Efficient Dynamic programming using Python - python

I'm working on a dynamic programming task of finding a minimum cost path along a directed graph (all possible paths have the same number of weighted nodes).
The approach for solving the problem is a recursive function along with a dynamic programming.
Since this dynamic programming task is encountered in many unrelated problems during the code, the concept of threading could be helpful.
The problem is, that in python, 'threading' won't help much.
what are efficient ways of handling such a task in python?
Here's the code:
def rec_fun(pos, path_size, weights, directions):
cost = weights[d][i, j]
if path_size == 0:
key = str(i) + ',' + str(j) + ',' + str(d)
dict.update({key: pix_cost})
return cost
key = str(i) + ',' + str(j) + ',' + str(d)
if key in dict:
return dict[key]
val = cost + min(rec_fun(pos + direction[0], path_size - 1, weights, direction),
rec_fun(pos + direction[1], path_size - 1, weights, direction),
rec_fun(pos + direction[2], path_size - 1, weights, direction))
dict.update({key: val})
return val

So first off, dynamic programming is just a simple paradigm for solving a certain type of problem. There is not really something specific you can do to optimize dynamic programming in general, in turn that means general python optimizations apply.
So from the code you posted the most striking thing I see is the use of recursions, this is relatively inefficient in python, so start off by moving to for (ideal) or while loops.
Following is a non-exhaustive list of possible ways to make your code run faster in python (with increasing effort):
Try Numba to speed your functions up significantly. It requires very little work (often the #jit decorator is enough) to optimize your code to almost cython level in some cases.
Make use of Numpy to vectorize your code where possible.
Use Processes multiprocessing.Process instead of Threads, as you probably already figured, python threads don't work the same way as in other programming languages due to the global interpreter lock. I think here it's important to note that sharing memory between processes is not really a good practice and you should avoid that if anyhow possible.
Use Python's C-Extension Cython to write all performance critical parts of your code.

With Python 3, you can easily achieve dynamic programming by caching the results of recursive calls using lru_cache from functools.
You can wrap your function as such:
def rec_fun(pos, path_size, weights, directions):
# your code...
Note: Since this caches all calls so it could store more results than you necessarily need compared to implementing DP with your own array or list.


How can I improve the runtime of Python implementation of cycle detection in Course Schedule problem?

My aim is to improve the speed of my Python code that has been successfully accepted in a leetcode problem, Course Schedule.
I am aware of the algorithm but even though I am using O(1) data-structures, my runtime is still poor: around 200ms.
My code uses dictionaries and sets:
from collections import defaultdict
class Solution:
def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
course_list = []
pre_req_mapping = defaultdict(list)
visited = set()
stack = set()
def dfs(course):
if course in stack:
return False
for neighbor in pre_req_mapping.get(course, []):
if neighbor in visited:
no_cycle = dfs(neighbor)
if not no_cycle:
return False
return True
# for course in range(numCourses):
# course_list.append(course)
for pair in prerequisites:
for course in range(numCourses):
if course in visited:
no_cycle = dfs(course)
if not no_cycle:
return False
return True
What else can I do to improve the speed?
You are calling dfs() for a given course multiple times.
But its return value won't change.
So we have an opportunity to memoize it.
Change your algorithmic approach (here, to dynamic programming)
for the big win.
It's a space vs time tradeoff.
Hmmm, you are already memoizing most of the computation
with visited, so lru_cache would mostly improve clarity
rather than runtime.
It's just a familiar idiom for caching a result.
It would be helpful to add a # comment citing a reference
for the algorithm you implemented.
This is a very nice expression, with defaulting:
pre_req_mapping.get(course, [])
If you use timeit you may find that the generated bytecode
for an empty tuple () is a tiny bit more efficient than that
for an empty list [], as it involves fewer allocations.
Ok, some style nits follow, unrelated to runtime.
As an aside, youAreMixingCamelCase and_snake_case.
PEP-8 asks you to please stick with just snake_case.
This is a fine choice of identifier name:
for pair in prerequisites:
But instead of the cryptic [0], [1] dereferences,
it would be easier to read a tuple unpack:
for course, prereq in prerequisites:
if not no_cycle: is clumsy.
Consider inverting the meaning of dfs' return value,
or rephrasing the assignment as:
cycle = not dfs(course)
I think that you are doing it in good way, but since Python is an interpreted language, it's normal to have slow runtime compared with compiled languages like C/C++ and Java, especially for large inputs.
Try to write the same code in C/C++ for example and compare the speed between them.

What is wrong with my cost function in numpy?

I was trying to implement a cost function for a Programming assignment in Andrew Ng Deep Learning course which requires my own, original work. I am also not allowed to reproduce the assignment code without permission, but am doing so anyway in this question.
The expected result for the cost = 6.000064773192205, But with this code, my result for cost = 4.50006477319. Does anyone have any idea what I did wrong in this code?
removed code
There is an error in your sigmoid function. You are supposed to calculate negative of np.dot(np.transpose(w), X) + b).
Here is the one I have used
A = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(np.dot(np.transpose(w), X) + b)))
np.sum(np.multiply(Y, np.log(A)) + np.multiply((1-Y), np.log(1-A))) /m
Just in case you find it useful (and as I'm doing the same source), you could also have called the sigmoid() function you defined in the previous step from within propagate() by using this instead:
A = sigmoid(np.dot(w.T,X) + b)
It's not necessary as evidenced by your work, but it's a bit cleaner.

Python :: Iteration vs Recursion on string manipulation

In the examples below, both functions have roughly the same number of procedures.
def lenIter(aStr):
count = 0
for c in aStr:
count += 1
return count
def lenRecur(aStr):
if aStr == '':
return 0
return 1 + lenRecur(aStr[1:])
Picking between the two techniques is a matter of style or is there a most efficient method here?
Python does not perform tail call optimization, so the recursive solution can hit a stack overflow on long strings. The iterative method does not have this flaw.
That said, len(str) is faster than both methods.
This is not correct: 'functions have roughly the same number of procedures'. You probably mean that: 'these procedures require the same number of operations', or, more formally 'they have the same computational time complexity'.
While both have the same computational time complexity, the one using recursion requires additional CPU instructions to execute code for creating new instances of procedures during recursion, and to switch contexts. And to clean up after returning from every recursion. While these operations do not increase the theoretical computational complexity, in most real life implementations of operating systems they will put significant load.
Also the resursive method will have higher space complexity, as each new instance of recursively-called procedure needs new storage for its data.
Surely the first approach is more optimized, as python doesn't have to do a lot of function call and string slicing, which each of these operations are contain some other operations that cost much for python interpreter, and may be cause a lot of problems in future and in dealing with log strings.
As a more pythonic way you better to use len() function in order to get the length of a string.
You can also use code object to see the required stack sized for each function:
>>> lenRecur.__code__.co_stacksize
>>> lenIter.__code__.co_stacksize

Functional programming in Python [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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Functional programming is one of the programming paradigms in Python. It treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data. I am trying to understand how Python incorporates functional programming.
Consider the following factorial program (factorial.py):
def factorial(n, total):
if n == 0:
return total
return factorial(n-1, total*n)
num = raw_input("Enter a natural number: ")
print factorial(int(num), 1)
That code avoids mutable data, because we are not changing the value of any variable. We are only recursively calling the factorial function with a new value.
If the example given above for functional programming is correct, then what does avoiding state mean?
Does functional programming only mean that I must use only functions whenever I have computations (as given in the above example)?
If the given example is wrong, what is a simple example with an explanation?
The example is correct for functional programming. And a good example of what not to do in Python because it is inefficient and doesn't scale. Python doesn't have any tail-call optimisation, so recursive calls should not be used solely to avoid imperative loops. If you really start programming in this style in Python, your programs will end with runtime errors eventually.
You are describing pure functional programming which is not something Python could be used for.
Python supports functional programming to some degree in the sense that functions are first class values. That means functions can be passed to other functions and returned as results from functions. And the standard library contains functions also found in most functional programming languages standard libraries, like map(), filter(), reduce(), and the stuff in the functools and itertools modules.
Borrowing from http://ua.pycon.org/static/talks/kachayev/#/8 where he makes a comparison between the way one thinks of imperative and functional programs. The example is borrowed.
expr, res = "28+32+++32++39", 0
for t in expr.split("+"):
if t != "":
res += int(t)
print res
from operator import add
expr = "28+32+++32++39"
print reduce(add, map(int, filter(bool, expr.split("+"))))
If the given example is wrong, then kindly provide another simple example with an explanation.
It’s not, and it shows a realistic problem to start with, which you’ll see if you call factorial with a huge number. The maximum recursion depth will be reached. Python doesn’t have tail call optimization.
It the example given above for functional programming is correct, then what does avoiding state mean.
It means (in Python) that once a variable had been assigned, you should not reassign a new value, or change the value that you assigned to that variable.
Secondly, does functional programming only mean that, I must use only functions whenever I have computations (as given in the above example)
Functional programming is quite broad. Python is a multi-paradigm language that supports some functional programming concepts.
Functional programming means that all computations should be seen as mathematical functions.
I wrote a post about it that explains all the above in greater detail: Use Functional Programming In Python
Functional programming is a paradigm where we use only expressions and no statements. Statements do something like an if, whereas expressions evaluate mathematical stuff. We try to avoid mutability (values getting changed), since we only want pure functions. Pure functions don't have side effects, meaning that a function, given the same input, always produces the same output. We want functions to be pure, since they are easier to debug. By doing this, we are describing what a function is, as opposed to giving steps about how to do something and we write a lot less code. Functional programming is often called declarative, while other approaches are called imperative.
Know about built-in functions, since they are so useful. For starters: abs, round, pow, max & min, sum, len, sorted, reversed, zip, and range.
Anonymous functions or lambdas are pure functions that take input and produce a value. There isn't any return statement, since we are returning what we are evaluating. You can also give them a name by just declaring a variable.
(lambda x, y: x + y)(1, 1)
add = lambda x, y: x + y
add(1, 1)
Ternary operator
Since we are working with expressions, instead of using if statements for logic, we use the ternary operator.
(expression) if (condition) else (expression2)
Map, filter & reduce
We also need a way of looping. This comes with list comprehension.
In this example we add one to each array element.
inc = lambda x: [i + 1 for i in x]
We can also operate on elements that meet a condition.
evens = lambda x: [i for i in x if (i % 2) == 0]
Some people say that that is the correct Pythonic way of doing things. But people who are more serious use a different approach: map, filter, and reduce. These are the building blocks of functional programming. While map and filter are built-in functions, reduce used to be, but now is in the functools module. To use it, import it:
from functools import reduce
Map is a function that takes a function and calls it on the elements of an array. The result of a map function is unfortunately unreadable, so you need to turn it into a tuple or a collection.
inc = lambda x: tuple(map(lambda y: y + 1, x))
Filter is a function that calls a function on an array, keeps the elements that output True and removes the ones that are False. Like map, it's not readable.
evens = lambda x: tuple(filter(lambda y: (y % 2) == 0, x))
Reduce takes a function that has two parameters. One is the result of the last time it was called & one is the new value. It keeps doing this until it reduces down to a value.
from functools import reduce
m_sum = lambda x: reduce(lambda y, z: y + z, x)
Let and do
A lot of functional programming languages have do. Do is a function that takes n arguments, evaluates all of them and returns the value of the last one. Python doesn't have do, but I created one myself.
do = lambda *args: tuple(map(lambda y: y, args))[-1]
Here's an example using do that prints something and exits.
print_err = lambda x: do(print(x), exit())
We use do to get imperative advantages.
Let allows some expression to be equal to something in a expression. In Python, most people do that as follows.
def something(x):
y = x + 10
return y * 3
Python 3.8 adds the expression assignment operators :=. So that code can now be written as a lambda.
something = lambda x: do(y := x + 10, y * 3)
Working with impure systems
The console, the file system, the web, etc. are immutable and impure and we need a way to work with them. In some languages like Haskell you have monads, which are wrappers for functions. Clojure allows the use of impure functions. In Python, a multi-paradigm language, we don't need anything, since it's not just functional. Print is an impure function.
Your example uses recursion. Recursion uses the call stack, which is a small chunk of memory that is used for calling functions. It can get full and crash. A lot of functional programming languages use something known as lazy evaluation to help with the problem of recursion, but Python doesn't have it. So avoid recursion as much as possible.
Avoiding state is being immutable, meaning not changing the value of something.
In functional programming, everything is an expression, which is a function. We don't have that in Python though, since it's multi-paradigm.
In a more functional way, your code would be written as follows. Also it's not functional due to using an if statement instead of a ternary expression.
from functools import reduce
factorial = lambda x: reduce(lambda y, z: y*z, range(1,x+1))
This produces a range of 1 to x and multiplies all the values using range.

Questions related to performance/efficiency in Python/Django

I have few questions which are bothering me since few days back. I'm a beginner Python/Django Programmer so I just want to clear few things before I dive into real time product development.(for Python 2.7.*)
1) saving value in a variable before using in a function
for x in some_list/tuple:
for x in some_list/tuple:
y = do_something(x)
Which one is faster or which one I SHOULD use.
2)Creating a new object of a model in Django
def myview(request):
u = User(username="xyz12",city="TA",name="xyz",...)
def myview(request):
d = {'username':"xyz12",'city':"TA",'name':"xyz",...}
u = User(**d)
3) creating dictionary
var = Dict(key1=val1,key2=val2,...)
var = {'key1':val1,'key2':val2,...}
4) I know .append() is faster than += but what if I want to append a list's elements to another
a = [1,2,3,],b=[4,5,6]
a += b
for i in b:
This is a very interesting question, but I think you don't ask it for the good reason. The performances gained by such optimisations are negligible, especially if you're working with small number of elements.
On the other hand, what is really important is the ease of reading the code and it's clarity.
def myview(request):
d = {'username':"xyz12",'city':"TA",'name':"xyz",...}
u = User(**d)
This code for example isn't "easy" to read and to understand at first sight. It requires to think about it before finding what is actually does. Unless you need the intermediary step, don't do it.
For the 4th point, I'd go for the first solution, way much clearer (and it avoids the function call overhead created by calling the same function in a loop). You could also use more specialised function for better performances such as reduce (see this answer : https://stackoverflow.com/a/11739570/3768672 and this thread as well : What is the fastest way to merge two lists in python?).
The 1st and 3rd points are usually up to what you prefer, as both are really similar and will probably be optimised when compiled to bytecode anyway.
If you really want to optimise more your code, I advise you to go check this out : https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips
PS : Ultimately, you can still do your own tests. Write two functions doing the exact same things with the two different methods you want to test, measure the execution times of these methods and compare them (be careful, do the tests multiple time to reduce the uncertainties).
