Recurrent Neural Network for anomaly detection - python

I am implementing an anomaly detection system that will be used on different time series (one observation every 15 min for a total of 5 months). All these time series have a common pattern: high levels during working hours and low levels otherwise.
The idea presented in many papers is the following: build a model to predict future values and calculate an anomaly score based on the residuals.
What I have so far
I use an LSTM to predict the next time step given the previous 96 (1 day of observations) and then I calculate the anomaly score as the likelihood that the residuals come from one of the two normal distributions fitted on the residuals obtained with the validation test. I am using two different distributions, one for working hours and one for non working hours.
The model detects very well point anomalies, such as sudden falls and peaks, but it fails during holidays, for example.
If an holiday is during the week, I expect my model to detect more anomalies, because it's an unusual daily pattern wrt a normal working day.
But the predictions simply follows the previous observations.
My solution
Use a second and more lightweight model (based on time series decomposition) which is fed with daily aggregations instead of 15min aggregations to detect daily anomalies.
The question
This combination of two models allows me to have both anomalies and it works very well, but my idea was to use only one model because I expected the LSTM to be able to "learn" also the weekly pattern. Instead it strictly follows the previous time steps without taking into consideration that it is a working hour and the level should be much higher.
I tried to add exogenous variables to the input (hour of day, day of week), to add layers and number of cells, but the situation is not that better.
Any consideration is appreciated.
Thank you

A note on your current approach
Training with MSE is equivalent to optimizing the likelihood of your data under a Gaussian with fixed variance and mean given by your model. So you are already training an autoencoder, though you do not formulate it so.
About the things you do
You don't give the LSTM a chance
Since you provide data from last 24 hours only, the LSTM cannot possibly learn a weekly pattern.
It could at best learn that the value should be similar as it was 24 hours before (though it is very unlikely, see next point) -- and then you break it with Fri-Sat and Sun-Mon data. From the LSTM's point of view, your holiday 'anomaly' looks pretty much the same as the weekend data you were providing during the training.
So you would first need to provide longer contexts during learning (I assume that you carry the hidden state on during test time).
Even if you gave it a chance, it wouldn't care
Assuming that your data really follows a simple pattern -- high value during and only during working hours, plus some variations of smaller scale -- the LSTM doesn't need any long-term knowledge for most of the datapoints. Putting in all my human imagination, I can only envision the LSTM benefiting from long-term dependencies at the beginning of the working hours, so just for one or two samples out of the 96.
So even if the loss value at the points would like to backpropagate through > 7 * 96 timesteps to learn about your weekly pattern, there are 7*95 other loss terms that are likely to prevent the LSTM from deviating from the current local optimum.
Thus it may help to weight the samples at the beginning of working hours more, so that the respective loss can actually influence representations from far history.
Your solutions is a good thing
It is difficult to model sequences at multiple scales in a single model. Even you, as a human, need to "zoom out" to judge longer trends -- that's why all the Wall Street people have Month/Week/Day/Hour/... charts to watch their shares' prices on. Such multiscale modeling is especially difficult for an RNN, because it needs to process all the information, always, with the same weights.
If you really want on model to learn it all, you may have more success with deep feedforward architectures employing some sort of time-convolution, eg. TDNNs, Residual Memory Networks (Disclaimer: I'm one of the authors.), or the recent one-architecture-to-rule-them-all, WaveNet. As these have skip connections over longer temporal context and apply different transformations at different levels, they have better chances of discovering and exploiting such an unexpected long-term dependency.
There are implementations of WaveNet in Keras laying around on GitHub, e.g. 1 or 2. I did not play with them (I've actually moved away from Keras some time ago), but esp. the second one seems really easy, with the AtrousConvolution1D.
If you want to stay with RNNs, Clockwork RNN is probably the model to fit your needs.
About things you may want to consider for your problem
So are there two data distributions?
This one is a bit philosophical.
Your current approach shows that you have a very strong belief that there are two different setups: workhours and the rest. You're even OK with changing part of your model (the Gaussian) according to it.
So perhaps your data actually comes from two distributions and you should therefore train two models and switch between them as appropriate?
Given what you have told us, I would actually go for this one (to have a theoretically sound system). You cannot expect your LSTM to learn that there will be low values on Dec 25. Or that there is a deadline and this weekend consists purely of working hours.
Or are there two definitions of anomaly?
One philosophical point more. Perhaps you personally consider two different types of anomaly:
A weird temporal trajectory, unexpected peaks, oscillations, whatever is unusual in your domain. Your LSTM supposedly handles these already.
And then, there is different notion of anomaly: Value of certain bound in certain time intervals. Perhaps a simple linear regression / small MLP from time to value would do here?
Let the NN do all the work
Currently, you effectively model the distribution of your quantity in two steps: First, the LSTM provides the mean. Second, you supply the variance.
You might instead let your NN (together with additional 2 affine transformations) directly provide you with a complete Gaussian by producing its mean and variance; much like in Variational AutoEncoders (, appendix C.2). Then, you need to optimize directly the likelihood of your following sample under the NN-distribution, rather than just MSE between the sample and the NN output.
This will allow your model to tell you when it is very strict about the following value and when "any" sample will be OK.
Note, that you can take this approach further and have your NN produce "any" suitable distribution. E.g. if your data live in-/can be sensibly transformed to- a limited domain, you may try to produce a Categorical distribution over the space by having a Softmax on the output, much like WaveNet does (, Section 2.2).


How to Make statistical tests in time series applications

I received a feedback from my paper about stock market forecasting with Machine Learning, and the reviewer asked the following:
I would like you to statistically test the out-of-sample performance
of your methods. Hence 'differ significantly' in the original wording.
I agree that some of the figures look awesome visually, but visually,
random noise seems to contain patterns. I believe Sortino Ratio is the
appropriate statistic to test, and it can be tested by using
bootstrap. I.e., a distribution is obtained for both BH and your
strategy, and the overlap of these distributions is calculated.
My problem is that I never did that for time series data. My validation procedure is using a strategy called walk forward, where I shift data in time 11 times, generating 11 different combinations of training and test with no overlap. So, here are my questions:
1- what would be the best (or more appropriate) statistical test to use given what the reviewer is asking?
2- If I remember well, statistical tests require vectors as input, is that correct? can I generate a vector containing 11 values of sortino ratios (1 for each walk) and then compare them with baselines? or should I run my code more than once? I am afraid the last choice would be unfeasible given the sort time to review.
So, what would be the correct actions to compare machine learning approaches statistically in this time series scenario?
Pointing out random noise seems to contain patterns, It's mean your plots have nice patterns, but it's might be random noise following [x] distribution (i.e. random uniform noise), which make things less accurate. It might be a good idea to split data into a k groups randomly, then apply Z-Test or T-test, pairwise compare the k-groups.
The reviewer point out the Sortino ratio which seems to be ambiguous as you are targeting to have a machine learning model, for a forecasting task, it's meant that, what you actually care about is the forecasting accuracy and reliability which could be granted if you are using Cross-Vaildation, in convex optimization it's equivalent to use the sensitivity analysis.
The problem of serial dependency for time series data, raised in case of we have non-stationary time series data (low patterns), which seems to be not the problem of your data, even if it's the case, it's could be solved by removing the trends, i.e. convert non-stationery time series into stationery, using ADF Test for example, and might also consider using ARIMA models.
Time shifting, sometimes could be useful, but it's not considered to be a good measurement of noises, but it's might help to improve model accuracy by shifting data and extracting some features (ex. mean, variance over window size, etc.).
There's nothing preventing you to try time shifting approach, but you can't rely on it as an accurate measurement and you still need to prove your statistical analysis, using more robust techniques.

Deal with excessive number of zeros

ipdb> np.count_nonzero(test==0) / len(ytrue) * 100
I have a datafile counting 24000 prices where I use them for a time series forecasting problem. Instead of trying predicting the price, I tried to predict log-return, i.e. log(P_t/P_P{t-1}). I have applied the log-return over the prices as well as all the features. The prediction are not bad, but the trend tend to predict zero. As you can see above, ~76% of the data are zeros.
Now the idea is probably to "look up for a zero-inflated estimator : first predict whether it's gonna be a zero; if not, predict the value".
In details, what is the perfect way to deal with excessive number of zeros? How zero-inflated estimator can help me with that? Be aware originally I am not probabilist.
P.S. I am working trying to predict the log-return where the units are "seconds" for High-Frequency Trading study. Be aware that it is a regression problem (not a classification problem).
That picture is probably the best prediction I have on the log-return, i.e log(P_t/P_{t-1}). Although it is not bad, the remaining predictions tend to predict zero. As you can see in the above question, there is too many zeros. I have probably the same problem inside the features as I take the log-return on the features as well, i.e. if F is a particular feature, then I apply log(F_t/F_{t-1}).
Here is a one day data, log_return_with_features.pkl, with shape (23369, 30, 161). Sorry, but I cannot tell what are the features. As I apply log(F_t/F_{t-1}) on all the features and on the target (i.e. the price), then be aware I added 1e-8 to all the features before applying the log-return operation to avoid division by 0.
Ok, so judging from your plot: it's the nature of the data, the price doesn't really change that often.
Try subsampling your original data a bit (perhaps by a factor of 5, just look at the data), so that you generally see a price movement with every time-tick. This should make any modeling much MUCH easier.
For the subsampling: I suggest you do simple regular downsampling in time domain. So if you have price data with a second resolution (i.e. one price tag every second), then simply take every fifth datapoint. Then proceed as you usually do, specifically, compute the log-increase in the price from this subsampled data. Remember that whatever you do, it must be reproducible during the test time.
If that is not an option for you for whatever reasons, have a look at something that can handle multiple time scales, e.g. WaveNet or Clockwork RNN.

How to approach feature elimination?

I have been working on a couple of dataset to build predictive models based on them. However I am left a bit bewildered when its coming to elimination of features.
The first one is the Boston Housing dataset and the second is Bigmart Sales dataset. I will focus my question around these two however I would also appreciate relatively generalized answers too.
Boston Housing : I have constructed a correlation coefficient matrix and eliminated the features which has an absolute correlation coefficient of less than 0.50 with respect to the target variable medv. That is leaving me with three features. However, I also do understand that a correlation matrix can be highly deceptive and does not capture non-linear relationships and as a matter of fact features such as crim, indus etc does have non-linear relationship with medv and intuitively it simply does not feel correct to discard them right away.
Bigmart Sales : There are around 30+ features that is created after OneHotEncoding in Python. I have given a go to backward elimination method while I was constructing a linear regression model but I am not exactly sure how to apply backward elimination when I was working on a Decision Tree model for this dataset (not sure if it can actually be applied to Decision Tree at all).
It would be of great help if I can get some idea on how to approach to feature elimination for the above two cases. Let me know if you need more info, I will gladly provide.
It's extremely general question. I don't think that it possible to answer to your question in StackOverFlow format.
For every ML / Statistical model you need different Feature Elimination / Feature Engineering approach:
Linear / Logistic / GLM models require removal of correlated features
For Neural Nets / Boosted trees removal of features will heart performance of the model
Even for one type of models there's no single best way of doing Feature Elimination
If you can add more specific information to your question it'll be possible to discuss it in details.
This is a fun one without any definitive answers (No Free Lunch Theorems) that apply across the board. That said, there are many guidelines which typically have success in real-world problems. Those guidelines will work fine in the specific datasets you explicitly mentioned as well.
As with just about anything else, one must always consider the purpose of feature elimination. Without a goal or set of goals, any answer is valid. With an objective, not only can you hone in on a good answer, but it can open up the door to other ideas you may not have considered. Typically feature elimination is done for one of four reasons:
Increased Accuracy
Increased Generalization
Decreased Bias
Decreased Variance
Decreased Computational Costs
Ease of Explanation
Of course there are other reasons, but these cover the main use cases. With respect to any of those metrics, the obvious (and awful -- never do this) way to choose which ones to keep is to try all combinations in your model and see what happens. In the Boston Housing dataset, this yields 2^13=8192 possible combinations of features to test. The combinatorial growth is exponential, and not only is this approach likely to lead to survivorship bias, it is too expensive for most people and most data.
Barring any sort of a comprehensive examination of all possible options, one must use a heuristic of some kind to attempt to find the same results. I'll mention several:
Train the model n times, each with precisely one feature removed (a different feature each time). If a model has poor performance it indicates that the removed feature is important.
Train the model once with all features, and randomly perturb each input one feature at a time (this can be done stochastically if you don't want to waste time on every input). The features which cause the most classification error when perturbed are the ones which matter the most.
As you said, perform some sort of correlation testing with the target variable to determine feature importance and a cross-correlation to remove duplicated linear information.
These different approaches have different assumptions and goals. Feature removal is important from a computational standpoint (many machine learning algorithms are quadratic or worse in the number of features), and with that perspective the goal is to preserve the behavior of the model as best as possible while removing as much information (i.e., as much complexity) as possible. In the Boston Housing data set, your cross-correlation analysis would probably leave you with Charles River Proximity, Nitrous Oxide Concentration, and Average Room Number as the most relevant variables. Between those three you capture nearly all the accuracy a linear model can obtain on the data.
One thing to point out is that feature removal by definition removes information. This can improve accuracy and generalization for only a few reasons.
By removing redundant information, the model has less bias toward those features and is better able to generalize.
By removing noisy information, the model can focus its efforts on features with high informational content. Note that this affects non-deterministic models like neural networks more than models like linear regressions. Linear regressions always converge to the one unique solution (except in special cases that happen with a true 0% probability where there are multiple solutions).
When you're throwing a lot of features into an algorithm (50k different genes for an organism for example), it makes a lot of sense that some of them won't carry any information. By definition then, any variance they have is noise that the model may inadvertently pick up instead of the signal we want. Feature removal is a common strategy in that domain which improves accuracy dramatically.
Contrast that with the Boston Housing data which has 13 carefully curated features, all of which carry information (based on eyeballing crude scatter plots with respect to the target variable). That particular reasoning isn't likely to affect accuracy much. Moreover, there aren't enough features for there to be very much bias introduced with duplicated information.
On top of that, there are hundreds of data points covering the majority of the input space, so even if we did have bias problems or extraneous features, there is more than enough data that the effects will be negligible. Perhaps enough to make or break the 1st or 2nd place winners in Kaggle, but not enough to make the difference between a good analysis and a great analysis.
Especially if you're using a linear algorithm on top though, having fewer features can greatly aid in the explainability of a model. If you restrict your model to those three variables, it's pretty easy to tell a person that you know houses in the area are expensive because they're all waterfront, they're huge, and they have nice lawns (nitrous oxide indicates fertilizer usage).
Removing features is only a small portion of feature engineering, and another important technique is the addition of features. Adding features usually amounts to low-order polynomial interactions (as an example, the age variable has a fairly weak correlation to the medv variable, but if you square it then the data straightens out a bit and improves the correlation).
Adding features (and removing them) can be aided greatly with a little domain knowledge. I don't know a ton about housing, so I can't add a lot of help here, but in other domains like credit worthiness you can easily imagine combining debt and income features to get a ratio of debt to income as a single feature. Reshaping those features so that they linearly correlate to your output and represent physically meaningful quantities in the domain is a big part of obtaining accuracy and generalizability.
With respect to generalizability and domain knowledge, even with something as simple as a linear model it's important to be able to explain why a feature is important. Just because the data says that nitrous oxide matters in the test set doesn't mean that it will carry any predictive weight in the train set as well. Especially as the number of features grows and the amount of data shrinks, you will expect such correlations to occur purely by accident. Having a physical interpretation (nitrous oxide corresponds to nice lawns) yields confidence that the model isn't learning spurious correlations.

Multidimensional Prediction

I have a list of temporal series of values measured in different places. These measurements may or may not be correlated, (mostly depending on their relative positions, but it is plausible that some very close detectors would actually measure decorrelated series). I would like to predict the values of the whole set, taking into account the series of all of them and their correlation through time. If it is of any help, the values should also have relative periodicity
EDIT: I have access to the generated power of several solar panels. These solar panels are spread spatially, and I would like to use them as 'irradiance detectors'. Knowing the sun illumination in several places in the past, I wish to identify correlations in between signals, which could then be used to make predictions of illumination.
Regardless of usual patterns of production through a day (as seen on image), what I am interested in is the information I can extract from one pannels' past to predict another ones future.
I think I would need a Neural Network to solve this problem, but I am not sure how to feed it :I thought of using a temporal window and feed my NN with a few past values from A, B and C, but I am afraid it's a little weak.
The image shows an example of what my data I looks like.
How can I predict the next values of curve A knowing past values of A, B and C?
How to handle this prediction?
I think the easiest way is to train 3 models with the same input but each will predict one value (A, B or C).
If you are sure about correlation between input variable and their impact on the predicted output, you may create one neural network with a common branch (probably RNN over the stacked 3 inputs) then 3 different prediction head where each will produce one prediction A or B or C. Fast-rcnn architecture is a great example of this.
The best way to achieve this task is to use a RNN.
A good tutorial for learning how to develop such a neural network is here :
I also found this link, where they achieved training a RNN for a rather close problem :
An even better inspiration :

How to forecast in python using machine learning , from a given set of geographical data?

I was analyzing some geographical data and attempting to predict/forecast next occurrence of event with respect to time and it geographical position. The data was in following order (with sample data)
Timestamp Latitude Longitude Event
13307266 102.86400972 70.64039541 "Event A"
13311695 102.8082912 70.47394645 "Event A"
13314940 102.82240522 70.6308513 "Event A"
13318949 102.83402128 70.64103035 "Event A"
13334397 102.84726242 70.66790352 "Event A"
First step was classifying it into 100 zones, so that reduces dimensions and complexity.
Timestamp Zone
13307266 47
13311695 65
13314940 51
13318949 46
13334397 26
Next step was to do time series analysis then I got stuck here for 2 months, read around a lot of literature and figured these were my options
* ARIMA (auto-regression method)
* Machine Learning
I wanted to utilize Machine learning to forecast using python but couldn't really figure out how.Specifically are there any python libraries/open-source-code specific for use case, which I can build upon.
To clarify, data is loosely dependent on past data but over a period of time is uniformly distributed.
The best way to visualize the data would be, to imagine N number of agents controlled by a algorithm which allots them task of picking resource from grids. Resources are function of socioeconomic structure of society and also strongly dependent on geography. Its in interest of " algorithm " to be able to predict demand zone and time wise.
For Auto-regressive models like ARIMA Python already has a library .
Without example data or existing code I can't offer you anything concrete.
However, often it's helpful to re-phrase your problem in the nomenclature of the field you want to explore. In ML terms:
Your problem's features: How your inputs are specified. Timestamp is continuous, geographic zone is discrete.
Your problems's target label: an event, precisely whether or not a given event has occurred.
Your problem is supervised: target labels for previous data are available. You have previous instances of (timestamp, geographic zone) to event mappings.
The target label is discrete, so this is a classification problem (as opposed to a regression problem, where the output is continuous).
So I'd say you have a supervised classification problem. As an aside you may want to do some sort of time regularisation first; I'm guessing there are going to be patterns of the events depending on what time of the day, day of the month, or month of the year it is, and you may want to represent this as an additional feature.
Taking a look at one of the popular Python ML libraries available, scikit-learn, here:
and consulting a recent posting on a cheatsheet for scikit-learn by one of the contributors:
Your first good bet would be to try Support Vector Machines (SVM), and if that fails maybe give k Nearest Neighbours (kNN) a shot as well. Note that using an ensemble classifier is usually superior than using just one instance of a given SVM/kNN.
How, exactly, to apply SVM/kNN with time as a feature may require more research, since AFAIK (and others will probably correct me) SVM/kNN require bounded inputs with a mean of zero (or normalised to have a mean of zero). Just doing some random Googling you may be able to find certain SVM kernels, for example a Fourier kernel, that can transform a time-series feature for you:
SVM Kernels for Time Series Analysis
scikit-learn handily allows you to specify a custom kernel for an SVM. See:
With your knowledge of ML nomenclature, and example data in hand, you may want to consider posting the question to Cross Validated, the statistics Stack Exchange.
EDIT 1: Thinking about this problem more you need to really understand if your features and corresponding labels are independent and identically distributed (IID) or not. For example what if you were modelling how forest fires spread over time. It's clear that the likelihood of a given zone catches fire is contingent on its neighbours being on fire or not. AFAIK SVM and kNN assume the data is IID. At this point I'm starting to get out of my depth, but I think you should at least give several ML methods a shot and see what happens! Remember to cross-validate! (scikit-learn does this for you).
