I have some data stored in a list that I would like to group based on a value.
For example, if my data is
data = [(1, 'a'), (2, 'x'), (1, 'b')]
and I want to group it by the first value in each tuple to get
result = [(1, 'ab'), (2, 'x')]
how would I go about it?
More generally, what's the recommended way to group data in python? Is there a recipe that can help me?
The go-to data structure to use for all kinds of grouping is the dict. The idea is to use something that uniquely identifies a group as the dict's keys, and store all values that belong to the same group under the same key.
As an example, your data could be stored in a dict like this:
{1: ['a', 'b'],
2: ['x']}
The integer that you're using to group the values is used as the dict key, and the values are aggregated in a list.
The reason why we're using a dict is because it can map keys to values in constant O(1) time. This makes the grouping process very efficient and also very easy. The general structure of the code will always be the same for all kinds of grouping tasks: You iterate over your data and gradually fill a dict with grouped values. Using a defaultdict instead of a regular dict makes the whole process even easier, because we don't have to worry about initializing the dict with empty lists.
import collections
groupdict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for value in data:
group = value[0]
value = value[1]
# result:
# {1: ['a', 'b'],
# 2: ['x']}
Once the data is grouped, all that's left is to convert the dict to your desired output format:
result = [(key, ''.join(values)) for key, values in groupdict.items()]
# result: [(1, 'ab'), (2, 'x')]
The Grouping Recipe
The following section will provide recipes for different kinds of inputs and outputs, and show how to group by various things. The basis for everything is the following snippet:
import collections
groupdict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for value in data: # input
group = ??? # group identifier
value = ??? # value to add to the group
result = groupdict # output
Each of the commented lines can/has to be customized depending on your use case.
The format of your input data dictates how you iterate over it.
In this section, we're customizing the for value in data: line of the recipe.
A list of values
More often than not, all the values are stored in a flat list:
data = [value1, value2, value3, ...]
In this case we simply iterate over the list with a for loop:
for value in data:
Multiple lists
If you have multiple lists with each list holding the value of a different attribute like
firstnames = [firstname1, firstname2, ...]
middlenames = [middlename1, middlename2, ...]
lastnames = [lastname1, lastname2, ...]
use the zip function to iterate over all lists simultaneously:
for value in zip(firstnames, middlenames, lastnames):
This will make value a tuple of (firstname, middlename, lastname).
Multiple dicts or a list of dicts
If you want to combine multiple dicts like
dict1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
dict2 = {'b': 5}
First put them all in a list:
dicts = [dict1, dict2]
And then use two nested loops to iterate over all (key, value) pairs:
for dict_ in dicts:
for value in dict_.items():
In this case, the value variable will take the form of a 2-element tuple like ('a', 1) or ('b', 2).
Here we'll cover various ways to extract group identifiers from your data.
In this section, we're customizing the group = ??? line of the recipe.
Grouping by a list/tuple/dict element
If your values are lists or tuples like (attr1, attr2, attr3, ...) and you want to group them by the nth element:
group = value[n]
The syntax is the same for dicts, so if you have values like {'firstname': 'foo', 'lastname': 'bar'} and you want to group by the first name:
group = value['firstname']
Grouping by an attribute
If your values are objects like, 5, 27) and you want to group them by an attribute, like year:
group = value.year
Grouping by a key function
Sometimes you have a function that returns a value's group when it's called. For example, you could use the len function to group values by their length:
group = len(value)
Grouping by multiple values
If you wish to group your data by more than a single value, you can use a tuple as the group identifier. For example, to group strings by their first letter and their length:
group = (value[0], len(value))
Grouping by something unhashable
Because dict keys must be hashable, you will run into problems if you try to group by something that can't be hashed. In such a case, you have to find a way to convert the unhashable value to a hashable representation.
sets: Convert sets to frozensets, which are hashable:
group = frozenset(group)
dicts: Dicts can be represented as sorted (key, value) tuples:
group = tuple(sorted(group.items()))
Modifying the aggregated values
Sometimes you will want to modify the values you're grouping. For example, if you're grouping tuples like (1, 'a') and (1, 'b') by the first element, you might want to remove the first element from each tuple to get a result like {1: ['a', 'b']} rather than {1: [(1, 'a'), (1, 'b')]}.
In this section, we're customizing the value = ??? line of the recipe.
No change
If you don't want to change the value in any way, simple delete the value = ??? line from your code.
Keeping only a single list/tuple/dict element
If your values are lists like [1, 'a'] and you only want to keep the 'a':
value = value[1]
Or if they're dicts like {'firstname': 'foo', 'lastname': 'bar'} and you only want to keep the first name:
value = value['firstname']
Removing the first list/tuple element
If your values are lists like [1, 'a', 'foo'] and [1, 'b', 'bar'] and you want to discard the first element of each tuple to get a group like [['a', 'foo], ['b', 'bar']], use the slicing syntax:
value = value[1:]
Removing/Keeping arbitrary list/tuple/dict elements
If your values are lists like ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] or dicts like {'firstname': 'foo', 'middlename': 'bar', 'lastname': 'baz'} and you want delete or keep only some of these elements, start by creating a set of elements you want to keep or delete. For example:
indices_to_keep = {0, 2}
keys_to_delete = {'firstname', 'middlename'}
Then choose the appropriate snippet from this list:
To keep list elements: value = [val for i, val in enumerate(value) if i in indices_to_keep]
To delete list elements: value = [val for i, val in enumerate(value) if i not in indices_to_delete]
To keep dict elements: value = {key: val for key, val in value.items() if key in keys_to_keep]
To delete dict elements: value = {key: val for key, val in value.items() if key not in keys_to_delete]
Once the grouping is complete, we have a defaultdict filled with lists. But the desired result isn't always a (default)dict.
In this section, we're customizing the result = groupdict line of the recipe.
A regular dict
To convert the defaultdict to a regular dict, simply call the dict constructor on it:
result = dict(groupdict)
A list of (group, value) pairs
To get a result like [(group1, value1), (group1, value2), (group2, value3)] from the dict {group1: [value1, value2], group2: [value3]}, use a list comprehension:
result = [(group, value) for group, values in groupdict.items()
for value in values]
A nested list of just values
To get a result like [[value1, value2], [value3]] from the dict {group1: [value1, value2], group2: [value3]}, use dict.values:
result = list(groupdict.values())
A flat list of just values
To get a result like [value1, value2, value3] from the dict {group1: [value1, value2], group2: [value3]}, flatten the dict with a list comprehension:
result = [value for values in groupdict.values() for value in values]
Flattening iterable values
If your values are lists or other iterables like
groupdict = {group1: [[list1_value1, list1_value2], [list2_value1]]}
and you want a flattened result like
result = {group1: [list1_value1, list1_value2, list2_value1]}
you have two options:
Flatten the lists with a dict comprehension:
result = {group: [x for iterable in values for x in iterable]
for group, values in groupdict.items()}
Avoid creating a list of iterables in the first place, by using list.extend instead of list.append. In other words, change
And then just set result = groupdict.
A sorted list
Dicts are unordered data structures. If you iterate over a dict, you never know in which order its elements will be listed. If you don't care about the order, you can use the recipes shown above. But if you do care about the order, you have to sort the output accordingly.
I'll use the following dict to demonstrate how to sort your output in various ways:
groupdict = {'abc': [1], 'xy': [2, 5]}
Keep in mind that this is a bit of a meta-recipe that may need to be combined with other parts of this answer to get exactly the output you want. The general idea is to sort the dictionary keys before using them to extract the values from the dict:
groups = sorted(groupdict.keys())
# groups = ['abc', 'xy']
Keep in mind that sorted accepts a key function in case you want to customize the sort order. For example, if the dict keys are strings and you want to sort them by length:
groups = sorted(groupdict.keys(), key=len)
# groups = ['xy', 'abc']
Once you've sorted the keys, use them to extract the values from the dict in the correct order:
# groups = ['abc', 'xy']
result = [groupdict[group] for group in groups]
# result = [[1], [2, 5]]
Remember that this can be combined with other parts of this answer to get different kinds of output. For example, if you want to keep the group identifiers:
# groups = ['abc', 'xy']
result = [(group, groupdict[group]) for group in groups]
# result = [('abc', [1]), ('xy', [2, 5])]
For your convenience, here are some commonly used sort orders:
Sort by number of values per group:
groups = sorted(groudict.keys(), key=lambda group: len(groupdict[group]))
result = [groupdict[group] for group in groups]
# result = [[2, 5], [1]]
Counting the number of values in each group
To count the number of elements associated with each group, use the len function:
result = {group: len(values) for group, values in groupdict.items()}
If you want to count the number of distinct elements, use set to eliminate duplicates:
result = {group: len(set(values)) for group, values in groupdict.items()}
An example
To demonstrate how to piece together a working solution from this recipe, let's try to turn an input of
data = [["A",0], ["B",1], ["C",0], ["D",2], ["E",2]]
result = [["A", "C"], ["B"], ["D", "E"]]
In other words, we're grouping lists by their 2nd element.
The first two lines of the recipe are always the same, so let's start by copying those:
import collections
groupdict = collections.defaultdict(list)
Now we have to find out how to loop over the input. Since our input is a simple list of values, a normal for loop will suffice:
for value in data:
Next we have to extract the group identifier from the value. We're grouping by the 2nd list element, so we use indexing:
group = value[1]
The next step is to transform the value. Since we only want to keep the first element of each list, we once again use list indexing:
value = value[0]
Finally, we have to figure out how to turn the dict we generated into a list. What we want is a list of values, without the groups. We consult the Output section of the recipe to find the appropriate dict flattening snippet:
result = list(groupdict.values())
Et voilà:
data = [["A",0], ["B",1], ["C",0], ["D",2], ["E",2]]
import collections
groupdict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for value in data:
group = value[1]
value = value[0]
result = list(groupdict.values())
# result: [["A", "C"], ["B"], ["D", "E"]]
There is a general purpose recipe in itertools and it's groupby().
A schema of this recipe can be given in this form:
[(k, aggregate(g)) for k, g in groupby(sorted(data, key=extractKey), extractKey)]
The two relevant parts to change in the recipe are:
define the grouping key (extractKey): in this case getting the first item of the tuple:
lambda x: x[0]
aggregate grouped results (if needed) (aggregate): g contains all the matching tuples for each key k (e.g. (1, 'a'), (1, 'b') for key 1, and (2, 'x') for key 2), we want to take only the second item of the tuple and concatenate all of those in one string:
''.join(x[1] for x in g)
from itertools import groupby
extractKey = lambda x: x[0]
aggregate = lambda g: ''.join(x[1] for x in g)
[(k, aggregate(g)) for k, g in groupby(sorted(data, key=extractKey), extractKey)]
# [(1, 'ab'), (2, 'x')]
Sometimes, extractKey, aggregate, or both can be inlined into a one-liner (we omit sort key too, as that's redundant for this example):
[(k, ''.join(x[1] for x in g)) for k, g in groupby(sorted(data), lambda x: x[0])]
# [(1, 'ab'), (2, 'x')]
Pros and cons
Comparing this recipe with the recipe using defaultdict there are pros and cons in both cases.
groupby() tends to be slower (about twice as slower in my tests) than the defaultdict recipe.
On the other hand, groupby() has advantages in the memory constrained case where the values are being produced on the fly; you can process the groups in a streaming fashion, without storing them; defaultdict will require the memory to store all of them.
Pandas groupby
This isn't a recipe as such, but an intuitive and flexible way to group data using a function. In this case, the function is str.join.
import pandas as pd
data = [(1, 'a'), (2, 'x'), (1, 'b')]
# create dataframe from list of tuples
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# group by first item and apply str.join
grp = df.groupby(0)[1].apply(''.join)
# create list of tuples from index and value
res = list(zip(grp.index, grp))
[(1, 'ab'), (2, 'x')]
Fits nicely into workflows that only require list output at the end of a sequence of vectorisable steps.
Easily adaptable by changing ''.join to list or other reducing function.
Overkill for an isolated task: requires list -> pd.DataFrame -> list conversion.
Introduces dependency on a 3rd party library.
Multiple-parse list comprehension
This is inefficient compared to the dict and groupby solutions.
However, for small lists where performance is not a concern, you can perform a list comprehension which parses the list for each unique identifier.
res = [(i, ''.join([j[1] for j in data if j[0] == i]))
for i in set(list(zip(*data))[0])]
[(1, 'ab'), (2, 'x')]
The solution can be split into 2 parts:
set(list(zip(*data))[0]) extracts the unique set of identifiers which we iterate via a for loop within the list comprehension.
(i, ''.join([j[1] for j in data if j[0] == i])) applies the logic we require for the desired output.
I am new to Python, and I am familiar with implementations of Multimaps in other languages. Does Python have such a data structure built-in, or available in a commonly-used library?
To illustrate what I mean by "multimap":
a = multidict()
a[1] = 'a'
a[1] = 'b'
a[2] = 'c'
print(a[1]) # prints: ['a', 'b']
print(a[2]) # prints: ['c']
Such a thing is not present in the standard library. You can use a defaultdict though:
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> md = defaultdict(list)
>>> md[1].append('a')
>>> md[1].append('b')
>>> md[2].append('c')
>>> md[1]
['a', 'b']
>>> md[2]
(Instead of list you may want to use set, in which case you'd call .add instead of .append.)
As an aside: look at these two lines you wrote:
a[1] = 'a'
a[1] = 'b'
This seems to indicate that you want the expression a[1] to be equal to two distinct values. This is not possible with dictionaries because their keys are unique and each of them is associated with a single value. What you can do, however, is extract all values inside the list associated with a given key, one by one. You can use iter followed by successive calls to next for that. Or you can just use two loops:
>>> for k, v in md.items():
... for w in v:
... print("md[%d] = '%s'" % (k, w))
md[1] = 'a'
md[1] = 'b'
md[2] = 'c'
Just for future visitors. Currently there is a python implementation of Multimap. It's available via pypi
Stephan202 has the right answer, use defaultdict. But if you want something with the interface of C++ STL multimap and much worse performance, you can do this:
multimap = []
multimap.append( (3,'a') )
multimap.append( (2,'x') )
multimap.append( (3,'b') )
Now when you iterate through multimap, you'll get pairs like you would in a std::multimap. Unfortunately, that means your loop code will start to look as ugly as C++.
def multimap_iter(multimap,minkey,maxkey=None):
maxkey = minkey if (maxkey is None) else maxkey
for k,v in multimap:
if k<minkey: continue
if k>maxkey: break
yield k,v
# this will print 'a','b'
for k,v in multimap_iter(multimap,3,3):
print v
In summary, defaultdict is really cool and leverages the power of python and you should use it.
You can take list of tuples and than can sort them as if it was a multimap.
Let's append some elements (tuples):
Now sort it.
After printing it you will get:
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'd'), (5, 'e')]
That means it is working as a Multimap!
Please note that like multimap here values are also sorted in ascending order if the keys are the same (for key=2, 'b' comes before 'c' although we didn't append them in this order.)
If you want to get them in descending order just change the sorted() function like this:
And after you will get output like this:
[(5, 'e'), (4, 'd'), (3, 'd'), (2, 'c'), (2, 'b'), (1, 'a')]
Similarly here values are in descending order if the keys are the same.
The standard way to write this in Python is with a dict whose elements are each a list or set. As stephan202 says, you can somewhat automate this with a defaultdict, but you don't have to.
In other words I would translate your code to
a = dict()
a[1] = ['a', 'b']
a[2] = ['c']
print(a[1]) # prints: ['a', 'b']
print(a[2]) # prints: ['c']
Or subclass dict:
class Multimap(dict):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key not in self:
dict.__setitem__(self, key, [value]) # call super method to avoid recursion
There is no multi-map in the Python standard libs currently.
WebOb has a MultiDict class used to represent HTML form values, and it is used by a few Python Web frameworks, so the implementation is battle tested.
Werkzeug also has a MultiDict class, and for the same reason.
I was trying to sort few values in list using Python's Counter from collection module. But it gives weird result when
>>> diff=["aaa","aa","a"]
>>> c=Counter(diff)
>>> sorted(c.items(), key = lambda x:x[1] , reverse=True)
[('aa', 1), ('a', 1), ('aaa', 1)]
>>> c.items()
[('aa', 1), ('a', 1), ('aaa', 1)]
Output is strange, as it seems to have shuffle 'aa' to the first place, then 'a' and 'aaa' at last.
Ideally, it should have been 'a' then 'aa' then 'aaa'
What is the reason behind this and how would you rectify the same
Most people understand the question incorrectly, Hence I am pushing some clarifications. The goal is to sort the number of words in list based on it's occurances.
Let's say list diff = ["this", "this", "world", "cool", "is", "cool", "cool"]. The final output by my above code would be cool then this then is then world which is correct.
but problem is when you supply same characters with same occurences, python misbehaves. As the Input is diff = ["aaa", "aa", "a"] , I expected output to be a then aa then aaa . But python algorithm would never know as every word occurred single time.
But if that is the case, then why did python didn't printed aaa then aa then a (i.e in same order it was inputted) giving benefit of doubt. Python sort did actually swapped . WHY?
Counter is a subclass of dict. It is an unordered collection.
The get the sorting order you want, you can update your code like -
sorted(c.items(), key = lambda x:(x[1], -len(x[0])) , reverse=True)
This gives -
[('a', 1), ('aa', 1), ('aaa', 1)]
sorted does a stable sort. That means for ties, the order of items will be the same as the order they appear in the original input. Since your Counter is unordered, the input to sorted is in some undefined order. If you want you can sort by the key, and then the value:
sorted(sorted(c.items(), key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=True), key = lambda x:x[1] , reverse=True)
Or (probably better) have your sort function return a tuple as the sort key:
sorted(c.items(), key=lambda x:(x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)
An (even better!) version utilizing operator.itemgetter:
sorted(c.items(), key=itemgetter(1,0), reverse=True)
Here's one way you can ensure your ordering remains unchanged.
As previously mentioned dictionaries are not deemed to be ordered. The result will be a sorted list of tuples.
from collections import Counter
diff = ["aaa", "aa", "a"]
c = Counter(diff)
sorted(c.items(), key=lambda x: diff.index(x[0]))
# [('aaa', 1), ('aa', 1), ('a', 1)]
I'm trying to find a smart way to sort the following data structure by std:
{'4555':{'std':5656, 'var': 5664}, '5667':{'std':5656, 'var': 5664}}
Ideally like to have a sorted dictionary (bad I know), or a list of sorted tuples, but I don't know how to get the 'std' part in my lambda expression. I'm trying the following, but how should I get at the 'stdev' bit in a smart manner? Which I want to go give a list of tuples (each tuple contains index such as [(4555, 5656), (5667, 5656)].
sorted_list = sorted(sd_dict.items(), key=lambda x:x['std'])
Since sd_dict.items() returns a list of tuples, you no longer can access the elements as if it was a dictionary in the key function. Instead, the key function gets a two-element tuple with the first element being the key and the second element being the value. So to get the std value, you need to access it like this:
lambda x: x[1]['std']
But since in your example both values are identical, you don’t actually change anything:
>>> list(sorted(sd_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['std']))
[('5667', {'var': 5664, 'std': 5656}), ('4555', {'var': 5664, 'std': 5656})]
And if you just want a pair of the outer dictionary key and the std value, then you should use a list comprehension first to transform the dictionary values:
>>> lst = [(key, value['std']) for key, value in sd_dict.items()]
>>> lst.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
>>> lst
[('5667', 5656), ('4555', 5656)]
Or maybe you want to include an int conversion, and also sort by the key too:
>>> lst = [(int(key), value['std']) for key, value in sd_dict.items()]
>>> lst.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))
>>> lst
[(4555, 5656), (5667, 5656)]
Each element in your input list is a tuple of (k, dictionary) items, so you need to index into that to get to the std key in the dictionary value:
sorted(sd_dict.items(), key=lambda i: i[1]['std'])
If you wanted a tuple of just the key and the std value from the dictionary, you need to pick those out; it doesn't matter if you do so before or after sorting, just adjust your sort key accordingly
sorted([(int(k), v['std']) for k, v in sd_dict.items()], key=lambda i: i[1])
[(int(k), v['std']) for k, v in sorted(sd_dict.items()], key=lambda i: i[1]['std'])
However, extracting the std values just once instead of both for sorting and for extraction is going to be faster.
Searching a Python dictionary based on the value first, to get a key output make sense to me. But what if we want to add another constraint to the search?
For instance, here I am searching a dictionary (multi-dimensional) for the lowest value, then returning the key of that lowest value:
minValue[id] = min(data[id].items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
Since this method only returns one key that matches that value, while there may be multiple, I want to add another constraint.
Is there an elegant way to add: return key that contains overall minimum value AND has the longest length of those matching ?
I think a specific example would be helpful to clarify what the dictionary looks like since python doesn't directly provide a multi-dimensional dict.
I assume that it looks something like this: data = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'b': 3} (note, this is not valid python!), so that what you when you do min(data[id].items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) you want it to return ('a', 1), and checking for the longest length matching would give, perhaps [('b', 2), ('b', 3)].
If that is what you mean, then the easiest way is to use a defaultdict with a set:
>>> data = defaultdict(set)
>>> data['a'].add(1)
>>> data['b'].add(2)
>>> data['b'].add(3)
>>> min(data.items(), key=lambda x: min(x[1]))
('a': {1})
>>> min(data.items(), key=lambda x: max(len(x[1])))
('b': {2, 3})
Well, you could add the length to the key function:
>>> data = {'a': 1, 'aa': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
>>> min(data.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
('a', 1)
>>> min(data.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1], -len(x[0])))
('aa', 1)
but what if there are two with the same value and the same length? You're back to the same problem of not knowing what the output will be. I'd probably build a list of the matching key-value pairs and then sort them or something, but the right thing to do would probably depend upon what the keys actually mean.