petl convert data from duplicate entries - python

Am trying to use petl library to build an ETL process that copied data between two tables. The table contain a unique slug field on the destination. For that, I wrote my script so It would identify duplicate slugs and convert them with by appending ID to the slug value.
table = etl.fromdb(source_con, 'SELECT * FROM user')
# get whatever remains as duplicates
duplicates = etl.duplicates(table, 'slug')
for dup in [i for i in duplicates.values('id')]:
table = etl.convert(
lambda v, row: '{}-{}'.format(slugify_unicode(v), str('hex')),
where=lambda row: == dup,
The above did not work as expected, it seems like the table object remains with duplicate values after the loop.
Anyone can advise?


How do I get the latest timestamp inserted in the dynamodb table?

I want to get the recent record added to the table from above (partition key = variable_key)
I did research and found out you can do this with
Query(hash_key=..., ScanIndexForward=True, limit=1)
But I m not getting the result can someone please explain me how should I do it?
for those who are looking for answer, I solved this issue by storing timestamp of my last entry and then using scan and "LastEvaluatedKey".
Check the below code:
I stored my last entry with the timestamp, used scan and last evaluatedkey and then pandas df to sort out values.
items_variable = r_variable['Items']
while 'LastEvaluatedKey' in r_variable:
r_variable = midstore.scan(ExclusiveStartKey=r_variable['LastEvaluatedKey'])
last_df = pd.DataFrame(items_variable)
last_df["storage_key"]=pd.to_datetime(last_df["storage_key"]) ##Storage_key is the partition key from dynamodb table.
LatestEntry = str(last_element['storage_key'])
#print(LatestEntry )

Postgresql: Insert from huge csv file, collect the ids and respect unique constraints

In a postgresql database:
class Persons(models.Model):
person_name = models.CharField(max_length=10, unique=True)
The persons.csv file, contains 1 million names.
$cat persons.csv
I want to:
Create the names that do not already exist
Query the database and fetch the id for each name contained in the csv file.
My approach:
Use the COPY command or the django-postgres-copy application that implements it.
Also take advantage of the new Postgresql-9.5+ upsert feature.
Now, all the names in the csv file, are also in the database.
I need to get their ids -from the database- either in memory or in another csv file with an efficient way:
Use Q objects
list_of_million_q = <iterate csv and append Qs>
million_names = Names.objects.filter(list_of_million_q)
Use __in to filter based on a list of names:
list_of_million_names = <iterate csv and append strings>
million_names = Names.objects.filter(
I do not feel that any of the above approaches for fetching the ids is efficient.
There is a third option, along the lines of this post that should be a great solution which combines all the above.
Something like:
SELECT * FROM persons;
make a name: id dictionary out of the names recieved from the database:
db_dict = {'Harry': 1, 'Bob': 2, ...}
Query the dictionary:
ids = []
for name in list_of_million_names:
if name in db_dict:
This way you're using the quick dictionary indexing as opposed to the slower if x in list approach.
But the only way to really know for sure is to benchmark these 3 approaches.
This post describes how to use RETURNING with ON CONFLICT so while inserting into the database the contents of the csv file, the ids will be saved in another table either when an insertion was successful, or when -due to unique constraints- the insertion was omitted.
I have tested it in sqlfiddle where I used a set up that resembles the one used for the COPY command which inserts to the database straight from a csv file, respecting the unique constraints.
The schema:
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
label_name varchar(200) NOT NULL UNIQUE
INSERT INTO label (label_name) VALUES
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
label_ids varchar(12) NOT NULL
The script:
INSERT INTO tmp_table (label_name) VALUES
WITH ins AS(
FROM tmp_table
INSERT INTO ids (label_ids)
id FROM ins
SELECT FROM tmp_table
JOIN label l USING(label_name);
The output:
SELECT * FROM label;

Put retrieved data from MySQL query into DataFrame pandas by a for loop

I have one database with two tables, both have a column called barcode, the aim is to retrieve barcode from one table and search for the entries in the other where extra information of that certain barcode is stored. I would like to have bothe retrieved data to be saved in a DataFrame. The problem is when I want to insert the retrieved data into DataFrame from the second query, it stores only the last entry:
import mysql.connector
import pandas as pd
cnx = mysql.connector(user,password,host,database)
query_barcode = ("SELECT barcode FROM barcode_store")
cursor = cnx.cursor()
data_barcode = cursor.fetchall()
Up to this point everything works smoothly, and here is the part with problem:
query_info = ("SELECT product_code FROM product_info WHERE barcode=%s")
for each_barcode in data_barcode:
cursor.execute(query_info % each_barcode)
pro_info = pd.DataFrame(cursor.fetchall())
pro_info contains only the last matching barcode information! While I want to retrieve all the information for each data_barcode match.
That's because you are consistently overriding existing pro_info with new data in each loop iteration. You should rather do something like:
query_info = ("SELECT product_code FROM product_info")
pro_info = pd.DataFrame(cursor.fetchall())
Making so many SELECTs is redundant since you can get all records in one SELECT and instantly insert them to your DataFrame.
#edit: However if you need to use the WHERE statement to fetch only specific products, you need to store records in a list until you insert them to DataFrame. So your code will eventually look like:
pro_list = []
query_info = ("SELECT product_code FROM product_info WHERE barcode=%s")
for each_barcode in data_barcode:
cursor.execute(query_info % each_barcode)
pro_info = pd.DataFrame(pro_list)

Pandas to_sql fails on duplicate primary key

I'd like to append to an existing table, using pandas df.to_sql() function.
I set if_exists='append', but my table has primary keys.
I'd like to do the equivalent of insert ignore when trying to append to the existing table, so I would avoid a duplicate entry error.
Is this possible with pandas, or do I need to write an explicit query?
There is unfortunately no option to specify "INSERT IGNORE". This is how I got around that limitation to insert rows into that database that were not duplicates (dataframe name is df)
for i in range(len(df)):
df.iloc[i:i+1].to_sql(name="Table_Name",if_exists='append',con = Engine)
except IntegrityError:
pass #or any other action
You can do this with the method parameter of to_sql:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
def insert_on_duplicate(table, conn, keys, data_iter):
insert_stmt = insert(table.table).values(list(data_iter))
on_duplicate_key_stmt = insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update(insert_stmt.inserted)
df.to_sql('trades', dbConnection, if_exists='append', chunksize=4096, method=insert_on_duplicate)
for older versions of sqlalchemy, you need to pass a dict to on_duplicate_key_update. i.e., on_duplicate_key_stmt = insert_stmt.on_duplicate_key_update(dict(insert_stmt.inserted))
please note that the "if_exists='append'" related to the existing of the table and what to do in case the table not exists.
The if_exists don't related to the content of the table.
see the doc here:
if_exists : {‘fail’, ‘replace’, ‘append’}, default ‘fail’
fail: If table exists, do nothing.
replace: If table exists, drop it, recreate it, and insert data.
append: If table exists, insert data. Create if does not exist.
Pandas has no option for it currently, but here is the Github issue. If you need this feature too, just upvote for it.
The for loop method above slow things down significantly. There's a method parameter you can pass to panda.to_sql to help achieve customization for your sql query
The below code should work for postgres and do nothing if there's a conflict with primary key "unique_code". Change your insert dialects for your db.
def insert_do_nothing_on_conflicts(sqltable, conn, keys, data_iter):
Execute SQL statement inserting data
sqltable :
conn : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.engine.Connection
keys : list of str
Column names
data_iter : Iterable that iterates the values to be inserted
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
from sqlalchemy import table, column
for c in keys:
if sqltable.schema:
table_name = '{}.{}'.format(sqltable.schema,
table_name =
mytable = table(table_name, *columns)
insert_stmt = insert(mytable).values(list(data_iter))
do_nothing_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_nothing(index_elements=['unique_code'])
pd.to_sql('mytable', con=sql_engine, method=insert_do_nothing_on_conflicts)
Pandas doesn't support editing the actual SQL syntax of the .to_sql method, so you might be out of luck. There's some experimental programmatic workarounds (say, read the Dataframe to a SQLAlchemy object with CALCHIPAN and use SQLAlchemy for the transaction), but you may be better served by writing your DataFrame to a CSV and loading it with an explicit MySQL function.
I had trouble where I was still getting the IntegrityError
...strange but I just took the above and worked it backwards:
for i, row in df.iterrows():
sql = "SELECT * FROM `Table_Name` WHERE `key` = '{}'".format(row.Key)
found = pd.read_sql(sql, con=Engine)
if len(found) == 0:
df.iloc[i:i+1].to_sql(name="Table_Name",if_exists='append',con = Engine)
In my case, I was trying to insert new data in an empty table, but some of the rows are duplicated, almost the same issue here, I "may" think about fetching existing data and merge with the new data I got and continue in process, but this is not optimal, and may work only for small data, not a huge tables.
As pandas do not provide any kind of handling for this situation right now, I was looking for a suitable workaround for this, so I made my own, not sure if that will work or not for you, but I decided to control my data first instead of luck of waiting if that worked or not, so what I did is removing duplicates before I call .to_sql so if any error happens, I know more about my data and make sure I know what is going on:
import pandas as pd
def write_to_table(table_name, data):
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Sort by price, so we remove the duplicates after keeping the lowest only
data.sort(key=lambda row: row['price'])
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['id_key'], keep='first', inplace=True)
df.to_sql(table_name, engine, index=False, if_exists='append', schema='public')
So in my case, I wanted to keep the lowest price of rows (btw I was passing an array of dict for data), and for that, I did sorting first, not necessary but this is an example of what I mean with control the data that I want to keep.
I hope this will help someone who got almost the same as my situation.
When you use SQL Server you'll get a SQL error when you enter a duplicate value into a table that has a primary key constraint. You can fix it by altering your table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DeleteMe](
[id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[Value] [varchar](max) NULL,
WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON)); <-- add
Taken from
Now your df.to_sql() should work again.
The solutions by Jayen and Huy Tran helped me a lot, but they didn't work straight out of the box. The problem I faced with Jayen code is that it requires that the DataFrame columns be exactly as those of the database. This was not true in my case as there were some DataFrame columns that I won't write to the database.
I modified the solution so that it considers the column names.
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
import itertools
def insertWithConflicts(sqltable, conn, keys, data_iter):
Execute SQL statement inserting data, whilst taking care of conflicts
Used to handle duplicate key errors during database population
This is my modification of the code snippet
The help page from
proved useful.
sqltable :
conn : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.engine.Connection
keys : list of str
Column names
data_iter : Iterable that iterates the values to be inserted. It is a zip object.
The length of it is equal to the chunck size passed in df_to_sql()
vals = [dict(zip(z[0],z[1])) for z in zip(itertools.cycle([keys]),data_iter)]
insertStmt = insert(sqltable.table).values(vals)
doNothingStmt = insertStmt.on_duplicate_key_update(dict(insertStmt.inserted))
I faced the same issue and I adopted the solution provided by #Huy Tran for a while, until my tables started to have schemas.
I had to improve his answer a bit and this is the final result:
def do_nothing_on_conflicts(sql_table, conn, keys, data_iter):
Execute SQL statement inserting data
sql_table :
conn : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.engine.Connection
keys : list of str
Column names
data_iter : Iterable that iterates the values to be inserted
columns = []
for c in keys:
if sql_table.schema:
my_table = table(, *columns, schema=sql_table.schema)
# table_name = '{}.{}'.format(sql_table.schema,
my_table = table(, *columns)
# table_name =
# my_table = table(table_name, *columns)
insert_stmt = insert(my_table).values(list(data_iter))
do_nothing_stmt = insert_stmt.on_conflict_do_nothing()
How to use it:
history.to_sql('history', schema=schema, con=engine, method=do_nothing_on_conflicts)
The idea is the same as #Nfern's but uses recursive function to divide the df into half in each iteration to skip the row/rows causing the integrity violation.
def insert(df):
# inserting into backup table
df.to_sql("table",con=engine, if_exists='append',index=False,schema='schema')
rows = df.shape[0]
if rows>1:
df1 = df.iloc[:int(rows/2),:]
df2 = df.iloc[int(rows/2):,:]
print(f"{df} not inserted. Integrity violation, duplicate primary key/s")

Keep smallest value for each unique ID with arcpy/numpy

I've got a ESRI Point Shape file with (amongst others) a nMSLINK field and a DIAMETER field. The MSLINK is not unique, because of a spatial join. What I want to achieve is to keep only the features in the shapefile that have a unique MSLINK and the smallest DIAMETER value, together with the corresponding values in the other fields. I can use a searchcursor to achieve this (looping through all features and removing each feature that does not comply, but this takes ages (> 75000 features). I was wondering if eg. numpy could do the trick faster in ArcMap/arcpy.
I think, making that kind of processing would definitely be a lot faster if you work on memory instead of interacting with arcgis. For example, by putting all the rows first into a python object (probably a namedtuple would be a good option here). Then you can find out which rows you want to delete or insert.
The fastest approach depends on a) if you have a lot of (MSLINK) repeated rows, then the fastest would be inserting just the ones you need in a new layer. Or b) if the rows to be deleted are just a few compared to the total of rows, then deleting is faster.
For a) you'll need to fetch all fields into the tuple, including the point coordinates, so that you can just create a new feature class and insert the new rows.
# Example of Variant a:
from collections import namedtuple
# assuming the following:
source_fc # contains name of the fclass
the_path # contains path to the shape
cleaned_fc # the name of the cleaned fclass
# use all fields of source_fc plus the shape token to get a touple with xy
# coordinates (using 'mslink' and 'diam' here to simplify the example)
fields = ['mslink', 'diam', 'field3', ... ]
all_fields = fields + ['SHAPE#XY']
# define a namedtuple to hold and work with the rows, use the name 'point' to
# hold the coordinates-tuple
Row = namedtuple('Row', fields + ['point'])
data = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(source_fc, fields) as sc:
for r in sc:
# unzip the values from each row into a new Row (namedtuple) and append
# to data
# now just delete the rows we don't want, for this, the easiest way, is probably
# to order the tuple first after MSLINK and then after the diamater...
data = sorted(data, key = lambda x : (x.mslink, x.diam))
# ... now just keep the first ones for each mslink
to_keep = []
last_mslink = None
for d in data:
if last_mslink != d.mslink:
last_mslink = d.mslink
# create a new feature class with the same fields as the source_fc
out_path=the_path, out_name=cleaned_fc, template=source_fc)
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(cleaned_fc, all_fields) as ic:
for r in to_keep:
And for alternative b) I would just fetch 3 fields, a unique ID, MSLINK and the diameter. Then make a delete list (here you only need the unique ids). Then loop again through the feature class and delete the rows with the id on your delete-list. Just to be sure, I would duplicate the feature class first, and work on a copy.
There are a few steps you can take to accomplish this task more efficiently. First and foremost, making use of the data analyst cursor as opposed to the older version of cursor will increase the speed of your process. This assumes you are working in 10.1 or beyond. Then you can employ summary statistics, namely its ability to find a minimum value based off a case field. For yours, the case field would be nMSLINK.
The code below first creates a statistics table with all unique 'nMSLINK' values, and its corresponding minimum 'DIAMETER' value. I then use a table select to select out only rows in the table whose 'FREQUENCY' field is not 1. From here I iterate through my new table and start to build a list of strings that will make up a final sql statement. After this iteration, I use the python join function to create an sql string that looks something like this:
("nMSLINK" = 'value1' AND "DIAMETER" <> 624.0) OR ("nMSLINK" = 'value2' AND "DIAMETER" <> 1302.0) OR ("nMSLINK" = 'value3' AND "DIAMETER" <> 1036.0) ...
The sql selects rows where nMSLINK values are not unique and where DIAMETER values are not the minimum. Using this SQL, I select by attribute and delete selected rows.
This SQL statement is written assuming your feature class is in a file geodatabase and that 'nMSLINK' is a string field and 'DIAMETER' is a numeric field.
The code has the following inputs:
Feature: The feature to be analyzed
Workspace: A folder that will store a couple intermediate tables temporarily
TempTableName1: A name for one temporary table.
TempTableName2: A name for a second temporary table
Field1 = The nonunique field
Field2 = The field with the numeric values that you wish to find the lowest of
# Import modules
from arcpy import *
import os
# Local variables
#Feature to analyze
Feature = r"C:\E1B8\ScriptTesting\Workspace\Workspace.gdb\testfeatureclass"
#Workspace to export table of identicals
Workspace = r"C:\E1B8\ScriptTesting\Workspace"
#Name of temp DBF table file
TempTableName1 = "Table1"
TempTableName2 = "Table2"
#Field names
Field1 = "nMSLINK" #nonunique
Field2 = "DIAMETER" #field with numeric values
#Make layer to allow selection
MakeFeatureLayer_management (Feature, "lyr")
#Path for first temp table
Table = os.path.join (Workspace, TempTableName1)
#Create statistics table with min value
Statistics_analysis (Feature, Table, [[Field2, "MIN"]], [Field1])
#SQL Select rows with frequency not equal to one
sql = '"FREQUENCY" <> 1'
# Path for second temp table
Table2 = os.path.join (Workspace, TempTableName2)
# Select rows with Frequency not equal to one
TableSelect_analysis (Table, Table2, sql)
#Empty list for sql bits
li = []
# Iterate through second table
cursor = da.SearchCursor (Table2, [Field1, "MIN_" + Field2])
for row in cursor:
# Add SQL bit to list
sqlbit = '("' + Field1 + '" = \'' + row[0] + '\' AND "' + Field2 + '" <> ' + str(row[1]) + ")"
li.append (sqlbit)
del row
del cursor
#Create SQL for selection of unwanted features
sql = " OR ".join (li)
print sql
#Select based on SQL
SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("lyr", "", sql)
#Delete selected features
DeleteFeatures_management ("lyr")
#delete temp files
Delete_management ("lyr")
Delete_management (Table)
Delete_management (Table2)
This should be quicker than a straight-up cursor. Let me know if this makes sense. Good luck!
