end users will actually work with), but my time on the computer that I can print from is going to be limited, so I need to have the file all ready to go and print right away without a lot of tweaking.
Right now I've managed to find a word processor that I can use on the target machine, so I'm going to see if I can target a format that the word processor uses.
EDIT: Once I knew there was a word processor I could use, I made a simple skeleton file with the settings that I wanted (column and tab settings, monospaced font in a small point size, etc.) and then measured how many characters I got per line of a column and how many lines I got per column. I've watched the runs pretty carefully to make sure that there weren't some strange lines that somehow overflowed the characters-per-line guideline (which shouldn't happen with monospaced font, of course, but how many times do you end up having to figure out why that thing that "shouldn't" happen is happening anyways?)
If there hadn't been a word processor on the target machine that I could use, I probably would have looked at PDF as an output format.
"If I knew for certain that the printable area of the paper would hold 20 records vertically and five horizontally"
You do know that.
You know the size of your paper. You know the size of your font. You can easily do the math.
"almost certainly limited to HTML..." doesn't make much sense. Is this a web application? The page can have a "Previous" and "Next" button to step through the pages? Pick a size that looks good to you and display one page full with "Previous" and "Next" buttons.
If it's supposed to be one HTML page that prints correctly, that's hard. There are CSS things you can do, but you'll be happier creating a PDF file.
Get PyX or ReportLab and create a PDF that prints properly.
I -- personally -- have no patience with any of this. I try put this kind of thing into a CSV file. My users can then open CSV with a tool spreadsheet (Open Office Org has a good one) and then adjust the columns and print with it.
