I have a 2d gaussian whose center has been destroyed by pixel saturation. I need the center to be filled in because a poorly filled in center will confuse a neural network I'm trying to train. See below:
The scattered nan values I can handle fairly easily, but the large cluster in the gaussian's center I cannot.
I've tried various methods to correct this, but none seem to work in the sense that the gaussian is filled in correctly.
Here are some other similar answers that I've tried:
Python Image Processing - How to remove certain contour and blend the value with surrounding pixels?
These work well for the small discrete nans floating around the image, but don't adequately address the center cluster.
This is what I get with convolution infilling:
I've taken slices of the centers as well.
I do actually have a reference image that does not have nans. However, the scaling of the pixel values are not constant, so I've made a function that takes into account the different scaling of each pixel.
def mult_mean_surround(s_arr, c_arr, coord):
directions = np.array([[1,0],[-1,0],[0,1],[0,-1],[1,1],[1,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,1]])
s = np.array([])
for i in directions:
if not np.isnan(s_arr[coord[0]+i[0],coord[1]+i[1]]):
except IndexError:
if len(s)!=0:
s_arr[coord[0],coord[1]] = c_arr[coord[0],coord[1]] *np.mean(s)
It copies the corresponding pixel values of the reference image and scales it to the correct amount.
Ideally, it would look something like this:
The center is brighter than the rim and it looks more like a gaussian. However, this method is also substantially slower than the rest, so I'm not sure how to get around either of my issues. I've tried boosting speed with cupy to no luck as shown here: Boosting algorithm with cupy
If anyone has any helpful ideas, that would be great.
I am assuming that you are filling the 'hole' with only one gaussian.
First make a mask of all the NaNs, i.e. NaN = 1, not NaN = 0.
You can do a neighbor-count check to remove all mask pixels with no neighbors, then use a clustering algorithm (like DBSCAN) to find the largest cluster of pixels.
Calculate the centroid, width (max x - min x), and height (max y - min y) of the resulting cluster.
You can then use the following code:
import math
def gaussian_fit(query_x,query_y,
sigma_at_edge = 1.0):
x_coord = (query_x - centroid_x) * 2 / (filter_w * sigma_at_edge)
y_coord = (query_y - centroid_y) * 2 / (filter_h * sigma_at_edge)
return math.exp(-1.0*(x_coord**2+y_coord**2))
You may need to rescale the result by some constant.
I'm trying to draw ellipses around points of a group on a graph, with matplotlib. I would like to obtain something like this:
A dataset for a group (the red one for example) could look like this:
[[-23.88315146 -3.26328266] # first point
[-25.94906669 -1.47440904] # second point
[-26.52423229 -4.84947907]] # third point
I can easily draw the points on a graph, but I encounter problems to draw the ellipses.
The ellipses have diameters of 2 * standard deviation, and its center has the coordinates (x_mean, y_mean). The width of one ellipse equals the x standard deviation * 2. Its height equals the y standard deviation * 2.
However, I don't know how to calculate the angle of the ellipses (you can see on the picture the ellipses are not perfectly vertical).
Do you have an idea about how to do that ?
This question is a simplification of LDA problem (Linear Discriminant Analysis). I'm trying to simplify the problem to its most basic expression.
This is a well-studied problem. First take the convex hull of the set of points
you wish to enclose. Then perform computations as described in the literature.
I provide two sources below.
"Smallest Enclosing Ellipses--An Exact and Generic Implementation in C++" (abstract link).
Charles F. Van Loan. "Using the Ellipse to Fit and Enclose Data Points."
(PDF download).
This has a lot more to do with mathematics than programming ;)
Since you already have the dimensions and only want to find the angle, here is what I would do (based on my instinct):
Try to find the line that best fits the given set of points (trendline), this is also called Linear Regression. There are several methods to do this but the Least Squares method is a relatively easy one (see below).
Once you found the best fitting line, you could use the slope as your angle.
Least Squares Linear Regression
The least squares linear regression method is used to find the slope of the trendline, exactly what we want.
Here is a video explaining how it works
Let's assume you have a data set: data = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]
Using the least square method, your slope would be:
# I see in your example that you already have x_mean and y_mean
# No need to calculate them again, skip the two following lines
# and use your values in the rest of the example
avg_x = sum(element[0] for element in data)/len(data)
avg_y = sum(element[1] for element in data)/len(data)
x_diff = [element[0] - avg_x for element in data]
y_diff = [element[1] - avg_y for element in data]
x_diff_squared = [element**2 for element in x_diff]
slope = sum(x * y for x,y in zip(x_diff, y_diff)) / sum(x_diff_squared)
Once you have that, you are almost done. The slope is equal to the tangent of the angle slope = tan(angle)
Use python's math module angle = math.atan(slope) this will return the angle in radians. If you want it in degrees you have to convert it using math.degrees(angle)
Combine this with the dimensions and position you already have and you got yourself an ellipse ;)
This is how I would solve this particular problem, but there are probably a thousand different methods that would have worked too
and may eventually be better (and more complex) than what I propose.
I wrote a simple function to implement Mathieu David's solution. I'm sure there are many ways to do this, but this worked for my application.
def get_ellipse_params(self, points):
''' Calculate the parameters needed to graph an ellipse around a cluster of points in 2D.
Calculate the height, width and angle of an ellipse to enclose the points in a cluster.
Calculate the width by finding the maximum distance between the x-coordinates of points
in the cluster, and the height by finding the maximum distance between the y-coordinates
in the cluster. Multiple both by a scale factor to give padding around the points when
constructing the ellipse. Calculate the angle by taking the inverse tangent of the
gradient of the regression line. Note that tangent solutions repeat every 180 degrees,
and so to ensure the correct solution has been found for plotting, add a correction
factor of +/- 90 degrees if the magnitude of the angle exceeds 45 degrees.
points (ndarray): The points in a cluster to enclose with an ellipse, containing n
ndarray elements representing each point, each with d elements
representing the coordinates for the point.
width (float): The width of the ellipse.
height (float): The height of the ellipse.
angle (float): The angle of the ellipse in degrees.
if points.ndim == 1:
width, height, angle = 0.1, 0.1, 0
return width, height, angle
SCALE = 2.5
width = np.amax(points[:,0]) - np.amin(points[:,0])
height = np.amax(points[:,1]) - np.amin(points[:,1])
# Calculate angle
x_reg, y_reg = [[p[0]] for p in points], [[p[1]] for p in points]
grad = LinearRegression().fit(x_reg, y_reg).coef_[0][0]
angle = np.degrees(np.arctan(grad))
# Account for multiple solutions of arctan
if angle < -45: angle += 90
elif angle > 45: angle -= 90
return width*SCALE, height*SCALE, angle
I have a historical time sequence of seafloor images scanned from film that need registration.
from pylab import *
import cv2
import urllib
I want to use the black region on the left of each image to do the registration, since that region was inside the camera and should be fixed in time. So I just need to compute the affine transformation between the black regions.
I determined these regions by thresholding and finding the largest contour:
def find_biggest_contour(gray,threshold=40):
# threshold a grayscale image
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(gray,threshold,255,1)
# find the contours
contours,h = cv2.findContours(thresh,mode=cv2.RETR_LIST,method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
# measure the perimeter
perim = [cv2.arcLength(cnt,True) for cnt in contours]
# find contour with largest perimeter
return contours[i]
imshow(gray1,cmap=cm.gray, alpha=0.5);plot(x1,y1,'b-')
imshow(gray2,cmap=cm.gray, alpha=0.5);plot(x2,y2,'g-')
The blue is the longest contour from the 1st frame, the green is the longest contour from the 2nd frame.
What is the best way to determine the rotation and offset between the blue and green contours?
I only want to use the right side of the contours in some region surrounding the step, something like the region between the arrows.
Of course, if there is a better way to register these images, I'd love to hear it. I already tried a standard feature matching approach on the raw images, and it didn't work well enough.
Following Shambool's suggested approach, here's what I've come up with. I used a Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm to simplify the contour in the region of interest and identified the two turning points. I was going to use the two turning points to get my three unknowns (xoffset, yoffset and angle of rotation), but the 2nd turning point is a bit too far toward the right because RDP simplified away the smoother curve in this region. So instead I used the angle of the line segment leading up to the 1st turning point. Differencing this angle between image1 and image2 gives me the rotation angle. I'm still not completely happy with this solution. It worked well enough for these two images, but I'm not sure it will work well on the entire image sequence. We'll see.
It would really be better to fit the contour to the known shape of the black border.
# select region of interest from largest contour
ind1=where((x1>190.) & (y1>200.) & (y1<900.))[0]
ind2=where((x2>190.) & (y2>200.) & (y2<900.))[0]
imshow(gray1,cmap=cm.gray, alpha=0.5);plot(x1[ind1],y1[ind1],'b-')
imshow(gray2,cmap=cm.gray, alpha=0.5);plot(x2[ind2],y2[ind2],'g-')
def angle(x1,y1):
# Returns angle of each segment along an (x,y) track
return array([math.atan2(y,x) for (y,x) in zip(diff(y1),diff(x1))])
def simplify(x,y, tolerance=40, min_angle = 60.*pi/180.):
Use the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm to simplify the path
Python implementation:
from RDP import rdp
simplified = array(rdp(points.tolist(), tolerance))
sx, sy = simplified.T
# Select the index of the points with the greatest theta
# Large theta is associated with greatest change in direction.
idx = where(theta>min_angle)[0]+1
return sx,sy,idx
sx1,sy1,i1 = simplify(x1[ind1],y1[ind1])
sx2,sy2,i2 = simplify(x2[ind2],y2[ind2])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
ax =fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(x1, y1, 'b-', x2, y2, 'g-',label='original path')
ax.plot(sx1, sy1, 'ko-', sx2, sy2, 'ko-',lw=2, label='simplified path')
ax.plot(sx1[i1], sy1[i1], 'ro', sx2[i2], sy2[i2], 'ro',
markersize = 10, label='turning points')
# determine x,y offset between 1st turning points, and
# angle from difference in slopes of line segments approaching 1st turning point
xoff = sx2[i2[0]] - sx1[i1[0]]
yoff = sy2[i2[0]] - sy1[i1[0]]
iseg1 = [i1[0]-1, i1[0]]
iseg2 = [i2[0]-1, i2[0]]
ang1 = angle(sx1[iseg1], sy1[iseg1])
ang2 = angle(sx2[iseg2], sy2[iseg2])
ang = -(ang2[0] - ang1[0])
print xoff, yoff, ang*180.*pi
-28 14 5.07775871644
# 2x3 affine matrix M
print M
[[ 9.99959685e-01 8.97932821e-03 -2.80000000e+01]
[ -8.97932821e-03 9.99959685e-01 1.40000000e+01]]
# warp 2nd image into coordinate frame of 1st
Minv = cv2.invertAffineTransform(M)
gray2b = cv2.warpAffine(gray2,Minv,shape(gray2.T))
imshow(gray1,cmap=cm.gray, alpha=0.5);plot(x1[ind1],y1[ind1],'b-')
imshow(gray2b,cmap=cm.gray, alpha=0.5);
title('image1 and transformed image2 overlain with 50% transparency');
Good question.
One approach is to represent contours as 2d point clouds and then do registration.
More simple and clear code in Matlab that can give you affine transform.
And more complex C++ code(using VXL lib) with python and matlab wrapper included.
Or you can use some modificated ICP(iterative closest point) algorithm that is robust to noise and can handle affine transform.
Also your contours seems to be not very accurate so it can be a problem.
Another approach is to use some kind of registration that use pixel values.
Matlab code (I think it's using some kind of minimizer+ crosscorrelation metric)
Also maybe there is some kind of optical flow registration(or some other kind) that is used in medical imaging.
Also you can use point features as SIFT(SURF).
You can try it quick in FIJI(ImageJ)
also this link.
Open 2 images
Plugins->feature extraction-> sift (or other)
Set expected transformation to affine
Look at estimated transformation model [3,3] homography matrix in ImageJ log.
If it works good then you can implement it in python using OpenCV or maybe using Jython with ImageJ.
And it will be better if you post original images and describe all conditions (it seems that image is changing between frames)
You can represent these contours with their respective ellipses. These ellipses are centered on the centroid of the contour and they are oriented towards the main density axis. You can compare the centroids and the orientation angle.
1) Fill the contours => drawContours with thickness=CV_FILLED
2) Find moments => cvMoments()
3) And use them.
Centroid: { x, y } = {M10/M00, M01/M00 }
Orientation (theta):
EDIT: I customized the sample code from legacy (enteringblobdetection.cpp) for your case.
/* Image moments */
double M00,X,Y,XX,YY,XY;
CvMoments m;
CvRect r = ((CvContour*)cnt)->rect;
CvMat mat;
cvMoments( cvGetSubRect(pImgFG,&mat,r), &m, 0 );
M00 = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 0 );
X = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 1, 0 )/M00;
Y = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 1 )/M00;
XX = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 2, 0 )/M00) - X*X;
YY = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 2 )/M00) - Y*Y;
XY = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 1, 1 )/M00) - X*Y;
/* Contour description */
CvPoint myCentroid(r.x+(float)X,r.y+(float)Y);
double myTheta = atan( 2*XY/(XX-YY) );
Also, check this with OpenCV 2.0 examples.
If you don't want to find the homography between the two images and want to find the affine transformation you have three unknowns, rotation angle (R), and the displacement in x and y (X,Y). Therefore minimum of two points (with two known values for each) are needed to find the unknowns. Two points should be matched between the two images or two lines, each has two known values, the intercept and slope. If you go with the point matching approach, the further the points are from each other the more robust is the found transform to noise (this is very simple if you remember error propagation rules).
In the two point matching method:
find two points (A and B) in the first image I1 and their corresponding points (A',B') in the second image I2
find the middle point between A and B: C, and the middle point between A' and B': C'
the difference C and C' (C-C') gives the translation between the images (X and Y)
using the dot product of C-A and C'-A' you can find the rotation angle (R)
To detect robust points, I would find the the points along the side of counter you have found with highest absolute value of the second derivative (Hessian) and then try to match them. Since you mentioned this is a video footage you can easily make the assumption the transformation between each two frames is small to reject the outliers.
So, I'm learning my self python by this tutorial and I'm stuck with exercise number 13 which says:
Write a function to uniformly shrink or enlarge an image. Your function should take an image along with a scaling factor. To shrink the image the scale factor should be between 0 and 1 to enlarge the image the scaling factor should be greater than 1.
This is not meant as a question about PIL, but to ask which algorithm to use so I can code it myself.
I've found some similar questions like this, but I dunno how to translate this into python.
Any help would be appreciated.
I've come to this:
import image
win = image.ImageWin()
img = image.Image("cy.png")
factor = 2
W = img.getWidth()
H = img.getHeight()
newW = int(W*factor)
newH = int(H*factor)
newImage = image.EmptyImage(newW, newH)
for col in range(newW):
for row in range(newH):
p = img.getPixel(col,row)
I should do this in a function, but this doesn't matter right now. Arguments for function would be (image, factor). You can try it on OP tutorial in ActiveCode. It makes a stretched image with empty columns :.
Your code as shown is simple and effective for what's known as a Nearest Neighbor resize, except for one little bug:
p = img.getPixel(col/factor,row/factor)
Edit: since you're sending a floating point coordinate into getPixel you're not limited to Nearest Neighbor - you can implement any interpolation algorithm you want inside. The simplest thing to do is simply truncate the coordinates to int which will cause pixels to be replicated when factor is greater than 1, or skipped when factor is less than 1.
Mark has the correct approach. To get a smoother result, you replace:
p = img.getPixel(col/factor,row/factor)
with a function that takes floating point coordinates and returns a pixel interpolated from several neighboring points in the source image. For linear interpolation it takes the four nearest neigbors; for higher-order interpolation it takes a larger number of surrounding pixels.
For example, if col/factor = 3.75 and row/factor = 1.9, a linear interpolation would take the source pixels at (3,1), (3,2), (4,1), and (4,2) and give a result between those 4 rgb values, weighted most heavily to the pixel at (4,2).
You can do that using the Python Imaging Library.
Image.resize() should do what you want.
Since you want to program this yourself without using a module, I have added an extra solution.
You will have to use the following algorithm.
load your image
extract it's size
calculate the desired size (height * factor, width * factor)
create a new EmptyImage with the desired size
Using a nested loop through the pixels (row by column) in your image.
Then (for shrinking) you remove some pixels every once in while, or for (enlarging) you duplicate some pixels in your image.
If you want you want to get fancy, you could smooth the added, or removed pixels, by averaging the rgb values with their neighbours.
I have a code which creates a square image with dimensions 4x4 arcsec running from -2 arcsec to +2 arcsec and is created on an 80x80 grid. To this I want to add another image.
This second image is created through a FFT of an 80x80 grid and thus starts out in Fourier space. After the FFT, I want the image to have exactly the same dimensions in real space as the first image.
Because Fourier space represents the scales and the wavenumber is defined as k = 2pi/x (although in this case the numpy.fft uses the definition where I think k = 1/x), I thought the largest scale would have to have the smallest k-value and the smallest scale the largest k-value.
So if x_max = 2 (the dimensions in the x-direction of the first image) and dim_x = 80 (the number of columns in the grid):
k_x,max = 1/(2*x_max/dim_x)
k_x,min = 1/(2*x_max)
and let the grid in Fourier-space run from k_x,min to k_x,max (same for the y-direction)
I hope I explained this clearly enough, but I haven't been able to find any confirmation or explanation for this in the literature about FFT's and would really like to know if this correct.
Thanks in advance
This is not correct. The k-space values will range from -N/2*omega_0 to (N-1)/2*omega_0, where omega_0 is the inverse of the sample length, given by 2*pi/(max(x)-min(x)) and N is the number of samples. So for your case you get something along the lines of this:
N = len(x)
dx = x[-1]-x[0]
k = np.linspace(-N*pi/dx, (N+1)*pi/dx, N)