I recently cleaned up my system variables and I think I might have mixed something up. I have two versions of Python installed: 3.4 and 3.6.2. One is situated in C:/Python3.4 and the other one in AppData folder. I wanted to use Python 3.6.2 and virtualenv again to create another working environment, but I get the following error:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'
If I try using pip, everything works fine and virtualenv is installed.
Happenned to me today.
I solved it by uninstalling python and installing Python x86 in C:\Python\Python37_32 FOR ALL USERS
Then I've added C:\Python\Python37_32 and C:\Python\Python37_32\Scripts to the PATH env variable.
Then using cmd I installed virtualenv with pip install virtualenv.
After that virtualenv worked like a charm.
Hope this helps
I tried almost all measures I can search on Google. But I solved this issue by re-install certifi pip install certifi
Right now I'm trying to install python (3.10) and all further installations on my new pc (windows 10) and so far everything is set up:
Python installed
Windows paths for "Python" & "Python\Scrips"
I am able to call the python and pip version and also install some packages. But after installing virtualenv and creating one the - at the moment - unfixable error appears: I am unable to install packages into the pip-path of the virtualenviroment itself. Whenever I'm trying to run any pip-command I'm getting the following error:
Unable to create process using 'C:\Users\ExampleUser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe "C:\folder\env\Scripts\pip.exe" '
As you can see, it's always refering to the original python-path, but on the other hand it's refering to the pip-path of the virtualenv!? Don't know if it's helpful, but when typing in where python and where pip the paths inside the venv are the first one listed. I've also watched out for no blank spaces in my path...
Unfortunately no explanation out there could help me until now and I never faced this problem on my old machine - mostly the same, except some older version of python, pip and virtualenv.
Does anyone else has an idea what I am missing?
downloading Python 3 at the official website and installing it via express installation
Copy & Paste the standalone python into the /python folder and overwriting the python version
running python -m pip install --upgrade pip in cmd
Now pip and python 3 are installed in their latest version.
It's work for me
Could you use venv to create your virtual environment, instead of virtualenv (given that venv is the recommended way to create virtual environments for Python 3.3, and newer)?
If using venv is an option, this procedure may give you some idea on how to do it.
I have not done any Python development on Windows, but I think the basics would be:
python3 -m venv your-env-directory
If using venv is not an option, maybe you can try specifying the -v flag when running your virtualenv command to increase verbosity so you can further troubleshoot what's going on.
try upgrade pip version python -m pip install --upgrade pip
[ Sorry if this answer turns out to be more of a comment than an answer. I only have 21 reputation, so I cannot comment ]
When trying to install pip packages and run python files, is the CWD (Current Working Directory) C:\folder\env\Scripts? If so, try chaning your CWD to C:\folder. I had a similar problem and doing this fixed it.
You may need to look into a cygwin environment, and look into a chroot or jail environment to run the application without conflict.
Have you tried to use virtualenv-wrapper-win module.
It helps me a lot to manage virtual envs
Life is much easier using Anaconda 3 (it's definitely bloated compared to normal Python though), or use the minimal Miniconda (barebone install, basically just Python + a package manager). You can download it here: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html#windows-installers
Then you can make a new virtual environment super easy:
conda create -n myenv pip
conda activate
If you have multiple environments you do: conda activate [environment_name]
Now you're in your new environment with pip installed. And you get drop down menus in the Windows menu to get to your new environment too, so there isn't any searching required. They just appear. Now if you want to link Jupyter Notebook or Spyder to the installation, it takes more steps since you need more packages. I used this guide which basically activates Jupyter first, then Spyder IDE. https://medium.com/#apremgeorge/using-conda-python-environments-with-spyder-ide-and-jupyter-notebooks-in-windows-4e0a905aaac5
Since you created the environment with pip added you can pip install whatever packages you need. I had to do this recently with OpenBLAS backed NumPy and SciPy (the defaults from pip, not from conda). Now Miniconda is the closest thing to basic Python installation, and comes with some nice tools to make your life easier. Hopefully this is helpful.
I'm using windows 10 and I got rid of python 3.8 and installed 3.7 as the only python version on my system.
When trying to install libraries using pip I now get the error:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"c:\users\user\appdata\local\programs\python\python38-32\python.exe" "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Scripts\pip.exe" install pygame_menu': The system cannot find the file specified.
when I checked in the console which -a pip I got:
C:\Users\User>which -a pip
Now when I look for Python in my variable path it is alright...
Anyways I can't figure out how to change the path of pip so the right one is selected... besides its pretty weird that ive uninstalled python and pip multiple times and it still gets it wrong every time during installation.
For me this solution did the job, thanks itsAPK
python -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip
The cause of this problem was me installing python from Microsoft store and having another version installed from the default installer, when I removed the Microsoft store version it was prompting me with errors.
to fix do this :
check if you still have the python38-32 folder in your local variable list
Delete the "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38" folder
run pip from command line
if the problem still persists then type "environment variables" in the windows search box
and add "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37" to your system variable named "Path"
This should completely fix your problem
if not
uninstall all the python files including py launcher
reinstall python # when installing you must select ADD PYTHON to system environment variable
When I was facing the same issue I fixed it by checking the python version pointed to by pip3.x executable. The pip3.10 was pointing to /usr/bin/python9 which was causing problems with package installation.
Just check if your pip3.x is pointing to the correct python version.
vim $HOME/.local/bin/pip3.10
Python version is on the first line (starting with the '#').
I have explored many other questions about the installation of pip on Windows. However, I have had no luck.
I have seen for Python 3.4+ that pip comes with it. I can see pip in the site-packages folder, but trying to run pip -V I get a ModuleNotFoundError.
I successfully added python to the PATH. I then downloaded the get-pip.py file and ran. I made cure to add C:.../Scripts to PATH. Again I tried pip -V and had the same issue.
Also tried python -m pip -V as suggested in the comments and got this error:
C:\Users\apowell\Documents\python-3.7.4-embed-amd64\python.exe: No module named pip
I'm a little lost now on how to successfully use pip. Any help would be appreciated.
For further details, I am doing this all on a virtual machine. I have python/pip all set up on my local machine. What would be the process for copying from my local machine to the VM?
Looks like you are using the embeddable package. It is not meant to be used as is. You should probably try installing Python with the full installer instead. Here is the full installer for Python 3.7.4 Windows 64 bits.
After following this article: How do I install pip on Windows? on my Windows system using Enthought Canopy 64 Bit system, I cannot get pip or easy_install to work due to error:
pip install requests
failed to create process
I tried re-installing setuptools, running cmd prompt as admin without any effect.
When I encountered this, it was because I'd manually renamed the directory python was in. This meant that both setuptools and pip had to be reinstalled. Or, I had to manually rename the python directory to what it had been previously.
It will help after changing the PATH to python in environment variables:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip --force-reinstall
Just ran into this. Sort of. Pip worked for me, but after installing pytest-watch, running the ptw script was giving this error.
For some reason, pip stopped quoting the #! in ptw-script.py:
#!C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\python.exe
It worked after I added quotes manually:
#!"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\python.exe"
I don't really know why this suddenly started happening. Adding this here in case anyone else coming here from Google runs into the same thing.
Here's a related pip issue (I think).
If you intentionally want to rename the folder where python.exe resides, you should also modify all python files in the Scripts folder. So a third solution would be to modify the python files as well: the first line in pip-2.7-script.py originally contain:
Modifying this path to the new Python folder fixes the problem.
(P.S. Unfortunately I cannot yet reply to answers, so I'll reply as a new answer because I thought it could be useful for other people as well).
To fix this error (after you change the folder where python is installed) run force-reinstall for pip and pyinstaller, like this:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip --force-reinstall
python -m pip install --upgrade pyinstaller --force-reinstall
I ran into this bug while installing an older version of Python (3.5.2) for compatibility with some aws-adfs scripting. I installed aws-adfs with pip, on Windows 10, and found that while Python is installed to a directory path with spaces in it you will get the failed to create process error.
The pip maintainers say that it was a deeper problem with setuptools and even offered a workaround if you want to patch the installation in place.
But another, easier solution if you're working with older versions of Python is just to reinstall Python to a directory without spaces.
When I came across this problem, I found that my path contained multiple entries for Python. After tidying up my path so that it had an entry for the python installation folder and the scripts folder (in my case C:\Python27 and C:\Python27\Scripts), pip worked properly.
Test this. it's worked correctly for me:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip --force-reinstall
I just use python in the command shell on Windows 7 and had this problem immediately after installing pip. In case the above solutions don't help you, you should check that the folder that pip.exe is installed in (in my case, the Script folder under Python32) is in the Path.
I had installed Anaconda and so I still had C:\Python27 along with C:\Anaconda in my path. When I removed C:\Python27 and all subfolders I was able to use pip again.
Please check out have you ever rename your python.exe
I install python2 and python3 on my PC at the same time , so I rename my python.exe to python3.exe.And when I use pip ,it boom...
After rename it back .It's ok again....
Running command prompt with administrator privileges worked for me.
I had the same problem and none of the above worked for me.
I deleted my venv. And created a new one by specifying the python path:
virtualenv --python C:\Path\To\Python\python.exe venv
and this worked
Check whether the pip-script points out the exact location of python.exe, because pip always points (C:\python3.3\python.exe). In my system i've installed 2 versions of python i.e python2 & python3. I ve modified the home application of python.exe into python2.exe and python3.exe.
When i installed pip windows installer. it results me out with the error " failed to create process"
I'm using the most recent versions of all software (Django, Python, virtualenv, MySQLdb) and I can't get this to work. When I run "import MySQLdb" in the python prompt from outside of the virtualenv, it works, inside it says "ImportError: No module named MySQLdb".
I'm trying to learn Python and Linux web development. I know that it's easiest to use SQLLite, but I want to learn how to develop larger-scale applications comparable to what I can do in .NET. I've read every blog post on Google and every post here on StackOverflow and they all suggest that I run "sudo pip install mysql-python" but it just says "Requirement already satisfied: mysql-python in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7"
Any help would be appreciated! I'm stuck over here and don't want to throw in the towel and just go back to doing this on Microsoft technologies because I can't even get a basic dev environment up and running.
If you have created the virtualenv with the --no-site-packages switch (the default), then system-wide installed additions such as MySQLdb are not included in the virtual environment packages.
You need to install MySQLdb with the pip command installed with the virtualenv. Either activate the virtualenv with the bin/activate script, or use bin/pip from within the virtualenv to install the MySQLdb library locally as well.
Alternatively, create a new virtualenv with system site-packages included by using the --system-site-package switch.
source $ENV_PATH/bin/activate
pip uninstall MySQL-python
pip install MySQL-python
this worked for me.
I went through same problem, but using pip from virtualenv didn't solve the problem as I got this error
error: could not delete '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/_mysql.so': Permission denied
Earlier I had installed the package by sudo pip install mysql-python
To solve, copy files /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.5-py2.7.egg-info and /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/_mysql* to ~/v/lib/python-2.7/site-packages and include /usr/local/mysql/lib in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable.
For the second step I am doing export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib in ~/.profile