Create dict from list of list - python

I have a text file which I read in. This is a log file so it follows a particular pattern. I need to create a JSON ultimately, but from researching this problem, once it is in a dict it will be a matter of using json.loads() or json.dumps().
A sample of the text file is below.
The dict structure which I am ultimatly looking for is
"INFO": {
"submit": {
"is_test": false,
"username": "Mary"
"env": {
"sys.platform": "linux2",
"": "ubuntu"
I am ignoring the timestamp information in each list for now.
This is a snippet of the code I am using,
import csv
tree_dict = {}
with open('file.log') as file:
for row in file:
for key in reversed(row.split(":")):
tree_dict = {key: tree_dict}
Which results in an undesired output,
{'INFO': {'20180606_141527': {'submit': {'\n': {'INFO': {'20180606_141527': {'submit': {'sys.platform=linux2\n': {'INFO': {'20180606_141527': {'submit': {'username=a227874\n': {'INFO': {'20180606_141527': {'submit': {'is_test=False\n': {}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
I need to dynamically populate the dict because I don't know the actual field/key names.

with open('demo.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
dct = {}
for line in lines:
# param1 == INFO
# param2 == submit or env
# params3 == is_test=False etc.
param1, _, param2, params3 = line.strip().split(':')
# create dct[param1] = {} if it is not created
dct.setdefault(param1, {})
# create dct[param1][param2] = {} if it is no created
dct[param1].setdefault(param2, {})
# for example params3 == is_test=False
# split it by '=' and now we unpack it
# k == is_test
# v == False
k, v = params3.split('=')
# and update our `dict` with the new values
dct[param1][param2].update({k: v})
'INFO': {
'submit': {
'is_test': 'False', 'username': 'Mary'
'env': {
'sys.platform': 'linux2', '': 'ubuntu'

This is one of the rare cases where recursion in Python seems to be appropriate and helpful. The following function adds a value to the hierarchical dictionary d specified by the list of keys:
def add_to_dict(d, keys, value):
if len(keys) == 1: # The last key
d[keys[0]] = value
if keys[0] not in d:
d[keys[0]] = {} # Create a new subdict
add_to_dict(d[keys[0]], keys[1:], value)
The function works with the dictionaries of arbitrary depth. The rest is just the matter of calling the function:
d = {}
for line in file:
keys, value = line.split("=")
keys = keys.split(":")
add_to_dict(d, keys, value.strip())
{'INFO': {'20180606_141527': {
'submit': {'is_test': 'False',
'username': 'Mary'},
'env': {'sys.platform': 'linux2',
'': 'ubuntu'}}}}
You can modify the code to exclude certain levels (like the timestamp).

You could use a nested collections.defaultdict() here:
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint
d = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
with open('sample.txt') as in_file:
for line in in_file:
info, _, category, pair = line.strip().split(':')
props, value = pair.split('=')
d[info][category][props] = value
Which gives the following:
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x7ff8a341aea0>,
{'INFO': defaultdict(<class 'dict'>,
{'env': {'': 'ubuntu',
'sys.platform': 'linux2'},
'submit': {'is_test': 'False',
'username': 'Mary'}})})
Note: defaultdict() is a subclass of the builtin dict, so their is not reason to convert it to dict in the end result. Additionally, defaultdict() can also be serialized to JSON with json.dumps().

You can use itertools.groupby:
import itertools, re
content = [re.split('\=|:', i.strip('\n')) for i in open('filename.txt')]
new_content = [[a, *c] for a, _, *c in content]
def group_vals(d):
new_d = [[a, [c for _, *c in b]] for a, b in itertools.groupby(sorted(d, key=lambda x:x[0]), key=lambda x:x[0])]
return {a:b[0][0] if len(b) ==1 else group_vals(b) for a, b in new_d}
import json
print(json.dumps(group_vals(new_content), indent=4))
"INFO": {
"env": {
"": "ubuntu",
"sys.platform": "linux2"
"submit": {
"is_test": "False",
"username": "Mary"

Check for the presence of keys:
import csv
import json
tree_dict = {}
with open('file.log') as file:
tree_dict = {}
for row in file:
keys = row.split(":")
if keys[0] not in tree_dict:
tree_dict[keys[0]] = {}
if keys[-2] not in tree_dict[keys[0]]:
tree_dict[keys[0]][keys[-2]] = {}
key, value = keys[-1].split("=")
if value == "False":
value = False
if value == "True":
value = True
tree_dict[keys[0]][keys[-2]][key] = value
dumped = json.dumps(tree_dict)

import re
from functools import reduce
with open('file.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
def rec_merge(d1, d2):
for k, v in d1.items():
if k in d2:
d2[k] = rec_merge(v, d2[k])
d3 = d1.copy()
return d3
lst_of_tup = re.findall(r'^([^:]*):[\d_]+:([^:]*):([^=]*)=(.*)$', lines, re.MULTILINE)
lst_of_dct = [reduce(lambda x,y: {y:x}, reversed(t)) for t in lst_of_tup]
dct = reduce(rec_merge, lst_of_dct)
# {'INFO': {'env': {'': 'ubuntu', 'sys.platform': 'linux2'},
# 'submit': {'is_test': 'False', 'username': 'Mary'}}}

Source :
import os
with open('file.log') as file:
tree_dict = {}
is_test = False
username = ""
sysplatform = ""
osname = ""
for row in file:
row = row.rstrip('\n')
for key in reversed(row.split(":")):
if not key.find('is_test'):
is_test = key.split('=')[1]
elif not key.find('username'):
username =key.split('=')[1]
elif not key.find('sys.platform'):
sysplatform = key.split('=')[1]
elif not key.find(''):
osname = key.split('=')[1]
tree_dict = {
"INFO": {
"submit": {
"is_test": is_test,
"username": username
"env": {
"sys.platform": sysplatform,
"": osname
Result :
{'INFO': {'submit': {'is_test': 'False', 'username': 'Mary'}, 'env': {'sys.platform': 'linux2', '': 'ubuntu'}}}


suggested method of encrypting via python

thanks for your time and effort but I think I probably misdeliver what I wanted, my fault.
Long story short, is there any way you can encrypt the certain string or the whole array?
"gender": "male",
"phone-number": "1234567890",
"job": "student",
"location": {
"county": "LA-county",
"town": "sunvalley",
"country": "USA",
"apartment-number": "13579abcdefg"
"item": {
"item-type": "cloth",
"item-size": "large",
"item-number": "xyz24680abc",
"item-material": "cotton"
"hairstyle": "long",
"alive": "true",
let's say that apartment-number: 13579abcdefg needs to be encrypted. Can I use fernet as below?
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key()
f = Fernet(key)
encrypt_value = f.encrypt(b"YourString")
I heard some people mention about the base64... which method would you recommend when it comes for encrypting certain values?
Here is a solution that will account for nested JSON:
def mask_sensitive(payload, fields, n_front=3, n_back=3):
out = {}
for k, v in payload.items():
# if it's a dict, recurse
if isinstance(v, dict):
out[k] = mask_sensitive(v, fields, n_front, n_back)
# this assumes the field is a string, and not an iterable
# but you can always add logic to allow ints, lists, etc.
elif k in fields:
out[k] = v[:n_front] + "..." + v[-n_back:]
out[k] = v
return out
There are some things you may want to write logic for, like, if the field is less than 3 characters long, how do you want to pad the sensitive information? But this gives you a good jumping off point. Example:
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(mask_sensitive(x, ["phone-number", "apartment-number"]))
{'alive': 'true',
'gender': 'male',
'hairstyle': 'long',
'item': {'item-material': 'cotton',
'item-number': 'xyz24680abc',
'item-size': 'large',
'item-type': 'cloth'},
'job': 'student',
'location': {'apartment-number': '135...efg',
'country': 'USA',
'county': 'LA-county',
'town': 'sunvalley'},
'phone-number': '123...890'}
This code will run over the JSON and will parse the names from the keys in the JSON that in values_to_change list with the format that specified in the question
import json
with open('filename.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
values_to_change = ["phone-number", "apartment-number", "item-number"]
for k, v in data.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
if k in values_to_change:
data[k] = "{}...{}".format(v[:3], v[-3:])
elif isinstance(v, dict):
for kv, vv in v.items():
if kv in values_to_change:
data[k][kv] = "{}...{}".format(vv[:3], vv[-3:])
with open('newfilename.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
{'gender': 'male',
'phone-number': '123...890',
'job': 'student',
'location': {'county': 'LA-county',
'town': 'sunvalley',
'country': 'USA',
'apartment-number': '135...efg'},
'item': {'item-type': 'cloth',
'item-size': 'large',
'item-number': '',
'item-material': 'cotton'},
'hairstyle': 'long',
'alive': 'true'}
Just get the first three characters, three dots, then the last three characters.
def censor(string):
return string[:3] + "..." + string[-3:]
data["phone-number"] = censor(data["phone-number"])
data["apartment-number"] = censor(data["item-number"])
data["location"]["apartment-number"] = censor(data["location"]["apartment-number"])
Parsing dict is very important in this code. parse_dict method will parse all elements in dict. If any type of any element in data is dict, then we will use recursion, to call parse_dict again, to parse inner dict.
After this we check if key is one of ["phone-number", "apartment-number", "item-number"], if yes, then we change its value, to required format.
In this way, if in future, we want to change any other key, apart from ["phone-number", "apartment-number", "item-number"], then we simply need to append new key, in our list and this code will work.
import json
def parse_dict(data):
for key, value in data.items():
if type(value) == dict:
if key in ["phone-number", "apartment-number", "item-number"]:
data[key] = value[:3] + "..." + value[-3:]
def main():
with open('sample.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
print("*****: ", data)
with open('newfilename.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
Using #Clinton Graham, plus some edits as you will get TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice' otherwise - something like this should work.
import json
import pandas as pd
with open('filename.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
def reformat(data):
return data.values[:, 3] + "..." + data.valies[-3:]
data["phone-number"] = reformat(data["phone-number"])
data["item"]["item-number"] = reformat(data["item"]["item-number"])
data["location"]["apartment-number"] = reformat(data["location"]["apartment-number"])

Simplify dictionary in python from a Firestore Trigger Event

I'm reading data from an Update Cloud Firestore Trigger. The event is a dictionary that contains the data whithin the key ['value']['fields']. However, each of the keys contains s nested dictionary containing a key like 'integerValue', 'booleanValue' or 'stringValue', where the value of integerValue is actually a string. Is there a method to remove the 'type pointers'?
How can I convert this:
'fields': {
'count': {
'integerValue': '0'
'verified': {
'booleanValue': False
'user': {
'stringValue': 'Matt'
To this:
'count': 0,
'verified': False,
'user': 'Matt',
Recently i encountered similar problem.
We could recursively traverse the map to extract and simplify the event trigger data.
Here's python implementation, extended from previous answers.
class FirestoreTriggerConverter(object):
def __init__(self, client=None) -> None:
self.client = client if client else firestore.client()
self._action_dict = {
'geoPointValue': (lambda x: dict(x)),
'stringValue': (lambda x: str(x)),
'arrayValue': (lambda x: [self._parse_value(value_dict) for value_dict in x.get("values", [])]),
'booleanValue': (lambda x: bool(x)),
'nullValue': (lambda x: None),
'timestampValue': (lambda x: self._parse_timestamp(x)),
'referenceValue': (lambda x: self._parse_doc_ref(x)),
'mapValue': (lambda x: {key: self._parse_value(value) for key, value in x["fields"].items()}),
'integerValue': (lambda x: int(x)),
'doubleValue': (lambda x: float(x)),
def convert(self, data_dict: dict) -> dict:
result_dict = {}
for key, value_dict in data_dict.items():
result_dict[key] = self._parse_value(value_dict)
return result_dict
def _parse_value(self, value_dict: dict) -> Any:
data_type, value = value_dict.popitem()
return self._action_dict[data_type](value)
def _parse_timestamp(self, timestamp: str):
return datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
except ValueError as e:
return datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
def _parse_doc_ref(self, doc_ref: str) -> DocumentReference:
path_parts = doc_ref.split('/documents/')[1].split('/')
collection_path = path_parts[0]
document_path = '/'.join(path_parts[1:])
doc_ref = self.client.collection(collection_path).document(document_path)
return doc_ref
Use this as follows
converter = FirestoreTriggerConverter(client)
simplified_data_dict = converter.convert(event_data_dict["event"]["value"]["fields"])
You can create a mapping of the known types and convert the values that way:
types = {
'integerValue': int,
'booleanValue': bool,
'stringValue': str,
You can replace a nested dictionary like the one you have through the magic of dict.popitem:
replacement = {}
for key, meta in event['value']['fields'].items():
typ, value = meta.popitem()
replacement[key] = types[typ](value)
event['value'] = replacement
You can reduce it to a one liner with a dictionary comprehension:
event['value'] = {k: types[t](v) for k t, v in (k, *d.popitem()) for k, d in event['value']['fields'].items())}
Use keys() in dictionary
'fields': {
'count': {
'integerValue': '0'
'verified': {
'booleanValue': False
'user': {
'stringValue': 'Matt'
# remove first layer
b = origin_dict['fields']
new_dict = dict()
for i in b.keys():
# i will be second layer of dictionary
for j in b[i].keys():
# j will be third layer of dictionary
new_dict[i] = b[i][j]
print (new_dict)
There is no explicit method to do so. One you can do is iterate through existing dictionary picking up items you need in the new dictionary:
d = {
'fields': {
'count': {
'integerValue': '0'
'verified': {
'booleanValue': False
'user': {
'stringValue': 'Matt'
required = ['count', 'verified', 'user']
d1 = {}
for x in d.values():
for y in required:
if 'integerValue' in x[y].keys():
d1[y] = int(list(x[y].values())[0])
d1[y] = list(x[y].values())[0]
# {'count': 0, 'verified': False, 'user': 'Matt'}

How to replace nested python dictionary value from a key as a string format with separated by dots?

a = {
'user': {
'username': 'mic_jack',
'name': {
'first': 'Micheal',
'last': 'Jackson'
'email': '',
#... Infinite level of another nested dict
str_key_1 = 'user.username=john'
str_key_2 = ''
#str_key_n = 'user.level2.level3...leveln=XXX'
Let's consider this 'str_key' string, goes with infinite number of dots/levels.
Expected Output:
a = {
'user': {
'username': 'john', # username, should be replace
'name': {
'first': 'Micheal',
'last': 'henry' # lastname, should be replace
'email': '',
... # Infinite level of another nested dict
I'm expecting the answers for applying 'n' Level of nested key string, rather than simply replacing by a['user']['username'] = 'John' statically. Answers must be work for any number of 'dotted' string values.
Thanks in advance!
There are three steps:
Separate the key-value pair string into a fully-qualified key and
Split the key into path components.
Traverse the dictionary to find the relevant value to update.
Here's an example of what the code might look like:
# Split by the delimiter, making sure to split once only
# to prevent splitting when the delimiter appears in the value
key, value = str_key_n.split("=", 1)
# Break the dot-joined key into parts that form a path
key_parts = key.split(".")
# The last part is required to update the dictionary
last_part = key_parts.pop()
# Traverse the dictionary using the parts
current = a
while key_parts:
current = current[key_parts.pop(0)]
# Update the value
current[last_part] = value
I'd go with a recursive function to accomplish this, assuming your key value strings are all valid:
def assign_value(sample_dict, str_keys, value):
access_key = str_keys[0]
if len(str_keys) == 1:
sample_dict[access_key] = value
sample_dict[access_key] = assign_value(sample_dict[access_key], str_keys[1:], value)
return sample_dict
The idea is to traverse your dict until you hit the lowest key and then we assign our new value to that last key;
if __name__ == "__main__":
sample_dict = {
'user': {
'username': 'mic_jack',
'name': {
'first': 'Micheal',
'last': 'Jackson'
'email': ''
str_key_1 = 'user.username=john'
str_keys_1, value_1 = str_key_1.split('=')
sample_dict = assign_value(sample_dict, str_keys_1.split('.'), value_1)
print("result: {} ".format(sample_dict))
str_key_2 = ''
str_keys_2, value_2 = str_key_2.split('=')
sample_dict = assign_value(sample_dict, str_keys_2.split('.'), value_2)
print("result: {}".format(sample_dict))
To use the assign_value you would need to split your original key to the keys and value as seen above;
If you're okay with using exec() and modify your str_key(s), you could do something like:
def get_keys_value(string):
keys, value = string.split("=")
return keys, value
def get_exec_string(dict_name, keys):
exec_string = dict_name
for key in keys.split("."):
exec_string = exec_string + "[" + key + "]"
exec_string = exec_string + "=" + "value"
return exec_string
str_key_1 = "'user'.'username'=john"
str_key_2 = "'user'.'name'.'last'=henry"
str_key_list = [str_key_1, str_key_2]
for str_key in str_key_list:
keys, value = get_keys_value(str_key) # split into key-string and value
exec_string = get_exec_string("a", keys) # extract keys from key-string
# prints {'user': {'email': '', 'name': {'last': 'henry', 'first': 'Micheal'}, 'username': 'john'}}
str_key_1 = 'user.username=john'
str_key_2 = ''
a = {
'user': {
'username': 'mic_jack',
'name': {
'first': 'Micheal',
'last': 'Jackson'
'email': '',
#... Infinite level of another nested dict
def MutateDict(key):
strkey, strval = key.split('=')[0], key.split('=')[1]
strkeys = strkey.split('.')
print("strkeys = " ,strkeys)
target = a
k = ""
for k in strkeys:
if k in target.keys():
prevTarget = target
target = target[k]
print ("Invalid key specified")
prevTarget[k] = strval

Formatting a string in required format in Python

I have a data in format:
id1 id2 value
Something like
1 234 0.2
1 235 0.1
and so on.
I want to convert it in json format:
"nodes": [ {"name":"1"}, #first element
{"name":"234"}, #second element
{"name":"235"} #third element
] ,
So, from the original data to above format.. the nodes contain all the set of (distinct) names present in the original data and the links are basically the line number of source and target in the values list returned by nodes.
For example:
1 234 0.2
1 is in the first element in the list of values holded by the key "nodes"
234 is the second element in the list of values holded by the key "nodes"
Hence the link dictionary is {"source":1,"target":2,"value":0.2}
How do i do this efficiently in python.. I am sure there should be better way than what I am doing which is so messy :(
Here is what I am doing
from collections import defaultdict
def open_file(filename,output=None):
f = open(filename,"r")
offset = 3429
data_dict = {}
node_list = []
node_dict = {}
link_list = []
num_lines = 0
line_ids = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
tokens = line.split()
mod_wid = int(tokens[1]) + offset
if not node_dict.has_key(tokens[0]):
d = {"name": tokens[0],"group":1}
node_dict[tokens[0]] = True
if not node_dict.has_key(mod_wid):
d = {"name": str(mod_wid),"group":1}
node_dict[mod_wid] = True
link_d = {"source": line_ids.index(tokens[0]),"target":line_ids.index(mod_wid),"value":tokens[2]}
if num_lines > 10000:
num_lines +=1
data_dict = {"nodes":node_list, "links":link_list}
print "{\n"
for k,v in data_dict.items():
print '"'+k +'"' +":\n [ \n "
for each_v in v:
print each_v ,","
print "\n],"
print "}"
I'm assuming by "efficiently" you're talking about programmer efficiency—how easy it is to read, maintain, and code the logic—rather than runtime speed efficiency. If you're worried about the latter, you're probably worried for no reason. (But the code below will probably be faster anyway.)
The key to coming up with a better solution is to think more abstractly. Think about rows in a CSV file, not lines in a text file; create a dict that can be rendered in JSON rather than trying to generate JSON via string processing; wrap things up in functions if you want to do them repeatedly; etc. Something like this:
import csv
import json
import sys
def parse(inpath, namedict):
lastname = [0]
def lookup_name(name):
print('Looking up {} in {}'.format(name, names))
return namedict[name]
except KeyError:
lastname[0] += 1
print('Adding {} as {}'.format(name, lastname[0]))
namedict[name] = lastname[0]
return lastname[0]
with open(inpath) as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True)
for id1, id2, value in reader:
yield {'source': lookup_name(id1),
'target': lookup_name(id2),
'value': value}
for inpath in sys.argv[1:]:
names = {}
links = list(parse(inpath, names))
nodes = [{'name': name} for name in names]
outpath = inpath + '.json'
with open(outpath, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'nodes': nodes, 'links': links}, f, indent=4)
Don't construct the JSON manually. Make it out of an existing Python object with the json module:
def parse(data):
nodes = set()
links = set()
for line in data.split('\n'):
fields = line.split()
id1, id2 = map(int, fields[:2])
value = float(fields[2])
nodes.update((id1, id2))
links.add((id1, id2, value))
return {
'nodes': [{
'name': node
} for node in nodes],
'links': [{
'source': link[0],
'target': link[1],
'value': link[2]
} for link in links]
Now, you can use json.dumps to get a string:
>>> import json
>>> data = '1 234 0.2\n1 235 0.1'
>>> parsed = parse(data)
>>> parsed
{'links': [{'source': 1, 'target': 235, 'value': 0.1},
{'source': 1, 'target': 234, 'value': 0.2}],
'nodes': [{'name': 1}, {'name': 234}, {'name': 235}]}
>>> json.dumps(parsed)
'{"nodes": [{"name": 1}, {"name": 234}, {"name": 235}], "links": [{"source": 1, "target": 235, "value": 0.1}, {"source": 1, "target": 234, "value": 0.2}]}'

Tree style dictionary

I am stuck with the following data.
There is a list.
[{name: '/', children: [{name: 'bin'}, {name: 'sbin'}, {name: 'home'}]},
{name: 'home', children: [{name: 'user1'}, {name: 'user2'}]},
{name: 'user2', children: [{name: 'desktop'}]}]
I want to convert above list to the following dictionary.
{name: '/', children: [{name: '/bin'}, {name: '/sbin'}, {name: '/home', children: [{name: 'user1'}, {name: 'user2', children: [{name: 'desktop'}]}]}]}
I write some codes to convert data above style.
def recT(data, child, parent, collector):
dparent = dict(name=parent)
dchildren = dict()
lst = []
for c in child:
for d in data:
if c['name'] == d['name']:
if len(d) > 1:
dchildren.update(dict(children=recT(data, d['children'], d['name'], collector)))
return lst
myd = dict()
for d in data2:
if len(d) > 1:
recT(data2, d['children'], d['name'], myd)
NOTE: data2 is dictionary list I want to covert.
But, the output dictionary is the last record in list:
{'children': [{'name': 'desktop'}], 'name': 'user2'}
Please help.
As lazyr said, you can't duplicate keys in your dict like that. You could convert it to a format like the following to be valid python dict syntax:
'/': {
'bin': {},
'sbin': {},
'home': {
'user1': {},
'user2': {
'desktop': {}
The reason you're only getting the last record in the list is because your dict uses unique keys
mydict = {}
mydict['name'] = 1
mydict['name'] # is 1
mydict['name'] = 2
for x,y in mydict.iteritems():
print '{0}: {1}'.format(x,y)
>> name: 2 # Note only one entry
Now, I got it from #lazyr's answer of How to convert a strictly sorted list of strings into dict?.
Then, I converted into string and changed it into wanted format using myReplacer().
def myReplacer(strdata):
strdata = strdata.replace("{", '{ name:')
strdata = strdata.replace(': {', ', children : [{')
strdata = strdata.replace('}', '}]')
strdata = strdata.replace(': None,', '},{ name:')
strdata = strdata.replace(': None', '')
strdata = strdata.replace(", '", "}, { name: '")
return strdata[:-1]
Thanks #lazyr and everybody helped me. It need some polish.
