I am trying to understand why regularization syntax in Keras looks the way that it does.
Roughly speaking, regularization is way to reduce overfitting by adding a penalty term to the loss function proportional to some function of the model weights. Therefore, I would expect that regularization would be defined as part of the specification of the model's loss function.
However, in Keras the regularization is defined on a per-layer basis. For instance, consider this regularized DNN model:
input = Input(name='the_input', shape=(None, input_shape))
x = Dense(units = 250, activation='tanh', name='dense_1', kernel_regularizer=l2, bias_regularizer=l2, activity_regularizer=l2)(x)
x = Dense(units = 28, name='dense_2',kernel_regularizer=l2, bias_regularizer=l2, activity_regularizer=l2)(x)
y_pred = Activation('softmax', name='softmax')(x)
mymodel= Model(inputs=input, outputs=y_pred)
mymodel.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'])
I would have expected that the regularization arguments in the Dense layer were not needed and I could just write the last line more like:
mymodel.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy'], regularization='l2')
This is obviously wrong syntax, but I was hoping someone could elaborate for me a bit on why the regularizes are defined this way and what is actually happening when I use layer-level regularization.
The other thing I don't understand is under what circumstances would I use each or all of the three regularization options: (kernel_regularizer, activity_regularizer, bias_regularizer)?
Let's break down the components of your question:
Your expectation of regularisation is probably in line with a feed-forward network where yes the penalty term is applied to the weights of the overall network. But this is not necessarily the case when you have RNNs mixed with CNNs etc so Keras opts give fine grain control. Perhaps for easy setup, a regularisation at model level could be added to the API for all weights.
When you use layer regularisation, the base Layer class actually adds the regularising term to the loss which at training time penalises the corresponding layer's weights etc.
Now in Keras you can often apply regularisation to 3 different things as in Dense layer. Every layer has different kernels such recurrent etc, so for the question let's look at the ones you are interested in but the same roughly applies to all layers:
kernel: this applies to actual weights of the layer, in Dense it is the W of Wx+b.
bias: this is the bias vector of the weights, so you can apply a different regulariser for it, the b in Wx+b.
activity: is applied to the output vector, the y in y = f(Wx + b).
I have some queries about the Dropout layer and Batch normalized layer. Basically, I have made a simple DNN structure with a Dropout layer and Batch normalized layer and train it that's fine.
The simple structure of DNN model for example:
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
model = keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(10, activation='relu', input_shape=[11]),
layers.Dense(8, activation='relu'),
layers.Dense(6, activation='relu'),
history = model.fit(
X_train, y_train,
validation_data=(X_valid, y_valid),
But now I would like to use the train model's weights and bias of all layers in my custom prediction model(forget about the other way).
# Predictions for test
test_logits_1 = tf.matmul(tf_test_dataset, weights_1) + biases_1
test_relu_1 = tf.nn.relu(test_logits_1)
test_logits_2 = tf.matmul(test_relu_1, weights_2) + biases_2
test_relu_2 = tf.nn.relu(test_logits_2)
test_logits_3 = tf.matmul(test_relu_2, weights_3) + biases_3
test_relu_3 = tf.nn.relu(test_logits_3)
test_logits_4 = tf.matmul(test_logits_3 , weights_4) + biases_4
test_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(test_relu_4)
Now the question is here: have to need to add the dropout layer and batch normalized layer, batch size in the prediction model?? If yes then why to do that and how do I extract all the details of layers and use them in my custom prediction model?
#Dr. Snoopy thanks for pointing out that the BatchNormalization has parameters but to my knowledge they are not the normalization weights(weights being normalized) based on what I was able to deduce from the docs and little research.
The doc says the following(quoted text below) and based on the description it is clear that beta and gamma values are trainable variables which tallies with the output from tensorflow.
During training (i.e. when using fit() or when calling the layer/model with the argument training=True), the layer normalizes its output using the mean and standard deviation of the current batch of inputs. That is to say, for each channel being normalized, the layer returns (batch - mean(batch)) / (var(batch) + epsilon) * gamma + beta, where:
epsilon is small constant (configurable as part of the constructor arguments)
gamma is a learned scaling factor (initialized as 1), which can be disabled by passing scale=False to the constructor.
beta is a learned offset factor (initialized as 0), which can be disabled by passing center=False to the constructor.
But that is not the end of the story as the model summary indicates more parameters than the number of parameters beta and gamma comprise of.
A factor of 4 can be observed here i.e. the number of parameters in a BatchNormalization layer are 4 times the input shape the layer operates on.
These additional parameters are moving_mean and moving_variance values which can be seen in the following output
Coming back to the original question and concern of OP, "What parameters should i worry about?", the parameters that are needed for inference are moving_mean, moving_variance, beta, and gamma values.
The way to use these values/parameters is again easily deducible from the docs which I quote here again-
During inference (i.e. when using evaluate() or predict() or when calling the layer/model with the argument training=False (which is the default), the layer normalizes its output using a moving average of the mean and standard deviation of the batches it has seen during training. That is to say, it returns (batch - self.moving_mean) / (self.moving_var + epsilon) * gamma + beta.
self.moving_mean and self.moving_var are non-trainable variables that are updated each time the layer in called in training mode, as such:
moving_mean = moving_mean * momentum + mean(batch) * (1 - momentum)
moving_var = moving_var * momentum + var(batch) * (1 - momentum)
As such, the layer will only normalize its inputs during inference after having been trained on data that has similar statistics as the inference data.
So assuming the moving_mean, moving_variance, beta, and gamma values are available for every BatchNormalization layer, I think the following piece of code needs to be added after the first activation-
# epsilon is just to avoid ZeroDivisionError, so the default value should be okay
test_BN_1 = (test_relu_1 - moving_mean_1) / (moving_var_1 + epsilon_1) * gamma_1 + beta_1
Turns out that the documentation seems to be wrong but the implementation seems to be right based on what I could deduce from the source code on github.
If you follow the following links you'll see that the in call method of BatchNormalization class here https://github.com/keras-team/keras/blob/master/keras/layers/normalization.py#L1227 the calculation is actually done by keras backend normalization function batch_normalization here https://github.com/keras-team/keras/blob/35146d00b44ca645fbf4ad0b007faa07632c6f9e/keras/backend.py#L2963. The backend function doc string seems to be in agreement with what is mentioned in the reference paper and the picture you've posted.
So that means, you should use the square root of the variance only.
I am doing the image semantic segmentation job with unet, if I set the Softmax Activation for last layer like this:
conv9 = Conv2D(n_classes, (3,3), padding = 'same')(conv9)
conv10 = (Activation('softmax'))(conv9)
model = Model(inputs, conv10)
return model
and then using loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=False)
The training will not converge even for only one training image.
But if I do not set the Softmax Activation for last layer like this:
conv9 = Conv2D(n_classes, (3,3), padding = 'same')(conv9)
model = Model(inputs, conv9)
return model
and then using loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
The training will converge for one training image.
My groundtruth dataset is generated like this:
X = []
Y = []
im = cv2.imread(impath)
seg_labels = np.zeros((height, width, n_classes))
for spath in segpaths:
mask = cv2.imread(spath, 0)
seg_labels[:, :, c] += mask
Y.append(seg_labels.reshape(width*height, n_classes))
Why? Is there something wrong for my usage?
This is my experiment code of git: https://github.com/honeytidy/unet
You can checkout and run (can run on cpu). You can change the Activation layer and from_logits of CategoricalCrossentropy and see what i said.
Pushing the "softmax" activation into the cross-entropy loss layer significantly simplifies the loss computation and makes it more numerically stable.
It might be the case that in your example the numerical issues are significant enough to render the training process ineffective for the from_logits=False option.
You can find a derivation of the cross entropy loss (a special case of "info gain" loss) in this post. This derivation illustrates the numerical issues that are averted when combining softmax with cross entropy loss.
from_logits = True signifies the values of the loss obtained by the model are not normalized and is basically used when we don't have any softmax function in our model. For e.g. https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/generative/dcgan in this model they have not used a softmax activation function or in other words we can say it helps in numerical stability.
By default, all of the loss function implemented in Tensorflow for classification problem uses from_logits=False. Remember in case of classification problem, at the end of the prediction, usually one wants to produce output in terms of probabilities.
Just look at the image below, the last layer of the network(just before softmax function)
So the sequence is Neural Network ⇒ Last layer output ⇒ Softmax or Sigmoid function ⇒ Probability of each class.
For example in the case of a multi-class classification problem, where output can be y1, y2, ....... yn one wants to produce each output with some probability. (see the output layer). Now, this output layer will get compared in cross-entropy loss function with the true label.
Let us take an example where our network produced the output for the classification task. Assume your Neural Network is producing output, then you convert that output into probabilities using softmax function and calculate loss using a cross-entropy loss function
# output produced by the last layer of NN
nn_output_before_softmax = [3.2, 1.3, 0.2, 0.8]
# converting output of last layer of NN into probabilities by applying softmax
nn_output_after_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(nn_output_before_softmax)
# output converted into softmax after appling softmax
[0.77514964 0.11593805 0.03859243 0.07031998]
y_true = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Now there are two scenarios:
One is explicitly using the softmax (or sigmoid) function
One is not using softmax function separately and wants to include in the calculation of loss function
1) One is explicitly using the softmax (or sigmoid) function
When one is explicitly using softmax (or sigmoid) function, then, for the classification task, then there is a default option in TensorFlow loss function i.e. from_logits=False. So here TensorFlow is assuming that whatever the input that you will be feeding to the loss function are the probabilities, so no need to apply the softmax function.
# By default from_logits=False
loss_taking_prob = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=False)
loss_1 = loss_taking_prob(y_true, nn_output_after_softmax)
tf.Tensor(0.25469932, shape=(), dtype=float32)
2) One is not using the softmax function separately and wants to include it in the calculation of the loss function. This means that whatever inputs you are providing to the loss function is not scaled (means inputs are just the number from -inf to +inf and not the probabilities). Here you are letting TensorFlow perform the softmax operation for you.
loss_taking_logits = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
loss_2 = loss_taking_logits(y_true, nn_output_before_softmax)
tf.Tensor(0.2546992, shape=(), dtype=float32)
Please do remember that you using from_logits=False when it should be True leads to taking softmax of probabilities and producing incorrect model
I guess the problem comes from the softmax activation function. Looking at the doc I found that sotmax is applied to the last axis by default. Can you look at model.summary() and check if that is what you want ?
For softmax to work properly, you must make sure that:
You are using 'channels_last' as Keras default channel config.
This means the shapes in the model will be like (None, height, width, channels)
This seems to be your case because you are putting n_classes in the last axis. But it's also strange because you are using Conv2D and your output Y should be (1, height, width, n_classes) and not that strange shape you are using.
Your Y has only zeros and ones (not 0 and 255 as usually happens to images)
Check that Y.max() == 1 and Y.min() == 0
You may need to have Y = Y / 255.
Only one class is correct (your data does not have more than one path/channel with value = 1).
Check that (Y.sum(axis=-1) == 1).all() is True
I am trying to train a simple LSTM to fit a line. My hypothesis is that I should be able to fit a linearly decreasing trend with zero input since the LSTM can decide how much it listens to its input vs. internal state, and can thus learn to just operate on the internal state. Basically a degenerate case for testing whether the LSTM can fit an expected result with zero input.
I create my input and target data:
seq_len = 1000
x_train = np.zeros((1, seq_len, 1)) # [batch_size, seq_len, num_feat]
target = np.linspace(100, 0, num=seq_len).reshape(1, -1, 1)
I create a pretty simple network:
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import LSTM, Dense, Input, TimeDistributed
x_in = Input((seq_len, 1))
seq1 = LSTM(8, return_sequences=True)(x_in)
dense1 = TimeDistributed(Dense(8))(seq1)
seq2 = LSTM(8, return_sequences=True)(dense1)
dense2 = TimeDistributed(Dense(8))(seq2)
out = TimeDistributed(Dense(1))(dense2)
model = Model(inputs=x_in, outputs=out)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mean_squared_error')
history = model.fit(x_train, target, batch_size=1, epochs=1000,
I also created a custom callback that calls model.predict(x_train) after every epoch and adds the results to an array so I can see how my model's output is evolving over time. Basically the model just learns to predict a constant value which gradually (asymptotically) approaches the mean of my target line (target line is in red, not sure why the legend didn't show):
So basically nothing is driving my response to fit the actual line, I'm just gradually approaching the mean of the line. I suspect I am not getting any gradient with respect to time (data index), just an average gradient over time. But I would have thought LSTM losses would automagically give you gradient through time.
I've tried:
different activation functions for the LSTM layers (None, 'relu' for both the regular activation and recurrent activation)
different optimizers ('nadam', 'adadelta', 'rmsprop')
the 'mean_aboslute_error' loss function, which I didn't expect to improve the results, and it acted about the same
passing sequences of random numbers drawn from a normal distribution as input
replacing LSTM with GRU
Nothing seems to do it.
Anybody have a suggestion as to how I can force this thing to train on the gradient as a function of my sequence index, i.e. g(t)? Or any other suggestions on how I can get this to work?
Note: with the trend as shown, if the LSTM results in a constant value at exactly the mean (50), the minimum mean absolute error will be 25 and the minimum mean squared error will be about 835.8. So if we don't see any better than that, we probably aren't fitting the line, just the mean.
Just some references in case you run this yourself.
Currently I'm trying to train a complex data generated from telecom engineering models. The weights and biases are also complex. I have used the relu activation for the hidden layers as follows at the l-th layer:
A_l = tf.complex(tf.nn.relu(tf.real(Z_l)), tf.nn.relu(tf.imag(Z_l)))
But how to do it for the cost and optimizer, please? I am really confused because I'm a beginner in machine learning. I have gone through some papers about non-analytic functions, but none of them helped to use the Tensorflow API. For example: how do I rewrite the functions below?
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = Z_out, labels = y))
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate).minimize(cost)
I have seen a recommendation to split the cost as real and imaginary parts as:
cost_R = .., cost_I = ...
but I didn't try it because I think the optimizer will be split and the optimization not be working. I used the relu activation for the hidden layers as follows at the l-th layer:
A_l = tf.complex(tf.nn.relu(tf.real(Z_l)), tf.nn.relu(tf.imag(Z_l)))
But how to the cost and optimizer?
Any help is much appreciated.
I am referreing to this sample code
in the code snippet below:
embeddings = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0))
embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, train_inputs)
# Construct the variables for the NCE loss
nce_weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, embedding_size],stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(embedding_size)))
nce_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocabulary_size]))
loss = tf.reduce_mean(
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1.0).minimize(loss)
Now NCE_Loss function is nothing but a single hidden layer neural network with softmax at the optput layer [knowing is takes only a few negative sample]
This part of the graph will only update the weights of the network, it is not doing anything to the "embeddings" matrix/ tensor.
so ideally once the network is trained we must again pass it once through the embeddings_matrix first and then multiply by the transpose of the "nce_weights" [considering it as the same weight auto-encoder, at input & output layers] to reach to the hidden layer representation of each word, which we are are calling word2vec (?)
But if look at the later part of the code, the value of the embeddings matrix is being used a word representation. This
Even the tensorflow doc for NCE loss, mentions input (to which we are passing embed, which uses embeddings) as just the 1st layer input activation values.
inputs: A Tensor of shape [batch_size, dim]. The forward activations of the input network.
A normal back propagation stops at the first layer of the network,
does this implementation of NCE loss, goes beyond and propagates the loss to the input values (and hence to the embedding) ?
This seems an extra step?
Refer this for why I am calling it an extra step, he has a same explanation.
Want I have figured out reading and going through tensorflow is that
though the entire thing is single hidden layer neural network, a auto-encoder indeed. But the weights are not tied, which I assumed.
The encoder is made of the weight matrix embeddings and the decoder is made of the nce_weights. And now embed is nothing but the hidden layer output, given by multiplying input with embeddings.
So with this, embeddings and nce_weights both will be updated in the graph. And we can choose any of the two weight matrix, embeddings is more preferred here.
Actually for both tf.nn.nce_loss and tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss, the parameters, weights and bias are for the input Weights(tranpose) X + bias, to objective function, which can be logistic regression/ softmax function [refer].
But the back-propagation/ gradient descent happens till the very base of the graph you are building and does not stop at the weights and bias of the function only. Hence the input parameter in both tf.nn.nce_loss and tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss are also updated which in-turn is build of embeddings matrix.