Python looping for label variables - python

I am trying to create a loop that will display each title of product for their individual labels (Tkinter module).
With the current loop i can get it to print my 10 "static_webpage_1_titles" in the list, but i am wanting to also increase the variable Label_1 by +1 increment each time.
For example, it should do somthing like this:
Label_1['text'] = static_webpage_1_titles[0]
Label_2['text'] = static_webpage_1_titles[1]
Label_3['text'] = static_webpage_1_titles[2]
Here is my current code:
def Generate_Product_Name_and_Price_1():
if Button_on:
for i in range(len(static_webpage_1_titles)):
Label_1['text'] = static_webpage_1_titles[i]
product_labels = [Label_1['text'], Label_2['text'], Label_3['text'],
Label_4['text'], Label_5['text'], Label_6['text'],
Label_7['text'], Label_8['text'], Label_9['text'],
I have created a list above with each label widget and changed the last line of code in my loop to:
def Generate_Product_Name_and_Price_1():
if Button_on:
for i in range(len(static_webpage_1_titles)):
product_labels[i] = static_webpage_1_titles[i] +': $'+ static_webpage_1_price[i]
When i run this, i do not receive any IDLE error but my label widgets do not get populated with data.

You need to make a list of the Label instances, not the text attributes of Label instances. Like this:
product_labels = [Label_1, Label_2, Label_3,
Label_4, Label_5, Label_6,
Label_7, Label_8, Label_9,
Then you access the attribute like this:
for i in range(len(static_webpage_1_titles)):
product_labels[i]['text'] = static_webpage_1_titles[i] +': $'+ static_webpage_1_price[i]
You could also make this a little neater with zip():
for label, title, price in zip(product_labels, static_webpage_1_titles, static_webpage_1_price):
label['text'] = title +': $'+ price


How to get the Values from the Entry box in Tkinter?

def in_Vals():
in_win = Tk()
in_win.title("Check In Details")
# title
title = Label(in_win,text="Check In Details",font=("Harlow Solid Italic",30,"italic"),fg="black",bg="#fbb08c")
#creating label's
_Id_ = Label(in_win,text="Id :",font=("Times New Roman",15,"italic"),fg="black",bg="#fbb08c")
_Name_ = Label(in_win,text="Name :",font=("Times New Roman",15,"italic"),fg="black",bg="#fbb08c")
_Date_ = Label(in_win,text="Date :",font=("Times New Roman",15,"italic"),fg="black",bg="#fbb08c")
_Time_ = Label(in_win,text="Time :",font=("Times New Roman",15,"italic"),fg="black",bg="#fbb08c")
_Number_ = Label(in_win,text="Number :",font=("Times New Roman",15,"italic"),fg="black",bg="#fbb08c")
# creating submit function
def submit():
# creating entries
Id = Entry(in_win,width=25,font=("Courier",15,'bold'))
Name = Entry(in_win,width=25,font=("Courier",15,'bold'))
Date = Entry(in_win,width=25,font=("Courier",15,'bold'))
Time = Entry(in_win,width=25,font=("Courier",15,'bold'))
Number = Entry(in_win,width=25,font=("Courier",15,'bold')),y=87),y=157),y=227),y=293),y=360)
#getting values
in_val_1 = Id.get()
in_val_2 = Name.get()
in_val_3 = Date.get()
in_val_4 = Time.get()
in_val_5 = Number.get()
# creating submit button
submit = Button(in_win,text="Submit",font=("Wild Latin",15,"bold"),command=submit) = 250,y=450)
Here the function in_vals() is a coded to take data from the ID, Name, Date, Time, Number Entries and assign the values of The entries to the variables in_val_1 to in_val_5 ,to get the values from the entry box I have used the .get() Method. but when I try to Print the Variables that I assigned to the .get() method, it prints some white Space's.
The solution for the problem same as mine is
defining the values outside the the button function does not get anything.
here I have defined out side the button function
after defining it inside the button function it gives me the desired output

How to get every item inside a listbox in tkinter?

How do I make it so that I get all the items inside a listbox into a variable? I only manage to get the last item only. I want to print the items of a listbox into a new window but I only print the last item only.
get_content = listbox2.get(0, END)
bb = Label(receipt_window, text = "Pizzeria")
line1 = Label(receipt_window, text = "----------------------------------------------------------------")
for con_item in get_content:
con = (con_item.split('PHP'))
con1 = con[0]
con2 = con[1]
rec_content = f'{con1:<40}costs PHP{con2:<8}'
receipt = Label(receipt_window, text = rec_content)
The listbox contains:
The result:
It is because you use same variable receipt for the labels created inside the for loop and call receipt.pack() outside the for loop, so the last label created inside for loop will be packed only.
You need to call receipt.pack() inside the for loop:
get_content = listbox2.get(0, END)
bb = Label(receipt_window, text='Pizzeria')
line1 = Label(receipt_window, text='----------------------------------------------------------------')
for con_item in get_content:
con1, con2 = con_item.split('PHP')
rec_content = f'{con1:<40}costs PHP{con2:<8}'
receipt = Label(receipt_window, text=rec_content)
Note that it is better to use fixed width (monospaced) font for the labels.

Python ttk combobox value update?

I use a GUI for some web automation with selenium.
I have several comboboxes (will do one example here)
This is my example code:
app = Tk()
def callback(*args): # should get the updated values in Combobox ?
global v_sv_league
v_sv_league = str(sv_league.get())
#List to be filled by scraper
li_leagues = []
sv_league = StringVar()
sv_league.trace("w", callback)
l_d_league = tk.Label(app,text='League:',bg='#1d1b29', fg='#f8f09d',font='Tahoma 10')
d_league = ttk.Combobox(app,textvariable=sv_league,values=li_leagues)
def scrape():
btn_tflist = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,('/html/body/main/section/nav/button[3]'))))
btn_tf_filters = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,'/html/body/main/section/section/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]')))
bol_scrape = True
if bol_scrape is True:
print('\n Start scraping... this might take a few minutes. Please wait and dont press anything until trade_buddy is done!\n')
li_leagues = []
print('Getting leagues...\n')
league_dropdown_menu = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH,('/html/body/main/section/section/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[7]/div'))))
# scrape all text
scrape_leagues = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//li[#class='with-icon' and contains(text(), '')]")
for league in scrape_leagues:
export_league = league.text
export_league = str(export_league)
export_league = export_league.replace(',', '')
So basically this is just a small part of my code but this is what I got for one of my combobox's.
You can see that I will call for def scrape at some point in my code to scrape data and to fill my list li_leagues.
However, my combobox is not refreshing the content and stays empty.
For OptionMenu I got it set up (with a it other code) but I cant get it working with combobox.
Any advice what I am missing here?
Thanks a slot!
Try using this line of code, after appending the list with values.
export_league = export_league.replace(',', '')
config() method acts as a updater that just updates your widget, when called.
Hope it was of some help.

Using Ipython ipywidget .Text() to create multiple variables

I would like to use widgets.Text() to specify multiple variables (year, month, day) that can be passed into an API request.
Based on the answer to this question I am able to successfully save the input from a single text box to a single variable. But I would like to display multiple text boxes at the same time and save their input values to three different output variables. I'm unsure how to generalize from the example given.
This code works for a single variable:
# Create text widget for output
year_output = widgets.Text()
# Create text widget for input
year_input = widgets.Text(
placeholder="example '2017'",
# Define function to bind value of the input to the output variable
def bind_input_to_output(sender):
year_output.value = year_input.value
# Tell the text input widget to call bind_input_to_output() on submit
# Display input text box widget for input
I would like to be able to do something like this, as efficiently as possible:
year_output = widgets.Text()
month_output = widgets.Text()
day_output = widgets.Text()
year_input = widgets.Text(
placeholder="example '2017'",
month_input = widgets.Text(
placeholder="example '04'",
day_input = widgets.Text(
placeholder="example '30'",
#make this a generic function so that I don't have to repeat it for every input/output pair
def bind_input_to_output(sender): #what is 'sender'?
output_var.value = input_var.value
Apologies if this isn't clear enough! I can clarify as needed. Any guidance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I was able to do what I wanted by adapting the instructions from this question. My code is below, for reference:
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
class date_input():
def __init__(self,
year = "e.g. '2017'",
month = "e.g. '05'",
day = "e.g. '21'"
self.year = widgets.Text(description = 'Year',value = year)
self.month = widgets.Text(description = 'Month',value = month) = widgets.Text(description = 'Day',value = day)
display(self.year, self.month,
def handle_submit(self, text):
self.v = text.value
return self.v
print("enter the year, month and day above, then press return in any field")
f = date_input()
To view the output, in the next cell run:
print("Date input captured: " + "/".join([f.year.value, f.month.value,]))

Getting this output, with generators/list comprehensions?

I'm having a bit of trouble with something, and I don't know how I could do it.
Well, I'm creating a dynamic form with buttons that adapts to how many files (in this case, movies) there are in a directory.
I have got this so far:
path="C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\test\\" # insert the path to the directory of interest
movies = []
for fname in dirList: # loops through directory specified
print fname # prints file name
movies.append(fname) # adds the file name to list
my_form = form.Form([form.Button("btn", id="btn" + movies[i], value = i, html=movies[i], class_="btn" +movies[i]) for i in range(len(movies))])
However, I want the list comprehension/generator to make my_form look something like this:
my_form = form.Form(
form.Button("btn", id="btnA", value="A", html="Movie1", class_="btnA")
form.Button("btn", id="btnB", value="B", html="Movie2", class_="btnB")
As you can see instead of the movie name being the id, it is btnA or btnB.
So how could I generate that output?
I think you want to do something like:
from string import ascii_uppercase
buttons = [form.Button("btn", id="btn{0}".format(char), value=char,
html=movie, class_="btn{0}".format(char))
for char, movie in zip(ascii_uppercase, movies)]
my_form = form.Form(buttons)
This uses the letters in string.ascii_uppercase to label each item in movies.
If I understand correctly, you want the id to be btn + a letter according to the index of the movie?
you can use this code:
def letterForIndex(idx):
return chr(ord('A')+idx)
so you would do :
my_form = form.Form([form.Button("btn", id="btn" + letterForIndex(i),
value = letterForIndex(i), html=movies[i], class_="btn" +letterForIndex(i)) for i in range(len(movies))])
