I put the functions from the following program into a module but when I import the module into a separate program and call the functions I get an error (see below). What do I need to do for the functions to run correctly using the module? Any help is much appreciated.
Original Program:
def print_m(unprinted, completed):
while unprinted:
current = unprinted.pop()
print("Printing: " + current)
def show_completed(completed):
print("\nThe following have been printed:")
for completed_item in completed:
unprinted = ['star', 'sword', 'model']
completed = []
print_m(unprinted, completed)
Putting the functions in a module - printing_functions.py:
def print_m(unprinted, completed):
while unprinted:
current = unprinted.pop()
print("Printing: " + current)
def show_completed(completed):
print("\nThe following have been printed:")
for completed_item in completed:
Wrote separate program to import the module:
import printing_functions as pf
unprinted = ['star', 'sword', 'model']
completed = []
pf.print_m(unprinted, completed)
When I run the program I get the following error:
NameError: name 'completed' is not defined
I used shorter terms in the code above and it DOES appear to work, which makes me more baffled. Posting the original code below. If the above works, why doesn't the module below work?
def print_models(unprinted_designs, completed_designs):
Simulate printing each design, until none are left.
Move each design to completed_models after printing.
while unprinted_designs:
current_design = unprinted_designs.pop()
#Simulate creating a 3D print from the design.
print("Printing model: " + current_design)
def show_completed_models(completed_models):
"""Show all the models that were printed."""
print("\nThe following models have been printed:")
for completed_model in completed_models:
unprinted_designs = ['iphone case', 'robot pendant', 'dodecahedron']
completed_models = []
print_models(unprinted_designs, completed_models)
def print_models(unprinted_designs, completed_designs):
Simulate printing each design, until none are left.
Move each design to completed_models after printing.
while unprinted_designs:
current_design = unprinted_designs.pop()
#Simulate creating a 3D print from the design.
print("Printing model: " + current_design)
def show_completed_models(completed_models):
"""Show all the models that were printed."""
print("\nThe following models have been printed:")
for completed_model in completed_models:
New Program
import printing_functions as pf
unprinted_designs = ['iphone case', 'robot pendant', 'dodecahedron']
completed_models = []
pf.print_models(unprinted_designs, completed_models)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/Documents/Python Projects/python_work/8-15_printing_models.py", line 6, in
pf.print_models(unprinted_designs, completed_models)
File "/home/pi/Documents/Python Projects/python_work/printing_functions.py", line 11, in print_models
NameError: name 'completed_models' is not defined
I've been trying to create a TrajectorySource for RigidTransforms to pass into a DifferentialInverseKinematicsIntegrator which only takes in RigidTransforms in its input port.
def createTraj(time, pose):
times = []
poses = []
for step in time:
return PiecewisePose.MakeLinear(times, poses)
Initially, I tried to directly pass in the output from createTraj above into TrajectorySource but ran into the issue of my trajectory having more than one columns: Failure at systems/primitives/trajectory_source.cc:21 in TrajectorySource(): condition 'trajectory.cols() == 1' failed.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpld3
class DexterTest():
# Output from createTraj is passed as parameter: traj into constructor
def __init__(self, traj):
builder = DiagramBuilder()
self.station = DexterPPStation(1e-4, "/opt/drake/share/drake/manipulation/models/final_dexter_description/urdf/dexter.urdf")
self.station.CreateBins("/opt/drake/share/drake/examples/manipulation_station/models/bin.sdf", RigidTransform(np.array([0.5,0,0])), RigidTransform(np.array([0,0.5,0])))
self.diff_ik = DifferentialInverseKinematicsIntegrator(self.station.controller_plant, self.station.plant.GetFrameByName("link6", self.station.dexter["instance"]), self.station.time_step, DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters(7,7))
#=========================================== Likely Source of Error ===========================================
pose = builder.AddSystem(PoseSystem())
p_G_source = builder.AddSystem(TrajectorySource(traj.get_position_trajectory()))
w_G_source = builder.AddSystem(TrajectorySource(traj.get_orientation_trajectory()))
builder.Connect(p_G_source.get_output_port(), pose.GetInputPort("p_G"))
builder.Connect(w_G_source.get_output_port(), pose.GetInputPort("r_G"))
builder.Connect(pose.get_output_port(), self.diff_ik.get_input_port())
MeshcatVisualizerCpp.AddToBuilder(builder, self.station.GetOutputPort("query_object"), meshcat)
self.diagram = builder.Build()
self.simulator = Simulator(self.diagram)
self.diagram_context = self.simulator.get_mutable_context()
self.station_context = self.station.GetMyMutableContextFromRoot(self.diagram_context)
self.plant_context = self.station.GetSubsystemContext(self.station.plant, self.station_context)
builder.Connect(self.diff_ik.get_output_port(), self.station.GetInputPort("dexter_position"))
def run(self):
class PoseSystem(LeafSystem):
def __init__(self):
self.p_G = self.DeclareVectorInputPort("p_G", BasicVector(3))
self.r_G = self.DeclareVectorInputPort("r_G", BasicVector(4))
self.DeclareAbstractOutputPort("X_G", Value[RigidTransform], self.CalcOutput)
def CalcOutput(self, context, output):
pose = RigidTransform(Quaternion(self.r_G.Eval(context)), self.p_G.Eval(context))
Instead, I tried to break up my trajectory into its orientation and position parts, add them to the input ports of a custom system, and then reconstruct them together in the output port. However, this gives me the following RuntimeError once the run method is called: RuntimeError: This multibody element does not belong to the supplied MultibodyTree.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I think you are very close. The PoseSystem looks like it should be a solution to the problem you've articulated in your post. (The error about MultibodyTree must be coming from the other part of your code.
You don't actually need to break the RigidTransform up into orientation / translation to create your PoseSystem, your CalcOutput could just call output.set_value(poses.Eval(t)) if poses is a PiecewisePose trajectory.
I have an example of doing this in the PickAndPlaceTrajectory class in this notebook: https://github.com/RussTedrake/manipulation/blob/008cec6343dd39063705287e6664a3fee71a43b8/pose.ipynb
Oh my python guys, please help me.
One of my python projects suddenly stopped working for no reason.
I'm using pytube module and when i try to run the code i get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\giova\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\pytube\contrib\search.py", line 94, in fetch_and_parse
sections = raw_results['contents']['twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer'][
KeyError: 'twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer' fetch_and_parse
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\giova\OneDrive\Desktop\Coding\Python\youtubeapp.py", line 38, in <module>
File "C:\Users\giova\OneDrive\Desktop\Coding\Python\youtubeapp.py", line 21, in videoSearch
availableResults = len(vid.results)
File "C:\Users\giova\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\pytube\contrib\search.py", line 62, in results
videos, continuation = self.fetch_and_parse() results
File "C:\Users\giova\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\pytube\contrib\search.py", line 97, in fetch_and_parse fetch_and_parse
sections = raw_results['onResponseReceivedCommands'][0][
KeyError: 'onResponseReceivedCommands'
This is not even the only error i get, sometimes i got "http error 410: gone" error or some like this. I haven't changed the code for about two weeks (it was working two weeks ago) and it stopped working. I don't know what is happening to my code.
This is the full code:
from pytube import Search, YouTube
print("================================\n What do you want to do?: ")
availableChoose = [
'1 Search videos',
for choose in availableChoose:
userChoose = input()
userChoose = userChoose.lower()
def videoSearch():
userSearch = input("Enter the title of the video you want to search: ")
vid = Search(userSearch)
availableResults = len(vid.results)
strAvailableResults = str(availableResults)
print("The available results are " + strAvailableResults)
vidResultsList = vid.results
vidResultsList = str(vidResultsList)
vidResultsList = vidResultsList.replace("<pytube.__main__.YouTube object: videoId=", "")
vidResultsList = vidResultsList.replace(">", "")
vidResultsList = vidResultsList.replace("[", "")
vidResultsList = vidResultsList.replace("]", "")
vidResultsList = vidResultsList.replace(" ", "")
vidResultsList = vidResultsList.split(',')
for vidResultsObject in vidResultsList:
vidLink = ("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + vidResultsObject)
vidTempObject = YouTube(vidLink)
print(vidTempObject.title + " - " + vidLink)
if(userChoose == "search" or userChoose == "search video" or userChoose == "search videos" or userChoose == "1"):
pytube's 11.0.0 API docs list the Search.fetch_and_parse() method.
The corresponding source-code shows that it internally handles a KeyError for onResponseReceivedCommands:
# Initial result is handled by try block, continuations by except block
sections = raw_results['contents']['twoColumnSearchResultsRenderer'][
except KeyError:
sections = raw_results['onResponseReceivedCommands'][0][
This method is an inner one, that is used by your vid.results call.
Might be, that the Youtube API has changed there response and your version of pytube is not fitting anymore.
Bug already filed
See pytube issue #1082 and issue #1106.
Meanwhile use another branch
tfdahlin's fork has a bugfixed version. It was already proposed as Pull-Request to the project:
PR #1090, opened on 2021-08-13 (currently waiting for approval).
I am also struggling to get around the search results provided by pytube Search module. Since search results are looking like objects, I was thinking (lazily) that I cannot convert the object list in to strings.
After modifying your function as below, the results are printed as youtube links.
def videoSearch(search_list): #provide the search.results list as input
for result in search_list: #Begin video id extraction
result = str(result)
temp = result.replace("<pytube.__main__.YouTube object: videoId=", "")
temp = temp.split(',')[0] #get the correct video id
vidLink = ("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + temp)
Try it out.
Let's say we have a concurrent SMACH container sm_con which includes two state machines SM1 and SM2. I need to find a way for SM1 to continuously update some data and for SM2 to access (and eventually also modify) the same data. I thought about solving this by passing the userdata of sm_con to SM1 and SM2 as input- and output-keys hoping that if SM1 modifies the data it would automatically overwrite sm_cons userdata (kind of like working with pointers in c++) but this doesn't work.
The corresponding code would look like this:
import smach
import smach_ros
import rospy
class st1(smach.State):
def __init__(self, outcomes=['successful', 'preempted']):
smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes, input_keys=['in_test'], output_keys=['out_test'])
def execute(self, userdata):
if self.preempt_requested():
return 'preempted'
rospy.logerr('test 1: '+str(userdata.in_test))
return 'successful'
class st2(smach.State):
def __init__(self, outcomes=['successful', 'preempted']):
smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes, input_keys=['in_test'])
def execute(self, userdata):
if self.preempt_requested():
return 'preempted'
rospy.logerr('test 2: ' + str(userdata.in_test))
return 'successful'
if __name__=="__main__":
sm_con = smach.Concurrence(outcomes=['success'],
sm_con.userdata.testdata = 0
with sm_con:
sm_1 = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'preempted'], input_keys=['testdata'], output_keys=['testdata'])
with sm_1:
smach.StateMachine.add('ST1', st1(),
remapping={'in_test': 'testdata', 'out_test': 'testdata'},
transitions={'successful': 'ST1'})
sm_2 = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'preempted'], input_keys=['testdata'])
with sm_2:
smach.StateMachine.add('ST2', st2(),
transitions={'successful': 'ST2'})
smach.Concurrence.add('SM1', sm_1)
smach.Concurrence.add('SM2', sm_2)
# Execute SMACH plan
outcome = sm_con.execute()
print('exit-outcome:' + outcome)
# Wait for ctrl-c to stop the application
Running this code, the output 'test 1: ...' shows that inside SM1 the userdata gets incremented while the output 'test 2: ...' shows that SM2 doesn't access the incremented data as the output remains 0.
How can I modify some data in SM1 and access the modified data in SM2?
I found a workaround for this using mutable objects like described here.
Applied on the code above, it would look like the following:
import smach
import smach_ros
import rospy
class st1(smach.State):
def __init__(self, outcomes=['successful', 'preempted']):
smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes, input_keys=['in_test'])
def execute(self, userdata):
if self.preempt_requested():
return 'preempted'
rospy.logerr('test 1: '+str(userdata.in_test))
return 'successful'
class st2(smach.State):
def __init__(self, outcomes=['successful', 'preempted']):
smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes, input_keys=['in_test'])
def execute(self, userdata):
if self.preempt_requested():
return 'preempted'
rospy.logerr('test 2: ' + str(userdata.in_test[0]))
return 'successful'
if __name__=="__main__":
sm_con = smach.Concurrence(outcomes=['success'],
sm_con.userdata.testdata = [0]
with sm_con:
sm_1 = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'preempted'], input_keys=['testdata'])
with sm_1:
smach.StateMachine.add('ST1', st1(),
remapping={'in_test': 'testdata'},
transitions={'successful': 'ST1'})
sm_2 = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['success', 'preempted'], input_keys=['testdata'])
with sm_2:
smach.StateMachine.add('ST2', st2(),
transitions={'successful': 'ST2'})
smach.Concurrence.add('SM1', sm_1)
smach.Concurrence.add('SM2', sm_2)
# Execute SMACH plan
outcome = sm_con.execute()
print('exit-outcome:' + outcome)
# Wait for ctrl-c to stop the application
Since this is only a workaround, refer to my corresponding issue-post here for more information.
I am using this script:
import csv
import time
import sys
from ete3 import NCBITaxa
ncbi = NCBITaxa()
def get_desired_ranks(taxid, desired_ranks):
lineage = ncbi.get_lineage(taxid)
names = ncbi.get_taxid_translator(lineage)
lineage2ranks = ncbi.get_rank(names)
ranks2lineage = dict((rank,taxid) for (taxid, rank) in lineage2ranks.items())
return{'{}_id'.format(rank): ranks2lineage.get(rank, '<not present>') for rank in desired_ranks}
if __name__ == '__main__':
file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
taxids = []
contigs = []
for line in file:
line = line.split("\n")[0]
desired_ranks = ['superkingdom', 'phylum']
results = list()
for taxid in taxids:
ranks = get_desired_ranks(taxid, desired_ranks)
for key, rank in ranks.items():
if rank != '<not present>':
i = 0
for result in results:
print(contigs[i] + ','),
i += 1
The script takes taxids from a file and fetches their respective lineages from a local copy of NCBI's Taxonomy database. Strangely, this script works fine when I run it on small sets of taxids (~70, ~100), but most of my datasets are upwards of 280k taxids and these break the script.
I get this complete error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data1/lstout/blast/scripts/getLineageByETE3.py", line 31, in <module>
ranks = get_desired_ranks(taxid, desired_ranks)
File "/data1/lstout/blast/scripts/getLineageByETE3.py", line 11, in get_desired_ranks
lineage = ncbi.get_lineage(taxid)
File "/data1/lstout/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ete3/ncbi_taxonomy/ncbiquery.py", line 227, in get_lineage
result = self.db.execute('SELECT track FROM species WHERE taxid=%s' %taxid)
sqlite3.Warning: You can only execute one statement at a time.
The first two files from the traceback are simply the script I referenced above, the third file is one of ete3's. And as I stated, the script works fine with small datasets.
What I have tried:
Importing the time module and sleeping for a few milliseconds/hundredths of a second before/after my offending lines of code on lines 11 and 31. No effect.
Went to line 227 in ete3's code...
result = self.db.execute('SELECT track FROM species WHERE taxid=%s' %merged_conversion[taxid])
and changed the "execute" function to "executescript" in order to be able to handle multiple queries at once (as that seems to be the problem). This produced a new error and led to a rabbit hole of me changing minor things in their script trying to fudge this to work. No result. This is the complete offending function:
def get_lineage(self, taxid):
"""Given a valid taxid number, return its corresponding lineage track as a
hierarchically sorted list of parent taxids.
if not taxid:
return None
result = self.db.execute('SELECT track FROM species WHERE taxid=%s' %taxid)
raw_track = result.fetchone()
if not raw_track:
#perhaps is an obsolete taxid
_, merged_conversion = self._translate_merged([taxid])
if taxid in merged_conversion:
result = self.db.execute('SELECT track FROM species WHERE taxid=%s' %merged_conversion[taxid])
raw_track = result.fetchone()
# if not raise error
if not raw_track:
#raw_track = ["1"]
raise ValueError("%s taxid not found" %taxid)
warnings.warn("taxid %s was translated into %s" %(taxid, merged_conversion[taxid]))
track = list(map(int, raw_track[0].split(",")))
return list(reversed(track))
What bothers me so much is that this works on small amounts of data! I'm running these scripts from my school's high performance computer and have tried running on their head node and in an interactive moab scheduler. Nothing has helped.
I have two Scripts. Script 1 is titled schemeDetails.The second script is a test script called temporaryFile that creates a schemeSetup object using the schemeSetup class which is within schemeDetails. Everything is hunky dory up to the point where I try to acess the method insertScheme which is within the schemeSetup Class.
I have imported the schemeDetails script using the following:
import schemeDetails
from schemeDetails import *
I can create the schemeDetails Object and access its attributes
d = schemeDetails.schemeSetup() -- fine
print(d.scheme) -- fine
d.insertScheme() -- throws error
but trying to call the insertScheme function throws an error
I don't know why this is happening as the import statement looks above board to me. Any advice appreciated
from sikuli import *
import os
class schemeSetup(object):
#Uses default values
def __init__(
scheme = "GM",
cardNumber = "1234567A",
month = "December",
year = "2015",
setSchemeAsDefault = True):
#Provide default values for parameters
self.scheme = scheme
self.cardNumber = cardNumber
self.month = month
self.year = year
self.setSchemeAsDefault = setSchemeAsDefault
#schemeDetails is not a sub
# class of patient. It is simply defined within the patient class
# - there is a huge difference.
#schemeDetails Function
def insertScheme(self):
print("insertScheme Works")
#r = Regions()
#r.description("Patient Maintenance", "schemeDetails")
#myRegion = r.createRegion()
#type(self.scheme + Key.ENTER + Key.ENTER)
#type(self.cardNumber + Key.ENTER)
#type(self.month + Key.ENTER)
#type(self.year + Key.ENTER)
#type(" ")
#unticks HT link, HT linking should be in a separate function
#schemeDetails Function
def editScheme(self):
print("editScheme Works")
def deleteScheme(self):
It may be of importance that calling either of the bottom functions does not produce an error. If I put print("Hello") under editScheme, and call that method using s.editScheme the program compiles but I get no output. If I run print(s.editScheme) it returns None
Well it seems to be fixed now after changing the import format to this
import schemeDetails
from schemeDetails import schemeSetup
s = schemeDetails.schemeSetup()