AttributeError: 'LdaModel' object has no attribute 'minimum_phi_value' - python

As I was just experimenting with NLP then I was working on sarcasm detection but in meanwhile I had put this code.
# coding: utf-8
# Importing the library
# In[2]:
import io
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import nltk
import gensim
import csv, collections
from textblob import TextBlob
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
import pickle
import replace_emoji
# Define a class to load the SentimentWordnet and write methods to calculate the scores
# In[4]:
class load_senti_word_net(object):
constructor to load the file and read the file as CSV
6 columns - pos, ID, PosScore, NegScore, synsetTerms, gloss
synsetTerms can have multiple similar words like abducting#1 abducent#1 and will read each one and calculaye the scores
def __init__(self):
sent_scores = collections.defaultdict(list)
with"SentiWordNet_3.0.0_20130122.txt") as fname:
file_content = csv.reader(fname, delimiter='\t',quotechar='"')
for line in file_content:
if line[0].startswith('#') :
pos, ID, PosScore, NegScore, synsetTerms, gloss = line
for terms in synsetTerms.split(" "):
term = terms.split("#")[0]
term = term.replace("-","").replace("_","")
key = "%s/%s"%(pos,term.split("#")[0])
for key, value in sent_scores.items():
sent_scores[key] = np.mean(value,axis=0)
self.sent_scores = sent_scores
For a word,
[('Suraj', 'NN')]
def score_word(self, word):
pos = nltk.pos_tag([word])[0][1]
return self.score(word, pos)
def score(self,word, pos):
Identify the type of POS, get the score from the senti_scores and return the score
if pos[0:2] == 'NN':
pos_type = 'n'
elif pos[0:2] == 'JJ':
pos_type = 'a'
elif pos[0:2] =='VB':
elif pos[0:2] =='RB':
pos_type = 'r'
pos_type = 0
if pos_type != 0 :
loc = pos_type+'/'+word
score = self.sent_scores[loc]
if len(score)>1:
return score
return np.array([0.0,0.0])
return np.array([0.0,0.0])
Repeat the same for a sentence
nltk.pos_tag(word_tokenize("My name is Suraj"))
[('My', 'PRP$'), ('name', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('Suraj', 'NNP')]
def score_sentencce(self, sentence):
pos = nltk.pos_tag(sentence)
print (pos)
mean_score = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
for i in range(len(pos)):
mean_score += self.score(pos[i][0], pos[i][1])
return mean_score
def pos_vector(self, sentence):
pos_tag = nltk.pos_tag(sentence)
vector = np.zeros(4)
for i in range(0, len(pos_tag)):
pos = pos_tag[i][1]
if pos[0:2]=='NN':
vector[0] += 1
elif pos[0:2] =='JJ':
vector[1] += 1
elif pos[0:2] =='VB':
vector[2] += 1
elif pos[0:2] == 'RB':
vector[3] += 1
return vector
# Now let's extract the features
# ###Stemming and Lemmatization
# In[5]:
porter = nltk.PorterStemmer()
sentiments = load_senti_word_net()
# In[7]:
def gram_features(features,sentence):
sentence_rep = replace_emoji.replace_reg(str(sentence))
token = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence_rep)
token = [porter.stem(i.lower()) for i in token]
bigrams = nltk.bigrams(token)
bigrams = [tup[0] + ' ' + tup[1] for tup in bigrams]
grams = token + bigrams
#print (grams)
for t in grams:
# In[8]:
import string
def sentiment_extract(features, sentence):
sentence_rep = replace_emoji.replace_reg(sentence)
token = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence_rep)
token = [porter.stem(i.lower()) for i in token]
mean_sentiment = sentiments.score_sentencce(token)
features["Positive Sentiment"] = mean_sentiment[0]
features["Negative Sentiment"] = mean_sentiment[1]
features["sentiment"] = mean_sentiment[0] - mean_sentiment[1]
#print(mean_sentiment[0], mean_sentiment[1])
text = TextBlob(" ".join([""+i if i not in string.punctuation and not i.startswith("'") else i for i in token]).strip())
features["Blob Polarity"] = text.sentiment.polarity
features["Blob Subjectivity"] = text.sentiment.subjectivity
#print (text.sentiment.polarity,text.sentiment.subjectivity )
features["Blob Polarity"] = 0
features["Blob Subjectivity"] = 0
print("do nothing")
first_half = token[0:int(len(token)/2)]
mean_sentiment_half = sentiments.score_sentencce(first_half)
features["positive Sentiment first half"] = mean_sentiment_half[0]
features["negative Sentiment first half"] = mean_sentiment_half[1]
features["first half sentiment"] = mean_sentiment_half[0]-mean_sentiment_half[1]
text = TextBlob(" ".join([""+i if i not in string.punctuation and not i.startswith("'") else i for i in first_half]).strip())
features["first half Blob Polarity"] = text.sentiment.polarity
features["first half Blob Subjectivity"] = text.sentiment.subjectivity
#print (text.sentiment.polarity,text.sentiment.subjectivity )
features["first Blob Polarity"] = 0
features["first Blob Subjectivity"] = 0
print("do nothing")
second_half = token[int(len(token)/2):]
mean_sentiment_sechalf = sentiments.score_sentencce(second_half)
features["positive Sentiment second half"] = mean_sentiment_sechalf[0]
features["negative Sentiment second half"] = mean_sentiment_sechalf[1]
features["second half sentiment"] = mean_sentiment_sechalf[0]-mean_sentiment_sechalf[1]
text = TextBlob(" ".join([""+i if i not in string.punctuation and not i.startswith("'") else i for i in second_half]).strip())
features["second half Blob Polarity"] = text.sentiment.polarity
features["second half Blob Subjectivity"] = text.sentiment.subjectivity
#print (text.sentiment.polarity,text.sentiment.subjectivity )
features["second Blob Polarity"] = 0
features["second Blob Subjectivity"] = 0
print("do nothing")
# In[9]:
features = {}
sentiment_extract(features,"a long narrow opening")
# In[11]:
def pos_features(features,sentence):
sentence_rep = replace_emoji.replace_reg(sentence)
token = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence_rep)
token = [ porter.stem(each.lower()) for each in token]
pos_vector = sentiments.pos_vector(token)
for j in range(len(pos_vector)):
features['POS_'+str(j+1)] = pos_vector[j]
print ("done")
# In[12]:
features = {}
pos_features(features,"a long narrow opening")
# In[13]:
def capitalization(features,sentence):
count = 0
for i in range(len(sentence)):
count += int(sentence[i].isupper())
features['Capitalization'] = int(count > 3)
print (count)
# In[14]:
features = {}
capitalization(features,"A LoNg NArrow opening")
# In[15]:
import topic
topic_mod = topic.topic(nbtopic=200,alpha='symmetric')
# In[16]:
topic_mod = topic.topic(model=os.path.join(''),dicttp=os.path.join(''))
# In[17]:
def topic_feature(features,sentence,topic_modeler):
topics = topic_modeler.transform(sentence)
for j in range(len(topics)):
features['Topic :'] = topics[j][1]
# In[18]:
topic_feature(features,"A LoNg NArrow opening",topic_mod)
# In[19]:
def get_features(sentence, topic_modeler):
features = {}
sentiment_extract(features, sentence)
topic_feature(features, sentence,topic_modeler)
return features
# In[20]:
df = pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.read_csv("dataset_csv.csv", header=0, sep='\t')
# In[17]:
import re
for i in range(0,df.size):
temp = str(df["tweets"][i])
temp = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+','',temp)
featureset.append((get_features(temp,topic_mod), df["label"][i]))
# In[20]:
c = []
for i in range(0,len(featureset)):
result = pd.concat(c)
# In[22]:
# In[23]:
for i in range(0, len(featureset)):
result["label"].loc[i] = featureset[i][1]
# In[25]:
# In[3]:
df = pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.read_csv("feature_dataset.csv", header=0)
# In[4]:
get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')
import matplotlib as matplot
import seaborn
result = df
# In[5]:
X = result.drop(['label','Unnamed: 0','Topic :'],axis=1).values
# In[6]:
Y = result['label']
# In[7]:
import pickle
import pefile
import sklearn.ensemble as ek
from sklearn import cross_validation, tree, linear_model
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import sklearn.linear_model as lm
# In[29]:
model = { "DecisionTree":tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=10),
"Logistic Regression":LinearRegression()
# In[8]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X, Y ,test_size=0.2)
# In[9]:
X_train = pd.DataFrame(X_train)
X_train = X_train.fillna(X_train.mean())
X_test = pd.DataFrame(X_test)
X_test = X_test.fillna(X_test.mean())
# In[38]:
results_algo = {}
for algo in model:
clf = model[algo],y_train.astype(int))
score = clf.score(X_test,y_test.astype(int))
print ("%s : %s " %(algo, score))
results_algo[algo] = score
# In[39]:
winner = max(results_algo, key=results_algo.get)
# In[40]:
clf = model[winner]
res = clf.predict(X_test)
mt = confusion_matrix(y_test, res)
print("False positive rate : %f %%" % ((mt[0][1] / float(sum(mt[0])))*100))
print('False negative rate : %f %%' % ( (mt[1][0] / float(sum(mt[1]))*100)))
# In[41]:
from sklearn import metrics
print (metrics.classification_report(y_test, res))
# In[34]:
test_data = "public meetings are awkard for me as I can insult people but I choose not to and that is something that I find difficult to live with"
# In[101]:
test_data="I purchased this product 4.47 billion years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty."
# In[82]:
test_data="when people see me eating and ask me are you eating? No no I'm trying to choke myself to death #sarcastic"
# In[102]:
test_feature = []
# In[104]:
# In[105]:
c = []
test_result = pd.concat(c)
test_result = test_result.drop(['Topic :'],axis=1).values
# In[106]:
res= clf.predict(test_result)
But it is giving me the following error:
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\gensim\ UserWarning: detected Windows; aliasing chunkize to chunkize_serial
warnings.warn("detected Windows; aliasing chunkize to chunkize_serial")
[('a', 'DT'), ('long', 'JJ'), ('narrow', 'JJ'), ('open', 'JJ')]
[('a', 'DT'), ('long', 'JJ')]
[('narrow', 'JJ'), ('open', 'JJ')]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\shubhamprojectwork\sarcasm detection\SarcasmDetection-master\SarcasmDetection-master\Code\", line 276, in <module>
topic_feature(features,"A LoNg NArrow opening",topic_mod)
File "C:\shubhamprojectwork\sarcasm detection\SarcasmDetection-master\SarcasmDetection-master\Code\", line 268, in topic_feature
topics = topic_modeler.transform(sentence)
File "C:\shubhamprojectwork\sarcasm detection\SarcasmDetection-master\SarcasmDetection-master\Code\", line 42, in transform
return self.lda[corpus_sentence]
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\gensim\models\", line 1160, in __getitem__
return self.get_document_topics(bow, eps, self.minimum_phi_value, self.per_word_topics)
AttributeError: 'LdaModel' object has no attribute 'minimum_phi_value'
Code for
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import replace_emoji
class topic(object):
def __init__(self, nbtopic = 100, alpha=1,model=None,dicttp=None):
self.nbtopic = nbtopic
self.alpha = alpha
self.porter = nltk.PorterStemmer()
self.stop = stopwords.words('english')+['.','!','?','"','...','\\',"''",'[',']','~',"'m","'s",';',':','..','$']
if model!=None and dicttp!=None:
self.lda = models.ldamodel.LdaModel.load(model)
self.dictionary = corpora.Dictionary.load(dicttp)
def fit(self,documents):
documents_mod = documents
tokens = [nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) for sentence in documents_mod]
tokens = [[self.porter.stem(t.lower()) for t in sentence if t.lower() not in self.stop] for sentence in tokens]
self.dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(tokens)
corpus = [self.dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in tokens]
self.lda = models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus,id2word=self.dictionary, num_topics=self.nbtopic,alpha=self.alpha)'')'')
def get_topic(self,topic_number):
return self.lda.print_topic(topic_number)
def transform(self,sentence):
sentence_mod = sentence
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence_mod)
tokens = [self.porter.stem(t.lower()) for t in tokens if t.lower() not in self.stop]
corpus_sentence = self.dictionary.doc2bow(tokens)
return self.lda[corpus_sentence]
The overall code is found here overall code.

The minimum_phi_value is a property of LdaModel that is set when an instance is created and for some reason it hasn't been serialized (which is pretty strange, probably a bug).
To workaround this particular issue you can add
self.lda.minimum_phi_value = 0.01
... after self.lda loading or avoid saving/restoring the model if possible (i.e. always train it).
But I encourage you to examine the fields of self.lda before and after serialization to check they are identical.


Upto which part i need to dump my K-mean Clustering Model

Upto which part i need to dump my K-mean Clustering Model,So that the input will be given in recommend songs and the output will be display
This is my below ml program
I used K-means clustering for cluster both genres & songs for music recommendation
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import seaborn as sns
import as px
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import sys
import spotipy
import spotipy.util as util
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
from collections import defaultdict
import sklearn
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import difflib
data = pd.read_csv('./data.csv')
genre_data = pd.read_csv("./data_w_genres.csv")
year_data = pd.read_csv("./data_by_year.csv")
artist_data = pd.read_csv("./data_by_artist.csv")
sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=8, init='k-means++', n_init=10, max_iter=300, tol=0.0001, verbose=0, random_state=None,copy_x=True, algorithm='auto')
cluster_pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('kmeans', KMeans(n_clusters=10))])
X = genre_data.select_dtypes(np.number)
genre_data['cluster'] = cluster_pipeline.predict(X)
tsne_pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('tsne', TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=1))])
genre_embedding = tsne_pipeline.fit_transform(X)
projection = pd.DataFrame(columns=['x', 'y'], data=genre_embedding)
projection['genres'] = genre_data['genres']
projection['cluster'] = genre_data['cluster']
song_cluster_pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('kmeans', KMeans(n_clusters=20,
], verbose=False)
X = data.select_dtypes(np.number)
number_cols = list(X.columns)
song_cluster_labels = song_cluster_pipeline.predict(X)
data['cluster_label'] = song_cluster_labels
pca_pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('PCA', PCA(n_components=2))])
song_embedding = pca_pipeline.fit_transform(X)
projection = pd.DataFrame(columns=['x', 'y'], data=song_embedding)
projection['title'] = data['name']
projection['cluster'] = data['cluster_label']
os.environ['SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID'] = 'd267a64373c94780b083db4b58cb5c76'
os.environ['SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET'] = '8244aa724749468a8314c7305ea9db44'
sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id=os.environ["SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID"],
def find_song(name, year):
song_data = defaultdict()
results = 'track: {} year: {}'.format(name,year), limit=1)
if results['tracks']['items'] == []:
return None
results = results['tracks']['items'][0]
track_id = results['id']
audio_features = sp.audio_features(track_id)[0]
song_data['name'] = [name]
song_data['year'] = [year]
song_data['explicit'] = [int(results['explicit'])]
song_data['duration_ms'] = [results['duration_ms']]
song_data['popularity'] = [results['popularity']]
for key, value in audio_features.items():
song_data[key] = value
return pd.DataFrame(song_data)
number_cols = ['valence', 'year', 'acousticness', 'danceability', 'duration_ms', 'energy', 'explicit','instrumentalness', 'key', 'liveness', 'loudness', 'mode', 'popularity', 'speechiness', 'tempo']
def get_song_data(song, spotify_data):
song_data = spotify_data[(spotify_data['name'] == song['name'])
& (spotify_data['year'] == song['year'])].iloc[0]
return song_data
except IndexError:
return find_song(song['name'], song['year'])
def get_mean_vector(song_list, spotify_data):
song_vectors = []
for song in song_list:
song_data = get_song_data(song, spotify_data)
if song_data is None:
print('Warning: {} does not exist in Spotify or in database'.format(song['name']))
song_vector = song_data[number_cols].values
song_matrix = np.array(list(song_vectors))
return np.mean(song_matrix, axis=0)
def flatten_dict_list(dict_list):
flattened_dict = defaultdict()
for key in dict_list[0].keys():
flattened_dict[key] = []
for dictionary in dict_list:
for key, value in dictionary.items():
return flattened_dict
def recommend_songs(song_list, data, n_songs=30):
metadata_cols = ['name', 'year', 'artists']
song_dict = flatten_dict_list(song_list)
song_center = get_mean_vector(song_list, data)
scaler = song_cluster_pipeline.steps[0][1]
scaled_data = scaler.transform(data[number_cols])
scaled_song_center = scaler.transform(song_center.reshape(1, -1))
distances = cdist(scaled_song_center, scaled_data, 'cosine')
index = list(np.argsort(distances)[:, :n_songs][0])
rec_songs = data.iloc[index]
rec_songs = rec_songs[~rec_songs['name'].isin(song_dict['name'])]
dictionary = rec_songs[metadata_cols].to_dict(orient='records')
json_ob = json.dumps(dictionary,index = 2);
with open("output.json","w") as outfile:
recommend_songs([{'name': 'Come As You Are', 'year':1991},
{'name': 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', 'year': 1991},
{'name': 'Lithium', 'year': 1992},
{'name': 'All Apologies', 'year': 1993},
{'name': 'Stay Away', 'year': 1993}], data)
I tried joblib but i don't know which part must be pickled so only input must be given

How to find feature Interactions between all columns in a dataframe, Python?

Friedman’s H-statistic The interpretable ML book by Christoph Molnar actually gives us a workable approach, by using Friedman’s H-statistic based on the decomposition of the partial dependence values to calculate the feature interactions.
In Python, sklearn_gbmi will accept feature sets of length two and higher but does not provide support for the first-order measure, very similar to interact.gbm in R. It only works on gradient boosting based models
I found a manual Python implementation from here, posted below for reference, where the feature interactions were calculated.
import itertools
import math
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from pdpbox.pdp_calc_utils import _calc_ice_lines_inter
from pdpbox.pdp import pdp_isolate, PDPInteract
from pdpbox.utils import (_check_model, _check_dataset, _check_percentile_range, _check_feature,
_check_grid_type, _check_memory_limit, _make_list,
_calc_memory_usage, _get_grids, _get_grid_combos, _check_classes)
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
def pdp_multi_interact(model, dataset, model_features, features,
num_grid_points=None, grid_types=None, percentile_ranges=None, grid_ranges=None,
cust_grid_combos=None, use_custom_grid_combos=False,
memory_limit=0.5, n_jobs=1, predict_kwds=None, data_transformer=None):
def _expand_default(x, default, length):
if x is None:
return [default] * length
return x
def _get_grid_combos(feature_grids, feature_types):
grids = [list(feature_grid) for feature_grid in feature_grids]
for i in range(len(feature_types)):
if feature_types[i] == 'onehot':
grids[i] = np.eye(len(grids[i])).astype(int).tolist()
return np.stack(np.meshgrid(*grids), -1).reshape(-1, len(grids))
if predict_kwds is None:
predict_kwds = dict()
nr_feats = len(features)
# check function inputs
n_classes, predict = _check_model(model=model)
_dataset = dataset.copy()
# prepare the grid
pdp_isolate_outs = []
if use_custom_grid_combos:
grid_combos = cust_grid_combos
feature_grids = []
feature_types = []
num_grid_points = _expand_default(x=num_grid_points, default=10, length=nr_feats)
grid_types = _expand_default(x=grid_types, default='percentile', length=nr_feats)
for i in range(nr_feats):
percentile_ranges = _expand_default(x=percentile_ranges, default=None, length=nr_feats)
for i in range(nr_feats):
grid_ranges = _expand_default(x=grid_ranges, default=None, length=nr_feats)
cust_grid_points = _expand_default(x=cust_grid_points, default=None, length=nr_feats)
pdp_isolate_outs = []
for idx in range(nr_feats):
pdp_isolate_out = pdp_isolate(
model=model, dataset=_dataset, model_features=model_features, feature=features[idx],
num_grid_points=num_grid_points[idx], grid_type=grid_types[idx], percentile_range=percentile_ranges[idx],
grid_range=grid_ranges[idx], cust_grid_points=cust_grid_points[idx], memory_limit=memory_limit,
n_jobs=n_jobs, predict_kwds=predict_kwds, data_transformer=data_transformer)
if n_classes > 2:
feature_grids = [pdp_isolate_outs[i][0].feature_grids for i in range(nr_feats)]
feature_types = [pdp_isolate_outs[i][0].feature_type for i in range(nr_feats)]
feature_grids = [pdp_isolate_outs[i].feature_grids for i in range(nr_feats)]
feature_types = [pdp_isolate_outs[i].feature_type for i in range(nr_feats)]
grid_combos = _get_grid_combos(feature_grids, feature_types)
feature_list = []
for i in range(nr_feats):
# Parallel calculate ICE lines
true_n_jobs = _calc_memory_usage(
df=_dataset, total_units=len(grid_combos), n_jobs=n_jobs, memory_limit=memory_limit)
grid_results = Parallel(n_jobs=true_n_jobs)(delayed(_calc_ice_lines_inter)(
grid_combo, data=_dataset, model=model, model_features=model_features, n_classes=n_classes,
feature_list=feature_list, predict_kwds=predict_kwds, data_transformer=data_transformer)
for grid_combo in grid_combos)
ice_lines = pd.concat(grid_results, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True)
pdp = ice_lines.groupby(feature_list, as_index=False).mean()
# combine the final results
pdp_interact_params = {'n_classes': n_classes,
'features': features,
'feature_types': feature_types,
'feature_grids': feature_grids}
if n_classes > 2:
pdp_interact_out = []
for n_class in range(n_classes):
_pdp = pdp[feature_list + ['class_%d_preds' % n_class]].rename(
columns={'class_%d_preds' % n_class: 'preds'})
pdp_isolate_outs=[pdp_isolate_outs[i][n_class] for i in range(nr_feats)],
pdp=_pdp, **pdp_interact_params))
pdp_interact_out = PDPInteract(
which_class=None, pdp_isolate_outs=pdp_isolate_outs, pdp=pdp, **pdp_interact_params)
return pdp_interact_out
def center(arr): return arr - np.mean(arr)
def compute_f_vals(mdl, X, features, selectedfeatures, num_grid_points=10, use_data_grid=False):
f_vals = {}
data_grid = None
if use_data_grid:
data_grid = X[selectedfeatures].values
# Calculate partial dependencies for full feature set
p_full = pdp_multi_interact(mdl, X, features, selectedfeatures,
num_grid_points=[num_grid_points] * len(selectedfeatures),
f_vals[tuple(selectedfeatures)] = center(p_full.pdp.preds.values)
grid = p_full.pdp.drop('preds', axis=1)
# Calculate partial dependencies for [1..SFL-1]
for n in range(1, len(selectedfeatures)):
for subsetfeatures in itertools.combinations(selectedfeatures, n):
if use_data_grid:
data_grid = X[list(subsetfeatures)].values
p_partial = pdp_multi_interact(mdl, X, features, subsetfeatures,
num_grid_points=[num_grid_points] * len(selectedfeatures),
p_joined = pd.merge(grid, p_partial.pdp, how='left')
f_vals[tuple(subsetfeatures)] = center(p_joined.preds.values)
return f_vals
# the second-order H-measure:
def compute_h_val(f_vals, selectedfeatures):
denom_els = f_vals[tuple(selectedfeatures)].copy()
numer_els = f_vals[tuple(selectedfeatures)].copy()
sign = -1.0
for n in range(len(selectedfeatures)-1, 0, -1):
for subfeatures in itertools.combinations(selectedfeatures, n):
numer_els += sign * f_vals[tuple(subfeatures)]
sign *= -1.0
numer = np.sum(numer_els**2)
denom = np.sum(denom_els**2)
return math.sqrt(numer/denom) if numer < denom else np.nan
# first-order H-measure as well:
def compute_h_val_any(f_vals, allfeatures, selectedfeature):
otherfeatures = list(allfeatures)
denom_els = f_vals[tuple(allfeatures)].copy()
numer_els = denom_els.copy()
numer_els -= f_vals[(selectedfeature,)]
numer_els -= f_vals[tuple(otherfeatures)]
numer = np.sum(numer_els**2)
denom = np.sum(denom_els**2)
return math.sqrt(numer/denom) if numer < denom else np.nan
df = sns.load_dataset("diamonds")
data = pd.get_dummies(df, ["cut", "color", "clarity"])
X = data.drop("cut_Ideal", axis=1)
y = data["cut_Ideal"]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,
test_size = 0.33,
random_state = 42)
gbc = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=1.0,
max_depth=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train)
f_val = compute_f_vals(gbc, X, X.columns, ['carat', 'depth'], num_grid_points=10, use_data_grid=False)
# second-order H-measure:
compute_h_val(f_val, ['carat', 'depth'])
I want to calculate feature interactions for all the columns in a dataframe. How could I do that?
I am not here to avail free code writing service I just want to capture a little bit of knowledge from the experienced programmers with discussing things. I was just expecting a suggestion/reference for the appropriate library of methods on finding the feature interactions?

Applying function to feature, Tensor is unhashable. Instead, use tensor.ref() as the key

I am attempting to apply an exiting function to a TensorFlow Dataset but running into some issues with the proper way to reference a feature column. If there is just one input, the function works as expected.
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
from collections import Counter
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
text = ["I played it a while but it was alright. The steam was a bit of trouble."
" The more they move these game to steam the more of a hard time I have"
" activating and playing a game. But in spite of that it was fun, I "
"liked it. Now I am looking forward to anno 2205 I really want to "
"play my way to the moon.",
"This game is a bit hard to get the hang of, but when you do it's great."]
df = pd.DataFrame({"text": text})
dataset = (
tf.cast(df.text.values, tf.string)))
tokenizer = tfds.features.text.Tokenizer()
lowercase = True
vocabulary = Counter()
for text in dataset:
if lowercase:
text = tf.strings.lower(text)
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text.numpy())
vocab_size = 5000
vocabulary, _ = zip(*vocabulary.most_common(vocab_size))
max_len = 15
max_sent = 5
encoder = tfds.features.text.TokenTextEncoder(vocabulary,
def encode(text):
sent_list = []
sents = tf.strings.split(text, sep=". ").numpy()
if max_sent:
sents = sents[:max_sent]
for sent in sents:
text_encoded = encoder.encode(sent.decode())
if max_len:
text_encoded = text_encoded[:max_len]
sent_list.append(pad_sequences([text_encoded], max_len))
if len(sent_list) < 5:
sent_list.append([tf.zeros(max_len) for _ in range(5 - len(sent_list))])
return tf.concat(sent_list, axis=0)
def encode_pyfn(text):
[text_encoded] = tf.py_function(encode, inp=[text], Tout=[tf.int32])
return text_encoded
dataset =
But when I attempt to apply the same function on a single feature column resulting from a make_csv_dataset:
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
from collections import Counter
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
import numpy as np
text = ["I played it a while but it was alright. The steam was a bit of trouble."
" The more they move these game to steam the more of a hard time I have"
" activating and playing a game. But in spite of that it was fun, I "
"liked it. Now I am looking forward to anno 2205 I really want to "
"play my way to the moon.",
"This game is a bit hard to get the hang of, but when you do it's great."]
target = [0, 1]
gender = [1, 0]
age = [45, 35]
df = pd.DataFrame({"text": text,
"target": target,
"gender": gender,
"age": age})
df.to_csv('test.csv', index=False)
dataset =
tokenizer = tfds.features.text.Tokenizer()
lowercase = True
vocabulary = Counter()
for features, _ in dataset:
text = features['text']
if lowercase:
text = tf.strings.lower(text)
for t in text:
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(t.numpy())
vocab_size = 5000
vocabulary, _ = zip(*vocabulary.most_common(vocab_size))
max_len = 15
max_sent = 5
encoder = tfds.features.text.TokenTextEncoder(vocabulary,
def encode(text):
sent_list = []
sents = tf.strings.split(text, sep=". ").numpy()
if max_sent:
sents = sents[:max_sent]
for sent in sents:
text_encoded = encoder.encode(sent.decode())
if max_len:
text_encoded = text_encoded[:max_len]
sent_list.append(pad_sequences([text_encoded], max_len, padding='post'))
if len(sent_list) < 5:
sent_list.append([tf.zeros(max_len) for _ in range(5 - len(sent_list))])
return tf.concat(sent_list, axis=0)
def encode_pyfn(features, targets):
features['text'] = tf.py_function(encode, inp=features[text], Tout=[tf.int32])
return features, targets
dataset =
it raises the following:
TypeError: in user code:
<ipython-input-9-30172a796c2e>:69 encode_pyfn *
features['text'] = tf.py_function(encode, inp=features[text], Tout=[tf.int32])
/Users/username/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ __hash__
raise TypeError("Tensor is unhashable. "
TypeError: Tensor is unhashable. Instead, use tensor.ref() as the key.
What is the proper way to apply the function to a single feature?

Implementation of Okapi BM25 in python

I am trying to implement Okapi BM25 in python. While I have seen some tutorials how to do it, it seems I am stuck in the process.
So I have collection of documents (and has as columns 'id' and 'text') and queries (and has as columns 'id' and 'text'). I have done the pre-processing steps and I have my documents and queries as a list:
documents = list(train_docs['text']) #put the documents text to list
queries = list(train_queries_all['text']) #put the queries text to list
Then for BM25 I do this:
pip install rank_bm25
#calculate BM25
from rank_bm25 import BM25Okapi
bm25 = BM25Okapi(documents)
#compute the score
bm_score = BM25Okapi.get_scores(documents, query=queries)
But it wouldn't work.
Then I tried to do this:
import math
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
nd = len(documents) # corpus_size = 3612 (I am not sure if this is necessary)
class BM25:
def __init__(self, documents, tokenizer=None):
self.corpus_size = len(documents)
self.avgdl = 0
self.doc_freqs = []
self.idf = {}
self.doc_len = []
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
if tokenizer:
documents = self._tokenize_corpus(documents)
nd = self._initialize(documents)
def _initialize(self, documents):
nd = {} # word -> number of documents with word
num_doc = 0
for document in documents:
num_doc += len(document)
frequencies = {}
for word in document:
if word not in frequencies:
frequencies[word] = 0
frequencies[word] += 1
for word, freq in frequencies.items():
if word not in nd:
nd[word] = 0
nd[word] += 1
self.avgdl = num_doc / self.corpus_size
return nd
def _tokenize_corpus(self, documents):
pool = Pool(cpu_count())
tokenized_corpus =, documents)
return tokenized_corpus
def _calc_idf(self, nd):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_scores(self, queries):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_top_n(self, queries, documents, n=5):
assert self.corpus_size == len(documents), "The documents given don't match the index corpus!"
scores = self.get_scores(queries)
top_n = np.argsort(scores)[::-1][:n]
return [documents[i] for i in top_n]
class BM25T(BM25):
def __init__(self, documents, k1=1.5, b=0.75, delta=1):
# Algorithm specific parameters
self.k1 = k1
self.b = b = delta
def _calc_idf(self, nd):
for word, freq in nd.items():
idf = math.log((self.corpus_size + 1) / freq)
self.idf[word] = idf
def get_scores(self, queries):
score = np.zeros(self.corpus_size)
doc_len = np.array(self.doc_len)
for q in queries:
q_freq = np.array([(doc.get(q) or 0) for doc in self.doc_freqs])
score += (self.idf.get(q) or 0) * ( + (q_freq * (self.k1 + 1)) /
(self.k1 * (1 - self.b + self.b * doc_len / self.avgdl) + q_freq))
return score
and then I try to get the scores:
score = BM25.get_scores(self=documents, queries)
But I get as a meesage:
score = BM25.get_scores(self=documents, queries)
SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
Does anyone has an idea why there is this error? Thank you in advance.
1 ) tokenize corpus or send tokinizing function to class
2 ) send only queries to "get_scores" function
read official example
from rank_bm25 import BM25Okapi
corpus = [
"Hello there good man!",
"It is quite windy in London",
"How is the weather today?"
tokenized_corpus = [doc.split(" ") for doc in corpus]
bm25 = BM25Okapi(tokenized_corpus)
query = "windy London"
tokenized_query = query.split(" ")
doc_scores = bm25.get_scores(tokenized_query)
I suggest you to use fastbm25, which is more fast than other bm25 version.
`pip install fastbm25
from fastbm25 import fastbm25
corpus = [
"How are you !",
"Hello Jack! Nice to meet you!",
"I am from China, I like math."
tokenized_corpus = [doc.lower().split(" ") for doc in corpus]
model = fastbm25(tokenized_corpus)
query = "where are you from".lower().split()
result = model.top_k_sentence(query,k=1)
you can learn mroe from

Optimize for loop so it takes less time

I have a data of 50000 rows and have to use the function on every row. So I am using for loop but it is taking too much time of around 1.5 hr. So can anyone please help me in order to make it quicker.
test_feat_custom = []
count = 0
for x in test_data['text']:
row = getFeatures(x)
So time taken by this code to execute is too long so please help me to make it quicker.
This my getFeatures function code
import pandas as pd
import nltk'maxent_ne_chunker')'words')
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
from nltk import pos_tag_sents
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
from nltk.chunk import ne_chunk
import collections
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
import numpy as np
import spacy
from collections import Counter
import en_core_web_sm
nlp = en_core_web_sm.load()
vad = pd.read_csv('/home/riteshjain/anaconda3/Api/vader_lexicon.txt', error_bad_lines=False, header = None, sep = ' ')
post = vad.copy()
post[1] = post[post[1] > 0][1]
post = post.dropna()
post = post.reset_index(drop=True)
vad[1] = vad[vad[1] < 0][1]
vad = vad.dropna()
vad = vad.reset_index(drop=True)
def Que_Counter(x):
que_c = x.count('?')
return que_c
def Exc_Counter(x):
exc_c = x.count('!')
return exc_c
def Sent_Counter(x):
return len(tokenized_text)
def Word_Counter(x):
tokenized_word = word_tokenize(x)
return len(tokenized_word)
def Noun_Counter(x):
tokenized_word = word_tokenize(x)
pos = pos_tag(tokenized_word)
nouns = []
for (word, pos) in pos:
if pos.startswith("NN"):
return len(nouns)
def Pronoun_Counter(x):
tokenized_word = word_tokenize(x)
pos = pos_tag(tokenized_word)
pronouns = []
for (word, pos) in pos:
if pos.startswith("PRP"):
return len(pronouns)
def Adjective_Counter(x):
tokenized_word = word_tokenize(x)
pos = pos_tag(tokenized_word)
adject = []
for (word, pos) in pos:
if pos.startswith("JJ"):
return len(adject)
def Adverb_Counter(x):
tokenized_word = word_tokenize(x)
pos = pos_tag(tokenized_word)
adverb = []
for (word, pos) in pos:
if pos.startswith("RB"):
return len(adverb)
def Name_Entity(x):
doc = nlp(x)
ca = [(X.text, X.label_) for X in doc.ents]
return len(ca)
def negation(x):
negat = ["aint", "arent", "cannot", "cant", "couldnt", "darent", "didnt", "doesnt",
"ain't", "aren't", "can't", "couldn't", "daren't", "didn't", "doesn't",
"dont", "hadnt", "hasnt", "havent", "isnt", "mightnt", "mustnt", "neither",
"don't", "hadn't", "hasn't", "haven't", "isn't", "mightn't", "mustn't",
"neednt", "needn't", "never", "none", "nope", "nor", "not", "nothing", "nowhere",
"oughtnt", "shant", "shouldnt", "uhuh", "wasnt", "werent",
"oughtn't", "shan't", "shouldn't", "uh-uh", "wasn't", "weren't",
"without", "wont", "wouldnt", "won't", "wouldn't", "rarely", "seldom", "despite"]
count = 0
tokenized_word = x.split()
for a in negat:
for b in tokenized_word:
if a == b:
count +=1
return count
def neg(x,y):
words = x.split()
n_count = 0
for c in y[0]:
for j in words:
if c == j:
n_count += 1
return n_count
def pos(x,y):
words = x.split()
p_count = 0
for c in y[0]:
for j in words:
if c == j:
p_count += 1
return p_count
def getFeatures(sentence):
# get data from the user
# extract all features
numQuestion = Que_Counter(sentence)
numExclamation= Exc_Counter(sentence)
numSent = Sent_Counter(sentence)
numWord = Word_Counter(sentence)
numNoun = Noun_Counter(sentence)
numPronoun = Pronoun_Counter(sentence)
numAdject = Adjective_Counter(sentence)
numAdverb = Adverb_Counter(sentence)
numEntity = Name_Entity(sentence)
numNegation = negation(sentence)
numPosOpinion = pos(sentence, post)
numNegOpinion = neg(sentence, vad)
features = [numQuestion, numExclamation, numSent, numWord, numNoun, numPronoun, numAdject, numAdverb, numEntity, numNegation, numPosOpinion, numNegOpinion]
return features
