object was probably modified after being freed with Python on Mac - python

I have the following code in a function:
phi = fourier_matrix(y, fs)
N = np.size(phi,axis=1)
x = np.ones(N)
for i in range(136):
W_pk = np.diag(x)
temp = pinv(np.dot(phi, W_pk))
q_k = np.dot(temp, y)
x = np.dot(W_pk, q_k)
where phi is (96,750), W_pk is (750,750) and q_k is (750,).
This throws the following error:
Python(12001,0x7fff99d8b380) malloc: * error for object 0x7fc71aa37200: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
* set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
If I comment the last dot product the error does not appear.
I think I need to free memory in some way or maybe do the dot product in a different way?
Also, this only happens when I run it from a mac. On windows or linux it does not throw the error.
Python is 3.6 (tried with 3.7), and numpy is 1.14.5, also tried with 1.15
Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I really need to make this work!
Thanks in advance.
I tried this portion of the code on a jupyter notebook, and it didn't fail. This confused me even more! It fails when I run it in Visual Studio Code on a mac. The rest of my code, an algorithm to remove artifacts from a signal, works as it should until I add that last piece of code x = np.dot(W_pk, q_k). Maybe it works on jupyter because I don't run the rest of the algorithm there? but as I said, it only crashes on that last dot product.
EDIT II: I added the piece of code above the for loop to this question, because I found that the problem is somehow related to how x is being used. You see it's declared above as a float64 ndarray. When it reaches the last line of the for loop, the dot product returns a complex128 (should be complex64, don't know what's happening there) and overwrites the x array. The first time works, but the second time it crashes when trying to overwrite. If I use a new variable for the dot product, say z, then it does not crash! not sure why... but I need to overwrite x in each iteration.
Furthermore, if I do something like this:
z = np.dot(W_pk, q_k)
x = abs(z) #I don't need complex numbers at this point
Then it crashes with the same error on the first dot product (presumably):
temp = pinv(np.dot(phi, W_pk))
Also, the memory consumption is not that bad, around 110M according some measurements, and the same algorithm does not crash on iPython with twice the memory usage. This is what I find the most obscure, why doesn't it crash on iPython??


Intel Vtune cannot find python source file

This is an old problem as is demonstrated as in https://community.intel.com/t5/Analyzers/Unable-to-view-source-code-when-analyzing-results/td-p/1153210. I have tried all the listed methods, none of them works, and I cannot find any more solutions on the internet. Basically vtune cannot find the custom python source file no matter what is tried. I am using the most recently version as of speaking. Please let me whether there is a solution.
For example, if you run the following program.
def myfunc(*args):
# Do a lot of things.
if __name__ = '__main__':
# Do something and call myfunc
Call this script main.py. Now use the newest vtune version (I have using Ubuntu 18.04), run the vtune-gui and basic hotspot analysis. You will not found any information on this file. However, a huge pile of information on Python and its other codes are found (related to your python environment). In theory, you should be able to find the source of main.py as well as cost on each line in that script. However, that is simply not happening.
Desired behavior: I would really like to find the source file and function in the top-down manual (or any really). Any advice is welcome.
VTune offer full support for profiling python code and the tool should be able to display the source code in your python file as you expected. Could you please check if the function you are expecting to see in the VTune results, ran long enough?
Just to confirm that everything is working fine, I wrote a matrix multiplication code as shown below (don't worry about the accuracy of the code itself):
def matrix_mul(X, Y):
result_matrix = [ [ 1 for i in range(len(X)) ] for j in range(len(Y[0])) ]
# iterate through rows of X
for i in range(len(X)):
# iterate through columns of Y
for j in range(len(Y[0])):
# iterate through rows of Y
for k in range(len(Y)):
result_matrix[i][j] += X[i][k] * Y[k][j]
return result_matrix
Then I called this function (matrix_mul) on my Ubuntu machine with large enough matrices so that the overall execution time was in the order of few seconds.
I used the below command to start profiling (you can also see the VTune version I used):
/opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/2021.1.1/bin64/vtune -collect hotspots -knob enable-stack-collection=true -data-limit=500 -ring-buffer=10 -app-working-dir /usr/bin -- python3 /home/johnypau/MyIntel/temp/Python_matrix_mul/mat_mul_method.py
Now open the VTune results in the GUI and under the bottom-up tab, order by "Module / Function / Call-stack" (or whatever preferred grouping is).
You should be able to see the the module (mat_mul_method.py in my case) and the function "matrix_mul". If you double click, VTune should be able to load the sources too.

IronPython: Message: expected c_double, got c_double_Array_3

I’m currently developing a script using the python script editor in Rhino. As I’m currently working in a Windows machine, the script editor uses IronPython as language.
In the same script, I want to interact with an FE software (Straus7) which has a Python API. When doing so, I have experienced some problems as the ctypes module does not seem to work in IronPython the same way it does in regular Python. Especially, I’m finding problems when initializing arrays using the command:
For example, if I want to obtain the XYZ coordinates of a node #1 in the FE model, I regular Python I would write the following:
XYZType = ctypes.c_double*3
XYZ = XYZType()
node_num = 1
And this returns me a variable XYZ which is a 3D array such that:
XYZ -> <straus_userfunctions.c_double_Array_3 at 0xc5787b0>
XYZ[0] = -0.7xxxxx -> (X_coord)
XYZ[1] = -0.8xxxxx -> (Y_coord)
XYZ[2] = -0.9xxxxx -> (Z_coord)
On the other side, I copy the same exact script in IronPython, the following error message appears
Message: expected c_double, got c_double_Array_3
Obviously, If I change the variable XYZ to c_double; then it becomes a double variable which contains only a single entry, which corresponds to the first element of the array (in this case, the X-coordinate)
This situation is quite annoying as all FEM softwares, the usage of matrices and arrays is widely used. Consequently, I wanted to ask if anyone nows a simple fix to this situation.
I was thinking of using the memory allocation of the first element of the array to obtain the rest but I’m not so sure how to do so.
Thanks a lot. Gerard
I've found when working with IronPython you need to explicitly cast the "Array of three doubles" to a "Pointer to double". So if you're using Grasshopper with the Strand7 / Straus7 API you will need to add an extra bit like this:
import St7API
import ctypes
# Make the pointer conversion functions
PI = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)
PD = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)
XYZType = ctypes.c_double*3
XYZ = XYZType()
node_num = 1
# Cast arrays whenever you pass them to St7API from IronPython
St7API.St7GetNodeXYZ(1, node_num, PD(XYZ))
I don't have access to IronPython or Strand7 / Straus7 at the moment but from memory that will do it. If that doesn't work for you you can email Strand7 Support - you would typically get feedback on something like this within a day or so.

scipy.integrate.ode with numpy.view

I try to solve 2 coupled equations systems, called here system A and system B. One of these 2 systems are an ODE system.
To avoid to copy the shared data between the 2 systems, I would like have a structure with pointers. To that, I use the mechanism of numpy.view.
A bit of code :
import numpy as np
import scipy
t0,t1,dt = 0.0,5.0, 1.0
data = np.ones((5,2))
y=np.array([0.0,0.0]) ### no matter default value
r = scipy.integrate.ode(f)
r.set_integrator('dopri5', rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6 )
#r.set_initial_value(y, t0); r._y = data[2] ### Apparently equivalent
r.set_initial_value(data[2], t0) ### Apparently equivalent
Here, at the initial state, I have a synchronization between r.y (system A) and data[2] (the variable named data is the data of system B). If I modify one, the other is also modified and vice versa. Tape the command r.y.base confirm that r.y is just a view of the array named data. That the behavior that I desired.
Now, the problem start here. If I make progress my EDO system :
while r.successful() and r.t < t1:
r.integrate(r.t+dt, step=True)
data and r.y are no more synchronized. r.y are no more a view of data.
It looks that the integrate function creates a new instance of its attribute r.y rather than just update it. I have read the source code of this function
but it rapidly refers to fortran code, and my understanding abilities stop here.
How can I solve (or got round) this problem by a different way of the data copy between r.y and data (that also implies a manual management of the synchronisation) ?
Is it possible that is a bug in scipy ?
Thanks for your help

Python/Numpy array element assignment issue

I'm trying to use Python/Numpy for a project that I'd normally do in Matlab, so I'm somewhat new to this environment (though I have played with Python/Django on the web development side). I'm now running into what I have to believe is a super simple issue that occurs when I'm trying to assign an element of a numpy array to another numpy array. The basic offending code is as follows. It does have some other fluff around it which I don't believe could be causing the issue, but I can provide that code as well if it would help.
import numpy as np
tf = 100
dt = 10
X0 = np.array([6978,0,5.8787,5.8787])
xhist = np.zeros(tf/dt+1)
yhist = np.zeros(tf/dt+1)
xhist[0] = X0[0]
yhist[0] = X0[1]
When I run the above code, the first print statement gives me 6978, as expected; however, the second print statement gives me 0, and I can't figure out for the life of me why this is. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

How to debug Python memory fault?

Edit: Really appreciate help in finding bug - but since it might prove hard to find/reproduce, any general debug help would be greatly appreciated too! Help me help myself! =)
Edit 2: Narrowing it down, commenting out code.
Edit 3: Seems lxml might not be the culprit, thanks! The full script is here. I need to go over it looking for references. What do they look like?
Edit 4: Actually, the scripts stops (goes 100%) in this, the parse_og part of it. So edit 3 is false - it must be lxml somehow.
Edit 5 MAJOR EDIT: As suggested by David Robinson and TankorSmash below, I've found a type of data content that will send lxml.etree.HTML( data ) in a wild loop. (I carelessly disregarded it, but find my sins redeemed as I've paid a price to the tune of an extra two days of debug! ;) A working crashing script is here. (Also opened a new question.)
Edit 6: Turns out this is a bug with lxml version 2.7.8 and below (at
least). Updated to lxml 2.9.0, and bug is gone. Thanks also to the fine folks over at this follow-up question.
I don't know how to debug this weird problem I'm having.
The below code runs fine for about five minutes, when the RAM is suddenly completely filled up (from 200MB to 1700MB during the 100% period - then when memory is full, it goes into blue wait state).
It's due to the code below, specifically the first two lines. That's for sure. But what is going on? What could possibly explain this behaviour?
def parse_og(self, data):
""" lxml parsing to the bone! """
tree = etree.HTML( data ) # << break occurs on this line >>
m = tree.xpath("//meta[#property]")
#for i in m:
# y = i.attrib['property']
# x = i.attrib['content']
# # self.rj[y] = x # commented out in this example because code fails anyway
tree = ''
m = ''
x = ''
y = ''
i = ''
del tree
del m
del x
del y
del i
except Exception:
print 'lxml error: ', sys.exc_info()[1:3]
print len(data)
You can try Low-level Python debugging with GDB. Probably there is a bug in Python interpreter or in lxml library and it is hard to find it without extra tools.
You can interrupt your script running under gdb when CPU usage goes to 100% and look at stack trace. It will probably help to understand what's going on inside script.
it must be due to some references which keep the documents alive. one must always be careful with string results from xpath evaluation. I see you have assigned None to tree and m but not to y,x and i .
Can you also assign None to y,x and i .
Tools are also helpful when trying to track down memory problems. I've found guppy to be a very useful Python memory profiling and exploration tool.
It is not the easiest to get started with due to a lack of good tutorials / documentation, but once you get to grips with it you will find it very useful. Features I make use of:
Remote memory profiling (via sockets)
Basic GUI for charting usage, optionally showing live data
Powerful, and consistent, interfaces for exploring data usage in a Python shell
