reconstruct inputs from outputs in regression neural networks in tensorflow - python

Say we train a multilayer NN in tensorflow for a regression task (i.e. multi input and multi output case). Then we have new instances and we apply the trained model and of course we get the corresponding outputs. Is there a way to backpropagate the outputs and reconstruct the inputs in tensorflow in an easy/efficient manner? What I am thinking is to then use the difference of the original and the reconstructed inputs of the new instances as a QC measure i.e. if the reconstructed inputs are not close enough to the originals then we have a problem etc. I hope I am making myself clear.

No, unfortunately you cannot take a trained model and try to get the corresponding input. The reason for this is that you have infinite possible solutions for each output.
Furthermore, backpropagation is not passing an output backwards through the network. Its the idea of determining what parameters in the model are contributing to what extent to loss function. This will not give the inputs to these hidden layers, but the extent at which the weights affected your decision.


Questions that in case of fluctuating the validation accuracy and loss curve for image binary classification, ask the way of analysis and solution

I implement training and evaluating for binary classification with image data through transfer learning from keras API. I'd like to compare performance each models(ResNet, Inception, Xception, VGG, Efficient Net). The datasets are composed by train(approx.2000ea), valid(approx.250ea), test(approx.250ea).
But I faced unfamiliar situation for me so I'm asking couple of questions here.
As shown below, Valid Accuracy or Loss has a very high up and down deviation.
I wonder which one is the problem and what needs to be changed.
If I want to express validation accuracy with number, what should I say in the above case?
Average or maximum or minimum?
It is being performed using Keras (tensorflow), and there are many examples in the API for
train, valid but the code for Test(evaluation?) is hard to find. When figuring performance,
normally implement until valid? or Do I need to show evaluation result?
Now I use Keras API for transfer learning and set this.
I wonder if there is an effect of transfer learning without includint from top, or if it's not,
is there a way to freeze or learn from a specific layer of conv_base.
I'm a beginner and have not many experience so it could be ridiculous questions but please give kind advice.
Thanks a lot in advance.
It's hard to figure out the problem without any given code/model structure. From your loss graph I can see that your model is facing underfitting (or it has a lots of dropout). Common mistakes, that make models underfit are: very high lr and primitive structure (so model can't figure out the dependencies in your data). And you should never forget about the principle "garbage in - garbage out", so double-check tour data for any structure roughness.
Well, validation accuracy in you model training logs is mean accuracy for validation set. Validation technique is based on statistics - you take random N% out of your set for validation, so average is always better if we're talking about multiple experimets (or cross validation).
I'm not sure if I've understood your question correct here, but if you want to evaluate your model with the metric, that you've specified for it after the training process (fit() function call) you should use model.evaluate(val_x, val_y). Or you may use model.predict(val_x) and compare its results to val_y via your metric function.
If you are using default weights for keras pretrained models (imagenet weights) and you want to use your own fully-connected part with it, you may use ONLY pretrained feature extractor (conv blocks). So you specify include_top=False. Of course there will be some positive effect (I'd say it will be significant in comparison with randomly initialized weights) because conv blocks have params that were trained to extract correct features from image. Also would recommend here to use so called "fine-tuning" technique - freeze all layers in pretrained part except a few in its end (may be few layers or even 2-3 conv blocks). Here's the example of fine-tuning of EfficientNetB0:
effnet = EfficientNetB0(weights="imagenet", include_top=False, input_shape=(540, 960, 3))
effnet.trainable = True
for layer in effnet.layers:
if 'block7a' not in and 'top' not in
layer.trainable = False
Here I freeze all pretrained weights except last conv block ones. I've looked into the model with effnet.summary() and selected names of blocks that I want to unfreeze.

Is it possible to obtain the output of a intermediate layer?

If a big model consists of end-to-end individual models, can I (after training) preserve only one model and freeze/discard other models during inference?
An example: this struct2depth (see below) have three models training in an unsupervised fashion. However, what I really need is the object motion, namely 3D Object Motion Estimation part. So I wonder if this is feasible to
train on the original networks, but
inference with only Object Motion Estimator, i.e. other following layers frozen/discarded?
I saw that in tensorflow one can obtain tensor-output of a specified layer, but to save unnecessary computation I'd like to simply freeze all other parts... don't know if it's possible.
Looking forward to some insights. Thanks in advance!
You can ignore weights by setting them to 0. For this, you can directly get a weight W and do W.assign(tf.mul(W,0)). I know that you care about speeding up inference but unless you rewrite your code to use sparse representations, you will probably not be speeding up inference since weights can't be removed fully.
What you can alternatively do, is look at existing solutions for pruning in custom layers:
class MyDenseLayer(tf.keras.layers.Dense, tfmot.sparsity.keras.PrunableLayer):
def get_prunable_weights(self):
# Prune bias also, though that usually harms model accuracy too much.
return [self.kernel, self.bias]
# Use `prune_low_magnitude` to make the `MyDenseLayer` layer train with pruning.
model_for_pruning = tf.keras.Sequential([
tfmot.sparsity.keras.prune_low_magnitude(MyDenseLayer(20, input_shape=input_shape)),
You can e.g. use ConstantSparsity (see here) and set the parameters such that your layers are fully pruned.
Another alternative is to construct a second, smaller model that you only use for inference. You can then save the required weights separately (instead of saving the entire model) after training and load them in the second model.

TF2 - Splitting Input Data & Using Different Pre-Trained Weights of a Layer

I have individually trained the same neural network architecture on a large number of different datasets (order of 100s) to learn a unique non-linear function for each i.e have basically learned a set of weights that describes the function for each dataset.
Now, I want to use these sets of weights as a pre-trained layer in another optimization problem. I know how to load in a single saved model and employ that as a layer. However, what I will be doing is a group-wise optimization across the 100s of different datasets, where I have a pre-trained weights for each (from above).
So the setup is a batch of x datasets, each with n data points in d dimensions i.e. input data is of the shape [X, N, D]. There are a series of layers which act on all this data, then when it gets to the "pre-trained" layer, I wish to use different pre-trained weights i.e. For [0,:,:] uses the weights learned from dataset 0 from above, [1,:,:] with weights learned from dataset 1 etc etc etc.
I then need to combine the output of all this together, as the loss function for this groupwise optimization is based on the variance across all datasets. So I don't believe I can trivially evaulate one set, calculate loss, change weights, rinse and repeat and sum up at the end.
I doubt it is feasible to have some massive duplicate branches going, where I have x copies of the pre-trained NN layers as the pre-trained NN architecture is already quite complex.
Is it is possible to use a split layer, then a for loop type approach, in which I change the weights, then pass the correct portion of data through? Then merge all the outputs? Or is there a better way of tackling this?
Any help much appreciated.

Problem training an autoencoder for byte sequence classification

I am working on a classification task which uses byte sequences as samples. A byte sequence can be normalized as input to neural networks by applying x/255 to each byte x. In this way, I trained a simple MLP and the accuracy is about 80%. Then I trained an autoencoder using 'mse' loss on the whole data to see if it works well for the task. I freezed the weights of the encoder's layers and add a softmax dense layer to it for classification. I retrained the new model (only trained the last layer) and to my surprise, the result was much worse than the MLP, merely 60% accuracy.
Can't the autoencoder learn good features from all the data? Why the result is so bad?
Possible actions to take:
Check the error of autoencoder, could it really predict itself?
Visualize the autoencoder results (dimensionality reduction), is the variance explained with fewer dimensions?
Making model more complex does not necessarily outperform simpler ones, did you plot the validation mse versus epoch? Is there a global minimum after a number of steps?
Do you have enough epochs?
What is the number of units you have in your autoencoder? It may be too less (or too much, in case of underfitting) depending on the behavior of your data and its volume.
Did you make any comparison with other dimensionality reduction methods like PCA, NMF?
Last but not least, is it the best way to engineer your features with autoencoder for this task?
"Why the result is so bad?" This is not actually a surprise. You've trained one model to be good at compressing the information. The transformations it learns at each layer do not need to be good for any other type of task at all. In fact, it could be throwing away a lot of information that is perfectly helpful for whatever auxiliary classification task you have, but which is not needed for a task purely of compressing and reconstructing the sequence.
Instead of approaching it by training a separate autoencoder, you might have better luck with just adding sparsity penalty terms from the MLP layers into the loss function, or use some other types of regularization like dropout. Finally you could consider more advanced network architectures, like ResNet / ODE layers or Inception layers, modified for a 1D sequence.

tf.estimator.LinearClassifier output weights interpretation

I am new to tensorflow and machine learning and I am training a tf.estimator.LinearClassifier on the classic MNIST data set.
After the training process I am reading the output weights and biases using classifier.get_variable_names() I get:
"['global_step', 'linear/linear_model/bias_weights', 'linear/linear_model/bias_weights/part_0/Adagrad', 'linear/linear_model/pixels/weights', 'linear/linear_model/pixels/weights/part_0/Adagrad']"
My question is: what is the difference between linear/linear_model/bias_weights and linear/linear_model/bias_weights/part_0/Adagrad? They are both of the same size.
The only explanation I can imagine is that linear/linear_model/bias_weights and linear/linear_model/bias_weights/part_0/Adagrad represent respectively the weights at the beginning and at the end of the training process.
However, I'm not sure about that and I can't find anything on line.
linear/linear_model/bias_weights are your trained model weights.
linear/linear_model/bias_weights/part_0/Adagrad comes from you using the AdaGrad optimizer. The special feature of this optimizer is that it keeps a "memory" of past gradients and uses this to rescale the gradients at each training step. See the AdaGrad paper if you want to know more (very mathy).
The important part is that linear/linear_model/bias_weights/part_0/Adagrad stores this "memory". It is returned because it is technically a tf.Variable in your program, however it is not an actual variable/weight in your model. Only linear/linear_model/bias_weights is. Of course the same holds for linear/linear_model/pixels/weights.
