Optimize sparse softmax cross entropy with L2 regularization - python

I was training my network using tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy as the classification function in the last layer and everything was working fine.
I simply added a L2 regularization over my weights now and my loss is not getting optimized anymore. What can be happening?
reg = tf.nn.l2_loss(w1) + tf.nn.l2_loss(w2)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(y, logits)) + reg*beta
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)

It is hard to answer with certainty given the provided information, but here is a possible cause:
tf.nn.l2_loss is computed as a sum over the elements, while your cross-entropy loss is reduced to its mean (c.f. tf.reduce_mean), hence a numerical unbalance between the 2 terms.
Try for instance to divide each L2 loss by the number of elements it is computed over (e.g. tf.size(w1)).


How does PyTorch compute the backward pass when optimizing triplet loss?

I am implementing a triplet network in Pytorch where the 3 instances (sub-networks) share the same weights. Since the weights are shared, I implemented it as a single instance network that is called three times to produce the anchor, positive, and negative embeddings. The embeddings are learned by optimizing the triplet loss. Here is a small snippet for illustration:
from dependencies import *
model = SingleSubNet() # represents each instance in the triplet net
for epoch in epochs:
for anch, pos, neg in enumerate(train_loader):
fa, fp, fn = model(anch), model(pos), model(neg)
loss = triplet_loss(fa, fp, fn)
# Do more stuff ...
My complete code works as expected. However, I do not understand what does the loss.backward() compute the gradient(s) in this case. I am confused because there are 3 gradients of loss is in each learning step (the gradients formulas are here). I assume the gradients are summed before performing optimizer.step(). But then it looks from the equations that if the gradients are summed, they will cancel each other out and yield zero update term. Of course, this is not true as the network learns meaningful embeddings at the end.
Thanks in advance
Late answer, but hope this helps someone.
The gradients that you linked are the gradients of the loss with respect to the embeddings (the anchor, positive embedding and negative embedding). To update the model parameters, you use the gradient of the loss with respect to the model parameters. This does not sum to zero.
The reason for this is that when calculating the gradient of the loss with respect to the model parameters, the formula makes use of the activations from the forward pass, and the 3 different inputs (anchor image, positive example and negative example) have different activations in the forward pass.

The output of softmax makes the binary cross entropy's output NAN, what should I do?

I have implemented a neural network in Tensorflow where the last layer is a convolution layer, I feed the output of this convolution layer into a softmax activation function then I feed it to a cross-entropy loss function which is defined as follows along with the labels but the problem is I got NAN as the output of my loss function and I figured out it is because I have 1 in the output of softmax. So, my question is what should I do in this case?
My input is a 16 by 16 image where I have 0 and 1 as the values of each pixel (binary classification)
My loss function:
#Loss function
def loss(prediction, label):
#with tf.variable_scope("Loss") as Loss_scope:
log_pred = tf.log(prediction, name='Prediction_Log')
log_pred_2 = tf.log(1-prediction, name='1-Prediction_Log')
cross_entropy = -tf.multiply(label, log_pred) - tf.multiply((1-label), log_pred_2)
return cross_entropy
Note that log(0) is undefined so if ever prediction==0 or prediction==1 you will have a NaN.
In order to get around this it is commonplace to add a very small value epsilon to the value passed to tf.log in any loss function (we also do a similar thing when dividing to avoid dividing by zero). This makes our loss function numerically stable and the epsilon value is small enough to be negligible in terms of any inaccuracy it introduces to our loss.
Perhaps try something like:
#Loss function
def loss(prediction, label):
#with tf.variable_scope("Loss") as Loss_scope:
epsilon = tf.constant(0.000001)
log_pred = tf.log(prediction + epsilon, name='Prediction_Log')
log_pred_2 = tf.log(1-prediction + epsilon, name='1-Prediction_Log')
cross_entropy = -tf.multiply(label, log_pred) - tf.multiply((1-label), log_pred_2)
return cross_entropy
As jdehesa points out in his comments though - the 'out of the box' loss functions handle the numerical stability issue nicely already

How to use mean_squared_error loss in tensorflow session

I am new to tensorflow
In a part of a code for a tensorflow session, there is :
loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(
logits=net, labels=self.out_placeholder, name='cross_entropy')
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss, name='mean_squared_error')
I want to use mean_squared_error loss function for this purpose. I found this loss function in tensorflow website:
I need this loss function for a regression problem.
I tried:
loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(predictions=net, labels=self.out_placeholder)
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss, name='mean_squared_error')
Where net = tf.matmul(input_tensor, weights) + biases
However, I'm not sure if it's the correct way.
First of all keep in mind that cross-entropy is mainly used for classification, while MSE is used for regression.
In your case cross entropy measures the difference between two distributions (the real occurences, called labels - and your predictions)
So while the first loss functions works on the result of the softmax layer (which can be seen as a probability distribution), the second one works directly on the floating point output of your network (which is no probability distribution) - therefore they cannot be simply exchanged.

CNN: why it is making no difference whether i measure accuracy by logits or softmax layer?

While measuring the accuracy of a CNN i understand that i should use the output of the softmax layer(Predicted label) to target label. But even if i compare logits (which are the output of last fully connected layer, as per my understanding) with target labels, i get almost same accuracy. Here is the relevant part of my code:
matches = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_pred,1),tf.argmax(y,1))
acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(matches,tf.float32))
whereas y_pred is the output of final normal fully connected layer without any activation function (only matrix multiplication and bias addition w*x+b)
y_pred = normal_full_layer(second_hidden_layer,6)
6 because I have 6 classes.
Here is the accuracy graph using y_pred:
Accuracy is around 96%
Now if I do same (calculate accuracy) by applying softmax activation on y_pred, let's call it pred_softmax, i get almost same accuracy
pred_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(y_pred).
Accuracy Graph using softmax:
In fact the accuracy should be exactly equal. Taking the argmax of an array of logits should return the same as taking the argmax of the softmax of that array. This is because the softmax function maps larger logits to be closer to 1 in a strictly increasing way.
The softmax function takes a set of outputs (an array) y and maps it to exp(y)/sum(exp(y)), the larger the y[i] the larger the softmax of y[i] and so it must be that argmax(y[i])==argmax(softmax(y[i]))

Softmax Cross Entropy loss explodes

I am creating a deep convolutional neural network for pixel-wise classification. I am using adam optimizer, softmax with cross entropy.
Github Repository
I asked a similar question found here but the answer I was given did not result in me solving the problem. I also have a more detailed graph of what it going wrong. Whenever I use softmax, the problem in the graph occurs. I have done many things such as adjusting training and epsilon rates, trying different optimizers, etc. The loss never decreases past 500. I do not shuffle my data at the moment. Using sigmoid in place of softmax results in this problem not occurring. However, my problem has multiple classes, so the accuracy of sigmoid is not very good. It should also be mentioned that when the loss is low, my accuracy is only about 80%, I need much better than this. Why would my loss suddenly spike like this?
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 7168])
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 7168, 3])
#Many Convolutions and Relus omitted
final = tf.reshape(final, [-1, 7168])
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
W_final = weight_variable([7168,7168,3])
b_final = bias_variable([7168,3])
final_conv = tf.tensordot(final, W_final, axes=[[1], [1]]) + b_final
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=final_conv))
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-5).minimize(cross_entropy)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(final_conv, 2), tf.argmax(y_, 2))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
You need label smoothing.
I just had the same problem. I was training with tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits which is the same as if you use tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits with one-hot labels. My dataset predicts the occurrence of rare events so the labels in the training set are 99% class 0 and 1% class 1. My loss would start to fall, then stagnate (but with reasonable predictions), then suddenly explode and then the predictions also went bad.
Using the tf.summary ops to log internal network state into Tensorboard, I observed that the logits were growing and growing in absolute value. Eventually at >1e8, tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits became numerically unstable and that's what generated those weird loss spikes.
In my opinion, the reason why this happens is with the softmax function itself, which is in line with Jai's comment that putting a sigmoid in there before the softmax will fix things. But that will quite surely also make it impossible for the softmax likelihoods to be accurate, as it limits the value range of the logits. But in doing so, it prevents the overflow.
Softmax is defined as likelihood[i] = tf.exp(logit[i]) / tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(logit[!=i])). Cross-entropy is defined as tf.reduce_sum(-label_likelihood[i] * tf.log(likelihood[i]) so if your labels are one-hot, that reduces to just the negative logarithm of your target likelihood. In practice, that means you're pushing likelihood[true_class] as close to 1.0 as you can. And due to the softmax, the only way to do that is if tf.exp(logit[!=true_class]) becomes as close to 0.0 as possible.
So in effect, you have asked the optimizer to produce tf.exp(x) == 0.0 and the only way to do that is by making x == - infinity. And that's why you get numerical instability.
The solution is to "blur" the labels so instead of [0,0,1] you use [0.01,0.01,0.98]. Now the optimizer works to reach tf.exp(x) == 0.01 which results in x == -4.6 which is safely inside the numerical range where GPU calculations are accurate and reliably.
Not sure, what it causes it exactly. I had the same issue a few times. A few things generally help: You might reduce the learning rate, ie. the bound of the learning rate for Adam (eg. 1e-5 to 1e-7 or so) or try stochastic gradient descent. Adam tries to estimate learning rates which can lead to instable training: See Adam optimizer goes haywire after 200k batches, training loss grows
Once I also removed batchnorm and that actually helped, but this was for a "specially" designed network for stroke data (= point sequences), which was not very deep with Conv1d layers.
