Python LMFIT restriction fit parameters - python

I'm trying to fit a function to some data in Python using the LMFIT library for nonlinear functions. It's easy enough, but I want to know if there's a way to restrict some properties of the fitted values.
For example, in the following code I fit my data to optimize values A, B and C. But I also want the ratio of A to B to be pi/4 times some integer. Is there a way to impose this restriction?
from lmfit import Model
import numpy
from numpy import cos, sin, pi, linspace
Upload data:
data = numpy.genfromtxt('data')
axis = numpy.genfromtxt('axis')
Define function:
def func(x, A, B, C):
return (A*cos(x)*cos(x) + B*sin(x)*sin(x) + 2*C*sin(x)*cos(x))**2
I must make an initial guess for my parameters:
a = 0.009
b = 0.3
c = 0.3
Then create a model to fit my function:
func_model = Model(func)
Fit the function to input data, with initial guesses (A = a, B = b, C = c):
result =, x=axis, A = a, B = b, C = c)
fitted_vals = result.best_values #dictionary structure
Afit = fitted_vals['A']
Bfit = fitted_vals['B']
Cfit = fitted_vals['C']
How can I make sure that the ratio of Afit to Bfit is pi/4 times some integer?
If it's not possible, is anyone aware of software that has this capability?

The problem with the standard fit is the estimate of the Jacobian. If a parameter is discrete the derivative is zero almost everywhere. A workaround might be that one uses leastsq with a self defined residual function and additionally providing the derivatives. One can set the parameter discrete in the residual function but let it be continuous in the derivative. I'm not saying that this is the general solution to this type of problem, but in case of the OP's function, it works quite OK.
Edit - Code would be:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
def f0( x, A, B, C ):
return ( A * np.cos( x )**2 + B * np.sin( x )**2 + 2 * C * np.sin( x ) * np.cos( x ) )
def func(x, A, B, C):
return f0( x, A, B, C )**2
a = 0.009
b = 0.3
c = 0.4
xList = np.linspace( -1, 6, 500 )
yList = np.fromiter( ( func( x, a, b, c ) for x in xList ), np.float )
def residuals( p, x, y ):
return func(x, p[0], int(p[1]) * np.pi / 2. * p[0], p[2] ) - y
def dfunc( p, x, y ): #Derivative
return [
f0( x, p[0], int( p[1] ) * np.pi / 2. * p[0] , p[2] ) * ( np.cos( x )**2 + p[1] * np.pi / 2. * np.sin( x )**2 ),
f0( x, p[0], int( p[1] ) * np.pi / 2. * p[0] , p[2] ) * ( p[0] * np.pi / 2.* np.sin( x )**2 ),
f0( x, p[0], int( p[1] ) * np.pi / 2. * p[0] , p[2] ) * ( 2 * np.sin( x ) * np.cos( x ) ),
plsq, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq( residuals, [ 0.009, .3/.01, .4 ], args=( xList, yList ), Dfun=dfunc, col_deriv=1, full_output=True )
fit = func(xList, plsq[0], int( plsq[1] ) * np.pi / 2. * plsq[0], plsq[2] )
print plsq
print int( plsq[1] )
fig1 = plt.figure( 1, figsize=( 6, 4 ), dpi=80 )
ax = fig1.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot( xList, yList )
ax.plot( xList, fit, ls='--')
>>[8.68421935e-03 2.22248626e+01 4.00032135e-01]

I think the answer is No. The solvers in scipy.optimize that lmfit wraps do not support discrete variables,only continuous variables.


Extending a polynomial to fit data: creating an arbitrary amount of functional parameters

I would like to fit a function to a given data set and if a condition isn't met, extend the function and repeat the procedure - similar to increasing the highest order of a Taylor series. My problem is that I don't know how to extend the function. This function is supposed to look like this
def func(x, a0,a1,a2,...)
return (a0 * H0 + a1 * H1 + a2 * H2 + ...) (x)
H0(x), H1(x), H2(x),... are already known functions. I expect this method to use 20-1000 of the functions H0,H1,... so I have to find a way to not define each parameter a0, a1, a2,... by hand.
My idea was to define the function with a maximum amount of parameters and then manipulate it within a loop (reduce the number of parameters somehow and then increase them with each iteration)
# choose N: an arbitrary number of parameters
# create N-many functions H0, H1, ... HN-1 -> put them into an numpy array HArray
def func(x, parameters): # somehow reduce the number of parameters to N
# convert parameters into numpy array -> parameterArray
result = parameterArray * HArray (x) # (a * H0 + b * H1 + c * H2 + ...) (x)
return result
# fit the function to a given dataset
As complete code
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
x = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,num=10000) # xdata
y = np.sin(x) # ydata
error = 0.0001 # fit condition
K = 1000
for N in range(K):
def func(x, parameters): # somehow reduce the number of parameters to N
parameterArray = np.array([p for p in parameters])
HArray = np.array([x**i for i in range(N)]) # a polynomial as example
return parameterArray * HArray (x)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y)
stdDev = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
if stdDev < error: break
In order for the curve_fit to work, the function needs the appropriate number of parameters. I also had the idea of fixating the last K-N parameters while fitting, but I don't know how to do that either.
That is, if I get it right, a linear fit. There is, hence, no need for curve_fit. The most simple approach would be:
import numpy as np
def h0( x ):
return 1
def h1( x ):
return x
def h2( x ):
return x**2
def h3( x ):
return x**3
def h4( x ):
return np.sin( x )
def my_linear_fit( xdata, ydata, funclist ):
ST = np.array( [ f( xdata ) for f in funclist ] )
S = np.transpose( ST )
A = ST, S )
AI = np.linalg.inv( A )
K = AI, ST )
sol = K, ydata )
yth = S, sol )
diff = ydata - yth
s2 = np.sum( diff**2 ) / ( len( diff ) - len( funclist ) )
cov = s2 * K, np.transpose( K ) )
return sol, cov
xl = np.linspace( -2, 8, 23 )
yl = np.fromiter(
( 2.1 * h1( x ) + 0.21 * h3(x) + 1.56 * h4(x) for x in xl),
yn = yl + np.random.normal( size=len(xl), scale=0.2 )
opt, popt = my_linear_fit( xl, yn, ( h1, h3, h4 ) )
print( opt )
print( popt )
To avoid problems with matrix inversion etc there are ways to make this a bit more sophisticated using matrix decomposition and so on, but the main idea stays the same. If the input functions need additional parameters one might need to play with lambda function and/or extend the code accordingly.
Edit 1
Going to very high orders results in matrix inversion or floating point precision problems. We can get around this by using mpmath
Note, that numpy is not used anymore and some data handling needs to be done in a more manual fashion now.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpmath import mpf
from mpmath import fabs
from mpmath import matrix
from mpmath import mp
def pol( x, n ):
return x**n
def make_func_list( order ):
out = list()
for i in range( order + 1 ):
out.append( lambda x, i=i: pol( x, i ) )
return out
def my_linear_fit( xdata, ydata, funclist ):
ymat = matrix( ydata )
ST = matrix( [ [ f( x ) for x in xdata ] for f in funclist ] )
S = ST.T
A = ST* S
AI = A**(-1)
K = AI * ST
sol = K * ymat
yth = S * sol
diff = ymat - yth
s2l = [ x**2 for x in diff ]
s2 = 0
for x in s2l:
s2 += x
s2 /= ( len( ydata ) - len( funclist ) )
cov = s2 * K * K.T
return sol, cov
mp.prec = 50
xlth = [ mpf( -2 + (5 + 2) * i / 154 )for i in range( 155 ) ]
xl = [ mpf( -2 + (5 + 2) * i / 54 )for i in range( 55 ) ]
xmax = max( [ fabs( x ) for x in xl ] )
xls = [ x / xmax for x in xl ]
xlsth = [ x / xmax for x in xlth ]
yl = [
2.1 * mp.sin( 3.83 * x ) for x in xl
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2, 1, 1 )
bx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 1, 2 )
ax.plot( xl, yl, ls='', marker='o' )
bx.plot( xls, yl, ls='', marker='o' )
for order in[ 2, 4, 12, 18 ]:
fl = make_func_list( order )
opt, popt = my_linear_fit( xls, yl, fl )
print( opt.T )
fit = [ [ o * f( x ) for x in xlsth ] for o,f in zip( opt, fl ) ]
fitsum = fit[0]
for line in fit[ 1::]:
fitsum = [ x + y for x, y in zip( fitsum, line )]
bx.plot( xlsth, fitsum)
Edit 2
Actually, numpy has a build in mechanism for this. I am not sure how it is done in detail as it eventually calls functions from a library, but I'd guess it uses SVD. QR decomposition is still be helpful to get the covariance matrix.
from scipy.linalg import qr
def my_linear_fit( xdata, ydata, funclist ):
ST = np.array( [ f( xdata ) for f in funclist ] )
S = np.transpose( ST )
q, r = qr( S )
sol = np.linalg.lstsq( S, ydata )[0]
yth = S, sol )
diff = ydata - yth
s2 = np.sum( diff**2 ) / ( len( diff ) - len( funclist ) )
cov = np.linalg.inv( np.transpose( r ), r ) ) * s2
return sol, cov
xl = np.linspace( -2, 8, 55 )
xmax = max( np.abs( xl ) )
xls = xl / xmax
yl = np.fromiter(
( 2.1 * np.sin( 2.83 * x ) for x in xl),
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2, 1, 1 )
bx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 1, 2 )
ax.plot( xl, yl, ls='', marker='o' )
bx.plot( xls, yl, ls='', marker='o' )
for order in[ 5, 10, 15, 20 ]:
fl = make_func_list( order )
opt, popt = my_linear_fit( xls, yl, fl )
fit = np.array( [ o * f( xls ) for o,f in zip( opt, fl ) ] )
fit = np.sum( fit, axis=0 )
fits = np.array( [ o/(xmax**n) * f( xl ) for n, o, f in zip( range(order + 1), opt, fl ) ] )
fits = np.sum( fits, axis=0 )
ax.plot( xl, fits)
bx.plot( xls, fit)
Edit 3
This would be the solution using only QR decomposition. In my case it works easily up to order 20 (with re-scaling)
from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular
def my_linear_fit( xdata, ydata, funclist ):
n = len( funclist )
ST = np.array( [ f( xdata ) for f in funclist ] )
S = np.transpose( ST )
q, r = qr( S )
rred = r[ : n ] ### making it square...skip the zeros
yred = np.transpose( q ), ydata )[ : n ]
sol = solve_triangular( rred, yred )
yth = S, sol )
diff = ydata - yth
s2 = np.sum( diff**2 ) / ( len( diff ) - len( funclist ) )
cov = np.linalg.inv( np.transpose( r ), r ) ) * s2
return sol, cov

How to fit a log-normal distribution with Scipy?

I want to fit the log-normal parameters mu and sigma to an existing (measured) log-normal distribution.
The measured log-normal distribution is defined by the following x and y arrays:
Plotted this looks like this:
When I now use like this:
shape, loc, scale =, floc=0)
mu = np.log(scale)
sigma = shape
y_fit = 1 / x * 1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-(np.log(x)-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
The resulting y_fit looks like this:
And is obliviously very far away from the original y values. I do realize that I haven't used the initial x values at all. So I assume I need to shift (and maybe also scale) the resulting distribution somehow.
However I can't wrap my head around how I need to do this. How do I correctly fit a log-normal distribution in Python?
It works out of the box with curve_fit if you scale the data. I am not sure if scaling and re-scaling makes sense, though. (this seems to confirm the ansatz)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def log_fit( x, a, mu, sigma ):
return a / x * 1. / (sigma * np.sqrt( 2. * np.pi ) ) * np.exp( -( np.log( x ) - mu )**2 / ( 2. * sigma**2 ) )
pp = np.argmax( y )
yM = y[ pp ]
xM = x[ pp ]
xR = x/xM
yR = y/yM
print xM, yM
sol, err = curve_fit( log_fit, xR, yR )
print sol
scaledSol = [ yM * sol[0] * xM , sol[1] + np.log(xM), sol[2] ]
print scaledSol
yF = np.fromiter( ( log_fit( xx, *sol ) for xx in xR ), np.float )
yFIR = np.fromiter( ( log_fit( xx, *scaledSol ) for xx in x ), np.float )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2,1, 1)
bx = fig.add_subplot( 2,1, 2)
ax.plot( x, y )
ax.plot( x, yFIR )
bx.plot( xR, yR )
bx.plot( xR, yF )
>> 7.499e-08 41326812092485.55
>> [2.93003525 0.68436895 0.87481153]
>> [9080465.32138486, -15.72154211628693, 0.8748115349982701]
Anyhow, does not really look like that's the fit function.
My equation search turned up a log-normal shifted type equation giving a good fit to "y = a * exp(-0.5 * ((log(x-d)-b)/c)**2)" with parameters
a = 4.2503194887395930E+13
b = -1.6090252935097830E+01
c = 6.0250205607650253E-01
d = -2.2907054835882373E-08
No scaling needed.

How to do a polynomial fit with fixed points in 3D

I have sets of x,y,z points in 3D space and another variable called charge which represents the amount of charge that was deposited in a specific x,y,z coordinate. I would like to do a weighted (weighted by the amount of charge deposited in the detector, which just corresponds to a higher weight for more charge) for this data such that it passes through a given point, the vertex.
Now, when I did this for 2D, I tried all sorts of methods (bringing the vertex to the origin and doing the same transformation for all the other points and forcing the fit to go through the origin, giving the vertex really high weight) but none of them were as good as the answer given here by Jaime: How to do a polynomial fit with fixed points
It uses the method of Lagrange multipliers, which I'm vaguely familiar with from an undergraduate Advanced Multi variable course, but not much else and it doesn't seem like the transformation of that code will be as easy as just adding a z coordinate. (Note that even though the code doesn't take into consideration the amount of charge deposited, it still gave me the best results). I was wondering if there was a version of the same algorithm out there, but in 3D. I also contacted the author of the answer in Gmail, but didn't hear back from him.
Here is some more information about my data and what I'm trying to do in 2D: How to weigh the points in a scatter plot for a fit?
Here is my code for doing this in a way where I force the vertex to be at the origin and then fit the data setting fit_intercept=False. I'm currently pursuing this method for 2D data since I'm not sure if there's a 3D version out there for Lagrange multipliers, but there are linear regression ways of doing this in 3D, for instance, here: Fitting a line in 3D:
import numpy as np
import sklearn.linear_model
def plot_best_fit(image_array, vertexX, vertexY):
weights = np.array(image_array)
x = np.where(weights>0)[1]
y = np.where(weights>0)[0]
size = len(image_array) * len(image_array[0])
y = np.zeros((len(image_array), len(image_array[0])))
for i in range(len(np.where(weights>0)[0])):
y[np.where(weights>0)[0][i]][np.where(weights>0)[1][i]] = np.where(weights>0)[0][i]
y = y.reshape(size)
x = np.array(range(len(image_array)) * len(image_array[0]))
weights = weights.reshape((size))
for i in range(len(x)):
x[i] -= vertexX
y[i] -= vertexY
model = sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False), 1)),y,sample_weight=weights)
line_x = np.linspace(0, 512, 100).reshape((-1,1))
pred = model.predict(line_x)
m, b = np.polyfit(np.linspace(0, 512, 100), np.array(pred), 1)
angle = math.atan(m) * 180/math.pi
return line_x, pred, angle, b, m
image_array is a numpy array and vertexX and vertexY are the x and y coordinates of the vertex, respectively. Here's my data: I cannot create a toy data as there is not a simple way of replicating this data, it was produced by Geant4 simulation of a neutrino interacting with an argon nucleus. I don't want to get rid of the complexity of the data. And this specific event happens to be the one for which my code does not work, I'm not sure if I can generate a data specifically so my code doesn't work on it.
This is more a hand made solution using basic optimization. It is straight forward. One just measures the distance of a point to the line to be fitted and minimizes the weighted distances using basic optimize.leastsq. Code is as follows:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import as cm
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
def rnd( a ):
return a * ( 1 - 2 * np.random.random() )
def affine_line( s, theta, phi, x0, y0, z0 ):
a = np.sin( theta) * np.cos( phi )
b = np.sin( theta) * np.sin( phi )
c = np.cos( theta )
return np.array( [ s * a + x0, s * b + y0, s * c + z0 ] )
def point_to_line_distance( x , y, z , theta, phi, x0, y0, z0 ):
xx = x - x0
yy = y - y0
zz = z - z0
a = np.sin( theta) * np.cos( phi )
b = np.sin( theta) * np.sin( phi )
c = np.cos( theta )
r = np.array( [ xx, yy, zz ] )
t = np.array( [ a, b, c ] )
return np.linalg.norm( r - r, t) * t )
def residuals( parameters, fixpoint, data, weights=None ):
theta, phi = parameters
x0, y0, z0 = fixpoint
if weights is None:
w = np.ones( len( data ) )
w = np.array( weights )
diff = np.array( [ point_to_line_distance( x , y, z , theta, phi , *fixpoint ) for x, y, z in data ] )
diff = diff * w
return diff
### some test data
fixpoint = [ 1, 2 , -.3 ]
trueline = np.array( [ affine_line( s, .7, 1.7, *fixpoint ) for s in np.linspace( -1, 2, 50 ) ] )
rndData = np.array( [ np.array( [ a + rnd( .6), b + rnd( .35 ), c + rnd( .45 ) ] ) for a, b, c in trueline ] )
zData = [ 20 * point_to_line_distance( x , y, z , .7, 1.7, *fixpoint ) for x, y, z in rndData ]
### unweighted
bestFitValuesUW, ier= optimize.leastsq(residuals, [ 0, 0],args=( fixpoint, rndData ) )
print bestFitValuesUW
uwLine = np.array( [ affine_line( s, bestFitValuesUW[0], bestFitValuesUW[1], *fixpoint ) for s in np.linspace( -2, 2, 50 ) ] )
### weighted ( chose inverse distance as weight....would be charge in OP's case )
bestFitValuesW, ier= optimize.leastsq(residuals, [ 0, 0],args=( fixpoint, rndData, [ 1./s for s in zData ] ) )
print bestFitValuesW
wLine = np.array( [ affine_line( s, bestFitValuesW[0], bestFitValuesW[1], *fixpoint ) for s in np.linspace( -2, 2, 50 ) ] )
### plotting
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1, projection='3d' )
ax.plot( *np.transpose(trueline ) )
ax.scatter( *fixpoint, color='k' )
ax.scatter( rndData[::,0], rndData[::,1], rndData[::,2] , c=zData, cmap=cm.jet )
ax.plot( *np.transpose( uwLine ) )
ax.plot( *np.transpose( wLine ) )
ax.set_xlim( [ 0, 2.5 ] )
ax.set_ylim( [ 1, 3.5 ] )
ax.set_zlim( [ -1.25, 1.25 ] )
which returns
>> [-0.68236386 -1.3057938 ]
>> [-0.70928735 -1.4617517 ]
The fix point is shown in black. The original line in blue. The unweighted and weighted fit are in orange and green, respectively. Data is colored according to distance to line.

plannar fit with odrpack

I am trying to use scipy.odr to get a best fit plane for some x, y, z points.
I define the plane equation implicitly as ax + by + cz + d = 0 and I perform a least squares (with scipy.linalg.lstsq) to provide the odr with an initial estimation.
The components of the beta vector (where beta = [a, b, c, d]) returned by the odr are of a magnitude between 1e167 and 1e172... Is such a result trustworthy? I find the numbers to be absurd...
Note that the points come from 3D scanning of a relatively flat face which is almost parallel to the xz plane (nearly vertical).
Here is the pprint() of the odr result:
Beta: [ 3.14570111e-170 3.21821458e-169 4.49232028e-172 4.49374557e-167]
Beta Std Error: [ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
Beta Covariance: [[ 6.37459471e-10 -8.57690019e-09 -2.18092934e-11 -1.13009384e-06]
[ -8.57690019e-09 5.11732570e-07 1.30123070e-09 6.74263262e-05]
[ -2.18092934e-11 1.30123070e-09 5.22674068e-12 1.70799469e-07]
[ -1.13009384e-06 6.74263262e-05 1.70799469e-07 8.88444676e-03]]
Residual Variance: 0.0
Inverse Condition #: 0.0010484041422201213
Reason(s) for Halting:
Sum of squares convergence
The code I am using :
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
from scipy import odr
import pickle
def planar_fit(points):
# best-fit linear plane
a = np.c_[points[:, 0], points[:, 1], np.ones(points.shape[0])]
c, _, _, _ = scipy.linalg.lstsq(a, points[:, 2]) # coefficients
# The coefficients are returned as an array beta=[a, b, c, d] from the implicit form 'a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0'.
beta = np.r_[c[0], c[1], -1, c[2]] / c[2]
return beta
def odr_planar_fit(points):
def f_3(beta, xyz):
""" implicit definition of the plane"""
return beta[0] * xyz[0] + beta[1] * xyz[1] + beta[2] * xyz[2] + beta[3]
# # Coordinates of the 2D points
x = points[:, 0]
y = points[:, 1]
z = points[:, 2]
# Use least squares for initial estimate.
beta0 = planar_fit(points)
# Create the data object for the odr. The equation is given in the implicit form 'a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0' and
# beta=[a, b, c, d] (beta is the vector to be fitted). The positional argument y=1 means that the dimensionality
# of the fitting is 1.
lsc_data = odr.Data(np.row_stack([x, y, z]), y=1)
# Create the odr model
lsc_model = odr.Model(f_3, implicit=True)
# Create the odr object based on the data, the model and the first estimation vector.
lsc_odr = odr.ODR(lsc_data, lsc_model, beta0)
# run the regression.
lsc_out =
return lsc_out, beta0
def main():
#import from pickle.
with open('./points.pkl', 'rb') as f:
points = np.array(pickle.load(f))
# Perform the ODR
odr_out, lstsq = odr_planar_fit(points)
The pickle containing my points.
ODR is completely fine with multidimensional data, you were going the correct direction.
You just chose bad to use the implicit version of ODR with your f_3 definition. The problem is you have a function A*X=0 which you try to minimize without any additional constraints. Of course, the best the optimizer can do is to minimize the magnitude of A towards zero - that minimizes the error the best! For the implicit optimization to work, you need to somehow introduce a constraint on magnitude of A, e.g. by dividing by the last number:
def f_3(beta, xyz):
""" implicit definition of the plane"""
return beta[0]/beta[3] * xyz[0] + beta[1]/beta[3] * xyz[1] + beta[2]/beta[3] * xyz[2] + 1.0
This way, the optimizer has no other option than to do what you wanted it to do :)
Alternatively, you can also convert your model to the explicit form y = ax + cz + d, which doesn't suffer from the magnitude problems (as b == 1 all the time).
Of course, you could get additional precision by shifting your points to origin and scaling them to have a unit variance in distance.
Since I'm also about to use ODR, I was curious about its properties, so I played around to find out how precise and sensitive it is, and here's the result: .
I tested both implicit and exlicit ODR, with and without normalization, and with initial guess either from LSQ or a bad one (to see how sensitive to the guess it is). It looked like this on your data:
Basically, the yellow and grey planes are the implicit fits without normalization, which came out pretty bad, and the rest of ODR fits is more or less the same. You can see the ODR fits differ a bit from the (faint blue) LSQ fit (which is expected).
As far as I understand the odr it is not made for 3D data, but I might be wrong here. As this is a simple plane fit, I suggest to use simple leastsq. Moreover, note that you do not really have 4 free parameters as you can divide a * x + b * y + c * z + d = 0 e.g. by d providing a' * x + b' * y + c' * z + 1 = 0 ( if d is not zero ).
If instead we write the plane in the form: all points P for which(P - p0) * n = 0 we already have the odr function for free. One can simplify by assuming that the plane offset vector p0 = s * n is the scaled normal vector. Like this there are 3 free parameters, the scale s and the direction angles of the normal vector (theta, phi).
The according fit looks as follows
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from random import random
# for rotating test data
def y_mx( theta ):
out = np.array( [ np.cos( theta ),0, np.sin( theta ), 0, 1, 0, -np.sin( theta ),0, np.cos( theta ) ] )
return out.reshape( 3, 3)
# for rotating test data
def z_mx( theta ):
out = np.array( [ np.cos( theta ), np.sin( theta ), 0, -np.sin( theta ), np.cos( theta ), 0, 0, 0, 1 ] )
return out.reshape( 3, 3)
# for test data
def make_plane( theta, phi, px, py, pz, n=100 ):
for i in range( n ):
x = 1 - 2 * random( )
y = 1 - 2 * random( )
z = 0.15 * ( 1 - 2 * random() )
points += [ np.array( [ x, y, z] ) ]
points = np.array( points)
points = [ np.array( [px, py, pz ] ) + z_mx( phi ), y_mx( theta ) , p ) ) for p in points ]
return np.array( points )
# residual function for leastsq
# note the plane equation is (P - p0) n = 0 if P is member of plane
# and n is normal vector of plane directly provides the normal distance function
# moreover p0 can be chosen to be s * n
def residuals( params, points ):
scale, theta, phi = params
nVector = np.array( [ np.sin( theta ) * np.cos( phi ), np.sin( theta ) * np.sin( phi ), np.cos( theta ) ] )
p0 = scale * nVector
diff = [ p - p0, nVector ) for p in points]
return diff
# some test data
pnts = make_plane( 1.5, 1.49, .15, .2, .33)
#and the fit
guess=[ 0, 0, 0 ]
bestfit, err = leastsq( residuals, guess, pnts )
#the resulting normal vectot and offset
nVectorFit = np.array( [ np.sin( bestfit[1] ) * np.cos( bestfit[2] ), np.sin( bestfit[1] ) * np.sin( bestfit[2] ), np.cos( bestfit[1] ) ] )
p0Fit = bestfit[0] * nVectorFit
# converting to standard plane equation
a = nVectorFit[0] / nVectorFit[1]
c = nVectorFit[2] / nVectorFit[1]
d = bestfit[0] / nVectorFit[1]
# plane equation data
X = np.linspace( -.6, .6, 20 )
Z = np.linspace( -.6, .6, 20 )
XX, ZZ = np.meshgrid( X, Z )
YY = -a * XX - c * ZZ + d
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
# original data
ax.scatter( pnts[:,0], pnts[:,1] , pnts[:,2])
# offset vector
ax.plot( [0, p0Fit[0] ], [0, p0Fit[1] ], [0, p0Fit[2] ], color = 'r')
# fitted plane
ax.plot_wireframe(XX, YY, ZZ , color = '#9900bb')
ax.set_xlim( [-1,1] )
ax.set_ylim( [-1,1] )
ax.set_zlim( [-1,1] )
Blue points is noisy data, purple is the fitted plane, and red the offset vector.
It is easy to see that the for the case here y = a * x + c * z + d, a, c, d are calculated straight forward from the fit result.

Minimizing a function using python for data fitting

I have a function as the following
q = 1 / sqrt( ((1+z)**2 * (1+0.01*o_m*z) - z*(2+z)*(1-o_m)) )
h = 5 * log10( (1+z)*q ) + 43.1601
I have experimental answers of above equation and once I must to put some data into above function and solve equation below
chi=(q_exp-q_theo)**2/err**2 # this function is a sigma, sigma chi from z=0 to z=1.4 (in the data file)
z, err and q_exp are in the data file(2.txt). Now I have to choose a range for o_m (0.2 to 0.4) and find in what o_m, the chi function will be minimized.
my code is:
from math import *
from scipy.integrate import quad
min = None
l = None
a = None
b = None
c = 0
def ant(z,om,od):
return 1/sqrt( (1+z)**2 * (1+0.01*o_m*z) - z*(2+z)*o_d )
for o_m in range(20,40,1):
with open('2.txt') as fp:
for line in fp:
n = list( map(float, line.split()) )
q = quad(ant,n[0],n[1],args=(o_m,o_d))[0]
h = 5.0 * log10( (1+n[1])*q ) + 43.1601
chi = (n[2]-h)**2 / n[3]**2
c = c + chi
if min is None or min>c:
min = c
l = o_m
n[1],n[2],n[3],n[4] are z1, z2, q_exp and err, respectively in the data file. and z1 and z2 are the integration range.
I need your help and I appreciate your time and your attention.
Please do not rate a negative value. I need your answers.
Here is my understanding of the problem.
First I generate some data by the following code
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from random import random
def boxmuller(x0,sigma):
return sigma*z0+x0, sigma*z1+x0
def q_func(z, oM, oD):
den= np.sqrt( (1.0 + z)**2 * (1+0.01 * oM * z) - z * (2+z) * (1-oD) )
return 1.0/den
def h_func(z,q):
out = 5 * np.log10( (1.0 + z) * q ) + .25#43.1601
return out
def q_Int(z1,z2,oM,oD):
out=quad(q_func, z1,z2,args=(oM,oD))
return out
for z in np.linspace(.3,20,60):
which I would then fit in the following way
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
def q_func(z, oM, oD):
den= np.sqrt( (1.0 + z)**2 * (1+0.01 * oM * z) - z * (2+z) * (1-oD) )
return 1.0/den
def h_func(z,q):
out = 5 * np.log10( (1.0 + z) * q ) + .25#43.1601
return out
def q_Int(z1,z2,oM,oD):
out=quad(q_func, z1,z2,args=(oM,oD))
return out
def residuals(parameters,data):
qList=np.fromiter( (q_Int(z1,z2, om,od)[0] for z1,z2 in data[ :,[1,2] ]), np.float)
hList=np.fromiter( (h_func(z,q) for z,q in zip(zList,qList)), np.float)
diffList=np.fromiter( ( (y-h)/e for y,h,e in zip(yList,hList,errList) ), np.float)
return diffList
bestFitValues, cov,info,mesg, ier = leastsq(residuals, startGuess , args=( dataList,),full_output=1)
print bestFitValues,cov
fqList=[q_Int(z1,z2,bestFitValues[0], bestFitValues[1])[0] for z1,z2 in zip(dataList[:,1],dataList[:,2])]
fhList=[h_func(z,q) for z,q in zip(dataList[:,0],fqList)]
giving output
>>[ 0.31703574 0.69572673]
>>[[ 1.38135263e-03 -2.06088258e-04]
>> [ -2.06088258e-04 7.33485166e-05]]
and the graph
Note that for leastsq the covariance matrix is in reduced form and needs to be rescaled.
Unconcsiosely, this question overlap my other question. The correct answer is:
from math import *
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
def ant(z,o_m): #0.01*o_m is steps of o_m
return 1/sqrt(((1+z)**2*(1+0.01*o_m*z)-z*(2+z)*(1-0.01*o_m)))
for o_m in range(20,40):
for i in range(len(z)):
q=quad(ant,0,z[i],args=(o_m,))[0] #Integration o to z
h=5*log10((1+z[i])*(299000/70)*q)+25 #function of dL
chi=(mo[i]-h)**2/err[i]**2 #chi^2 test function
