The built in pygame function: pygame.mouse.get_pos() returns the X and Y coordinates in a tuple when I am moving the mouse, but if I stop moving the mouse, the function returns None.
But, I want the computer to keep returning the current coordinates over and over again.
How do I do that?
What I am trying to do is write a function that makes it easier to get the mouse coordinates.
I want to be able to do following:
Xpos, Ypos = mouse_pos()
What I have right now is:
def mouse_pos():
for event in pygame.event.get():
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if pos != None:
return x, y
#here I want code that says: if pos is NoneType, x=(latest x-value) and y=(latest y-value)
So, how can i get pygame to not return None (and return current coordinates) even if mouse is stationary?
Thanks in advance!
You are using the API wrong, the fact that there are events doesn't mean any of them is a mouse event, and pygame fills the mouse position on mouse events.
The function get_pos shouldn't be calle to find out where the mouse is but rather to update your knowledge when it is changed.
The correct way to keep track of mouse position will be to have the following in you main game loop:
mouse_position = (0, 0) # initial value
while game_is_running: # your main game loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
Remove your function. Just use pygame.mouse.get_pos().
It's not pygame.mouse.get_pos() that returns None, it's your own function.
It will only set pos if there's an event in the event queue. If not, pos will be None.
But even worse is that every time you call your mouse_pos function, the event queue will be cleared. That will lead to events getting lost.
So the question is simple:
Given a Surface, let's call it screen and x,y coordinates, can I get anything that lays at that coordinates on that Surface?
For example, let's say we have typical, Player attack, and if the attack reach the Enemy position x,y then enemy dies.
So given this simple app (is an example only not a real app)
import pygame as pg
from pygame.math import Vector2
# pygame constants
CLOCK = pg.time.Clock()
WIN_SIZE = (1280, 640)
# pygame setup
# screen
window = pg.display.set_mode(WIN_SIZE, 0, 32)
background = pg.Surface(WIN_SIZE)
player = pg.Surface(Vector2(12, 64))
player_rect = player.get_rect(topleft=Vector2(150, 150))
player_attack = False
player.fill((102, 255, 178))
player_attack_range = 20 # player can hit at min 20 pixel from target
enemy = pg.Surface(Vector2(12, 64))
enemy_rect = player.get_rect(topleft=Vector2(175, 150))
while True:
background.fill((0, 0, 0)) # screen clear
# Render enemy
attacked = False
if player_attack:
# !!!!! HERE !!!!!
# Now we check if the playuer is close enough to the enemy, so we MUST know the enemy pos
distance_x = abs(player_rect.x - enemy_rect.x)
if distance_x > player_attack_range:
attacked = True
if not attacked:
background.blit(enemy, enemy_rect.topleft)
# Render player
background.blit(player, player_rect.topleft)
# Events
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT or (
event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE): # x button and esc terminates the game!
# ............. Mouse ............. #
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1:
player_attack = True
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
if event.button == 1:
player_attack = False
pg.display.update() # 2) Update the game
window.blit(background, (0, 0)) # 3) Repaint the screen
CLOCK.tick(60) # 4) Wait 60 Frames
When is attacked
Now I always seen it done this way more or less:
distance_x = abs(player_rect.x - enemy_rect.x)
if distance_x > player_attack_range:
attacked = True
With this example, I'm not pointing out the code implementation but the fact that, the player must know the target position and then check whether or not the target is hit
But what I want to know, let's say I don't know the enemy position, and the player just attacks, is there a way that we can get what's currently on the surface at the attack range?
So do something like
attacked_area_x = abs(player_rect.x + player_attack_range) # only care of x coords
rects_or_surfaces_in_area = background.what_have_we_got_here(Vector(attacked_area, 0))
for r in rects_or_surfaces_in_area:
So By checking MDN documentation of Game Development MDN I actually find a game algorithm / Technique that is similar (but concept is the same) of my solution.
Is called the Broad Phase
From the documentation:
road phase should give you a list of entities that could be colliding. This can be implemented with a spacial data structure that will give you a rough idea of where the entity exists and what exist around it. Some examples of spacial data structures are Quad Trees, R-Trees or a Spacial Hashmap.
So yes, it seems one of many good approach to solve this problem.
So, after some research and thanks to Rabbid76 and his answer here How do I detect collision in pygame? which covers in details the most common collisions in Pygame, it seems that what I was looking for natively is just not possible.
Maybe is normal, I'm also new to game development and maybe what I want to do just doesn't make any sense, but I bet it does.
The scenario I'm facing is, just one player with a sword hitting, so I asked my self, why should I need to know prior what objects lie on the sword path and check if is hit, instead, do the hit and request to the parent screen "what object are in the sword path"? , which, is for sure faster because we don't need to know what object that have collision are (and avoid a for loop and check for each react/surface).
So, let's say there are many many object that have collision and a player may hit it, it would be way faster do don't know what' there but request it instead to the surface, so basically the surface should be aware of its children / objects.
I tried a bit the Surface.subsurface() and the Surface.get_parent() but couldn't make it work, anyway still, in a surface area we may have many thinks like:
draws, Rect, Surfaces, Sprites, Imgs etc...
I have only 2 solutions in my mind:
Map the objects coordinates
This only really works if, the entities are static, if so, then we could create a dict with key x:y coordinates and then check if the sword is in within a certain x:y and exist in the dict, then the entity is hit.
But with entity then moves by themself, is a nigtmare and will have a worst problem than before, you would need to update the keys at each frame and so on..
Make it 'distance' sensible
So, this could apply to each entity that is moving and may or may not hit something that has a collision. But staying on the example context, let's say we are iterating thourgh entities / object that at each frame are updating their position.
We could check how distant are from the player, let's say 2 chunks away (or the sword lenght) and collect them in a list
Then we that list, we check if, once the sword is updated, is hitting anything close by.
Still, pretty sure there are better ways (without changing or extending pygame its self).
And maybe, by extending pygame, there may be a way to implement a 'surface aware' class that when we request a specific Rect area, it tells us what's there.
I've seen other solutions to this problem say that you either need to call the pygame.event.pump() or initialize the joystick outside of the while loop. However, even with these solutions, I'm getting 0's for the joystick axes values.
If I uncomment just the pygame.display.set_mode((1, 1)), then the code works as expected, and the values are output to the console.
Is there a way to still get the axes values without having to create the extra window?
Also, I am running python 3.6 on Windows 10.
import pygame
# pygame.display.set_mode((1,1))
# Used to manage how fast the screen updates.
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
xboxController = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
# Loop until the user presses menu button
done = False
print('Found controller\nStarting loop...')
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 7:
print(f'Exiting controller loop')
done = True
for i in range(xboxController.get_numaxes()):
print(f'Axis {i}: {xboxController.get_axis(i)}')
# pygame.display.flip()
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community.
Found controller
Starting loop...
Axis 0: 0.0
Axis 1: 0.0
Axis 2: 0.0
Axis 3: 0.0
Axis 4: 0.0
I would probably move away from Pygame unless you need the whole underlaying GL features, as the library is meant for 2D/3D game development. Although it might be possible to use it for these purposes, issues down the line is more or less unavoidable. A perhaps simpler approach would be to go with python's input library, which can handle gamepads (joysticks).
from inputs import get_gamepad
while True:
events = get_gamepad()
for event in events:
if event.ev_type == 'Absolute':
if event.code == 'ABS_X':
print(f'Left joystick x: {event.state}')
elif event.code == 'ABS_Y':
print(f'Left joystick y: {event.state}')
elif event.code == 'ABS_RX':
print(f'Right joystick x: {event.state}')
elif event.code == 'ABS_RY':
print(f'Right joystick y: {event.state}')
Alright found the answer 5 minutes after I posted this. The problem was that I was using pygame 1.9.6 instead of 2.0.0.dev8. After updating, I'm getting the console output without the display window.
Lets say I have a list called my_list and a function called my_function and my_function appends items to my_list based on which portion of the surface gameDisplay was clicked on. However whenever you hold down the mouse for more than one frame, it appends more than one of that item to my_list. This is not the result I am going for. I was wondering if there was a way you could do this without appending more than one of each item to my_list
Thanks for your help
You didn't show code but I guess you use pygame.mouse.get_pressed() which gives True all the time when you keep button pressed. And this can be your problem.
You can do one of two things:
use event.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN which is created only once - when button change state from not-pressed into pressed.
use extra variable which will remeber pygame.mouse.get_pressed() from previous frame. And then compare if now button is pressed but in previous frame was not-pressed then add element to list.
EDIT: old code from different question which use event.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN to change color.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygame
# - init -
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((300,200))
# - objects -
# create three images with different colors
images = [
images_rect = images[0].get_rect()
# choose first image
index = 0
# - mainloop -
running = True
while running:
# - events -
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 1 and images_rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
# cycle index
index = (index+1) % 3
# - draws -
screen.blit(images[index], images_rect)
# - end -
GitHub: furas/python-examples/pygame/button-click-cycle-color
I'm trying to make Connect 4 in python, but I can't figure out how to get the coordinates of the screen click so I can use them. Right now, I want to draw the board, then have someone click, draw a dot, then go back to the top of the while loop, wipe the screen and try again. I've tried a couple different options but none have seemed to work for me.
def play_game():
When this function runs, allows the user to play a game of Connect 4
against another person
turn = 1
is_winner = False
while is_winner == False:
# Clears screen
# Draws empty board
centers = draw_board()
# Decides whose turn it is, change color appropriately
if turn % 2 == 0:
color = RED
color = BLACK
# Gets coordinates of click
dot(HOLE_SIZE, color)
turn += 1
As well intentioned as the other answers are, I don't believe either addresses the actual problem. You've locked out events by introducing an infinite loop in your code:
is_winner = False
while is_winner == False:
You can't do this with turtle graphics -- you set up the event handlers and initialization code but turn control over to the main loop event handler. My following rework show how you might do so:
import turtle
colors = ["red", "black"]
turn = 0
is_winner = False
def draw_board():
return (0, 0)
def dot(color):
turtle.color(color, color)
def goto(x, y):
global turn, is_winner
# add code to determine if we have a winner
if not is_winner:
# Clears screen
# Draws empty board
centers = draw_board()
turtle.goto(x, y)
# Decides whose turn it is, change color appropriately
color = colors[turn % 2 == 0]
turn += 1
def start_game():
When this function runs, sets up a new
game of Connect 4 against another person
global turn, is_winner
turn = 1
is_winner = False
# Gets coordinates of click
Run it and you'll see the desired behavior you described.
I'm assuming that your using Turtle in python(hence the name.)
If that's the case, Here's a link to a helpful post: Turtle in python- Trying to get the turtle to move to the mouse click position and print its coordinates
I know, i know. I hate just link answers as much as the next guy. But The post I gave a link to can probably do a much better job of answering your question than I can.
Assuming you're using turtle as mentioned in your title:
>>> import turtle
>>> help(turtle.onscreenclick)
Help on function onscreenclick in module turtle:
onscreenclick(fun, btn=1, add=None)
Bind fun to mouse-click event on canvas.
fun -- a function with two arguments, the coordinates of the
clicked point on the canvas.
num -- the number of the mouse-button, defaults to 1
Example (for a TurtleScreen instance named screen)
>>> onclick(goto)
>>> # Subsequently clicking into the TurtleScreen will
>>> # make the turtle move to the clicked point.
>>> onclick(None)
That means that your callback function, which you have apparently named goto, will take two parameters, an X and Y location.
import turtle
def goto(x, y):
print('Moving to {}, {}'.format(x,y))
turtle.goto(x, y)
Each click that you make will move the turtle to a different position. Note that turtle already has an event loop - you don't need one of your own. Just respond to the clicks.
basically, you need to add an 'x' and 'y' parameter for the onclick and onscreenclick functions. You don't need to use them, they're just dummy params. After filling those out the clicks will work no problem:
window = turtle.Screen()
This function uses the x, y params because i'm saving the clicks in order to specify an area to fill with turtles
def on_left_click_save_coordinates(x, y):
global counter, Fill_COORS1, Fill_COORS2
counter += 1
print(x, y)
if counter == 1:
Fill_COORS1 = (x, y)
elif counter == 2:
Fill_COORS2 = (x, y)
counter = 0
This one doesn't use the x,y params because they are dummies, this one is used to allow multiple options, one of which exits, another tells the turtle to fill in the specified area saved in clicks above.
def on_right_click_open_options(x, y):
global going
last_color = options(window, filler, Fill_COORS1, Fill_COORS2, LAST_BLOCK_USED)
if type(Last_COLOR) == type(bool):
going = True
window.onscreenclick(on_click, btn=1)
window.onscreenclick(open_options, btn=3)
This is an example of a snippet of my code. hope this helps.
btn 3 refers to the right click
btn 1 is the default and isn't necessary to specify and refers to left click
btn 2 is the scroll wheel click, not scroll.
and sorry if this isn't formatted the best, it's my first time posting to stackoverflow. Hope it helps nonetheless
I am trying to make an explosion appear and then disappear. My problem is it will either appear, and stay there, or not appear at all.
This is what I have so far:
#Throwing a grenade
if event.key == pygame.K_e and grenadeNum > 0:
Grenade = Explosive([Player.rect.centerx, Player.rect.centery])
for i in range(4, 30):
screen.fill([105, 105, 105])
screen.blit(Grenade.image, Grenade.rect)
screen.blit(Gun.image, Gun.rect)
screen.blit(Cliper.image, Cliper.rect)
screen.blit(Bullet.image, Bullet.rect)
screen.blit(Player.image, Player.rect)
screen.blit(BOOM.image, BOOM.rect)
screen.blit(ammo_text, textpos1)
screen.blit(clip_text, textpos2)
screen.blit(nade_text, textpos3)
grenadeNum = grenadeNum - 1
hide = False
BOOM = Explosion([Grenade.rect.centerx, Grenade.rect.centery])
screen.blit(BOOM.image, BOOM.rect)
hide = True
if hide == False:
BOOM = Explosion([Grenade.rect.centerx, Grenade.rect.centery])
BOOM = Explosion([-100, -100])
You are blitting and waiting inside the event loop.
Any actions will be suspended while waiting.
The solution to this is to seperate the game logic from input.
Since you are throwing a grenade, you should only throw the grenade, and then later increment a counter for the grenade explosion. After enought time passes, you can then remove the grenade sprite from the game, and replace it with an explosion. I can see you already have a clock object, so just call tick, and accumulate that until you think it's enough. You could have a time field in the grenade class that will decide when the grenade will explode.
It's useful to keep all sprites in a list, so you can then call draw() and update() methods for all of them.
A little suggestion: A simple pygame module should look like this:
createObjects() #initialization, loading resources etc.
delta = c.tick() #delta for the amount of miliseconds that passed since last loop
drawAll() #draws all active sprites
updateAll(delta) #moves, checks for collisions, etc
getInput() #changes the states of objects, calls functions like shoot,open etc.
So throwing a grenade would create a new sprite that will be drawn and updated like any other sprite.