how to get a hidden layer of tensorflow hub module - python

I want to use tensorflow hub to generate features for my images, but it seems that the 2048 features of Inception Module are not enough for my problem because my class images are very similar. so I decided to use the features of a hidden layer of this module, for example:
so how can I write a function that gives me this ?*8*8*2048 features from my input images?

Please try
module = hub.Module(...) # As before.
outputs = module(dict(images=images),
Besides the default output with the final feature vector output, you should see a bunch of intermediate feature maps, under keys starting with InceptionV3/ (or whichever other architecture you select). These are 4D tensors with shape [batch_size, feature_map_height, feature_map_width, num_features], so you might want to remove those middle dimensions by avg- or max-pooling over them before feeding this into classification.


Which layer of VGG19 should I use to extract feature

Now, I want feature of image to compute their similarity. We can get feature using pre-trained VGG19 model in tensorflow easily. But VGG19 model has many layers, and I don't know which layer should I use to get feature. Which layer's output is appropriate for this problem?
# I think this how is correct to extract feature
model = tf.keras.application.VGG19(include_top=True,
input = model.input
output = model.layers[-2].output
extract_model = tf.keras.Model(input, output)
It's my infer that the more closer to last output, the more the model output powerful feature. But some tutorials says 'use include_top=False to extract feature' (e.g Image Captioning with Attention TensorFlow)
So, I don't know which layer should I use. Please try to help me here in this thread.
The include_top=False may be used because the last 3 layers (for that specific model) are fully connected layers which are not typically good feature vectors. If the model directly outputs a feature vector, then you don't need it.
Most people use the last layer for transfer learning, but it may depend on your application. For example, Gatys et. al. show that the first few layers of VGG are sensitive to the style of the image and later layers are sensitive to the content.
I would probably try all of them in a hyperparameter search and see which gives the best performance. If by image similarity you mean the similarity of objects contained inside, I would probably start with the last layer.

Customized convolutional layer in TensorFlow

Let's assume i want to make the following layer in a neural network: Instead of having a square convolutional filter that moves over some image, I want the shape of the filter to be some other shape, say a rectangle, circle, triangle, etc (this is of course a silly example; the real case I have in mind is something different). How would I implement such a layer in TensorFlow?
I found that one can define custom layers in Keras by extending tf.keras.layers.Layer, but the documentation is quite limited without many examples. A python implementation of a convolutional layer by for example extending the tf.keras.layer.Layer would probably help as well, but it seems that the convolutional layers are implemented in C. Does this mean that I have to implement my custom layer in C to get any reasonable speed or would Python TensorFlow operations be enough?
Edit: Perhaps it is enough if I can just define a tensor of weights, but where I can customize entries in the tensor that are identically zero and some weights showing up in multiple places in this tensor, then I should be able to by hand build a convolutional layer and other layers. How would I do this, and also include these variables in training?
Edit2: Let me add some more clarifications. We can take the example of building a 5x5 convolutional layer with one output channel from scratch. If the input is say 10x10 (plus padding so output is also 10x10)), I would imagine doing this by creating a matrix of size 100x100. Then I would fill in the 25 weights in the correct locations in this matrix (so some entries are zero, and some entries are equal, ie all 25 weights will show up in many locations in this matrix). I then multiply the input with this matrix to get an output. So my question would be twofold: 1. How do I do this in TensorFlow? 2. Would this be very inefficient and is some other approach recommended (assuming that I want to later customize what this filter looks like and thus the standard conv2d is not good enough).
Edit3: It seems doable by using sparse tensors and assigning values via a previously defined tf.Variable. However I don't know if this approach will suffer from performance issues.
Just use regular conv. layers with square filters, and zero out some values after each weight update:
g = tf.get_default_graph(), feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})
conv1_filter = g.get_tensor_by_name('conv1:0'), tf.multiply(conv1_filter, my_mask)))
where my_mask is a binary tensor (of the same shape and type as your filters) that matches the desired pattern.
EDIT: if you're not familiar with tensorflow, you might get confused about using the code above. I recommend looking at this example, and specifically at the way the model is constructed (if you do it like this you can access first layer filters as 'conv1/weights'). Also, I recommend switching to PyTorch :)

Change the input size in Keras

I have trained a fully convolutional neural network with Keras. I have used the Functional API and have defined the input layer as Input(shape=(128,128,3)), corresponding to the size of the images in my training set.
However, I want to use the trained model on images of variable sizes (which should be ok because the network is fully convolutional). To do this, I need to change my input layer to Input(shape=(None,None,3)). The obvious way to solve the problem would have been to train my model directly with an input shape of (None,None,3) but I use a custom loss function where I need to specify the size of my training images.
I have tried to define a new input layer and assign it to my model like this :
from keras.engine import InputLayer
input_layer = InputLayer(input_shape=(None, None, 3), name="input")
model.layers[0] = input_layer
This actually changes the size of the input layers accordingly but the following layers still expect (128,128,filters) inputs.
Is there a way to change all of the inputs values at once ?
Create a new model, exactly the same, except for new input shape; and tranfer weights:
If anything goes wrong, then it might not be fully convolutional (ex: contains a Flatten layer).

Using Tensorflow Estimator for LSTMs to Accept Images

I would like to use Tensorflow's Estimator to simplify training using LSTM Networks. Apparently, to use tensorflow's Estimator, one must define a model function like so:
def some_model_fn(features, labels, mode):
I have no problem using placeholders to get the inputs and labels. How do I turn images into the shape accepted by tensorflow lstms which is [batch_size, num_time_steps, num_features]?
I suggest using numpy to load images to a multi-dimensional array. This does take quite a bit of memory, depending on the image sizes and the number of time steps.

How to visualize features classified by tensorflow?

I'm running the default classify_image code of the imagenet model. Is there any way to visualize the features that it has extracted? If I use 'pool_3:0', that gives me the feature vector. Is there any way to overlay this on top of my image to see which features it has picked as important?
Ross Girshick described one way to visualize what a pooling layer has learned:
Essentially instead of visualizing features, you find a few images that a neuron fires most on. You repeat that for a few or all neurons from your feature vector. The algorithm needs lots of images to choose from of course, e.g. the test set.
I wrote my implementation of this idea for cifar10 model in Tensorflow today, which I want to share (uses OpenCV):
You could use it if you manage to provide the images tensor for reading images by batches, and the pool_3:0 tensor.
