I have a python script that executes some simple SQL.
c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS simpletable (id integer PRIMARY KEY, post_body text, post_id text, comment_id text, url text);")
command = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO simpletable VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (comments[-1].post_body, comments[-1].post_id, comments[-1].comment_id,
But when I execute it, I get an error
sqlite3.OperationalError: table simpletable has 5 columns but 4 values were supplied
Why is it not automatically filling in the id key?
In Python 3.6 I did as shown below and data was inserted successfully.
I used None for autoincrementing ID since Null was not found.
conn.execute("INSERT INTO CAMPAIGNS VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (None, campaign_name, campaign_username, campaign_password))
The ID structure is as follows.
If you don't specify the target columns VALUES is expected to provide values for all columns and that you didn't do.
OR IGNORE INTO simpletable
VALUES ('%s',
Specifying the target columns is advisable in any case. The query won't break, if, for any reason, the order of the columns in the tables changes.
try to specify the columns names to ensure that the destination of values doesn't depends on order.
INTO simpletable
And if you wants the id column to be automatically incremented make sure to add Identity property on, or similar auto increment of your dbms.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS simpletable (id integer PRIMARY KEY Identity(1,1),
and remember your script is not prepared to alter the table structure, only creation.
If you wrote code correctly delete your SQL file(name.db) and run your code again some time it solve the problem.
Imagine this is your code:
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS food(name TEXT , price TEXT)''')
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO food VALUES ("burger" , "20")')
and you see an error like this:
table has 1 column but 2 values were supplied
it happened because for example you create a file with one column and then you modify your file to two column but you don't change the file name so compiler do not over write it because it exist.
Insert in columns with parameterized query throws no such column error
First (working) example:
# unit test input
name = "issue_number_1"
text = "issue_text"
rating_sum = 0
if name:
# check if issue is already in db
with self.conn: # this should release the connection when finished
test = cursor.execute("SELECT name, text FROM issue WHERE name = ?", (name,))
data = test.fetchall()
this is working and prints:
[('issue_number_1', 'issue_text')]
Second (non working) example:
# unit test input
name = "issue_number_2"
text = "issue_text"
rating_sum = 0
if name:
with self.conn:
sql_string = "INSERT INTO issue (name, text, rating_sum) VALUES (name = ?, text = ?, rating_sum = ?)"
cursor.execute(sql_string, (name, text, rating_sum,))
throws this error:
cursor.execute(sql_string, (name, text, rating_sum,))
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: name
the column name exists, the first example proofed that
the name: "issue_number_2" does not exist in the DB
the second example fails exactly same with only name to insert (only one parameter)
i had no problems inserting with string concatenation so the problem should be in my second example code somewhere
You need to add single quote.for example:
"INSERT INTO table (field) VALUES ('$1')"
add just values in second () and add single quote around string values.
After a lot of experiments i was a little bit confused....
This is the right syntax:
sql_string = "INSERT INTO issue (name, text, rating_sum) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
cursor.execute(sql_string, (name, text, rating_sum,))
The statement:
is an SQL statement and the correct syntax is:
INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, ...) VALUES (expr1, expr2, ...)
where col1, col2, ... are columns of the table tablename and expr1, expr2, ... are expressions or literals that are evaluated and assigned to each of the columns col1, col2, ... respectively.
So the syntax that you use is not valid SQL syntax.
The assignment of the values is not performed inside VALUES(...).
The correct syntax to use in Python would be:
INSERT INTO issue (name, text, rating_sum) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
Hello how can i do to insert uniq rows without duplicate.
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tab1 (id varchar(36) primary key, cap1 VARCHAR(4), cap2 varchar(55), cap3 int(6), Version VARCHAR(4));")
id = uuid.uuid1()
id = str(id)
cursor.execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO tab1 (id, cap1, cap2, cap3, Version) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s )", (vals))
I should not insert the third row while is the same as first row.
Hope im clear .
Thank you in advance,
The problem is that uuid() will always give a unique identifier and since id is a primary key, the row is getting inserted with duplicate values except for id column which is different always.
I think this link might answer your question or else, create a unique index on columns that you want to be unique.
Let me know if it helps!!
I'm trying to insert some data into SQL database, and the problem is that I'm really green on this. So the MAIN problem is that How can I sort all the items in table? I have 3 main things: ID, CARNUM, TIME. But in this 'Insertion' I have to type the id manually. How can I make that the system would create a numeric id numeration automatically?
Here's the insertion code:
postgres_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO Vartotojai (ID, CARNUM, TIME) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)"""
record_to_insert = (id, car_numb, Reg_Tikslus_Laikas)
cursor.execute(postgres_insert_query, record_to_insert)
count = cursor.rowcount
print (count, "Record inserted successfully into mobile table")
pgadmin sort
pgadmin table
You could change the datatype of ID to serial, which is an auto incrementing integer. Meaning that you don't have to manually enter an ID when inserting into the database.
Read more about datatype serial: source
Creating a simple database and have the rows with an id so I can select row values later:
conn = sqlite3.connect("APIlan.db")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("INSERT INTO ENERGYLOG VALUES (?);", (total_energy,))
Error sqlite3.OperationalError: table ENERGYLOG has 2 columns but 1 values were supplied
Second try:
conn = sqlite3.connect("APIlan.db")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("INSERT INTO ENERGYLOG VALUES (?,?);", (NULL,total_energy,))
Error NameError: name 'NULL' is not defined
Without supplying the value for id, how do I get it into the table? Thanks.
I have two solutions.
1.Your first try, if you only want to insert the columns you choose, you can follow this syntax:
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (column1, column2, column3,...columnN)] VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...valueN);
so, you can write this:
c.execute("INSERT INTO ENERGYLOG (totalenergy) VALUES (?);", (total_energy,))
2.Your second try, if you want to insert all columns, you can replace 'NULL' to 'None':
c.execute("INSERT INTO ENERGYLOG VALUES (?, ?);", (None, total_energy))
Because python don't know 'NULL'.
In SQL we use 'NULL' and in python we use 'None'.
hope it can help you!
You should explicitly list what columns you want to insert into:
c.execute("INSERT INTO ENERGYLOG (totalenergy) VALUES (?);", (total_energy,))
As far as parameterizing NULL, you should specify None as the parameter value:
c.execute("INSERT INTO ENERGYLOG VALUES (?, ?);", (None, total_energy))
Or, use NULL and a single parameter:
c.execute("INSERT INTO ENERGYLOG VALUES (NULL, ?);", (total_energy,))
The code i have is:
for key in keys:
ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD %s VARCHAR(40)
""", key)
I get a error telling me my syntax is wrong. When I replace the %s with a actual string the syntax error goes away.
for key in keys:
ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD myColumn VARCHAR(40)
Any help is appreciated.
There is a bit of confusion going here, for several reasons:
(1) mySQL uses the % as a parameter marker -- easily confused with the % in Python's string % (data1, data2, etc)
(2) some people seem not to be aware that parameter markers can be used only where an expression can be used in SQL syntax -- this excludes table names, column names, function names, keywords, etc
(3) code-golf onelinerism
Required SQL: ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD myColumn VARCHAR(40)
Using a parameter doesn't work:
key = "myColumn"
sql = "ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD %s VARCHAR(40)" # col name not OK as parm
cursor.execute(sql, (key, ))
You need to build an acceptable SQL statement, using e.g. Python string formatting:
key = "myColumn"
sql = "ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD %s VARCHAR(40)" % key
Shouldn't you do the replacement before feeding it?
query = "ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD %s VARCHAR(40)" % (key)
cursor.execute( query )
when cursor.execute() replace %s in a query string it adds ' ' to the argument values supplied...so when you do
key = 'abc'
ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD %s VARCHAR(40)
""", key)
the query executed is
ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD 'abc' VARCHAR(40)
to which mysql will throw a syntax error coz the column names, table names can be in `` but not ' '
so this will work
query = "ALTER TABLE segment_table ADD %s VARCHAR(40)" % (key)