map function in Pytorch - python

Is there any map function in Pytorch? (something like map in python).
I need to map a 1xDxhxw tensor variable to a 1x(9D)xhxw tensor, to augment embedding of each pixel with its 8 neighbour embeddings. Is there any functionality in Pytorch that lets me do that efficiently?
I tried using map in Python this way:
n, d, h, w = embedding.size()
padder = nn.ReflectionPad2d(padding=1)
embedding = padder(embedding)
embedding = map(lambda i, j, M: M[:, :, i-1:i+2, j-1:j+2], range(1, h), range(1, w), embedding)
But it does not work for w > 2 and h > 2.

From your question, it is not clear what you are attempting to accomplish.
Note that full Python is supported in PyTorch, but what you are doing is creating a map object in your last line of code. The following should work for your purposes (? I'm guessing) though:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
n, d, h, w = 20, 3, 32, 32
embedding = torch.randn(n, d, h, w)
padder = nn.ReflectionPad2d(padding=1)
embedding = padder(embedding)
new = [embedding[:,:, (i-1):(i+2), (j-1):(j+2)] for i, j in zip(range(1,h), range(1,w))]
Note however, that there are more elegant ways to chunk up a tensor (e.g. torch.chunk() or to operate on patches with convolutions (e.g. torch.nn.Conv2d)


How to access the value projection at MultiHeadAttention layer in Pytorch

I'm making an own implementation for the Graphormer architecture. Since this architecture needs to add an edge-based bias to the output for the key-query multiplication at the self-attention mechanism I am adding that bias by hand and doing the matrix multiplication for the data with the attention weights outside the attention mechanism:
import torch as th
from torch import nn
# Variable inicialization
B, T, C, H = 2, 3, 4, 2
self_attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(C, H, batch_first = True)
# Tensors
x = th.randn(B, T, C)
attn_bias = th.ones((B, T, T))
# Self-attention mechanism
_, attn_wei = self_attn(query=x, key=x, value=x)
# Adding attention bias
if attn_bias is not None:
attn_wei = attn_wei + attn_bias
x = attn_wei # x # TODO use value(x) instead of x
This works, but for using the full potential of self-attention, the last matrix multiplication should be like x = attn_wei # value(x) but I am not able to get the value projector from the selt_attn object as it should have something like that inside of it.
How could I do this?

Implement ConvND in Tensorflow

So I need a ND convolutional layer that also supports complex numbers. So I decided to code it myself.
I tested this code on numpy alone and it worked. Tested with several channels, 2D and 1D and complex. However, I have problems when I do it on TF.
This is my code so far:
def call(self, inputs):
with tf.name_scope("ComplexConvolution_" + str(self.layer_number)) as scope:
inputs = self._verify_inputs(inputs) # Check inputs are of expected shape and format
inputs = self.apply_padding(inputs) # Add zeros if needed
output_np = np.zeros( # I use np because tf does not support the assigment
(inputs.shape[0],) + # Per each image
self.output_size, # Image out size
dtype=self.input_dtype # To support complex numbers
img_index = 0
for image in inputs:
for filter_index in range(self.filters):
for i in range(int([:-1]))): # for each element in the output
index = np.unravel_index(i, self.output_size[:-1])
start_index = tuple([a * b for a, b in zip(index, self.stride_shape)])
end_index = tuple([a+b for a, b in zip(start_index, self.kernel_shape)])
# set_trace()
sector_slice = tuple(
[slice(start_index[ind], end_index[ind]) for ind in range(len(start_index))]
sector = image[sector_slice]
new_value = tf.reduce_sum(sector * self.kernels[filter_index]) + self.bias[filter_index]
# I use Tied Bias
output_np[img_index][index][filter_index] = new_value # The complicated line
img_index += 1
output = apply_activation(self.activation, output_np)
return output
input_size is a tuple of shape (dim1, dim2, ..., dim3, channels). An 2D rgb conv for example will be (32, 32, 3) and inputs will have shape (None, 32, 32, 3).
The output size is calculated from an equation I found in this paper: A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning
out_list = []
for i in range(len(self.input_size) - 1): # -1 because the number of input channels is irrelevant
out_list.append(int(np.floor((self.input_size[i] + 2 * self.padding_shape[i] - self.kernel_shape[i]) / self.stride_shape[i]) + 1))
Basically, I use np.zeros because if I use tf.zeros I cannot assign the new_value and I get:
TypeError: 'Tensor' object does not support item assignment
However, in this current state I am getting:
NotImplementedError: Cannot convert a symbolic Tensor (placeholder_1:0) to a numpy array.
On that same assignment. I don't see an easy fix, I think I should change the strategy of the code completely.
In the end, I did it in a very inefficient way based in this comment, also commented here but at least it works:
new_value = tf.reduce_sum(sector * self.kernels[filter_index]) + self.bias[filter_index]
indices = (img_index,) + index + (filter_index,)
mask = tf.Variable(tf.fill(output_np.shape, 1))
mask = mask[indices].assign(0)
mask = tf.cast(mask, dtype=self.input_dtype)
output_np = array * mask + (1 - mask) * new_value
I say inefficient because I create a whole new array for each assignment. My code is taking ages to compute for the moment so I will keep looking for improvements and post here if I get something better.

Custom conv2d operation Pytorch

I have tried a custom Conv2d function which has to work similar to nn.Conv2d but the multiplication and addition used inside nn.Conv2d are replaced with mymult(num1,num2) and myadd(num1,num2).
As per insight from very helpful forums 1,2 what i can do is try unfolding it and then do matrix multiplication. That # part given in the code below can be done using loops with mymult() and myadd() as i believe this # is doing matmul.
def convcheck():
batch_size = 2
channels = 2
h, w = 2, 2
image = torch.randn(batch_size, channels, h, w) # input image
out_channels = 3
kh, kw = 1, 1# kernel size
dh, dw = 1, 1 # stride
size = int((h-kh+2*0)/dh+1) #include padding in place of zero
conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kw, padding=0,stride=dh ,bias=False)
out = conv (image)
#print('out', out)
#print('out.size()', out.size())
filt =
imageunfold = F.unfold(image,kernel_size=kh,padding=0,stride=dh)
print("Unfolded image","\n",imageunfold,"\n",imageunfold.shape)
kernels_flat = filt.view(out_channels,-1)
print("Kernel Flat=","\n",kernels_flat,"\n",kernels_flat.shape)
res = kernels_flat # imageunfold # I have to replace this operation with mymult() and myadd()
res = res.view(-1, out_channels, size, size)
#print("Same answer as buitlin function",res)
res = kernels_flat # imageunfold can be replaced with this. although there can be some other efficient implementation which i am looking to get help for.
for m_batch in range(len(imageunfold)):
#iterate through rows of X
# iterate through columns of Y
for j in range(imageunfold.size(2)):
# iterate through rows of Y
for k in range(imageunfold.size(1)):
#print(result[m_batch][i][j]," +=", kernels_flat[i][k], "*", imageunfold[m_batch][k][j])
result[m_batch][i][j] += kernels_flat[i][k] * imageunfold[m_batch][k][j]
Can someone please help me vectorize these three loops for faster execution.
The problem was with the dimesions as kernels_flat[dim0_1,dim1_1] and imageunfold[batch,dim0_2,dim1_2] the resultant should have [batch,dim0_1,dim1_2]
res = kernels_flat # imageunfold can be replaced with this. although there can be some other efficient implementation.
for m_batch in range(len(imageunfold)):
#iterate through rows of X
# iterate through columns of Y
for j in range(imageunfold.size(2)):
# iterate through rows of Y
for k in range(imageunfold.size(1)):
#print(result[m_batch][i][j]," +=", kernels_flat[i][k], "*", imageunfold[m_batch][k][j])
result[m_batch][i][j] += kernels_flat[i][k] * imageunfold[m_batch][k][j]
Your code for the matrix multiplication is missing a loop for iterating over the filters.
In the code below I fixed your implementation.
I am currently also looking for optimizations on the code. In my use case, the individual results of the multiplications (without performing addition) need to be accessible after computation. I will post here in case I find a faster solution than this.
for batch_image in range (imageunfold.shape[0]):
for i in range (kernels_flat.shape[0]):
for j in range (imageunfold.shape[2]):
for k in range (kernels_flat.shape[1]):
res_c[batch_image][i][j] += kernels_flat[i][k] * imageunfold[batch_image][k][j]

Pixel-wise loss weight for image segmentation in Keras

I am currently using a modified version of the U-Net ( to segment cell organelles in microscopy images. Since I am using Keras, I took the code from However, in this version no weight map is implemented to force the network to learn the border pixels.
The results that I have obtained so far are quite good, but the network fails to separate objects that are close to each other. So I want to try and make use of the weight map mentioned in the paper. I have been able to generate the weight map (based on the given formula) for each label image, but I was unable to find out how to use this weight map to train my network and thus solve the above mentioned problem.
Do weight maps and label images have to be combined somehow or is there a Keras function that will allow me to make use of the weight maps? I am Biologist, who only recently started to work with neural networks, so my understanding is still limited. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
In case it is still relevant: I needed to solve this recently. You can paste the code below into a Jupyter notebook to see how it works.
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from import imshow
from skimage.measure import label
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt
import numpy as np
def generate_random_circles(n = 100, d = 256):
circles = np.random.randint(0, d, (n, 3))
x = np.zeros((d, d), dtype=int)
f = lambda x, y: ((x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2) <= (r/d*10)**2
for x0, y0, r in circles:
x += np.fromfunction(f, x.shape)
x = np.clip(x, 0, 1)
return x
def unet_weight_map(y, wc=None, w0 = 10, sigma = 5):
Generate weight maps as specified in the U-Net paper
for boolean mask.
"U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation"
mask: Numpy array
2D array of shape (image_height, image_width) representing binary mask
of objects.
wc: dict
Dictionary of weight classes.
w0: int
Border weight parameter.
sigma: int
Border width parameter.
Numpy array
Training weights. A 2D array of shape (image_height, image_width).
labels = label(y)
no_labels = labels == 0
label_ids = sorted(np.unique(labels))[1:]
if len(label_ids) > 1:
distances = np.zeros((y.shape[0], y.shape[1], len(label_ids)))
for i, label_id in enumerate(label_ids):
distances[:,:,i] = distance_transform_edt(labels != label_id)
distances = np.sort(distances, axis=2)
d1 = distances[:,:,0]
d2 = distances[:,:,1]
w = w0 * np.exp(-1/2*((d1 + d2) / sigma)**2) * no_labels
w = np.zeros_like(y)
if wc:
class_weights = np.zeros_like(y)
for k, v in wc.items():
class_weights[y == k] = v
w = w + class_weights
return w
y = generate_random_circles()
wc = {
0: 1, # background
1: 5 # objects
w = unet_weight_map(y, wc)
I think you want to use class_weight in Keras. This is actually simple to introduce in your model if you have already calculated the class weights.
Create a dictionary with your class labels and their associated weights. For example
class_weight = {0: 10.9,
1: 20.8,
2: 1.0,
3: 50.5}
Or create a 1D Numpy array of the same length as your number of classes. For example
class_weight = [10.9, 20.8, 1.0, 50.5]
Pass this parameter during training in your or model.fit_generator, y, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=num_epochs, verbose=1, class_weight=class_weight)
You can look up the Keras documentation for more details here.

Best way to mimic PyTorch sliced assignment with Keras/Tensorflow

I am trying to mimic the operation done in PyTorch below:
vol = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(A, B*2, C, D, E).zero_()).cuda()
for i in range(C):
if i > 0 :
vol[:, :B, i, :,i:] = input0[:,:,:,i:]
vol[:, B:, i, :,i:] = input1[:,:,:,:-i]
vol[:, :B, i, :,:] = input0
vol[:, B:, i, :,:] = input1
So far, I have tried using the following sliced assignment in TF and wrapping it in a Keras Lambda layer:
vol = tf.Variable(K.zeros((A, D, E, C, B*2)))
for i in range(C):
if i > 0:
vol[:, :, i:, i, :B].assign(input0[:,:,i:,:])
vol[:, :, i:, i, B:].assign(input1[:,:,:-i,:])
vol[:, :, :, i, :B].assign(input0)
vol[:, :, :, i, B:].assign(input1)
return vol
I also tried vol = vol[...].assign(...).
This assigns the values to the vol variable correctly, which I can then convert to a tensor to use in the rest of my graph. However, the gradient of this operation is undefined in TF (LookupError: No gradient defined for operation 'strided_slice/_assign' (op type: StridedSliceAssign)), and the gradient doesn't get propagated to the previous layers that generate input0 and input1, while they do appear to get transferred in the PyTorch implementation. Is there a way to construct this same variable in TF such that the gradient is defined and my previous operations don't have a None gradient?
You need to construct the tensor "by hand". Assuming both input0 and input1 have shape (A, D, E, B), you can do something like this:
# Make the indexing mask with TensorFlow
in_shape = tf.shape(input0)
in_dims = 4
idx = tf.meshgrid(*[tf.range(in_shape[i]) for i in range(in_dims)], indexing='ij')[2]
idx = tf.expand_dims(idx, axis=3)
r = tf.range(C)[tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis]
mask = idx >= r
# If all dimensions are known at graph construction time, you can instead
# make the mask with NumPy like this to save graph computation time
idx = np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(d) for d in (A, D, E, B)], indexing='ij')[2]
idx = np.expand_dims(idx, 3)
r = np.arange(C)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
mask = idx >= r
# Make the tensor
input0_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input0, 3), (1, 1, 1, C, 1))
input1_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input1, 3), (1, 1, 1, C, 1))
zero_tile = tf.zeros_like(input0_tile)
vol0 = np.where(mask, input0_tile, zero_tile)
vol1 = np.where(mask, input1_tile, zero_tile)
vol = tf.concat([vol0, vol1], axis=-1)
Note that you need either the first or the second block followed by the third block, not the three blocks (see comments). The code builds a binary mask using a tf.meshgrid and a tf.range of indices, then uses tf.where to select values from the inputs or zeros.
A tf.Variable is sort of a primitive/basic type. You shouldn't want to gradients to propagate out of them.
What you want is to construct a node that outputs the 5 dimensional tensor like you want.
I would run a concatenate operation on the 4th dimension to build the tensor and use the result in place of the vol.
If you don't care about the gradients propagating to input0 and input1, then I would just build the tensor outside of tensorflow and use it as an initializer.
