I'm having a weird issue trying to scrape a table with selenium. For reference, the table is the item table here, although ideally I would like to be able to scrape any item table for any hero on this site.
self.item_table_xpath = '//table[descendant::thead[descendant::tr[descendant::th[contains(text(), "Item")]]]]'
def retrieve_hero_stats(self, url):
win_rate_span = self.driver.find_element(by = By.XPATH, value = '//dd[descendant::*[#class = "won"]]/span')
win_rate_span = self.driver.find_element(by = By.XPATH, value = '//dd[descendant::*[#class = "lost"]]/span')
win_rate = win_rate_span.text
hero_name = url.split('/')[-1]
values = list()
for i in range(1, 13):
'Item Name': self.driver.find_element(by = By.XPATH, value = self.item_table_xpath + f'/tbody/tr[{i}]' + '/td[2]').text,
'Matches Played': self.driver.find_element(by = By.XPATH, value = self.item_table_xpath + f'/tbody/tr[{i}]' + '/td[3]').text,
'Matches Won': self.driver.find_element(by = By.XPATH, value = self.item_table_xpath + f'/tbody/tr[{i}]' + '/td[4]').text,
'Win Rate': self.driver.find_element(by = By.XPATH, value = self.item_table_xpath + f'/tbody/tr[{i}]' + '/td[5]').text
The issue is the output of the code is inconsistent; sometimes the fields in the values list are populated, and sometimes they are not. This changes each time I run my code. I don't necessarily need someone to write this code for me, in fact, I'd prefer you didn't, I'm just stumped as to why the output changes every time I run?
Trying to get the text inside of the table cells, but have no luck.
I am trying to get the text inside of these cells:
(th and td)
The code works, kind of. It prints out the value as a normal " " (space).
parent_table = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/section[2]/div/div/div")
count_of_tables = len(parent_table.find_elements_by_xpath("./table"))
for x in range(count_of_tables):
parent_tr = driver.find_element_by_xpath(f"/html/body/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/section[2]/div/div/div/table[{x + 1}]/tbody")
count_of_tr = len(parent_tr.find_elements_by_xpath("./tr"))
for y in range(count_of_tr):
th = driver.find_element_by_xpath(f'/html/body/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/section[2]/div/div/div/table[{x + 1}]/tbody/tr[{y+1}]/th')
td = driver.find_element_by_xpath(f'/html/body/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/section[2]/div/div/div/table[{x + 1}]/tbody/tr[{y + 1}]/td')
for y in range(count_of_tr):
th = driver.find_element_by_xpath(
f'/html/body/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/section[2]/div/div/div/table[{x + 1}]/tbody/tr[{y+1}]/th')
td = driver.find_element_by_xpath(
f'/html/body/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div/div[2]/div/section[2]/div/div/div/table[{x + 1}]/tbody/tr[{y + 1}]/td')
use get attribute text content as , text will retrieve text visible in view port only
My Python web scraper gathers a lot of data and then all of the sudden stops with an IndexError. I have tried different pages and setups, but they stop at random spots.
(part of) My code is as follows
numListings = int(re.findall(r'\d+', numListingsRaw)[0])
numPages = math.ceil(numListings / 100)
for numb in range(1, numPages):
pageSoup = make_soup("https://url" + str(numb) + "&pmax=5000&srt=df-a")
containers = pageSoup.findAll("li", {"class":"occasion popup_click_event
for container in containers:
ID = container.a["data-id"]
titel = container["data-vrnt"].replace(",", "|")
URL = container.a["href"]
merk = container["data-mrk"]
soort = container["data-mdl"]
prijs = container.find("div", {"class":"occ_price"}).text.strip()
## Bouwjaar en km
bouwjaarKM = container.span.text.strip().split(", ")
bouwjaarRaw = bouwjaarKM[0].split(": ")
bouwjaar = bouwjaarRaw[1]
km_int = int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, bouwjaarKM[1])))
km = str(km_int)
rest = container.find("div", {"class":"occ_extrainfo"}).text.strip()
rest_split = rest.split(", ")
brandstof = rest_split[0]
inhoud = rest_split[1]
vermogen = rest_split[2]
transmissie = rest_split[3]
carroserie = rest_split[4]
kleur = rest_split[5]
This it the exact error message:
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Webscraper_multi2.py", line 62, in <module>
inhoud = rest_split[1]
IndexError: list index out of range"
I know it has something to do with the for loop, but I cannot get my head around it.
Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Check length before trying to access a given index that requires the length:
rest = container.find("div", {"class":"occ_extrainfo"}).text.strip()
rest_split = rest.split(", ")
if len(rest_split) >= 6:
brandstof = rest_split[0]
inhoud = rest_split[1]
vermogen = rest_split[2]
transmissie = rest_split[3]
carroserie = rest_split[4]
kleur = rest_split[5]
If you know that your split list is exactly the length you want (if len(rest_split) == 6:), you can unpack the list in a single line:
brandstof, inhoud, vermogen, transmissie, carroserie, kleur = rest_split
Print the value of rest_split. You will find that it is a list with length less than 2 for that is what is needed for a list to have an index 1.
Thank you all for the extremely fast replies! With your help I got it working.
For some context:
I was trying to scrape a 2nd hand automobile website. With the tips that I got I changed the output per item to print the rest_split list.
The list that I am trying to scrape is 7 elements long. But on the website, for some reason a motor cycle was added to the search results. This one only had 1 element, hence the error.
The solution for people that might have a similar problem:
rest = container.find("div", {"class":"occ_extrainfo"}).text.strip()
rest_split = rest.split(", ")
if len(rest_split) == 7:
brandstof = rest_split[0]
inhoud = rest_split[1]
vermogen = rest_split[2]
transmissie = rest_split[3]
carroserie = rest_split[4]
kleur = rest_split[5]
Special thanks to JacobIRR who actually made life so easy that I didn't even have to think about it.
Is it possible to use a for loop to search through the text of tags that correspond to a certain phrase. I've been trying to create this loop but isn't hasn't been working. Any help is appreciated thanks! Here is my code:
def parse_page(self, response):
titles2 = response.xpath('//div[#id = "mainColumn"]/h1/text()').extract_first()
year = response.xpath('//div[#id = "mainColumn"]/h1/span/text()').extract()[0].strip()
aud = response.xpath('//div[#id="scorePanel"]/div[2]')
a_score = aud.xpath('./div[1]/a/div/div[2]/div[1]/span/text()').extract()
a_count = aud.xpath('./div[2]/div[2]/text()').extract()
c_score = response.xpath('//a[#id = "tomato_meter_link"]/span/span[1]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
c_count = response.xpath('//div[#id = "scoreStats"]/div[3]/span[2]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
info = response.xpath('//div[#class="panel-body content_body"]/ul')
mp_rating = info.xpath('./li[1]/div[2]/text()').extract()[0].strip()
genre = info.xpath('./li[2]/div[2]/a/text()').extract_first()
date = info.xpath('./li[5]/div[2]/time/text()').extract_first()
box = response.xpath('//section[#class = "panel panel-rt panel-box "]/div')
actor1 = box.xpath('./div/div[1]/div/a/span/text()').extract()
actor2 = box.xpath('./div/div[2]/div/a/span/text()').extract()
actor3 = box.xpath('./div/div[3]/div/a/span/text()').extract_first()
for x in info.xpath('//li'):
if info.xpath("./li[x]/div[1][contains(text(), 'Box Office: ')/text()]]
box_office = info.xpath('./li[x]/div[2]/text()')
else if info.xpath('./li[x]/div[1]/text()').extract[0] == "Runtime: "):
runtime = info.xpath('./li[x]/div[2]/time/text()')
Your for loop is completely wrong:
1. You're using info. but searching from the root
for x in info.xpath('.//li'):
2. x is a HTML node element and you can use it this way:
if x.xpath("./div[1][contains(., 'Box Office: ')]"):
box_office = x.xpath('./div[2]/text()').extract_first()
I think you might need re() or re_first() to match the certain phrase.
For example:
elif info.xpath('./li[x]/div[1]/text()').re_first('Runtime:') == "Runtime: "):
runtime = info.xpath('./li[x]/div[2]/time/text()')
And you need to modify your for loop, cuz the variable x in it is actually a Selector but not a number, so it's not right to use it like this: li[x].
gangabass in the last answer made a good point on this.
I pulled a Python script off of Github which is intended to analyze & rank stocks. I finally got it running but unfortunately the EV/EBITDA and Shareholder Yield are populating their default values, 1000 & 0 respectively.
I've spent the last few days attempting to troubleshoot, learning a lot in the process, but unfortunately had no luck.. I think it's attempting to extract data from a nonexistent line on the 'Scraper' portion or referencing an incorrect HTML. I'll paste the two code snips I think the error may lie within though the rest of the files are linked above.
Main File
from sys import stdout
from Stock import Stock
import Pickler
import Scraper
import Rankings
import Fixer
import Writer
# HTML error code handler - importing data is a chore, and getting a connection
# error halfway through is horribly demotivating. Use a pickler to serialize
# imported data into a hot-startable database.
pklFileName = 'tmpstocks.pkl'
pickler = Pickler.Pickler()
# Check if a pickled file exists. Load it if the user requests. If no file
# loaded, stocks is an empty list.
stocks = pickler.loadPickledFile(pklFileName)
# Scrape data from FINVIZ. Certain presets have been established (see direct
# link for more details)
url = 'http://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=152&f=cap_smallover&' + \
html = Scraper.importHtml(url)
# Parse the HTML for the number of pages from which we'll pull data
nPages = -1
for line in html:
if line[0:40] == '<option selected="selected" value=1>Page':
# Find indices
b1 = line.index('/') + 1
b2 = b1 + line[b1:].index('<')
# Number of pages containing stock data
nPages = int(line[b1:b2])
# Parse data from table on the first page of stocks and store in the database,
# but only if no data was pickled
if pickler.source == Pickler.PickleSource.NOPICKLE:
Scraper.importFinvizPage(html, stocks)
# The first page of stocks (20 stocks) has been imported. Now import the
# rest of them
source = Pickler.PickleSource.FINVIZ
iS = pickler.getIndex(source, 1, nPages + 1)
for i in range(iS, nPages + 1):
# Print dynamic progress message
print('Importing FINVIZ metrics from page ' + str(i) + ' of ' + \
str(nPages) + '...', file=stdout, flush=True)
# Scrape data as before
url = 'http://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=152&f=cap_smallover&ft=4&r=' + \
str(i*20+1) + '&c=0,1,2,6,7,10,11,13,14,45,65'
html = Scraper.importHtml(url)
# Import stock metrics from page into a buffer
bufferList = []
Scraper.importFinvizPage(html, bufferList)
# If no errors encountered, extend buffer to stocks list
# Error encountered. Pickle stocks for later loading
pickler.setError(source, i, stocks)
# FINVIZ stock metrics successfully imported
# Store number of stocks in list
nStocks = len(stocks)
# Handle pickle file
source = Pickler.PickleSource.YHOOEV
iS = pickler.getIndex(source, 0, nStocks)
# Grab EV/EBITDA metrics from Yahoo! Finance
for i in range(iS, nStocks):
# Print dynamic progress message
print('Importing Key Statistics for ' + stocks[i].tick +
' (' + str(i) + '/' + str(nStocks - 1) + ') from Yahoo! Finance...', \
file=stdout, flush=True)
# Scrape data from Yahoo! Finance
url = 'http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=' + stocks[i].tick + '+Key+Statistics'
html = Scraper.importHtml(url)
# Parse data
for line in html:
# Check no value
if 'There is no Key Statistics' in line or \
'Get Quotes Results for' in line or \
'Changed Ticker Symbol' in line or \
'</html>' in line:
# Non-financial file (e.g. mutual fund) or
# Ticker not located or
# End of html page
stocks[i].evebitda = 1000
elif 'Enterprise Value/EBITDA' in line:
# Line contains EV/EBITDA data
evebitda = Scraper.readYahooEVEBITDA(line)
stocks[i].evebitda = evebitda
# Error encountered. Pickle stocks for later loading
pickler.setError(source, i, stocks)
# Yahoo! Finance EV/EBITDA successfully imported
# Handle pickle file
source = Pickler.PickleSource.YHOOBBY
iS = pickler.getIndex(source, 0, nStocks)
# Grab BBY metrics from Yahoo! Finance
for i in range(iS, nStocks):
# Print dynamic progress message
print('Importing Cash Flow for ' + stocks[i].tick +
' (' + str(i) + '/' + str(nStocks - 1) + ') from Yahoo! Finance...', \
file=stdout, flush=True)
# Scrape data from Yahoo! Finance
url = 'http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cf?s=' + stocks[i].tick + '&ql=1'
html = Scraper.importHtml(url)
# Parse data
totalBuysAndSells = 0
for line in html:
# Check no value
if 'There is no Cash Flow' in line or \
'Get Quotes Results for' in line or \
'Changed Ticker Symbol' in line or \
'</html>' in line:
# Non-financial file (e.g. mutual fund) or
# Ticker not located or
# End of html page
elif 'Sale Purchase of Stock' in line:
# Line contains Sale/Purchase of Stock information
totalBuysAndSells = Scraper.readYahooBBY(line)
# Calculate BBY as a percentage of current market cap
bby = round(-totalBuysAndSells / stocks[i].mktcap * 100, 2)
stocks[i].bby = bby
# Error encountered. Pickle stocks for later loading
pickler.setError(source, i, stocks)
# Yahoo! Finance BBY successfully imported
if not pickler.hasErrorOccurred:
# All data imported
print('Fixing screener errors...')
# A number of stocks may have broken metrics. Fix these (i.e. assign out-of-
# bounds values) before sorting
stocks = Fixer.fixBrokenMetrics(stocks)
print('Ranking stocks...')
# Calculate shareholder Yield
for i in range(nStocks):
stocks[i].shy = stocks[i].div + stocks[i].bby
# Time to rank! Lowest value gets 100
rankPE = 100 * (1 - Rankings.rankByValue([o.pe for o in stocks]) / nStocks)
rankPS = 100 * (1 - Rankings.rankByValue([o.ps for o in stocks]) / nStocks)
rankPB = 100 * (1 - Rankings.rankByValue([o.pb for o in stocks]) / nStocks)
rankPFCF = 100 * (1 - Rankings.rankByValue([o.pfcf for o in stocks]) / nStocks)
rankEVEBITDA = 100 * (1 - Rankings.rankByValue([o.evebitda for o in stocks]) / nStocks)
# Shareholder yield ranked with highest getting 100
rankSHY = 100 * (Rankings.rankByValue([o.shy for o in stocks]) / nStocks)
# Rank total stock valuation
rankStock = rankPE + rankPS + rankPB + rankPFCF + rankEVEBITDA + rankSHY
# Rank 'em
rankOverall = Rankings.rankByValue(rankStock)
# Calculate Value Composite - higher the better
valueComposite = 100 * rankOverall / len(rankStock)
# Reverse indices - lower index -> better score
rankOverall = [len(rankStock) - 1 - x for x in rankOverall]
# Assign to stocks
for i in range(nStocks):
stocks[i].rank = rankOverall[i]
stocks[i].vc = round(valueComposite[i], 2)
print('Sorting stocks...')
# Sort all stocks by normalized rank
stocks = [x for (y, x) in sorted(zip(rankOverall, stocks))]
# Sort top decile by momentum factor. O'Shaughnessey historically uses 25
# stocks to hold. The top decile is printed, and the user may select the top 25
# (or any n) from the .csv file.
dec = int(nStocks / 10)
topDecile = []
# Store temporary momentums from top decile for sorting reasons
moms = [o.mom for o in stocks[:dec]]
# Sort top decile by momentum
for i in range(dec):
# Get index of top momentum performer in top decile
topMomInd = moms.index(max(moms))
# Sort
# Remove top momentum performer from further consideration
moms[topMomInd] = -100
print('Saving stocks...')
# Save momentum-weighted top decile
topCsvPath = 'top.csv'
Writer.writeCSV(topCsvPath, topDecile)
# Save results to .csv
allCsvPath = 'stocks.csv'
Writer.writeCSV(allCsvPath, stocks)
print('Top decile (sorted by momentum) saved to: ' + topCsvPath)
print('All stocks (sorted by trending value) saved to: ' + allCsvPath)
import re
from urllib.request import urlopen
from Stock import Stock
def importHtml(url):
"Scrapes the HTML file from the given URL and returns line break delimited \
response = urlopen(url, data = None)
html = response.read().decode('utf-8').split('\n')
return html
def importFinvizPage(html, stocks):
"Imports data from a FINVIZ HTML page and stores in the list of Stock \
isFound = False
for line in html:
if line[0:15] == '<td height="10"':
isFound = True
# Import data line into stock database
_readFinvizLine(line, stocks)
if isFound and len(line) < 10:
def _readFinvizLine(line, stocks):
"Imports stock metrics from the data line and stores it in the list of \
Stock objects"
# Parse html
(stkraw, dl) = _parseHtml(line)
# Create new stock object
stock = Stock()
# Get ticker symbol
stock.tick = stkraw[dl[1] + 1: dl[2]]
# Get company name
stock.name = stkraw[dl[2] + 1 : dl[3]]
# Get market cap multiplier (either MM or BB)
if stkraw[dl[4] - 1] == 'B':
capmult = 1000000000
capmult = 1000000
# Get market cap
stock.mktcap = capmult * _toFloat(stkraw[dl[3] + 1 : dl[4] - 1])
# Get P/E ratio
stock.pe = _toFloat(stkraw[dl[4] + 1 : dl[5]])
# Get P/S ratio
stock.ps = _toFloat(stkraw[dl[5] + 1 : dl[6]])
# Get P/B ratio
stock.pb = _toFloat(stkraw[dl[6] + 1 : dl[7]])
# Get P/FCF ratio
stock.pfcf = _toFloat(stkraw[dl[7] + 1 : dl[8]])
# Get Dividend Yield
stock.div = _toFloat(stkraw[dl[8] + 1 : dl[9] - 1])
# Get 6-mo Relative Price Strength
stock.mom = _toFloat(stkraw[dl[9] + 1 : dl[10] - 1])
# Get Current Stock Price
stock.price = _toFloat(stkraw[dl[11] + 1 : dl[12]])
# Append stock to list of stocks
def _toFloat(line):
"Converts a string to a float. Returns NaN if the line can't be converted"
num = float(line)
num = float('NaN')
return num
def readYahooEVEBITDA(line):
"Returns EV/EBITDA data from Yahoo! Finance HTML line"
# Parse html
(stkraw, dl) = _parseHtml(line)
for i in range(0, len(dl)):
if (stkraw[dl[i] + 1 : dl[i] + 24] == 'Enterprise Value/EBITDA'):
evebitda = stkraw[dl[i + 1] + 1 : dl[i + 2]]
return _toFloat(evebitda)
def readYahooBBY(line):
"Returns total buys and sells from Yahoo! Finance HTML line. Result will \
still need to be divided by market cap"
# Line also contains Borrowings details - Remove it all
if 'Net Borrowings' in line:
# Remove extra data
line = line[:line.find('Net Borrowings')]
# Trim prior data
line = line[line.find('Sale Purchase of Stock'):]
# Determine if buys or sells, replace open parantheses:
# (#,###) -> -#,###
line = re.sub(r'[(]', '-', line)
# Eliminate commas and close parantheses: -#,### -> -####
line = re.sub(r'[,|)]', '', line)
# Remove HTML data and markup, replacing with commas
line = re.sub(r'[<.*?>|]', ',', line)
line = re.sub(' ', ',', line)
# Locate the beginnings of each quarterly Sale Purchase points
starts = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(',\d+,|,.\d+', line)]
# Locate the ends of each quarterly Sale Purchase points
ends = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('\d,', line)]
# Sum all buys and sells across year
tot = 0
for i in range(0, len(starts)):
# x1000 because all numbers are in thousands
tot = tot + float(line[starts[i] + 1 : ends[i] + 1]) * 1000
return tot
def _parseHtml(line):
"Parses the HTML line by </td> breaks and returns the delimited string"
# Replace </td> breaks with placeholder, '`'
ph = '`'
rem = re.sub('</td>', ph, line)
# The ticker symbol initial delimiter is different
# Remove all other remaining HTML data
stkraw = re.sub('<.*?>', '', rem)
# Replace unbalanced HTML
stkraw = re.sub('">', '`', stkraw)
# Find the placeholders
dl = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(ph, stkraw)]
return (stkraw, dl)
If anyone has any input or perhaps a better method such as beautifulsoup, I'd really appreciate it! I'm very open to any tutorials that would help as well. My intent is to both better my programming ability and have an effective stock screener.
I was having the same issue scraping the Yahoo data in Python, and in Matlab as well. As a workaround, I wrote a macro in VBA to grab all of the EV/EBITDA data from Yahoo by visiting each stock's Key Statistics page. However, it takes about a day to run on all 3,000+ stocks with market caps over $200M, which is not really practical.
I've tried finding the EV/EBITDA on various stock screeners online, but they either don't report it or only let you download a couple hundred stocks' data without paying. Busy Stock's screener seems the best in this regard, but their EV/EBITDA figures don't line up to Yahoo's, which worries me that they are using different methodology.
One solution and my recommendation to you is to use the Trending Value algorithm in Quantopian, which is free. You can find the code here: https://www.quantopian.com/posts/oshaugnessy-what-works-on-wall-street
Quantopian will let you backtest the algorithm to 2002, and live test it as well.