I am working on a package which has a folder structure like:
There are a fair amount of relative references flying around (e.g. in test_integration.py I need to import classes from the files in the Source folder as well as test harnesses and data from the Test_Utils folder.
So far I've managed this by using complete references e.g.:
from Root.Testing.Test_Utils.test_fixtures import *
Which seemed to work fine until actually trying to run nosetests. This is because nose seems only to find test files in the active directory (not the root working directory), so I have to cd Testing before running nosetests.. at which point the relative references break with:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Root'
How can I get round this seeming incompatibility (without using pytest, since I am using test generators (i.e. using yield) which I believe are deprecated in pytest)?
PYTHONPATH sets the search path for importing python modules.
If you are using (Mac or GNU/Linux distro), add this to your ~/.bashrc.
# add this line to ~/.bashrc
export PYTHONPATH=PYTHONPATH:/path/to/folder # path where is your Root folder
# after this we need to reload ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
# if source ~/.bashrc don't work simple restart your terminal
# after this we can echo out our PYTHONPATH environment variable to check if it was added successfully
# it need to output your folder
Python version: 3.6.9
I've used pickle to dump a machine learning model into a file, and when I try to run a prediction on it using Flask, it fails with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'predictors'. How can I fix this error so that it recognizes my model, whether I try to run a prediction via Flask or via the Python command (e.g. python predict_edu.py)?
Here is my file structure:
- video_discovery
- data_science
- model
- __init__.py
- predict_edu.py
- predictors.py
- train_model.py
Here's my predict_edu.py file:
import pickle
with open('model', 'rb') as f:
bow_model = pickle.load(f)
Here's my predictors.py file:
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
# Basic function to clean the text
def clean_text(text):
# Removing spaces and converting text into lowercase
return text.strip().lower()
# Custom transformer using spaCy
class predictor_transformer(TransformerMixin):
def transform(self, X, **transform_params):
# Cleaning Text
return [clean_text(text) for text in X]
def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params):
return self
def get_params(self, deep=True):
return {}
Here's how I train my model:
python data_science/train_model.py
Here's my train_model.py file:
from predictors import predictor_transformer
# pipeline = Pipeline([("cleaner", predictor_transformer()), ('vectorizer', bow_vector), ('classifier', classifier_18p)])
pipeline = Pipeline([("cleaner", predictor_transformer())])
with open('model', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(pipeline, f)
My Flask app is in: video_discovery/__init__.py
Here's how I run my Flask app:
FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=video_discovery flask run
I believe the issue may be occurring because I'm training the model by running the Python script directly instead of using Flask, so there might be some namespace issues, but I'm not sure how to fix this. It takes a while to train my model, so I can't exactly wait on an HTTP request.
What am I missing that might fix this issue?
It seems a bit strange that you get that error when executing predict_edu.py, as it is in the same directory as predictors.py, and thus, using absolute import such as from predictors import predictor_transformer (without the dot . operator) should normally work as expected. However, below are a few options that you could try out, if the error persists.
Option 1
You could add the parent directory of the predictors file to the system PATH variable, before attempting to import the module, as described here. This should work fine for smaller projects.
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent))
from predictors import predictor_transformer
Option 2
Use relative imports, e.g., from .predictors import..., and make sure you run the script from the parent directory of your package, as shown below. The -m option "searches the sys.path for the named module and execute its contents as the __main__ module", and not as the top-level script. Read more about the -m option in the following references: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. Read more about "relative imports" here: [1], [2], [3], [4].
python -m video_discovery.data_science.predict_edu
However, the PEP 8 style guide recommends using absolute imports in general.
Absolute imports are recommended, as they are usually more readable
and tend to be better behaved (or at least give better error messages)
if the import system is incorrectly configured (such as when a
directory inside a package ends up on sys.path)
In certain cases, however, absolute imports can get quite verbose, depending on the complexity of the directory structure, as shown below. On the other hand, "relative imports can be messy, particularly for shared projects where directory structure is likely to change". They are also "not as readable as absolute ones, and it is hard to tell the location of the imported resources". Read more about Python Import and Absolute vs Relative Imports.
from package1.subpackage2.subpackage3.subpackage4.module5 import function6
Option 3
Include the directory containing your package directory in PYTHONPATH and use absolute imports instead. PYTHONPATH is used to set the path for user-defined modules, so that they can be directly imported into a Python script. The PYTHONPATH variable is a string with a list of directories that need to be added to the sys.path directory list by Python. The primary use of this variable is to allow users to import modules that have not yet made into an installable Python package. Read more about it here and here.
For instance, let’s say you have a package named video_discovery (under /Users/my_user/code/video_discovery) and wanted to add the directory /Users/my_user/code to the PYTHONPATH:
On Mac
Open Terminal.app
Open the file ~/.bash_profile in your text editor – e.g. atom ~/.bash_profile
Add the following line to the end: export PYTHONPATH="/Users/my_user/code"
Save the file.
Close Terminal.app
Start Terminal.app again, to read in the new settings, and type
echo $PYTHONPATH. It should show something like /Users/my_user/code.
On Linux
Open your favorite terminal program
Open the file ~/.bashrc in your text editor – e.g. atom ~/.bashrc
Add the following line to the end: export PYTHONPATH=/home/my_user/code
Save the file.
Close your terminal application.
Start your terminal application again, to read in the new settings,
and type echo $PYTHONPATH. It should show something like /home/my_user/code.
On Windows
Open This PC (or Computer), right-click inside and select
From the computer properties dialog, select Advanced system settings on the left.
From the advanced system settings dialog, choose the Environment variables button.
In the Environment variables dialog, click the New button in the
top half of the dialog, to make a new user variable:
Give the variable name as PYTHONPATH and in value add the path to
your module directory. Choose OK and OK again to save this variable.
Now open a cmd window and type echo %PYTHONPATH% to confirm the environment variable is correctly set. Remember to open a new cmd window to run your Python program, so that it picks up the new settings in PYTHONPATH.
Option 4
Another solution would be to install the package in an editable state (all edits made to the .py files will be automatically included in the installed package), as described here and here. However, the amount of work required to get this to work might make Option 3 a better choice for you.
The contents for the setup.py should be as shown below, and the command for installing the package should be pip install -e . (-e flag stands for "editable" and . stands for "current directory").
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
setup(name='myproject', version='1.0', packages=find_packages())
From https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html:
pickle can save and restore class instances transparently, however the class definition must be importable and live in the same module as when the object was stored.
When you run python data_science/train_model.py and import from predictors, Python imports predictors as a top-level module and predictor_transformer is in that module.
However, when you run a prediction via Flask from the parent folder of video_discovery, predictor_transformer is in the video_discovery.data_science.predictors module.
Use relative imports and run from a consistent path
train_model.py: Use relative import
# from predictors import predictor_transformer # -
from .predictors import predictor_transformer # +
Train model: Run train_model with video_discovery as top-level module
# python data_science/train_model.py # -
python -m video_discovery.data_science.train_model # +
Run a prediction via a Python command: Run predict_edu with video_discovery as top-level module
# python predict_edu.py # -
python -m video_discovery.data_science.predict_edu # +
Run a prediction via Flask: (no change, already run with video_discovery as top-level module)
FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=video_discovery flask run
I have a CMake based project that uses both C++ and python sources. Tests are added via add_test for all C++ tests in a folder structure like:
In testBar.py I have a import mypkg and want to run this with add_test(... COMMAND pytest WORKING_DIRECTORY .../test)
Of course it does not find my package, but I also do not want to install it (it is required to generate some stuff during build and is actively developed as part of the other sources).
What is the correct/preferred way of executing those tests?
I don't want to move the sources out of src or tests out of test
set_tests_properties may set environment variables.
I think setting PYTHONPATH=.../src/mypyspace should work, but that would also ignore changes to the users PYTHONPATH.
There are 2 options:
add_test (NAME python-tests
COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -m pytest # Or just COMMAND pytest
Invoke inside of the src directory
add_test (NAME python-tests
The first approach has the disadvantage, that the user might configure and later change its environment so that PYTHONPATH is different (e.g. loading modules in HPC clusters) and find that the tests incorrectly succeed.
The 2nd is the most flexible one. It relies on information from https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/pythonpath.html. Most important part:
the [python -m pytest] call will add the current directory to sys.path.
So we only have to set the current directory when running the tests to the source directory.
Note: For other alternatives specific to unittest (the module) you may also find something in Running unittest with typical test directory structure
I am struggling with running python script in shell. I use PyCharm where is everything ok, but I want to run script without running PyCharm.
So my project folder is like:
I want to run main/script.py, which start with from tools import my_strings and working directory should be data/.
My PyCharm config is:
Script path: <PROJECT>/main/script.py
Working directory: <PROJECT>/data
Add content roots to PYTHONPATH: YES
Add source roots to PYTHONPATH: YES
So I want to run main/script.py in shell on Ubuntu. I tried:
cd <PROJECT>/data
python3 ../main/script.py
But I just got: ImportError: No module named 'tools'
Check out this post, it's explains the PYTHONPATH variable.
How to use PYTHONPATH and the documentation the answer points to https://docs.python.org/2/using/cmdline.html#envvar-PYTHONPATH
When you run from the data directory by default python can't find your tools directory.
Also regarding your comment about needing to run from the data directory, you could just use open('../data/file.txt') if you decided to run from the main directory instead.
Ideally, you should be able to run your script from anywhere though. I find this snippet very useful os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]). It returns the directory in which the script exists.
I simply forgot to export $PYTHONPATH as suggested by Steve.
I am facing a small problem in executing custom made python code from Hiero. As everybody knows, the first place to look for details is the offical documentation "Nukepedia", the Python Dev Guide and the Hiero User Guide. Well according to the Python Dev Guide, Hiero creates a ".hiero" directory by default which lets people add plugin paths to use them in the software. Well, I can't find that directory and I deduced after several tests that Hiero is using the init.py saved in the ".nuke" directory.
So I thought that maybe I could add the plugin paths there but kept getting the famous Import Error for the _fnpython module (before creating Python/Startup directory).
I added Python/Startup folders in .nuke and added the plugins in Startup, I got the same error, I even tried it by adding the path to the plugins in init.py and got the same error too.
Then I created a ".hiero" folder and did the same thing as before but Hiero never took that folder into consideration, I deduced that by printing some strings in the console, Hiero always took the init.py saved in the ".nuke" folder and kept showing the same error.
Finally, I tried to look into the installation process and try to seperate Nuke and Hiero's folders maybe that would create the ".hiero" directory but everything was automated.
The code that I want to run is given by Nuke and Hiero (in the examples directory), I just can't figure out what to do in order to run it from the program.
What should I do in order to fix this problem ?
Thank you in advance.
The setup for The Foundry HIERO is a little different than for NUKE.
HIERO has a core module. You'll see it in __init__.py file:
import FnRedirect
import FnPythonFixes
import core
import ui
if hasattr(core, "taskRegistry"):
import importers
import exporters
except ImportError as e:
I'm running HIERO and NUKE STUDIO on a Mac, so there's a full path to HIERO's __init__.py file inside package contents:
You need to import this module using:
import hiero.core
or using a reference to the core package:
from core import *
To find HIERO's current paths you have to run this line in its Script Editor:
print hiero.core.pluginPath()
Click this link for further details: Hiero's Environment Setup
All these instructions are suitable for macOS 10.9 and above. Here are two blocks of steps: first for Terminal Mode and second for UI Mode.
BLOCK 1: setup for Terminal Sessions
You need to manually create .hiero directory in your Home area.
The recommended default location for running Python on startup is:
Type in your bash Terminal (when you're inside your Home user directory) the following line:
mkdir .hiero/
mkdir .hiero/Python/
and then:
mkdir .hiero/Python/StartupUI/
then navigate to Home directory with:
cd ~
and check it with:
ls -a
Also you can specify any number of user-defined paths using the environment variable HIERO_PLUGIN_PATH, just like the standard Unix PATH environment variable.
For that you need to set up an environment variable in .bash_profile. To run in Terminal PICO editor just type (remember you need an administrator's password for sudo command):
sudo pico .bash_profile
and paste these three lines in it (change swift for <yourName> and save this file):
echo HIERO environment var is set...
export HIERO_PLUGIN_PATH=/Users/swift/.hiero/Python/StartupUI/
Write out a file with ctrl o
Exit pico editor with ctrl x
Restart Terminal
In Terminal you could print this environment variable typing:
You should put inside that StartupUI directory menu.py, any set of xxxx.py or xxxx.pyc files, as well as __init__.py file.
Now you can use /Users/swift/.hiero/Python/StartupUI/ path in Terminal Mode.
BLOCK 2: setup for UI Sessions
To assign the current paths that HIERO searches when loading plug-ins, you need to create __init__.py file with the following lines:
import hiero.core
After that make Python/Startup/ subdirectories under ~/.nuke/ folder.
It's not a mistake: I typed .nuke.
Then place this __init__.py file into /Users/swift/.nuke/Python/Startup/ directory.
Restart HIERO (or NUKE STUDIO) if it works.
After that launch HIERO or NUKE STUDIO and run
print hiero.core.pluginPath()
command in the HIERO's Script Editor or in NUKE STUDIO's Script Editor and you'll see this result:
After that you'll find new __init__.pyc file in /Users/swift/.nuke/Python/Startup/ directory.
Each package or module discovered when you launch HIERO is imported and added to the built-in package hiero.plugins.
TEST 1: custom_guides.py
I do not have a commercial version of HIERO so I tested custom_guides.py script ( found here ) using NUKE STUDIO NC.
I placed custom_guides.py in ~/.nuke/Python/Startup directory and then added two lines to NUKE's init.py file located in ~/.nuke directory.
import nuke
The only thing I could say: "it works" Do the same actions as I did and it'll work for HIERO.
Look at safe_zone and masking_ratio dropdown menus. They are different: before and after.
Before uploading custom_guides.py script:
After uploading custom_guides.py script:
# file custom_guides.py contains these lines:
viewer_masks = [
hiero.ui.guides.MaskGuide("NTSC", 0.91),
hiero.ui.guides.MaskGuide("PAL", 1.09),
hiero.ui.guides.MaskGuide("NTSC_16:9", 1.21),
hiero.ui.guides.MaskGuide("PAL_16:9", 1.46),
hiero.ui.guides.MaskGuide("Cinemascope 2:1", 2.0)
TEST 2: web_browser.py
I placed web_browser.py file in ~/.nuke/Python/Startup directory. This Python script creates dockable panel with web browser written with PySide Qt.
I do not have a commercial version of HIERO so I tested web_browser.py script ( found here ) using NUKE STUDIO NC.
How can I make any use of PYTHONPATH? When I try to run a script in the path the file is not
found. When I cd to the directory holding the script the script runs. So what good is the
$ tree -L 1 '/home/randy/lib/python'
├── gbmx_html.py
├── gbmx.py
├── __init__.py
├── __pycache__
├── scripts
└── yesno.py
$ python gbmx.py -h
python: can't open file 'gbmx.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
$ cd '/home/randy/lib/python'
After cd to the file directory it runs ..
$ python gbmx.py -h
usage: gbmx.py [-h] [-b]
Why can I not make any use of the PYTHONPATH?
I think you're a little confused. PYTHONPATH sets the search path for importing python modules, not for executing them like you're trying.
PYTHONPATH Augment the default search path for module files. The
format is the same as the shell’s PATH: one or more directory
pathnames separated by os.pathsep (e.g. colons on Unix or semicolons
on Windows). Non-existent directories are silently ignored.
In addition to normal directories, individual PYTHONPATH entries may
refer to zipfiles containing pure Python modules (in either source or
compiled form). Extension modules cannot be imported from zipfiles.
The default search path is installation dependent, but generally
begins with prefix/lib/pythonversion (see PYTHONHOME above). It is
always appended to PYTHONPATH.
An additional directory will be inserted in the search path in front
of PYTHONPATH as described above under Interface options. The search
path can be manipulated from within a Python program as the variable
What you're looking for is PATH.
export PATH=$PATH:/home/randy/lib/python
However, to run your python script as a program, you also need to set a shebang for Python in the first line. Something like this should work:
#!/usr/bin/env python
And give execution privileges to it:
chmod +x /home/randy/lib/python/gbmx.py
Then you should be able to simply run gmbx.py from anywhere.
You're confusing PATH and PYTHONPATH. You need to do this:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/randy/lib/python
PYTHONPATH is used by the python interpreter to determine which modules to load.
PATH is used by the shell to determine which executables to run.
PYTHONPATH only affects import statements, not the top-level Python interpreter's lookup of python files given as arguments.
Needing PYTHONPATH to be set is not a great idea - as with anything dependent on environment variables, replicating things consistently across different machines gets tricky. Better is to use Python 'packages' which can be installed (using 'pip', or distutils) in system-dependent paths which Python already knows about.
Have a read of https://the-hitchhikers-guide-to-packaging.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ - 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging', and also http://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/modules.html - which explains PYTHONPATH and packages at a lower level.
With PYTHONPATH set as in your example, you should be able to do
python -m gmbx
-m option will make Python search for your module in paths Python usually searches modules in, including what you added to PYTHONPATH. When you run interpreter like python gmbx.py, it looks for particular file and PYTHONPATH does not apply.
I think you're mixed up between PATH and PYTHONPATH. All you have to do to run a 'script' is have it's parental directory appended to your PATH variable. You can test this by running
which myscript.py
Also, if myscripy.py depends on custom modules, their parental directories must also be added to the PYTHONPATH variable. Unfortunately, because the designers of python were clearly on drugs, testing your imports in the repl with the following will not guarantee that your PYTHONPATH is set properly for use in a script. This part of python programming is magic and can't be answered appropriately on stackoverflow.
Python 2.7.8 blahblahblah
>from mymodule.submodule import ClassName
>test = ClassName()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "myscript_that_needs_mymodule.submodule.py", line 5, in <module>
from mymodule.submodule import ClassName
File "/path/to/myscript_that_needs_mymodule.submodule.py", line 5, in <module>
from mymodule.submodule import ClassName
ImportError: No module named submodule