How to slice a list in Django template? - python

I'm doing some pagination in Django. I want to show the pages' number which are ahead of the current page. I am using the following code:
{% for page in blogs_page.paginator.page_range|slice:"0:{{ blogs_page.number }}" %}
But this seems useless; the result does the same as the following:
{% for page in blogs_page.paginator.page_range %}
The slice does not work here. How do I fix this?

Never use {{ }} inside of {% %}, don't do this {% {{ }} %}.
{% for page in blogs_page.paginator.page_range|slice:"0:blogs_page.number" %}
I think it won't work. If I were you I would create a custom tag and executed all the logic there. So, it will look like this:
{% custom_tag blogs_page as result %}
{% for page in result %}
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def custom_tag(bl_page):
Details: custom tags


Creating a custom template tag to replace the for loop - Django

I am trying to simplify my code by creating a custom template tag for a 'for loop' that use frequently on my Django web application. I thought it would be a simple straight process, but something isn't working right... I can use some assistance in catching my error.
Here is my code.
class ArticleView(DetailView):
model = Articles
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(ArticleView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['s_terms'] = scientific_terms.objects.all()
return context
template tag
def term(value):
{% for term in s_terms %}
{{ term.short_description }}
{% endfor %}
{% Neurons|term %}
Thank you for your assistance, in advance.
You are mixing Python code with the Django Template Language. The template tags are plain Python code, as they are defined inside a Python module. A working example would be:
def term(terms):
output = ''
for term in terms:
output = '{0} {1}'.format(output, term.short_description)
return output
Then you could use it like this:
{{ s_terms|term }}
Maybe what you want is simply to create a reusable Django template.
For example, create a new template named terms.html:
{% for term in terms %}
<p>{{ term.short_description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
Then, in another template, you could include this partial template:
templates/index.html (name is just an example)
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
<h1>My application</h1>
{% include 'terms.html' with terms=s_terms %}
{% endblock %}

How combined my templatetags and base filter |linebreaksbr

I have a problem with right sidebar in that site:
I need to create linebreaks in text. I can add that in post, that's not a problem. But sidebar using my tag.
def notetitle(value):
note = Note.objects.get(pk=value)
return note.title
def notetext(value):
note = Note.objects.get(pk=value)
return note.text
I create that template:
{% load note_def %}
{% block note %}
<h1>{% notetitle 2 %}</h1>
<p>{% notetext 2 %}</p>
{% endblock %}
I need a filter |linebreaksbr. And i dont know, how to insert this.
Of course, i can send value with my note in every view and insert {% content block %} in every templates, but if i will want change sidebar, that's take a lot of time.
Simple solution: use a single tag that returns the note, ie:
template tag:
def get_note(value):
note = Note.objects.get(pk=value)
return note
{% load note_def %}
{% block note %}
{% get_note 2 as note %}
<h1>{{ note.title }}</h1>
<p>{{ note.text|linebreaksbr }}</p>
{% endblock %}
As an added benefit you now only need half the db queries ;)
NB : for django < 1.9 you'll have to use an assignment_tag instead, cf the doc for your exact version.

simple loop in rendered template django cms plugin

I want to loop data taken from database in rendered template. Using cms plugin.
I dont have problem looping data in html template. But if i use CMSPlugin to insert new app in placeholder, nothing shows.
If i run url localhost:port/test.html.I got input what i want. But rendered template doesnt loop data.
{% for post in posts %}
{{ post.firstoption }}
{% endfor %}
if I use code below, nothing shows in my rendered template. Values are passed in rendered template. Because, if i try {{instance.firstoption}} i get value shown in template. Problem is i cant loop data with tag instance.
{% for post in instance.posts %}
{{ post.firstoption }}
{% endfor %}
I also tried {% for post in instance.posts_set.all %}
and {% for post in instance.posts.all %}
class pricing(CMSPluginBase):
model = mymodel
name = _("myplugin")
render_template = "template.html"
cache = False
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
context.update({'instance': instance})
return context
class mymodel(CMSPlugin):
firstoption = models.CharField(max_length=200)
def __str__(self):
return self.firstoption
It is probably because you need to call all on your posts
{% for post in instance.posts.all %}
{{ post.firstoption }}
{% endfor }

Include tag in Django template language -- what can I pass in to it?

OK, so again there is likely a "simple" solution to this, but I am a beginner and nothing seems simple to me.
I have a view and a template that shows the attributes of an instance of a Car class that I have modeled. This Car class has a ManyToMany relationship with my custom User class. The template that show the attributes of a given instance of Car has many variables. The view for each Car works fine. Here is what I can't get to work:
I have a user profile page for each instance of User. From that page, I want to show the attributes of each Car that a particular User has "favorited." I am unable to figure out how to do this.
I have tried the {% include %} tag to include a snippet of the Car template and then use a for statement to iterate through the favorite set of the User. In theory, this would populate the User page with each Car that they have "favorited" and show its attributes. However, I do not know how to pass the {% include %} tag the proper context so the attributes are populated correctly for each instance of Car. Is this possible?
Is there a simpler way to do it that I am just overlooking?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Use the {% include ... with ... %} syntax:
{% for car in user.favorite_cars.all %}
{% include "car.html" with year=car.year %}
{% endfor %}
Another alternative is the {% with %} tag:
{% for car in user.favorite_cars.all %}
{% with year=car.year %}
{% with color=car.color %}
{% include "car.html" %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
UPDATE: If data for the template can't be obtained from the Car model then you have to use the custom inclusion tag:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def show_car(car):
history = get_history_for_car(car)
return {'name':, 'history': history}
And the in the template:
{% load my_car_tags %}
{% for car in user.favorite_cars.all %}
{% show_car car %}
{% endfor %}

How do I access a python list from a django templatetag?

I have created a templatetag that loads a yaml document into a python list. In my template I have {% get_content_set %}, this dumps the raw list data. What I want to be able to do is something like
{% for items in get_content_list %}
{% endfor %}`
If the list is in a python variable X, then add it to the template context context['X'] = X and then you can do
{% for items in X %}
{{ items.title }}
{% endfor %}
A template tag is designed to render output, so won't provide an iterable list for you to use. But you don't need that as the normal context + for loop are fine.
Since writing complex templatetags is not an easy task (well documented though) i would take {% with %} tag source and adapt it for my needs, so it looks like
{% get_content_list as content %
{% for items in content %}
{% endfor %}`
