Is there a way to directly retrieve the minimized error after scipy.minimize has converged or must that be directly coded into the cost function?
I can only retrieve the converged to coefficients it seems.
def errorFunction(params,series,loss_function,slen = 12):
alpha, beta, gamma = params
breakUps = int(len(series) / slen)
end = breakUps * slen
test = series[end:]
errors = []
for i in range(2,breakUps+1):
model = HoltWinters(series=series[:i * 12], slen=slen,
alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, n_preds=len(test))
predictions = model.result[-len(test):]
actual = test
error = loss_function(predictions, actual)
return np.mean(np.array(errors))
opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(errorFunction, x0=x,
args=(train, mean_squared_log_error),
method="L-BFGS-B", bounds = ((0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1))
#gets the converged values
optimal values = opt.x
#I would like to know what the error with errorFunction is when using opt.x values, without having to manually run the script again
#Is the minimum error stored somewhere in the returned object opt
From what I understand from the documentation of the function scipy.optimize.minimize, the result is returned as a OptimizeResult object.
From the documentation of this class (here) it has an attribute fun that is the "values of objective function".
So if you do, you should obtain the result you are looking for. (There are more values that you can retrieve like the Jacobian opt.jac, the Hessian opt.hess, ... as described in the documentation)
I have been trying to fit a function(the function is given in the code under the name concave_func) onto data points in python but have had very little to no success. I have 7 parameters(C_1, C_2, alpha_one, alpha_two, I_x, nu_t, T_e) in the function that I have to estimate, and only 6 data points. I have tried 2 methods to fit the curve and estimate the parameters,
1). scipy.optimize.minimize
2). scipy.optimize.curve_fit.
However, I'm not obtaining the desired results i.e the curve is not fitting the data points.
I have attached my code below.
frequency = np.array([22,45,150,408,1420,23000]) #x_values
b_temp = [2.55080863e+04, 4.90777800e+03, 2.28984753e+02, 2.10842949e+01, 3.58631166e+00, 5.68716056e-04] #y_values
#Defining the function that I want to fit
def concave_func(x, C_1, C_2, alpha_one, alpha_two, I_x, nu_t, T_e):
one = x**(-alpha_one)
two = (C_2/C_1)*(x**(-alpha_two))
three = I_x*(x**-2.1)
expo = np.exp(-1*((nu_t/x)**2.1))
eqn_one = C_1*(one + two + three)*expo
eqn_two = T_e*(1 - expo)
return eqn_one + eqn_two
#Defining chi_square function
def chisq(params, xobs, yobs):
ynew = concave_func(xobs, *params)
#yerr = np.sum((ynew- yobs)**2)
yerr = np.sum(((yobs- ynew)/ynew)**2)
return yerr
result = minimize(chisq, [1,2,2,2,1,1e6,8000], args = (frequency,b_temp), method = 'Nelder-Mead', options = {'disp' : True, 'maxiter': 10000})
x = np.linspace(-300,24000,1000)
plt.plot(x,concave_func(x, *result.x))
plt.plot(frequency, b_temp, 'r*' )
plt.xlabel("log Frequency[MHz]")
plt.ylabel("log Temp[K]")
plt.title('log Temparature vs log Frequency')
I have attached the plot that I obtained below.
The plot clearly does not fit the data, and something is definitely wrong. I would also want my parameters alpha_one and alpha_two to be constrained to lie between 2 and 3. I also do not want my parameter T_e to exceed 10,000. Any thoughts?
I have a system of ODEs which assume the form
In essence, I have the solutions B_1(t) and B_2(t) for t=5 and I am interested in finding the unknown parameters rho_1 and rho_2. The approach I took entailed: 1) define the function corresponding to the system above; 2) integrate using solve_ivp and deduct the result from the true values of B_1(t) and B_2(t); 3) finally use fsolve to find the appropriate values of rho_1 and rho_2, such that the difference between the true parameters B_1(t) and B_2(t) and the ones obtained using the tuned parameters of rho_1 and rho_2 is a zero vector. The code I have implemented for this purpose is the following:
t_eval = np.arange(0, 5)
def fun(t, s, rho_1, rho_2):
return[0.775416, 0,0, 0.308968]).reshape(2,2), s) + np.array([rho_1, rho_2]).reshape(2,1)
def fun2(t, rho_1, rho_2):
res = solve_ivp(fun, [0, 5], y0 = [0, 0], t_eval=t_eval, args = (rho_1, rho_2), vectorized = True)
sol = res.y[:,4]-np.array([0.01306365, 0.00589119])
return sol
root = fsolve(fun2, [0, 0])
However, I am not sure whether fsolve is not appropriate for this purpose tor there is something wrong with my code, as I get the following error:
fun2() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'rho_1' and 'rho_2'
I'm creating some GPflow models in which I need the observations pre and post of a threshold x0 to be independent a priori. I could achieve this with just GP models, or with a ChangePoints kernel with infinite steepness, but both solutions don't work well with my future extensions in mind (MOGP in particular).
I figured I could easily construct what I want from scratch, so I made a new Combination kernel object, which uses the appropriate child kernel pre- or post x0. This works as intended when I evaluate the kernel on a set of input points; the expected correlations between points before and after threshold are zero, and the rest is determined by the children kernels:
import numpy as np
import gpflow
from gpflow.kernels import Matern32
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from gpflow.kernels import Combination
class IndependentKernel(Combination):
def __init__(self, kernels, x0, forcing_variable=0, name=None):
self.x0 = x0
self.forcing_variable = forcing_variable
super().__init__(kernels, name=name)
def K(self, X, X2=None):
# threshold X, X2 based on self.x0, and construct a joint tensor
if X2 is None:
X2 = X
fv = self.forcing_variable
mask = tf.dtypes.cast(X[:, fv] >= self.x0, tf.int32)
X_partitioned = tf.dynamic_partition(X, mask, 2)
X2_partitioned = tf.dynamic_partition(X2, mask, 2)
K_pre = self.kernels[0].K(X_partitioned[0], X2_partitioned[0])
K_post = self.kernels[1].K(X_partitioned[1], X2_partitioned[1])
zero_block_1 = tf.zeros([K_pre.shape[0], K_post.shape[1]], tf.float64)
zero_block_2 = tf.zeros([K_post.shape[0], K_pre.shape[1]], tf.float64)
upper_row = tf.concat([K_pre, zero_block_1], axis=1)
lower_row = tf.concat([zero_block_2, K_post], axis=1)
return tf.concat([upper_row, lower_row], axis=0)
def K_diag(self, X):
fv = self.forcing_variable
mask = tf.dtypes.cast(X[:, fv] >= self.x0, tf.int32)
X_partitioned = tf.dynamic_partition(X, mask, 2)
return tf.concat([self.kernels[0].K_diag(X_partitioned[0]),
def f(x):
return np.sin(6*(x-0.7))
x0 = 0.3
n = 100
x = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
sigma = 0.5
y = np.random.normal(loc=f(x), scale=sigma)
fv = 0
X = x[:, None]
kernel = IndependentKernel([Matern32(), Matern32()], x0=x0, name='indep')
x_pred = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
K = kernel.K(x_pred[:, None]) # <- kernel is evaluated correctly here
However, when I want to train a GPflow model with this kernel, I receive the error message TypeError: Expected int32, got None of type 'NoneType' instead. This appears to result from the sub-kernel matrices K_pre and K_post to be of size (None, 1), instead of the expected squares (which they correctly are if I evaluate the kernel 'manually').
m = gpflow.models.GPR(data=(X, y[:, None]), kernel=kernel)
method="L-BFGS-B") # <- K_pre & K_post are of size (None, 1) now?
What can I do to make the kernel properly trainable?
I am using GPflow 2.1.3 and TensorFlow 2.4.1.
this is not a GPflow issue but a subtlety of TensorFlow's eager vs graph mode: In eager mode (which is the default behaviour when you interact with tensors "manually" as in calling the kernel) K_pre.shape works just as expected. In graph mode (which is what happens when you wrap code in tf.function(), this generally does not always work (e.g. the shape might depend on tf.Variables with None shapes), and you have to use tf.shape(K_pre) instead to obtain the dynamic shape (that depends on the actual values inside the variables). GPflow's Scipy class by default wraps the loss&gradient computation inside tf.function() to speed up optimization. If you explicitly turn this off by passing compile=False to the minimize() call, your code example runs fine. If you replace the .shape attributes with tf.shape() calls to fix it properly, it likewise will run fine.
I am trying to deconvolve complex gas chromatogram signals into individual gaussian signals. Here is an example, where the dotted line represents the signal I am trying to deconvolve.
I was able to write the code to do this using scipy.optimize.curve_fit; however, once applied to real data the results were unreliable. I believe being able to set bounds to my parameters will improve my results, so I am attempting to use lmfit, which allows this. I am having a problem getting lmfit to work with a variable number of parameters. The signals I am working with may have an arbitrary number of underlying gaussian components, so the number of parameters I need will vary. I found some hints here, but still can't figure it out...
Creating a python lmfit Model with arbitrary number of parameters
Here is the code I am currently working with. The code will run, but the parameter estimates do not change when the model is fit. Does anyone know how I can get my model to work?
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from scipy.stats import norm
from lmfit import Parameters, Model
def add_peaks(x_range, *pars):
y = np.zeros(len(x_range))
for i in np.arange(0, len(pars), 3):
curve = norm.pdf(x_range, pars[i], pars[i+1]) * pars[i+2]
y = y + curve
# generate some fake data
x_range = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
peaks = [50., 40., 60.]
a = norm.pdf(x_range, peaks[0], 5) * 2
b = norm.pdf(x_range, peaks[1], 1) * 0.1
c = norm.pdf(x_range, peaks[2], 1) * 0.1
fake = a + b + c
param_dict = OrderedDict()
for i in range(0, len(peaks)):
param_dict['pk' + str(i)] = peaks[i]
param_dict['wid' + str(i)] = 1.
param_dict['mult' + str(i)] = 1.
# In case, you'd like to see the plot of fake data
#y = add_peaks(x_range, *param_dict.values())
#plt.plot(x_range, y)
# Initialize the model and fit
pmodel = Model(add_peaks)
params = pmodel.make_params()
for i in param_dict.keys():
params.add(i, value=param_dict[i])
result =, params=params, x_range=x_range)
I think you would be better off using lmfits ability to build composite model.
That is, with a single peak defined with
from scipy.stats import norm
def peak(x, amp, center, sigma):
return amp * norm.pdf(x, center, sigma)
(see also lmfit.models.GaussianModel), you can build a model with many peaks:
npeaks = 3
model = Model(peak, prefix='p1_')
for i in range(1, npeaks):
model = model + Model(peak, prefix='p%d_' % (i+1))
params = model.make_params()
Now model will be a sum of 3 Gaussian functions, and the params created for that model will have names like p1_amp, p1_center, p2_amp, ..., which you can add sensible initial values and/or bounds and/or constraints.
Given your example data, you could pass in initial values to make_params like
params = model.make_params(p1_amp=2.0, p1_center=50., p1_sigma=2,
p2_amp=0.2, p2_center=40., p2_sigma=2,
p3_amp=0.2, p3_center=60., p3_sigma=2)
result =, params, x=x_range)
I was able to find a solution here:
Building on the code above, the following accomplishes what I was trying to do...
from lmfit.models import GaussianModel
gauss1 = GaussianModel(prefix='g1_')
gauss2 = GaussianModel(prefix='g2_')
gauss3 = GaussianModel(prefix='g3_')
gauss4 = GaussianModel(prefix='g4_')
gauss5 = GaussianModel(prefix='g5_')
gauss = [gauss1, gauss2, gauss3, gauss4, gauss5]
prefixes = ['g1_', 'g2_', 'g3_', 'g4_', 'g5_']
mod = np.sum(gauss[0:len(peaks)])
pars = mod.make_params()
for i, prefix in zip(range(0, len(peaks)), prefixes[0:len(peaks)]):
pars[prefix + 'center'].set(peaks[i])
init = mod.eval(pars, x=x_range)
out =, pars, x=x_range)
Running the scipy.minimize function "I get TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable". Specifically during the execution of:
.../scipy/optimize/", line 292, in function_wrapper
return function(*(wrapper_args + args))
I already looked at previous similar topics here and usually this problem occurs due to the fact that as first input parameter of .minimize is not a
function. I have difficulties in figure it out, because "a" is function.
What do you think?
### "data" is a pandas data frame of float values
### "w" is a numpy float array i.e. [0.11365704 0.00886848 0.65302202 0.05680696 0.1676455 ]
def a(data, w):
### Return a negative float value from position [2] of an numpy array of float values calculated via the "b" function i.e -0.3632965490830499
return -b(data, w)[2]
constraint = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1})
### i.e ((0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1))
bound = tuple((0, 1) for x in range (len(symbols)))
opts = scipy.minimize(a(data, w), len(symbols) * [1. / len(symbols),], method = 'SLSQP', bounds = bound, constraints = constraint)
Short answer
It should instead be:
opts = scipy.minimize(a, len(symbols) * [1. / len(symbols),], args=(w,), method='SLSQP', bounds=bound, constraints=constraint)
a(data, w) is not a function, it's a function call. In other words a(data, w) effectively has the value and type of the return value of the function a. minimize needs the actual function without the call (ie without the parentheses (...) and everything in-between), as its first parameter.
From the scipy.optimize.minimize docs:
scipy.optimize.minimize(fun, x0, args=(), method=None, jac=None, hess=None, hessp=None, bounds=None, constraints=(), tol=None, callback=None, options=None)
fun : callable
The objective function to be minimized. Must be in the form f(x, *args). The optimizing argument, x, is a 1-D array of points, and args is a tuple of any additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the function.
args : tuple, optional
Extra arguments passed to the objective function...
So, assuming w is fixed (at least with respect to your desired minimization), you would pass it to minimize via the args parameter, as I've done above.
You're not passing the function, but the evaluated result to minimize.
opts = scipy.minimize(a, len(symbols) * [1. / len(symbols),], method = 'SLSQP', bounds = bound, constraints = constraint, args = (data,w))
Should work.
Edit: Fixed stupid syntax error.