python to search separated words - python

I am trying to extract separated multi words from a python list with two different list as a query string. My sentences list is
lst = ['we have the terrible HIV epidemic that takes down the life expectancy of the African ','and I take the regions down here','The poorest are down']
lst_verb = ['take','go','wake']
lst_prep = ['down','up','in']
import re
item = 'down'
p = re.compile(r'(?:\w+\s+){1,20}'+item)
for i in lst:
for item in output:
with this i am able to extract word from the list, However I am only want to extract separated multiwords, i.e it should extract the word from the list "and I take the regions down here".
furthermore, I want to use the word from lst_verb and lst_prep as query string.
for example
re.findall(r \lst_verb+'*.\b'+ \lst_prep)
Thank you for your answer.

You can use regex like
To match Multiple words
like this your example
use functions to create regex string from the verbs and prep.
hope this helps


Remove keywords which are not bigram or trigram (Yake)

I am using Yake (Yet Another Keyword Extractor) to extract keywords from a dataframe.
I want to extract only bigrams and trigrams, but Yake allows only to set a max ngram size and not a min size. How do you would remove them?
Example df.head(0):
'oui , yes , i mumbled , the linguistic transition now in limbo .'
'[('oui', 0.04491197687864554),
('linguistic transition', 0.09700399286574239),
('mumbled', 0.15831692877998726)]'
I want to remove oui, mumbled and their scores from keywords column.
Thank you for your time!
If your problem is that the keywords list contains some monograms, you can simply do a filter that ignores words without spaces and create a new list. I'll give you an example:
keywords_without_unigrams = []
for kw in keywords:
if(' ' in kw[0]):
for kw in keywords_without_unigrams:
If you need the handle the mono-gram case from Yake just pass the output through a filter that adds the n-grams to the result list only if there is a space in the first element of that tuple or if the str.split() of that element results in more than 1 sub-element. If you're using a function and applying it to the dataframe, include this step in that function.

Python; use list of initial characters to retrieve full word from other list?

I'm trying to use the list of shortened words to select & retrieve the corresponding full word identified by its initial sequence of characters:
shortwords = ['appe', 'kid', 'deve', 'colo', 'armo']
fullwords = ['appearance', 'armour', 'colored', 'developing', 'disagreement', 'kid', 'pony', 'treasure']
Trying this regex match with a single shortened word:
import re
shortword = 'deve'
retrieved=filter(lambda i: re.match(r'{}'.format(shortword),i), fullwords)
So the regex match works but the question is how to adapt the code to iterate through the shortwords list and retrieve the full words?
EDIT: The solution needs to preserve the order from the shortwords list.
Maybe using a dictionary
# Using a dictionary
test= 'appe is a deve arm'
shortwords = ['appe', 'deve', 'colo', 'arm', 'pony', 'disa']
fullwords = ['appearance', 'developing', 'colored', 'armour', 'pony', 'disagreement']
#Building the dictionary
for i in range(len(shortwords)):
# apply dictionary to test
res=" ".join(d.get(s,s) for s in test.split())
# print test data after dictionary mapping
That is one way to do it:
shortwords = ['appe', 'deve', 'colo', 'arm', 'pony', 'disa']
fullwords = ['appearance', 'developing', 'colored', 'armour', 'pony', 'disagreement']
# Dict comprehension
words = {short:full for short, full in zip(shortwords, fullwords)}
#Solving problem
keys = ['deve','arm','pony']
values = [words[key] for key in keys]
This is a classical key - value problem. Use a dictionary for that or consider pandas in long-term.
Your question text seems to indicate that you're looking for your shortwords at the start of each word. That should be easy then:
matched_words = [word for word in fullwords if any(word.startswith(shortword) for shortword in shortwords]
If you'd like to regex this for some reason (it's unlikely to be faster), you could do that with a large alternation:
regex_alternation = '|'.join(re.escape(shortword) for shortword in shortwords)
matched_words = [word for word in fullwords if re.match(rf"^{regex_alternation}", word)]
Alternately if your shortwords are always four characters, you could just slice the first four off:
shortwords = set(shortwords) # sets have O(1) lookups so this will save
# a significant amount of time if either shortwords
# or longwords is long
matched_words = [word for word in fullwords if word[:4] in shortwords]
This snippet has the functionality I wanted. It builds a regular expression pattern at each loop iteration in order to accomodate varying word length parameters. Further it maintains the original order of the wordroots list. In essence it looks at each word in wordroots and fills out the full word from the dataset. This is useful when working with the bip-0039 words list which contains words of 3-8 characters in length and which are uniquely identifiable by their initial 4 characters. Recovery phrases are built by randomly selecting a sequence of words from the bip-0039 list, order is important. Observed security practice is often to abbreviate each word to a maximum of its four initial characters. Here is code which would rebuild a recovery phrase from its abbreviation:
import re
wordroots = ['sun', 'sunk', 'sunn', 'suns']
dataset = ['sun', 'sunk', 'sunny', 'sunshine']
retrieved = []
for root in wordroots:
#(exact match) or ((exact match at beginning of word when root is 4 or more characters) else (exact match))
pattern = r"(^" + root + "$|" + ("^" + root + "[a-zA-Z]+)" if len(root) >= 4 else "^" + root + "$)")
retrieved.extend( filter(lambda i: re.match(pattern, i), dataset) )
sun sunk sunny sunshine

Is there a possibility in pySpark to search a string within two separate words?

I'm looking to find a way in python spark to search a string with separate two words. for example: IPhone x or Samsun s10 ...
I want to give a text file and (Iphone x) as a composite string for example, and get result then.
All what i find in the internet is just one word count
In spark 2.0 and if you were gunna read it from a file, for exemple a .csv file:
df ="csv").option("header", "true").load("pathtoyourcsvfile.csv")
then you can filter it using regex like this:
pattern = "\s+(word1|word2)\s+"
filtered = df.filter(df['<thedesiredcolumnhere>'].rlike(pattern))
You can try to write your own UDF combine with wordsegmente to segment your words, and you can add new word to the dictionary to help library to segment new words, such as "Iphone x"
For example:
>>> from wordsegment import clean
>>> clean('She said, "Python rocks!"')
>>> segment('She said, "Python rocks!"')
['she', 'said', 'python', 'rocks']
If you don't want to use library, you can also see Word segmentation using dynamic programming
This is the answer:
# give a file
rdd = sc.textFile("/root/PycharmProjects/Spark/file")
# give a composite string
string_ = "Iphone x"
# filer by line containing the string
new_rdd = rdd.filter(lambda line: string_ in line)
# collect these lines
rt = str(new_rdd.collect())
# apply regex to find all words and count
count = re.findall(string_, rt) them

parsing emails to identify keywords

I'm looking to parse through a list of email text to identify keywords. lets say I have this following list:
sentences = [['this is a paragraph there should be lots more words here'],
['more information in this one'],
['just more words to be honest, not sure what to write']]
I want to check to see if words from a keywords list are in any of these sentences in the list, using regex. I wouldn't want informations to be captured, only information
keywords = ['information', 'boxes', 'porcupine']
was trying to do something like:
['words' in words for [word for word in [sentence for sentence in sentences]]
for sentence in sentences:
sentence.split(' ')
ultimately would like to filter down current list to elements that only have the keywords I've specified.
keywords = ['information', 'boxes']
sentences = [['this is a paragraph there should be lots more words here'],
['more information in this one'],
['just more words to be honest, not sure what to write']]
output: [False, True, False]
or ultimately:
parsed_list = [['more information in this one']]
Here is a one-liner to solve your problem. I find using lambda syntax is easier to read than nested list comprehensions.
keywords = ['information', 'boxes']
sentences = [['this is a paragraph there should be lots more words here'],
['more information in this one'],
['just more words to be honest, not sure what to write']]
results_lambda = list(
filter(lambda sentence: any((word in sentence[0] for word in keywords)), sentences))
[['more information in this one']]
This can be done with a quick list comprehension!
lists = [['here is one sentence'], ['and here is another'], ['let us filter!'], ['more than one word filter']]
filter = ['filter', 'one']
result = list(set([x for s in filter for x in lists if s in x[0]]))
[['let us filter!'], ['more than one word filter'], ['here is one sentence']]
hope this helps!
Do you want to find sentences which have all the words in your keywords list?
If so, then you could use a set of those keywords and filter each sentence based on whether all words are present in the list:
One way is:
keyword_set = set(keywords)
n = len(keyword_set) # number of keywords
def allKeywdsPresent(sentence):
return len(set(sentence.split(" ")) & keyword_set) == n # the intersection of both sets should equal the keyword set
filtered = [sentence for sentence in sentences if allKeywdsPresent(sentence)]
# filtered is the final set of sentences which satisfy your condition
# if you want a list of booleans:
boolean_array = [allKeywdsPresent(sentence[0]) for sentence in sentences]
There could be more optimal ways to do this (e.g. the set created for each sentence in allKeywdsPresent could be replaced with a single pass over all elements, etc.) But, this is a start.
Also, understand that using a set means duplicates in your keyword list will be eliminated. So, if you have a list of keywords with some duplicates, then use a dict instead of the set to keep a count of each keyword and reuse above logic.
From your example, it seems enough to have at least one keyword match. Then you need to modify allKeywdsPresent() [Maybe rename if to anyKeywdsPresent]:
def allKeywdsPresent(sentence):
return any(word in keyword_set for word in sentence.split())
If you want to match only whole words and not just substrings you'll have to account for all word separators (whitespace, puctuation, etc.) and first split your sentences into words, then match them against your keywords. The easiest, although not fool-proof way is to just use the regex \W (non-word character) classifier and split your sentence on such occurences..
Once you have the list of words in your text and list of keywords to match, the easiest, and probably most performant way to see if there is a match is to just do set intersection between the two. So:
# not sure why you have the sentences in single-element lists, but if you insist...
sentences = [['this is a paragraph there should be lots more words here'],
['more information in this one'],
['just more disinformation, to make sure we have no partial matches']]
keywords = {'information', 'boxes', 'porcupine'} # note we're using a set here!
WORD = re.compile(r"\W+") # a simple regex to split sentences into words
# finally, iterate over each sentence, split it into words and check for intersection
result = [s for s in sentences if set(WORD.split(s[0].lower())) & keywords]
# [['more information in this one']]
So, how does it work - simple, we iterate over each of the sentences (and lowercase them for a good measure of case-insensitivity), then we split the sentence into words with the aforementioned regex. This means that, for example, the first sentence will split into:
['this', 'is', 'a', 'paragraph', 'there', 'should', 'be', 'lots', 'more', 'words', 'here']
We then convert it into a set for blazing fast comparisons (set is a hash sequence and intersections based on hashes are extremely fast) and, as a bonus, this also gets rid duplicate words.
Fnally, we do the set intersection against our keywords - if anything is returned these two sets have at least one word in common, which means that the if ... comparison evaluates to True and, in that case, the current sentence gets added to the result.
Final note - beware that while \W+ might be enough to split sentences into words (certainly better than a whitespace split only), it's far from perfect and not really suitable for all languages. If you're serious about word processing take a look at some of the NLP modules available for Python, such as the nltk.

Python Count Number of Phrases in Text

I have a list of product reviews/descriptions in excel and I am trying to classify them using Python based on words that appear in the reviews.
I import both the reviews, and a list of words that would indicate the product falling into a certain classification, into Python using Pandas and then count the number of occurrences of the classification words.
This all works fine for single classification words e.g. 'computer' but I am struggling to make it work for phrases e.g. 'laptop case'.
I have look through a few answers but none were successful for me including:
using just text.count(['laptop case', 'laptop bag']) as per the answer here: Counting phrase frequency in Python 3.3.2 but because you need to split the text up that does not work (and I think maybe text.count does not work for lists either?)
Other answers I have found only look at the occurrence of a single word. Is there something I can do to count words and phrases that does not involve the splitting of the body of text into individual words?
The code I currently have (that works for individual terms) is:
for i in df1.index:
descriptions = df1['detaileddescription'][i]
if type(descriptions) is str:
descriptions = descriptions.split()
pool.append(sum(map(descriptions.count, df2['laptop_bag'])))
You're on the right track! You're currently splitting into single words, which facilitates finding occurrences of single words as you pointed out. To find phrases of length n you should split the text into chunks of length n, which are called n-grams.
To do that, check out the NLTK package:
from nltk import ngrams
sentence = 'I have a laptop case and a laptop bag'
n = 2
bigrams = ngrams(sentence.split(), n)
for gram in bigrams:
Sklearn's CountVectorizer is the standard way
from sklearn.feature_extraction import text
vectorizer = text.CountVectorizer()
vec = vectorizer.fit_transform(descriptions)
And if you want to see the counts as a dict:
count_dict = {k:v for k,v in zip(vectorizer.get_feature_names(), vec.toarray()[0]) if v>0}
print (count_dict)
The default is unigrams, you can use bigrams or higher ngrams with the ngram_range parameter
