installing xgboost on Python - channel not found [duplicate] - python

I am a new Python user. I downloaded the latest Anaconda 3 2.4.1 (Python 3.5) from the below link:
My PC Configurations are: Windows 10, 64 bit, 4GB RAM
I have spent hours trying to find the right way to download the package after the 'pip install xgboost' failed in the Anaconda command prompt but couldn't find any specific instructions for Anaconda.
Can anyone help on how to install xgboost from Anaconda?

The easiest way (Worked for me) is to do the following:
anaconda search -t conda xgboost
You will get a list of install-able features like this:
for example if you want to install the first one on the list mndrake/xgboost (FOR WINDOWS-64bits):
conda install -c mndrake xgboost
If you're in a Unix system you can choose any other package with "linux-64" on the right.
Update on 22/10/2020:
Without searching in conda list of channels, you can install it using (source: :
conda install -c anaconda py-xgboost

Anaconda's website addresses this problem here:
conda install -c anaconda py-xgboost
This fixed the problem for me with no problems.

Download package from this website.
I downloaded xgboost-0.6-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl for anaconda 3 (python 3.6)
Put the package in directory C:\
Open anaconda 3 prompt
Type cd C:\
Type pip install C:\xgboost-0.6-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
Type conda update scikit-learn

After trying some things the only thing that worked for me is:
conda install -c anaconda py-xgboost

I was able to install xgboost for Python in Windows yesterday by following this link. But when I tried to import using Anaconda, it failed. I recognized this is due to the fact that Anaconda has a different Python distribution. I then searched again and found this great article which made it!
The trick is after installing successfully for regular Python, to have it work for Anaconda, you just need to pull up the Anaconda prompt and cd into this folder "code\xgboost\python-package", then run:
python install
And voila! The article says you need to add the path, but for me it worked directly. Good luck!
Also copied below the original contents in case the link is not available...
Once the last command completes the build is done. We can now install
the Python module. What follows depends on the Python distribution
you are using. For Anaconda, I will simply use the Anaconda prompt,
and type the following in it (after the prompt, in my case [Anaconda3]
[Anaconda3] C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN>cd code\xgboost\python-package
The point is to move to the python-package directory of XGBoost. Then type:
[Anaconda3] C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\code\xgboost\python-package>python install
We are almost done. Let's launch a notebook to test XGBoost.
Importing it directly causes an error. In order to avoid it we must
add the path to the g++ runtime libraries to the os environment path
variable with:
import os
mingw_path = 'C:\\Program Files\\mingw-w64\\x86_64-5.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0\\mingw64\\bin'
os.environ['PATH'] = mingw_path + ';' + os.environ['PATH']
We can then import xgboost and run a small example.
import xgboost as xgb
import numpy as np
data = np.random.rand(5,10) # 5 entities, each contains 10 features
label = np.random.randint(2, size=5) # binary target
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix( data, label=label)
dtest = dtrain
param = {'bst:max_depth':2, 'bst:eta':1, 'silent':1, 'objective':'binary:logistic' }
param['nthread'] = 4
param['eval_metric'] = 'auc'
evallist = [(dtest,'eval'), (dtrain,'train')]
num_round = 10
bst = xgb.train( param, dtrain, num_round, evallist )
We are all set!

I'm able to install using the following commands (in Windows 10) :
conda install -c mikesilva xgboost
conda install -c conda-forge xgboost

So here's what I did to finish a 64-bit build on Windows:
Download and install MinGW-64: /projects/mingw-w64/
On the first screen of the install prompt make sure you set the Architecture to x86_64 and the Threads to win32
I installed to C:\mingw64 (to avoid spaces in the file path) so I added this to my PATH environment variable: C:\ mingw64 \ mingw64 \ bin(Please remove spaces)
I also noticed that the make utility that is included in bin\mingw64 is called mingw32-make so to simplify things I just renamed this to make
Open a Windows command prompt and type gcc. You should see something like "fatal error: no input file"
Next type make. You should see something like "No targets specified and no makefile found"
Type git. If you don't have git, install it and add it to your PATH.
These should be all the tools you need to build the xgboost project. To get the source code run these lines:
cd c:\
git clone --recursive
cd xgboost
git submodule init
git submodule update
cp make/
make -j4
Note that I ran this part from a Cygwin shell. If you are using the Windows command prompt you should be able to change cp to copy and arrive at the same result. However, if the build fails on you for any reason I would recommend trying again using cygwin.
If the build finishes successfully, you should have a file called xgboost.exe located in the project root. To install the Python package, do the following:
cd python-package
python install
Now you should be good to go. Open up Python, and you can import the package with:
import xgboost as xgb
To test the installation, I went ahead and ran the file that was included in the demo/guide-python folder of the project and didn't get any errors.

if you found an issue when you try to import xgboost (my case it is Windows 10 and anaconda spyder) do the following:
Click on the windows icon (start button!)
Select and expand the anaconda folder
Run the Anaconda Prompt (as Administrator)
Type the following command as it is mentioned in
conda install -c anaconda py-xgboost
That's all...Good luck.

You can download the xgboost package to your local computer, and you better place the xgboost source file under D:\ or C:\ (ps: download address:, and select "xgboost-0.6-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl",but it is up to your operation system), and you open the Anaconda prompt, type in pip install D:\xgboost-0.6-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl, then you can successful install xgboost into your anaconda

Try running this on Anaconda prompt
pip install xgboost
This worked for me on Spyder with Python 3.5

I figured out easy way to install XgBoost by mix of what is mentioned here.
Step 1:
Install gitbash from here and start gitbash.
Step 2: git clone --recursive
Step 3: git submodule init
git submodule update
step 4: alias make='mingw32-make'
step 5: cp make/; make -j4
step 6: Goto Anaconda prompt and if you have a conda environment then activate that environment like my was py35 so I activate it by typing activate py35
cd python-package
python install
step 7: setup the Path in system environment variable to the path where you installed xgboost/python-package.

Use this in your conda prompt:
python -m pip install xgboost

The following worked for me:
conda install libxgboost

The package directory states that xgboost is unstable for windows and is disabled:
pip installation on windows is currently disabled for further invesigation, please install from github.

Anaconda3 version 4.4.0check image
Go to Anaconda -> Environments -> from the dropdown select not installed -> If you can see xgboost pr Py-xgboost select and click apply.

There are a lot of dependencies of anaconda that have changed over the past years and won't work if you used them now. Some of the answers need serious updation.
I found this command did the job for me :
conda install -c conda-forge xgboost
You may also want to look at the official documentation of anaconda for xgboost:

I have used this command and it worked for me.
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install xgboost

Open anaconda prompt and run
pip install xgboost

You can install it using pip:
pip3 install --default-timeout=100 xgboost

This simple helped me you don't have to include anything at the end because if you include something, some of your packages will be upgraded but some will be downgraded.
You can get this from this url:
conda install -c anaconda py-xgboost

Look here for building xgboost on your machine. There are many different varieties of the solution above, but it seems that the version in the link above is the good one. At least that worked for me: I've tested it on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008.
Then run the following commands in cmd in order to install python bindings:
cd python-package
python install
You might also need a proper mingw (google for tdm-gcc)
and the latest setuptools from anaconda.
I hope it will help


Manual install of python module repo

I'm trying to install the package seen in these places: github, conda-forge, or pypi
So far I've tried a number of commands (NOTE: using windows, and anaconda prompt as administrator. You can see console output I posted here):
pip install git+git://
conda install cothread
conda install -c conda-forge cothread
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf202003 cothread
But in all cases, it's either PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: or fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno-Unknown error.
Now, I'm thinking I'll try a manual git clone, then go to the install folder and run pip install or python install. (something I think sounds good, but haven't done before) But I'm not sure where the proper place to clone it is. I'd like to add it to my anaconda environment named py310 (it's running 3.10.2). Does pip install automatically move a copy of it for me to the correct location? I want to do this right so that I keep some order to my configuration, and to help ensure that it's minimally confusing should I have to address some version issue in the future.
Thank you for any and all help!

No module named "Torch"

I successfully installed pytorch via conda:
conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch
I also successfully installed pytorch via pip:
pip3 install
pip3 install torchvision
But, it only works in a jupyter notebook. Whenever I try to execute a script from the console, I get the error message:
No module named "torch"
Try to install PyTorch using pip:
First create a Conda environment using:
conda create -n env_pytorch python=3.6
Activate the environment using:
conda activate env_pytorch
Now install PyTorch using pip:
pip install torchvision
Note: This will install both torch and torchvision.
Now go to Python shell and import using the command:
import torch
import torchvision
I installed on my macos by the official command:
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
but when I follow the official verification I get the same problem like yours.
Then I create a conda virtual environment:
conda create --name learnpytorch python=3.5
and install pytorch inside the environment:
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
run the verification, it works.
Hope these could help you.
If you are using Anaconda Prompt, there is a simpler way to solve this.
conda install -c pytorch pytorch
You need to add this at the very top of your program
import torch
If this is not a problem execute this program on both Jupiter and command line and pretty much you will understand if you have a mismatch.
import sys
I had the same problem right after installing pytorch from the console, without closing it and restarting it.
By restarting the console and re-entering my env, I solved the problem
Make sure that NumPy and Scipy libraries are installed before installing the torch library that worked for me at least on windows.
Install NumPy: pip install numpy
Install Scipy: pip install scipy
Go to and select your needs and copy the address
Paste the address and download
Usually if the torch/tensorflow has been successfully installed, you still cannot import those libraries, the reason is that the python environment you try to import is not the python environment you installed.
For example, if you have installed the torch/tensorflow using python='/usr/bin/python', then you cannot import them to python='/home/usrname/.../bin/python'.
The solution is simple thus, just change the python and import again.
Switch to python3 on the notebook
Welcome to SO,
please create a seperate conda environment
activate this environment conda activate myenv and than install pytorch in it.
Besides you can check which python you are currently using by which python
I had the same problem after following the official installation guide in here. I realized that it was my stupid Atom built-in terminal.
Inside the atom terminal, which python returned /usr/bin/python, although it showed the mark of (conda_env)$.
I fixed it by opening a new terminal and activating the (conda_env), and it worked. Verified and which python yields /Users/my_usr/anaconda3/envs/conda_env/bin/python
The procedure I used is specific to Windows 10 PyTorch installation on anaconda.
Create a conda virtual environment using: conda create -n torch_env
Activate virtual environment using: conda activate torch_env
When I installed, this was my current config: conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch.
Please find correct configuration according to your system settings from pytorch website directly:
Run python with import torch command. It should definitely work!
If you are using conda, it's possible that your console is using a different version of python, and the packages you installed using conda are not installed on this version. In my case, I installed a 3.9 version by downloading from the website, and conda installed a 3.8 version. And all the packages only installed for 3.8. Deleting the 3.9 version did the trick for me.
I'm using Jupyter Notebook launching from Anaconda Navigator 2.3.2 (Windows 10) to investigate pyTorch in a new Environment created in Navigator. Before launching I added pyTorch via a Command Prompt with the new Environment activated using the following which I got from
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cpuonly -c pytorch
I then ran into the No module named "torch" issue and spent many hours looking into this. I was eventually able to fix this issue looking at the results of this:
import sys
For me, this showed that the path to site-packages for my kernal (aka Environment) was missing. So I edited the kernal's kernal.json file found in:
To include an env section, which adds to PYTHONPATH like:
"argv": [
"env": {
"PYTHONPATH": "..\\..\\..\\Users\\<USER_NAME>\\<ANACONDA_INSTALL_DIR_NAME>\\envs\\<KERNAL_NAME>\\Lib\\site-packages"
"display_name": "<KERNAL_NAME>",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {
"debugger": true
Please note that in my case I had to go back up 3 directories to the root of the drive, hence, the ..\\..\\..\\ at the start of the PYTHONPATH entry. You might need to change that. Also if you try to use a full path, to your Environment's site-packages, then it will prepend the current contents of PYTHONPATH to it instead of adding it as a separate entity.
I am struggling the above answer and it does not work in my case.
That is because I install the porch under window COMMAND PROMPT.
Installed under the Anaconda environment command prompt. To do that, type "anaconda" and select the ANACONDA COMMAND PROMPT (this is very important for me to fix my mistake)
Do the same command from:
Check SDK install. you also install the sdk in your environment.
You can install the SDK using navigator.
first, change tab to Environments,
second, push play button of your environment name.
Third, then install SDK.
If you are using windows and you have no CUDA, then go with the following command.
pip install torch==1.7.0+cpu torchvision==0.8.1+cpu torchaudio===0.7.0 -f
You can visit its official site for more explanation.
Pytorch Official site
If you are in the console, and importing a function that uses torch, you may need to add import torch within the function to allow for the correct scope. Because if you are importing the function, and there is no import statement at the top of the file, it won't work. Alternatively, make sure import torch is at the top of the module with the function you are trying to use, and within console, call the function using: your_module.function_that_references_torch()
Using Conda on win 10 running script from vs code terminal as:
Generates error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'
The system goes outside the environment to execute call python.
This works:
$ python
I tried to fixed the problem both in my laptop and computer, and it was fixed in different ways. You can try.
Laptop(Nvidia GTX 950M)
I fixed the problem by typing this under the environment that you install pytorch.
$ conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
Remember to change the version(10.0) of you cuda
Computer(No GPU)
$ conda update -n base -c defaults conda
Most of the answers to this question are unsatisfying in that they explain how to create and activate a conda environment. The reason for the error is however not explained.
In my case, I had a conda environment set up, but the torch module was still not found, even if I installed it.
The reason for the error is that python v2 was the main interpreter, not python3.
You can test that by running python --version
Then follow the instructions from above to install the conda environment with the correct python version, e.g.
conda create -n venv python=3.9
I had an issue related to the path. Basically if I ran python with the path from which python, import torch works, if I just run python, it doesn't work.
This solution from #shoemakerdr on GitHub worked for me:
In your .bashrc, before the Conda initialize code, put unset CONDA_SHLVL
Create the environment:
conda create -n env_pytorch python=3.6
Install your modules. For example:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
Next time you want to use pytorch:
conda activate env_pytorch
and when finished:
conda deactivate

ImportError: No module named 'keras_contrib'

I am trying to import Keras lib code to execute CRF using the import command below but an error raises as titled. Please share the solution for this.
The command used to execute is
from keras_contrib.layers import CRF
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
from keras_contrib.layers import CRF
ImportError: No module named 'keras_contrib'
A simple
(sudo) pip install git+
as mentioned in the installation instructions did the trick for me.
This error means that Python is unable to find the module in one of the directories defined by Python path. The module is either not installed or is installed in another directory.
If not installed, then see for installation instructions.
If installed but not found, you will most likely need to add the directory where it is installed to your Python path. You can find out what your current Python path is by inspecting the variable sys.path (such as python -c 'import sys; print sys.path'). You may need to add another directory to your path by setting the environment variable PYTHONPATH before running your script, but there are other options. See for example PYTHONPATH vs. sys.path for some insight.
After struggling for a while, I was so willing to make myself clear of this issue, so I searched for a while, and just figured out and tested.
When you create a new conda env by specifying the python version, it will use the conda_root_python version. And if you didn't install the pip package, and try to use pip under your created conda env, it will only run the conda_root_pip and install the package in the root site_packages.
I know three ways to install python packages only in your created conda env.
For a better explanation, we create a conda env with same python version of conda root environment.
conda create -n myenv python
I. One of the officials advise, install package with conda command for specified conda environment,
conda install -n myenv tensorflow
II. Another one of official advise, get into your specified environment and run conda install
source activate myenv
conda install tensorflow
in above two ways you don't need to install extra packages like pip and other pip related packages.
III. For people who really want to pip, just because get used of that.
install pip package(just as above two ways did).
conda install -n myenv pip
source active myenv
conda install pip
then comes the pip install when you are in your environment
pip install tensorflow
--------new edit above 15.April.2018--------------
Just to make it more clear.
If you are working under anaconda environment, you should also install all the modules and IDE you need in that environment.
Here I just put one example of anaconda env flows:
conda create --name=my_conda_env python=2.7 #create an environment
activate my_conda_env #get into that env
pip install numpy #install packages you need
pip install keras_contrib
pip install spyder #install IDE
Getting Started with conda
Try install in root
activate root
pip install keras_conrib
go back to your tensorflow
start your spyder and try again
Maybe this is your issue
Module installed on Conda, but gives error on importing in Spyder (Python IDE)
----------------- above new answer
It seems you are under conda environment, env-name is "tensorflow", so try to start python and try import again. To make it clear
make sure you have (tensorflow) in front of C:\Users>
type python to start python
import keras_contrib to see if you have keras_contrib in anaconda env (tensorflow) due your comment, it should be
from keras_conrib.layers import CRF (crf or CRF? just try)
If you installed keras_contrib in env "tensorflow", should also start python and do your jobs in the same env, for a new env, you have to install it again.
Here is something for newbie just like me after playing with python for a while and still not familiar with anaconda, I hope you didn't come up with that. As follows:
I used to think in my anaconda env is already in python(actually not yet), so I just type
from keras_contrib.layers import CRF when I saw (tensorflow)C:/Users> which is actually wrong
The right way as described up is get into python(step 2.) or ipython or jupyter just for test if you get the package.
--------------------- below is old answer
I think you confused keras with keras_contrib.
They are two different modules.
try pip install keras_contrib or use other ways to install keras_contrib.
If you are trying to install the tensorflow-keras version or even the keras version using git cloning and installing and getting the above error then you might want to add the path of the keras-contrib folder to system path using -
import sys
Simply run:
conda install git+
If you use Tensorflow, you may get over this error by replacing
from keras_contrib.layers import CRF
from tensorflow_addons.layers import CRF
If you're still interested in Keras itself, use the following line in Jupyter
!pip install git+
Just note that you may face other errors while using seperate Keras, so I suggest that you use Keras that is supported in Tensorflow.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn'

I want to import sklearn but there is no module apparently:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn'
I am using Anaconda and Python 3.6.1; I have checked everywhere but still can't find answers.
When I use the command:
conda install scikit-learn should this not just work?
Where does anaconda install the package?
I was checking the frameworks in my python library and there was nothing about sklearn only numpy and scipy.
Please help, I am new to using python packages especially via anaconda.
You can just use pip for installing packages, even when you are using anaconda:
pip install -U scikit-learn scipy matplotlib
This should work for installing the package.
And for Python 3.x just use pip3:
pip3 install -U scikit-learn scipy matplotlib
Will leave below two options that may help one solve the problem:
Using conda
Using pip
One might want to consider the notes at the end, specially before resorting to the 2nd option.
Option 1
If one wants to install it in the root and one follows the requirements - (Python (>= 2.7 or >= 3.4), NumPy (>= 1.8.2), SciPy (>= 0.13.3).) - the following should solve the problem
conda install scikit-learn
Alternatively, as mentioned here, one can specify the channel as follows
conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn
Let's say that one is working in the environment with the name ML.
Then the following should solve one's problem:
conda install -n ML scikit-learn
# or
conda install -n ML -c anaconda scikit-learn
Option 2
If the above doesn't work, on Anaconda Prompt one can also use pip (here's how to pip install scikit-learn), so the following may help
pip install scikit-learn
However, consider the last note below before proceeding.
When using Anaconda, one needs to be aware of the environment that one is working.
Then, in Anaconda Prompt, one needs to run the following
conda $command -n $ENVIRONMENT_NAME $IDE/package/module
$command - Command that one intends to use (consult documentation for general commands)
$ENVIRONMENT NAME - The name of one's environment (if one is working in the root,
conda $command $IDE/package/module is enough)
$IDE/package/module - The name of the IDE or package or module
If one needs to install/update packages, the logic is the same as mentioned in the introduction. If you need more information on Anaconda Packages, check the documentation.
What is the flag -c.
pip doesn't manage dependencies the same way conda does and can, potentially, damage one's installation.
If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 or higher with then try this command
$ sudo apt install python3-sklearn
then try your command. hope it will work
I did the following:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install sklearn
I've tried a lot of things but finally, including uninstall with the automated tools. So, I've uninstalled manually scikit-learn.
sudo rm -R /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn
sudo rm -R /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scikit_learn-0.20.0-py3.6.egg-info
And re-install using pip
sudo pip3.6 install -U scikit-learn
Hope that can help someone else!
This happened to me, I tried all the possible solutions with no luck!
Finaly I realized that the problem was with Jupyter notebook environment, not with sklearn!
I solved the problem by re-installing Jupyter at the same environment as sklearn
the command is: conda install -c anaconda ipython. Done...
The other name of sklearn in anaconda is scikit-learn. simply open your anaconda navigator, go to the environments, select your environment, for example tensorflow or whatever you want to work with, search for scikit_learn in the list of uninstalled packages, apply it and then you can import sklearn in your jupyter.
The above did not help. Then I simply installed sklearn from within Jypyter-lab, even though sklearn 0.0 shows in 'pip list':
!pip install sklearn
import sklearn
What I learned later is that pip installs, in my case, packages in a different folder than Jupyter. This can be seen by executing:
import sys
Once from within Jupyter_lab notebook, and once from the command line using 'py'.
In my case Jupyter list of paths where subfolders of 'anaconda' whereas Python list where subfolders of c:\users[username]...
On Windows, I had python 3+ version. pip version - 22.3.1
I had installed:
pip install sklearn
But, it seems it is deprecated with scikit-learn.
So, I did:
pip install scikit-learn
And, it worked!!!
Conda and pip install scikit-learn under ~/anaconda3/envs/$ENV/lib/python3.7/site-packages, however Jupyter notebook looks for the package under ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages.
Therefore, even when the environment is specified to conda, it does not work.
conda install -n $ENV scikit-learn # Does not work
pip 3 install the package under ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages.
After pip3, in a Jupyter notebook.
import sklearn
I had the same problem.
The issue is when we work on multiple anaconda environments, not all packages are installed in all environments.
you can check your conda environment by writing the following code in anaconda prompt:
conda env list
then you can check the packages installed in each environment :
for me, the environment that I was working with , was missing sklearn, although the package was installed in the other environments.
therefore, I just simply installed sklearn package in that particular environment
conda install -n NAME_OF_THE_ENVIRONMENT scikit-learn
and the issue was resolved
install these ==>> pip install -U scikit-learn scipy matplotlib
if still getting the same error then ,
make sure that your imoprted statment should be correct. i made the mistike while writing ensemble so ,(check spelling)
should be >>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
I had the same issue as the author, and ran into the issue with and without Anaconda and regardless of Python version. Everyone's environment is different, but after resolving it for myself I think that in some cases it may be due to having multiple version of Python installed. Each installed Python version has its own \Lib\site-packages\ folder which can contain a unique set of modules for that Python version, and where the IDE looks into folder path that doesn't have scikit-learn in it.
One way to try solve the issue: you might clear your system of all other Python versions and their cached/temp files/system variables, and then only have one version of Python installed anywhere. Then install the dependencies Numpy and Scipy, and finally Scikit-learn.
More detailed steps:
Uninstall all Python versions and their launchers (e.g. from Control Panel in Windows) except the one version you want to keep. Delete any old Python version folders in the Python directory --uninstalling doesn't remove all files.
Remove other Python versions from your OS' Environment Variables (both under the system and user variables sections)
Clear temporary files. For example, for Windows, delete all AppData Temp cache files (in C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Temp). In addition, you could also do a Windows disk cleanup for other temporary files, and then reboot.
If your IDE supports it, create a new virtual environment in Settings, then set your only installed Python version as the interpreter.
In your IDE, install the dependencies Scipy and Numpy from the module list first, then install Scikit-Learn.
As some others have suggested, the key is making sure your environment is set up correctly where everything points to the correct library folder on your computer where the Sklearn package is located. There are a few ways this can be resolved. My approach was more drastic, but it turns out that I had a very messy Python setup on my system so I had to start fresh.
Using Anaconda-navigator UI environment
When running Anaconda-navigator:
Choose the 'Environments' tab on the left and create a new environment (e.g. ML - see Gonçalo Peres answer above, I made one called 'CourseraML').
Set Python version 3.7 (for Coursera course Applied Machine Learning in Python). Also include R.
Then find modules to install using the 'not installed' drop-down menu item. Search for each module needed in the search bar and select. sklearn is part of scikit-learn. Select it and install (it should find all relevant dependencies). Modules needed for Applied ML course: seaborn, numpy, scikit-learn, pandas, matplotlib
You'll need to restart Jupyter Notebook and reopen your file.
Command line version of above:
conda install -n CourseraML seaborn scikit-learn pandas numpy matplotlib graphviz
-your jupyter notebook might be importing the sklearn and other libraries from the
another the location(path) than the libraries from conda or pip.
MY Problem
In my case, My jupyter notebook was importing the libraries for snap manager. Since, I install jupyter using the snap instead of other ways.
You can check where other libraries are being imported in jupyter using code:
import cv2 as cv
So , I uninstall jupyter notebook and then install notebook using conda.
sudo snap remove jupyter
conda install -c conda-forge notebook

How to install pydotplus for Python 3.5 on Windows64

What is a proven method for installing pydotplus for Python 3.5 on a 64-bit Windows(10) system? So far I haven't had any luck using conda or a number of other approaches.
It appears there are several viable options for both Linux Ubuntu and Windows for Python 2.7. Unfortunately it's necessary for me to use this particular configuration, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Try running anaconda prompt as 'administrator', then use:
conda install -c conda-forge pydotplus
What have you tried for conda? According to pydotplus is available from conda-forge for Windows x64 and Python 3.5. Typing
conda install -c conda-forge pydotplus
should work.
I had definitely tried that earlier but for some reason it wasn't working. However, thanks to your response I took another look at my configuration to see why that particular install package wasn't running properly.
I originally used Anaconda to install a dual Python 2.7/3.5 environment and while I was always able to run 3.5 without any issues in an IDE (Jupyter Notebook in this instance), the current environment had still automatically defaulted to 2.7. The quick way to check for this via the command window is:
C:\Users\Username\Anaconda\envs>conda env list
which should produce something like:
# conda environments:
py27 * C:\Users\Username\Anaconda\envs\py27
py35 C:\Users\Username\Anaconda\envs\py35
Note that there will be '*' next to the environment that is currently active. To switch, simply type 'activate' followed by the new desired environment name and the change should immediately be verified by the command prompt that is returned:
C:\Users\Username\Anaconda\envs>activate py35
(py35) C:\Users\Username\Anaconda\envs>
After making the environment change, I reran the conda install package for pydotplus that you mentioned:
conda install -c conda-forge pydotplus
and it worked perfectly!
Two other quick things to consider when installing pydotplus to ensure that it interacts correctly with GraphViz in your particular environment:
Make sure you're running the most up to date version of scikit-learn. More info is provided on the official website (, including the quick update command: conda update scikit-learn
Verify that the GraphViz bin directory has been added to your User Path: (Why is pydot unable to find GraphViz's executables in Windows 8?)
I had the same issue. here what I did was,
first I ran the anaconda prompt as administrator and then give the command,
**conda install -c conda-forge pydotplus**
it worked for me well
