First, I should mention I’m on torch version 0.3.1, but am happy to upgrade if necessary.
I am still learning, so please let me know if I misunderstood anything here.
I am building several graphs imperatively, using Variables. The mathematical expressions might be quite complicated as time goes on, and certain parts of the graphs may be generated using autograd’s gradient functions, which may then be operated on.
I can create whatever expression I want just fine. The only catch is building up this graph can be quite “slow” - for relatively simple operations (4x4 matrices being multiplied together), it can take a few ms.
Once these graphs are generated, though, I expect that I should be able to update certain Variables’ values, and evaluate the output of the graph (or any node, really), much faster. I believe that that is probably the case since evaluation should be able to happen completely in the C back-end, which should be pretty otimized for speed? In other words, building the graph in python might be slow, since it involves python for loops and the like, but re-evaluating a graph with static topology should be fast.
Is this intuition correct? If so, how can I efficiently re-assign a value and re-evaluate the graph?
If you are talking about updating values of input variables, and you just want to evaluate the forward of the graph and are not going to call .backward(), you can use volatile=True on the input Variable(s) in Pytorch 0.3.
This feature is removed in 0.4 in favor of the context manager with torch.no_grad():.
This is usually done at inference time. If you do this, the graph won't be created, thus eliminating the overhead.
Pytorch 0.3
From Pytorch 0.3 docs:
Volatile is recommended for purely inference mode, when you’re sure you won’t be even calling .backward(). It’s more efficient than any other autograd setting - it will use the absolute minimal amount of memory to evaluate the model. volatile also determines that requires_grad is False.
Volatile differs from requires_grad in how the flag propagates. If there’s even a single volatile input to an operation, its output is also going to be volatile. Volatility spreads across the graph much easier than non-requiring gradient - you only need a single volatile leaf to have a volatile output, while you need all leaves to not require gradient to have an output that doesn’t require gradient. Using volatile flag you don’t need to change any settings of your model parameters to use it for inference. It’s enough to create a volatile input, and this will ensure that no intermediate states are saved.
So if you use Pytorch 0.3 and want to do efficient inference, you use volatile=True on your inputs.
Pytorch 0.4
The context manager has been introduced in Pytorch 0.4. From The Pytorch migration guide between 0.3 and 0.4:
The volatile flag is now deprecated and has no effect. Previously, any computation that involves a Variable with volatile=True wouldn’t be tracked by autograd. This has now been replaced by a set of more flexible context managers including torch.no_grad(), torch.set_grad_enabled(grad_mode), and others.
So when you say: "Then, if there is a way to turn all variables of that graph to non-volatile, I can just perform inference.", setting the input as volatile or using no_grad will do exactly this.
As for the example of using torch.no_grad(), look at the test function in this script.
Static graphs during training
I'm not aware of any method to avoid the creation of the graph at each iteration in training mode in Pytorch. Dynamic graphs come at a cost. If you want this, convert your model to Tensorflow/Caffe2/any library supporting static graphs, even though in my experience they won't necessarily be faster.
I read the documentation of both CentralStorageStrategy and MirroredStrategy, but can not understand the essence of difference between them.
In MirroredStrategy:
Each variable in the model is mirrored across all the replicas.
In CentralStorageStrategy:
Variables are not mirrored, instead they are placed on the CPU and operations are replicated across all local GPUs.
What does it mean in practice? What are use cases for the CentralStorageStrategy and how does the training work if variables are placed on the CPU in this strategy?
Consider one particular variable (call it "my_var") in your usual, single-GPU, non-distributed use case (e.g. a weight matrix of a convolutional layer).
If you use 4 GPUs, MirroredStrategy will create 4 variables instead of "my_var" variable, one on each GPU. However each variable will have the same value, because they are always updated in the same way. So the variable updates happen in sync on all the GPUs.
In case of the CentralStorageStrategy, only one variable is created for "my_var", in the host (CPU) memory. The updates only happen in one place.
Which one is better probably depends on the computer's topology and how fast CPU-GPU communication is compared with GPU-GPU. If the GPUs can communicate fast with each other, MirroredStrategy may be more efficient. But I'd benchmark it to be sure.
I implemented a model in TensorFlow (Python) that I previously programmed in C++ using Eigen, where it worked as expected. But the model is not working as expected in Python, and it's probably because I am defining tensors incorrectly or I am mixing up dimensions.
I am trying to get a feel for the problems by using Visual Studio's (2017) debugger (if a different IDE is better for this then I'm all ears, but I would prefer to stick with VS), but tensors do not evaluate to anything - and I can understand this because the tensor defines an operation and not a data object (well it only produces a data object after calling a
However, constant and variable tensors - and any other tensors built solely on top of such tensors - come with predefined data. So hey, why not be able to inspect the value through the debugging UI?
So my question: is there a way to inpect the data with some extension?
For example, if I was working in C++ and with Eigen, I can use Eigen.natvis as described here. Anything similar for TensorFlow? It's not just a matter of seeing the evaluated value, either. It would be nice to see things like the shape, etc... while debugging.
I would also be open to other debugging techniques of TensorFlow code, if anyone has a good suggestion.
TensorFlow includes tfdbg, a debugger for TensorFlow models, where you can step through each execution step, check values, stop on NaN, etc. See the programmer's guide TensorFlow Debugger and The Debugger Dashboard for more information.
tfdbg can be a bit cumbersome to setup and use though. A quick alternative to check intermediate values is to use tf.Print operations. TensorFlow includes a few other debugging operations that you may find useful to check for some basic things.
EDIT: Another tool that can be useful is eager execution. This allows you to use TensorFlow operations as if they were regular Python operations (they return the result of the operation instead of the graph object), so it is a good way to check if some particular code does what you expect.
Dask supports defining custom computational graphs as well as opportinistic caching. The question is how can they be used together.
For instance, let's define a very simple computational graph, that computes x+1 operation,
import dask
def compute(x):
graph = {'step1': (sum, [x, 1])}
return dask.get(graph, 'step1')
print('Cache disabled:', compute(1), compute(2))
this yields 2 and 3 as expected.
Now we enable opportunistic caching,
from dask.cache import Cache
cc = Cache(1e9)
print('Cache enabled: ', compute(1), compute(2))
we get incorrectly a result of 2 in both cases, because is {'step1': 2} irrespective of the input.
I imagine this means that the input needs to be hashed (e.g. with dask.base.tokenize and appended to all the keys in the graph. Is there a simpler way of doing it, particularly since the tokenize function is not part of the public API?
The issue is that in complex graphs, a random step name, needs to account for the hash of all the inputs provided to it's children steps, which means that it's necessary to do full graph resolution.
It's important that key names in dask graphs are unique (as you found above). Additionally, we'd like identical computations to have the same key so we can avoid computing them multiple times - this isn't necessary for dask to work though, it just provides some opportunities for optimization.
In dask's internals we make use of dask.base.tokenize to compute a "hash" of the inputs, resulting in deterministic key names. You are free to make use of this function as well. In the issue you linked above we say the function is public, just that the implementation might change (not the signature).
Also note that for many use cases, we recommend using dask.delayed now instead of custom graphs for generating custom computations. This will do the deterministic hashing for you behind the scenes.
I have implemented a TensorFlow DNN model (2 hidden layers with elu activation functions trained on MNIST) as a Python class in order to wrap TF calls within another library with its own optimization routines and tools.
When running some tests on a TeslaK20 I noticed that the GPU was being used at 4% of the total capacity. Therefore I looked a bit more closely to the log-device-placement and figured that all critical operations like MatMul, Sum, Add, Mean etc were being assigned to the CPU.
The first thing that came to mind was that it was because I was using dtype=float64, therefore I switched to dtype=float32. While a lot more operations were assigned to GPU, still a good number were assigned to the CPU, like Mean, gradient/Mean_grad/Prod, gradient/Mean.
So here comes my first question (I'm linking a working code example at the end),
1) why would that be? I have written different TF models that consist of simple tensor multiplications and reductions and they run fully on GPU as long as I use single precision.
So here comes the second question,
2) why does TF assign the graph to different devices depending on the data type? I understand that not all kernels are implemented for GPU but I would have thought that things like MatMul could run on GPU for both single and double precision.
3) Could the fact that the model is wrapped within a Python class have an effect? I do not think this is the case because as I said, it did not happen for other models wrapped similarly but that were simpler.
4) What sort of steps can I take to run the model fully on a GPU?
Here is a full working example of my code that I have isolated from my library .
If you run it and look at the output you'll see how different parts of the graph have been assigned to different devices. To see how this changes with types and devices change dtype and device within main() at the end of the example. Note that if I set allow_soft_placement=False the graph fails to initialize.
Any word of advice would be really appreciated.
As Yaroslav noted: Mean, in particular, was not yet implemented for GPU, but it is now available so these operations should run on the GPU with the latest TensorFlow. (as per the DEVICE_GPU registration at that link)
Prior to availability of mean, the status of this was:
(a) You can implement mean by hand, because reduce_sum is available on GPU.
(b) I've re-pinged someone to see if there's an easy way to add the GPU support, but we'll see.
Re float64 on GPU, someone opened an issue three days ago with a patch for supporting float64 reductions on GPU. Currently being reviewed and tested.
No, it doesn't matter if it's wrapped in Python - it's really just about whether a kernel has been defined for it to execute on the GPU or not. In many cases, the answer to "why is X supported on GPU by Y not?" comes down to whether or not there's been demand for Y to run on the GPU. The answer for float64 is simpler: float32 is a lot faster, so in most cases, people work to make their models work in float32 when possible because it gives all-around speed benefits.
Most of the graphics cards like the GTX 980, 1080, etc are stripped of the double precision floating point hardware units. Since these are much cheaper and therefore more ubiquitous than the Newer Tesla Units (which have FP64 double precision hardware), doing double precision calculations on the graphics cards is very slow compared to single precision. FP64 calculations on a GPU seem to be about 32 X slower than FP32 on a GPU without the FP64 hardware. I believe this is why the FP32 calculations tend to be set up for the GPU while FP64 for the CPU (which is faster in most systems.) Hopefully in the future, the frameworks will test the GPU capabilities at runtime to decide where to assign the FP64 calculations.
I'm looking into speeding up my python code, which is all matrix math, using some form of CUDA. Currently my code is using Python and Numpy, so it seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to rewrite it using something like either PyCUDA or CudaMat.
However, on my first attempt using CudaMat, I realized I had to rearrange a lot of the equations in order to keep the operations all on the GPU. This included the creation of many temporary variables so I could store the results of the operations.
I understand why this is necessary, but it makes what were once easy to read equations into somewhat of a mess that difficult to inspect for correctness. Additionally, I would like to be able to easily modify the equations later on, which isn't in their converted form.
The package Theano manages to do this by first creating a symbolic representation of the operations, then compiling them to CUDA. However, after trying Theano out for a bit, I was frustrated by how opaque everything was. For example, just getting the actual value for myvar.shape[0] is made difficult since the tree doesn't get evaluated until much later. I would also much prefer less of a framework in which my code much conform to a library that acts invisibly in the place of Numpy.
Thus, what I would really like is something much simpler. I don't want automatic differentiation (there are other packages like OpenOpt that can do that if I require it), or optimization of the tree, but just a conversion from standard Numpy notation to CudaMat/PyCUDA/somethingCUDA. In fact, I want to be able to have it evaluate to just Numpy without any CUDA code for testing.
I'm currently considering writing this myself, but before even consider such a venture, I wanted to see if anyone else knows of similar projects or a good starting place. The only other project I know that might be close to this is SymPy, but I don't know how easy it would be to adapt to this purpose.
My current idea would be to create an array class that looked like a Numpy.array class. It's only function would be to build a tree. At any time, that symbolic array class could be converted to a Numpy array class and be evaluated (there would also be a one-to-one parity). Alternatively, the array class could be traversed and have CudaMat commands be generated. If optimizations are required they can be done at that stage (e.g. re-ordering of operations, creation of temporary variables, etc.) without getting in the way of inspecting what's going on.
Any thoughts/comments/etc. on this would be greatly appreciated!
A usage case may look something like (where sym is the theoretical module), where we might be doing something such as calculating the gradient:
W = sym.array(np.rand(size=(numVisible, numHidden)))
delta_o = -(x - z)
delta_h =, W)*h*(1.0-h)
grad_W =, delta_h)
In this case, grad_W would actually just be a tree containing the operations that needed to be done. If you wanted to evaluate the expression normally (i.e. via Numpy) you could do:
npGrad_W = grad_W.asNumpy()
which would just execute the Numpy commands that the tree represents. If on the other hand, you wanted to use CUDA, you would do:
cudaGrad_W = grad_W.asCUDA()
which would convert the tree into expressions that can executed via CUDA (this could happen in a couple of different ways).
That way it should be trivial to: (1) test grad_W.asNumpy() == grad_W.asCUDA(), and (2) convert your pre-existing code to use CUDA.
Have you looked at the GPUArray portion of PyCUDA?
While I haven't used it myself, it seems like it would be what you're looking for. In particular, check out the "Single-pass Custom Expression Evaluation" section near the bottom of that page.